scholarly journals HUBUNGAN ISLAM DAN NEGARA: Merespons Wacana Politik Islam Kontemporer di Indonesia

Al-Ahkam ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (25) ◽  
pp. 19
Hamsah Hasan

This article aims to discuss the issues of the relationship between Islam and state in the Islamic political perspective in Indonesia. This study was motivated by the desire to criticize the development and “up and down” relationship between Islam and state that is very dynamic coloring political situation in “Islamic majority country” Indonesia. This article concluded that understanding the relationship between religion and state with Islamic political approach is not meant to establish a religious state or an Islamic state of Indonesia, but more on filling spaces are functionally religion in order society, nation and state. The relationship between Islam and state can be integrated in a functional relationship equally aspire to nobility. Even integralistic, symbiotic, and secularistic relations, each should be viewed as a form of complementary. Facing the development of modernization, the relationship between Islam and state should be articulated as an effort to always adapt to the development of society in its various aspects, such as: the globalization of the world political economy, science and technology, the development issues of democracy, gender, human rights, pluralism, both nationally and internationally.

Paul J. Bolt ◽  
Sharyl N. Cross

Chapter 1 explores perspectives on world order, including power relationships and the rules that shape state behavior and perceptions of legitimacy. After outlining a brief history of the relationship between Russia and China that ranged from cooperation to military clashes, the chapter details Chinese and Russian perspectives on the contemporary international order as shaped by their histories and current political situation. Chinese and Russian views largely coincide on security issues, the desirability of a more multipolar order, and institutions that would enhance their standing in the world. While the Chinese–Russian partnership has accelerated considerably, particularly since the crisis in Ukraine in 2014, there are still some areas of competition that limit the extent of the relationship.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Edi Gunawan

This paper examines religious and state relations of Islamic thought perspective. This study aims to describe how the relationship between religion and state in the view of Islam. The method used in obtaining data is descriptive method through literature study. The results of the study show that among Muslim figures or thinkers such as Nurcholish Madjid and Abdur Rahman Wahid agree that there is a constructive relationship between state and religion which by revivalists separates it. Some of the indicators are: (1) Islam gives the principles of the formation of a state with the concept of khalīfah ,dawlah, or hukūmah, (2) Islam emphasizes the democratic values of truth and justice, and (3) Islam upholds Human Rights by stating that the basic rights that human beings bring ever since they are born are the right of religious freedom. Therefore, Islam essentially emphasizes the importance of human rights to be upheld in a state, because human rights are rights that should not be disturbed and deprived from the person who has the right.

2018 ◽  
Vol III (I) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Muhammad Rizwan ◽  
Manzoor Ahmad ◽  
Syed Asif Anwar Bukhari

Soon after its creation, Pakistan confronted many issues including refugee problem, scarcity of able political leadership, absence of mutual consensus between both wings of the country and confusing nature of the relationship between Islam and state etc. took almost nine years to frame the permanent constitution for Pakistan. Constitution, the basic document of a state, determines the shape of its laws, structure of governance and system of rights and duties. The effectiveness of a constitution is judged by its practicability in the given area where it is enforced by the state machinery. Although, all civilized states of the world do possess a constitution, yet a good constitution is one which must protect the basic human rights by ensuring the independence of judiciary. Due to countless hurdles at the beginning of its journey, Pakistan’s constitutional development in the right direction could not take place. The main objective of the present study is to provide deep insight into the events and factors causing a delay in the constitution-making for the newly created state of Pakistan. The various events which took place from 1947 to 1956 have been analyzed in a subtle way.

Nicola Phillips

This chapter focuses on the political economy of development. It first considers the different (and competing) ways of thinking about development that have emerged since the end of World War II, laying emphasis on modernization, structuralist, and underdevelopment theories, neo-liberalism and neo-statism, and ‘human development’, gender, and environmental theories. The chapter proceeds by exploring how particular understandings of development have given rise to particular kinds of development strategies at both the national and global levels. It then examines the relationship between globalization and development, in both empirical and theoretical terms. It also describes how conditions of ‘mal-development’ — or development failures — both arise from and are reinforced by globalization processes and the ways in which the world economy is governed.

Charlesworth Hilary

This chapter offers an account of Australia's engagement with the international legal order, through different aspects of the relationship: designing international institutions, litigating in the World Court, and implementing international standards. These are only fragments of the full picture, but they illustrate both Australia's embrace of and distancing from the international legal order. Australia's relationship with the international legal order overall is marked by a deep strand of ambivalence. It has played both the part of a good international citizen as well as that of an international exceptionalist. In some fields, Australia has engaged creatively in international institution-building, even if with a wary eye to protect certain Australian interests. In other areas, particularly human rights, the relationship is distinctly uneasy, with Australia appearing to believe that international standards should regulate others and that it is somehow above scrutiny.

Robert Jackson ◽  
Georg Sørensen

Introduction to International Relations provides a concise introduction to the principal international relations theories, and explores how theory can be used to analyse contemporary issues. Readers are introduced to the most important theories, encompassing both classical and contemporary approaches and debates. Throughout the text, the chapters encourage readers to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the theories presented, and the major points of contention between them. In so doing, the text helps the reader to build a clear understanding of how major theoretical debates link up with each other, and how the structure of the discipline of international relations is established. The book places a strong emphasis throughout on the relationship between theory and practice, carefully explaining how theories organise and shape our view of the world. Topics include realism, liberalism, International Society, International Political Economy, social constructivism, post-positivism in international relations, and foreign policy. A chapter is dedicated to key global issues and how theory can be used as a tool to analyse and interpret these issues. The text is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre, which includes: short case studies, review questions, annotated web links, and a flashcard glossary.

Donald Bloxham ◽  
A. Dirk Moses

This article describes the state of genocide studies, historicization, and causation, placing genocide into its historical context, and genocide in the world today. ‘Genocide’ is unfortunately ubiquitous, all too often literally in attempts at the destruction of human groups, but also rhetorically in the form of a word that is at once universally known and widely invoked. The comparative scholarship of genocide began with Raphael Lemkin and through the later Cold War period was continued by a small group of dedicated scholars. The discussion also opens the probing of the limits and the utility of the concept of genocide for historical understanding, and placing this crime back in its context that may often include mass non-genocidal violence. It also reflects on the debate about the relationship between individual acts of genocide and the wider political economy and norms of the worlds in which they occur.

1984 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 429-446 ◽  
A D King

In this paper, the relation of theory to empirical research in the broad area indicated by the title is examined. The relevance, and, in cases, the adequacy, is discussed of existing theory for ‘making sense’ of specific empirical data on one item, or segment, of the built environment, namely, the specialised dwelling form of the bungalow, which, in both name and single-storey form, as vacation house or suburban dwelling, has been introduced to many market economies around the world. After a brief consideration of the historical and cross-cultural approaches to the study of the built environment and its neglect in the new urban studies, a series of questions generated by the data and contextualised within specific theoretical spheres are addressed. These include: the relation of building form to economy, society, and culture; culture and the political economy of building form; the social production of specialised dwelling forms; the relationship between per capita income, tenure, and dwelling form, and between dwelling and settlement forms; urban and building form and the world system; counterurbanisation and the world economy; and the political economy of global urbanisation. It is concluded that, for the adequate conceptualisation of the built environment, the use of theory must be eclectic and prepared to draw on different disciplines.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Nur Qomari

Bilingualism in teaching is something to be done to make the quality of teaching more effective especially in the World Class University Like Islamic State Of University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This Article will be give information about implementation of Bilingulism in teaching. And also give information about the definition of bilingual and what kind of bilingual can be implemented especially in Arabic language teaching for the foreigner. Beside of information about the kind of the suitable bilingual in teaching language, This Article also inform how much of Arabic language acquisition when that language to be tought by bilingual method. And offcourse this give information about the relationship between the bilingual teaching language with the skills of language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-375
Ahmad Sadzali

For ages, the relationship between state and religion in Indonesia is always become a controversy, and the tension were getting higher in the early period before the declaration of independence. This article discusses how the controversy was occurred within period of Constitution making, and its influence in the text of Constitution, amendment or replacement of the Constitution. The debate on the issue of state and religion were focused on weather Indonesia would become a religious state (Islamic state) or secular state. The issue was consciously repeated in the event of amendment or replacement of Constitution. The implication of the discourse between state and religion lead to the gentlemen agreement on Pancasila, which one of the principles is “Believe in one God”. Therefore, the principle is reflected in Constitution such as recognition of certain religions; equality among the officially recognized religions; guaranteeing of freedom of religion; human rights protection which consider religious values; and developing national education system that based on religious aspect. Abstrak Polemik tentang hubungan antara agama dan negara di Indonesia sesungguhnya telah berlangsung lama, dan semakin meningkat tensinya pada saat kemerdekaan Indonesia sedang dipersiapkan. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana polemik itu berlangsung dalam kaitannya dengan pembentukan dan perubahan Konstitusi, dan bagaimana pula implikasinya pada Konstitusi yang dibentuk, diganti, dan diamandemen. Dalam artikel ini ditunjukkan, polemik hubungan agama dan negara berlangsung sengit pada masa persiapan kemerdekaan, atau jika dikaitkan dengan Konstitusi berarti pada saat Konstitusi pertama sedang dirumuskan. Polemik itu berkutat pada perdebatan apakah Indonesia menjadi negara agama (Islam) ataukah negara yang tidak didasarkan pada agama tertentu. Polemik semacam ini ternyata kembali berulang pada saat Konstitusi diganti dan diamandemen. Pada perkembangannya, polemik ini berimplikasi pada lahirnya kesepakatan mulia berupa Pancasila, di mana negara didasarkan salah satunya pada “Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa”. Dalam isi atau batang tubuh Konstitusi, kesepakatan semacam ini menimbulkan implikasi turunannya berupa pengakuan negara terhadap eksistensi agama tertentu; perlakuan secara sama terhadap semua agama yang diakui; pemberian jaminan kebebasan penduduk untuk memeluk dan menjalankan ajaran agama; pengakuan dan penghormatan hak asasi yang mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai agama; dan pengembangan pendidikan nasional yang berbasis dan berorientasi pada peningkatan aspek spiritual keagamaan.

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