New sources of economicaly valuable signs of spring wheat for breeding in the North-Western zone of the Russian Federation

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (72) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Lidiya Andrushchenko ◽  
Maria Fedorova ◽  
Irina Zaika ◽  
В. М. Мерабишвили ◽  
В. К. Гуркало ◽  
Э. Н. Мерабишвили

Рак печени (РП) - тяжелейшая онкопатология. В России смертность превышает число первично-учтенных больных в среднем. Ежегодно в России регистрируют более 8 тыс. (8 810 - в 2018 г.) случаев рака печени и более 10 тыс. (10 018 - в 2018 г.) случаев смерти от этой причины. Использованы стандартные методы медицинской статистики, все зарегистрированные первичные случаи РП в России. Углубленная разработка материала проведена на основе базы данных Популяционного ракового регистра Северо-Западного Федерального округа РФ. Проанализированы данные всего комплекса доступной информации в целом по России. Установлен прирост заболеваемости РП населения России за 18 лет в «грубых» показателях и абсолютных числах на 20% и в стандартизованных - на 1,22%. У женщин отмечено снижение учтенных случаев РП на 4,55%. Смертность населения России в стандартизованных показателях снизилась за 18 лет практически на 3%. Превышение числа умерших над заболевшими от РП существенно возрастает в старших возрастных группах. Индекс достоверности учета (ИДУ) - это отношение абсолютных чисел или «грубых» показателей смертности населения к заболеваемости. Для всех злокачественных новообразований (ЗНО) величина в среднем по России составила 0,47, практически совпадающая со среднеевропейской. ИДУ у мужчин - 0,55, выше расчетных показателей для женщин - 0,40, что в первую очередь связано с более благоприятной структурой заболеваемости женщин ЗНО. Медиана выживаемости первичных больных РП составляет немногим более 3 мес. Пятилетняя выживаемость больных РП даже на ранних стадиях составляет у лиц моложе 60 лет с I стадией - 25,3%, старше 60 лет - только 17,2%, со II стадией - 17,9 и 11% соответственно. Liver cancer is a severe oncopathology. Mortality exceeds the number of primary-accounted patients in Russia on average. Every year in Russia more than eight thousand (8 810 in 2018) cases of liver cancer and more than 10 000 (10 018 in 2018) deaths from this cause are registered. Used Standard methods of medical statistics, all registered primary cases of liver cancer in Russia. In-depth development of the material was carried out on the basis of the database of the Population cancer register of the North-Western Federal district of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the data of the whole complex of available information in Russia as a whole is carried out. In-depth data development was carried out on the basis of the database of the Population cancer register of the North-Western Federal district of the Russian Federation. The increase in the incidence of liver cancer in Russia over 18 years in «rough» indicators and absolute numbers by 20 % and in standardized by 1,22 % was established. In women, there was a decrease in reported cases of liver cancer by 4,55 %. The mortality rate of the Russian population in standardized indicators has decreased by almost 3 % over 18 years. The excess of the number of deaths over those from liver cancer increases significantly in older age groups. The index of reliability of accounting is the ratio of absolute numbers or «rough» indicators of mortality to morbidity. For all malignant tumors, its value on average in Russia was 0,47, almost coinciding with the average European. The index of reliability of accounting for men is 0,55, higher than the calculated indicators for women - 0,40, which is primarily due to a more favorable structure of the incidence of malignant tumors in women. The median survival of primary liver cancer patients is a little more than three months. The fi ve-year survival rate of patients with liver cancer even in the early stages is in the first among persons younger than 60 years - 25,3 %, over 60 years - only 17,2 %, in the second, respectively, 17,9 and 11%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Ekaterina Kolesnikova ◽  
Petr Afonin

The article analyzes the role of electronic Declaration centers as an administrator of customs payments transferred to the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. An analysis of the economic efficiency of creating geographically distributed electronic Declaration centers is carried out on the example of the St. Petersburg customs post (CED) and the Baltic customs post (CED). We also assessed trends in the economic efficiency of creating e-Declaration centers based on statistical methods for making a forecast.

N. G. Privalov ◽  
S. G. Privalova ◽  

Territorial public self-government (TPSG) is one of the forms of direct democracy at the place of residence. Bodies of territorial public self-government are street, house, and district committees. They are created by citizens to solve local problems. This is mainly landscaping and housing and communal services. Russia has gained some experience in the development of territorial public self-government bodies. The article describes the history of the emergence of civil self-government in the USSR, in more detail - the experience of the development of TPSG bodies in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, and Perm regions, the current situation in them, as well as in the North-Western Russia and in the Russian Federation as a whole. The legal, administrative, financial and political problems of the territorial public self-government development are analyzed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 02004
Vladimir Karetnikov ◽  
Vyacheslav Bekriashev ◽  
Gleb Chistiakov ◽  
Sergey Rudiyh

The Russian Federation has a developed system of inland waterways (IWW) [1]. This system consists of 15 basins. Winter conditions are very harsh in some basins. Such basins, for example, include the Lena Basin. But in some basins, even in winter, conditions that block navigation do not form. These basins include the Volga-Baltic. However, during the extension of the navigation period in such basins, it should be borne in mind that the navigation safety system will have to be upgraded. This paper discusses some aspects, the introduction of which forms the prerequisites for extension of the navigation period on the waterways of the North-Western region of the Russian Federation. In addition, specific recommendations are provided for the implementation of the necessary automated systems to ensure a sufficient level of navigation in winter conditions on the IWW. These recommendations were obtained within the framework of the international project INFUTURE.

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 09041
Y.V. Dmitrieva ◽  
G.A. Galkovskiy

This article presents the results of an interdisciplinary study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of introducing productive educational technologies into the system of ecologically oriented higher education in the Humanities. The system of higher humanitarian education is viewed in the context of sustainable development of the Russian Federation border territories (on the example of the Pskov Region). The author’s solution for the development of higher humanitarian education in the context of sustainable development of the border territories of the North-Western Federal District is presented.

В. М. Мерабишвили ◽  
А. М. Беляев

Полностью сформированная база данных Популяционного ракового регистра (БД ПРР) Северо-Западного Федерального округа Российской Федерации (СЗФО РФ) в феврале 2019 г. позволила существенно расширить возможности объективной оценки деятельности онкологической службы на более надежной основе аналитических материалов. В России впервые появилась возможность проводить эпидемиологические исследования злокачественных новообразований по редким локализациям опухолей, любым возрастным группам и расчеты показателей выживаемости больных. БД ПРР насчитывает более 1 млн наблюдений, включает все рубрики и подрубрики МКБ-10 по II классу - коды С00-96. В работе представлена динамика заболеваемости и смертности населения СЗФО РФ в сравнении со среднероссийскими показателями, достоверность учета и выживаемость больных злокачественными новообразованиями. Установлено увеличение онкологической заболеваемости в СЗФО РФ за 8 лет на 10,4% в стандартизованных показателях и снижение смертности населения в СЗФО РФ на 11,4% в тех же показателях. Рассчитана динамика пятилетней наблюдаемой выживаемости больных СЗФО РФ с учетом возрастных групп. Надежность БД ПРР СЗФО РФ подтверждается тем, что материалы трех административных территорий после тщательной проверки включены в монографию МАИР «Рак на 5 континентах», том XI (Санкт-Петербург, Архангельская обл. и Республика Карелия). The completely formed database of the Population Cancer Registry (PCR database) of the North-Western Federal district of the Russian Federation in February 2019 has significantly expanded the ability to objectively assess the activities of the cancer service on a more reliable basis of analytical materials. In Russia, for the first time, it was possible to conduct epidemiological studies of malignant tumors for rare tumor locations, any age groups, and calculations of patient survival rates. The PCR database has more than 1 million observations and includes all the headings and subheadings of ICD-10 for class II - codes C00-96. The article will present the dynamics of morbidity and mortality of the population of the northwestern Federal district of the Russian Federation in comparison with the national average, the reliability of accounting and survival of patients with malignant tumors. For 8 years, the growth of cancer incidence in the Northwestern Federal district of the Russian Federation by 10,4 % in standardized indicators and a decrease in population mortality in the Northwestern Federal district of the Russian Federation by 11,4 % in the same indicators. The dynamics of the 5-year observed survival rate of patients with Northwestern Federal district of the Russian Federation, taking into account age groups, is calculated. The reliability of the PCR database of the Northwestern Federal district of the Russian Federation is confirmed by the fact that the materials of 3 administrative territories are included in the IARC monograph «Cancer incidence in five continents. Vol. XI» (Saint-Petersburg, Arkhangelsk region and the Republic of Karelia).

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