scholarly journals Strategi Kemitraan Penyelenggaraan Parenting Bagi Orang Tua di Lembaga PAUD Kecamatan Bumiayu Kabupaten Brebes

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Novan Ardy Wiyani

<p>The purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge both theoretically and practically related to child education methodology (pedagogy). Community service activities using andragogy approach and counseling methods. There are four results achieved from this activity. First, participants gain knowledge about the position of parents in educating children based on the characteristics of children and gain knowledge about positive relationships between fathers and mothers in the process of educating children in the family environment. Second, parents already have strong reasons that make them have to prioritize children's education from an early age. Third, parents have the assumption that habituation activities undertaken to shape the character of children in PAUD institutions must be accompanied by habituation activities carried out in the family environment. Fourth, parents are able to identify the level of addiction to the use of gadgets on themselves and get knowledge about 10 ways to discipline the use of gadgets in children.</p><p> </p><p>Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan baik secara teoritis maupun praktis terkait dengan metodologi pendidikan anak (pedagogi). Kegiatan layanan masyarakat menggunakan pendekatan andragogi dan metode konseling. Ada empat hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini. Pertama, peserta mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang posisi orang tua dalam mendidik anak berdasarkan karakteristik anak dan mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang hubungan positif antara ayah dan ibu dalam proses mendidik anak di lingkungan keluarga. Kedua, orang tua sudah memiliki alasan kuat yang membuat mereka harus memprioritaskan pendidikan anak sejak usia dini. Ketiga, orang tua memiliki asumsi bahwa kegiatan pembiasaan yang dilakukan untuk membentuk karakter anak-anak di lembaga PAUD harus disertai dengan kegiatan pembiasaan yang dilakukan di lingkungan keluarga. Keempat, orang tua dapat mengidentifikasi tingkat kecanduan penggunaan gadget pada diri mereka sendiri dan mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang 10 cara untuk mendisiplinkan penggunaan gadget pada anak-anak.</p>

Ilham Sunaryo

Every human child begins their education from within the family because there is no one in this world who is not born into a family. Long before there was a formal educational institution called a school, the family had existed as an institution that played an important role in serving children's education, namely as the laying of the main foundation. Starting from the family each child learns many things, starting from how to interact with others, expressing opinions, how to behave, to how to embrace certain values as principles in living life. Additionally, broadly speaking, among scientists, especially observers of children's and family education, both at the local, national, and world level, strongly emphasizes their attention on preschooll children's education, especially when still in the care, and guidance of parents. They are, because of the patterns of life and tolerance exemplified by their family environment are the most decisive for children's education at the beginning of their social life with citizens and their environment. This paper introduces various articles which are grouped in thematic issues about preparing for improved services in children's education, and aspects that influence the success of education from an early age. In it presents an overview of various problem, and research work that is recognized in the field of child education services, as a material for deep reflection on complex problems in the world of child education

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-266
Noer Aziza

The role of mothers in the family environment plays a quite dominant role in terms of children's education that makes a mother hold high responsibility in the progress of a nation. Therefore, a mother is required to have high self-quality to be able to educate future generations. But in reality in Indonesia there are still many quality mothers who still do not meet the needs and eligibility as a teacher in a household. For this reason, this study wants to find the level of quality of children's education from the role of a mother by conducting a study of the data obtained and found solutions to improve the quality of the mother. The results of this study indicate that with some actions will provide a positive thing for the quality and role of mothers in realizing the future of the nation through the future of a child as the successor generation of his nation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
I Putu Ayub Darmawan

The Bible in Deuteronomy 6: 6-9 gives orders to carry out children's education. The text of Deuteronomy 6: 6-9 is generally understood to be limited to the mandate of education in the family, but the author views if the text of Deuteronomy 6: 6-9 also shows a learning model. For this reason, the author analyzes the text of Deuteronomy 6: 6-9. The analysis of the text appears if there is a memorization learning process. The memorization learning process is carried out by delivering teaching repeatedly and accompanied by media available in the family environment. This learning theoretically helps to improve understanding because there is a process of recording, storing, and calling that is more effective and allows deepening of the meaning of information.AbstrakAlkitab dalam Ulangan 6:6-9 memberikan perintah untuk melaksanakan pendidikan anak. Teks Ulangan 6:6-9 umumnya dipahami sebatas sebagai mandat pendidikan dalam keluarga, tetapi penulis memandang jika teks Ulangan 6:6-9 juga menunjukkan sebuah model pembelajaran. Untuk itu penulis melakukan analisis terhadap teks Ulangan 6:6-9. Dari analisis terhadap teks tersebut tampak jika terdapat proses pembelajaran memorisasi. Proses pembelajaran memorisasi dilakukan dengan menyampaikan pengajaran secara berulang dan disertai dengan media yang tersedia di lingkungan keluarga. Pembelajaran ini secara teoritis membantu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman sebab terjadi proses perekaman, penyimpanan, dan pemanggilan yang lebih efektif dan memungkinkan terjadinya pendalaman terhadap makna pada suatu informasi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (02) ◽  
pp. 301-331
Nurul Hakim ◽  
Susi Fitriana

Child education holds a major influence on the child's future. Today, many children who are damaged morally even have many problems in the world of child education. As a result children deviate even fall into criminal acts. To foster children's education in the aspects of family, school and society it is important for educators to introduce these three aspects. In introducing these three aspects, there must have been a lot of thoughts of figures discussing children's education, one of which was Zakiah Daradjat. Zakiah Daradjat is the only thinker who instills the concept of education based on Islamic scholarship on children's education in families, schools and communities. He is a female figure in Indonesia who has put a lot of attention in various fields including education, morals, the lives of children, youth, teachers, families and schools. The results of this discussion are (1) the concept of children's education in the family aspect perspective Zakiah Daradjat includes parents to be role models for children, cultivation of soul and taqwa given to children, (2) the concept of child education in the school aspect perspective Zakiah Daradjat includes mental, moral guidance , religious education conducted intensively and talent then fosters children's intelligence, (3) relevance of the concept of child education in family aspects and school aspects of perspective Zakiah Daradjat with the aim of Islamic education in the family aspect is the experience received by children, in the aspect of school, namely intelligence, whereas in the aspect of society namely the achievement of education in a real society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 306-313
Salma Rozana ◽  
Munisa . ◽  
Rita Nofianti

This research discussed the responsibilities of parents in education early childhood. From the literature review, it is known that the family environment is the main place for a child to get an education. Fathers and mothers in the family become the first educators in the process of developing children's lives. Parents do not just build relationships and carry out various family goals for reproduction, continuing offspring, and establishing affection. The main task of the family is to create a building and atmosphere for the family education process so that it gives birth to a generation of intelligent and noble character as a solid footing in the life and journey of a human child. This fact is supported by the findings of theories that support the importance of family education as the first basis for children's education. Keywords: family, education, early childhood.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-298
Kholid Mawardi ◽  
Cucu Nurzakiyah

The results of the study found that the responsibility of religious education of children in the family of Tablighi Jama'ah differed in terms of several conditions, namely first, when parents were not going to khuruj where both parents were responsible for children's education; secondly, when the father goes khuruj, then the mother is responsible for everything including children's education; third, when both parents go khuruj, then the responsibility of the child is left to other family members such as grandparents or their first adult children; and fourth, when the child goes to khuruj, where parents are responsible for children's religious education both mother and father. The pattern of the religious education in the Tablighi Jama'ah family in the village of Bolang is formed from several similarities held in the implementation of religious education, one of which is the daily activity that is carried out by the Tablighi Jama'at family. Al-Qur'an becomes one of the material given to children in the ta'lim. Children are taught how to read the Qur'an and memorize short letters such as Surat al-Falaq, al-Ikhlas, and so on. In addition to al-Qur'an, in this ta'lim there is a special study in the Tablighi Jama'ah, which is reading the book of fadhilah ‘amal, and the last is mudzakarah six characteristics.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 116-124
Siti Suwaibatul Aslamiyah

Many are peeling many of wich explore the child’s ungodly behavior to parents, but few who explore the opposite phenomenon of the ungodly behavior of parents against their children. Children is a grace from God of Allah swt to his parents to be grateful, educated and fostered to be a good person, strong personality and ethical Islamic. While, the development of religion in children is largely determined by the education and their experience, especially during the pre-election period of expectant mothers and fathers and the first growth period from 0 to 12 years. For that, the author is moved to explore and examine (about) the concept of elderly parents in the perspective of Islam. This is the author thoroughly to know who exactly the child in his existence according to Islam? What is the rule and rule of education in family and family roles in children’s education? What are the preparations (actions) that are classified as the ungodly behavior of parens against the child? In this study shows there is an effect (impact) between the family environment (parents) on the formation of islamic character and ethics in children from an early age mainly from the factors of prospective fathers and prospective mothers so the authors get the correlation that the failure of good personality planting in early childhood will turn out to form a problematic person in his adulthood (his grow up). While the success of parents guiding their children will determine the formation of character and their morals so that the family environment conditions are crucial for the success of children in social life in their adult life later (after grow up).  In this study resulted in the conclusion that there are some things that make the parents become ungodly against their children and it has been conceptualized in the holy book of the Qur’an which at least in this study collected there are 14 components of eldery behavior of the lawless to their children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Feranita Feranita ◽  
Ery Safrianti ◽  
Nurhalim Nurhalim ◽  
Dian Yayan Sukma ◽  
Yusnita Rahayu ◽  

ABSTRACTThe hijab sewing skills training program is seen as a strategic educational skill to be implemented for women because hijab sewing can be applied for their own needs or become a side business. This skill, if properly trained and mastered, can become a form of business that can help the family economy and create jobs for the community. The village community service activities were carried out in Bunsur Village, Sungai Apit Subdistrict, Siak Regency, Riau Province with the target audience is the housewives of the village. They have given basic knowledge in choosing materials for the hijab. Then skills trained was held, starting how to make pet and headscarves, cutting fabrics according to the patterns that have been made, and sewing headscarves with various existing patterns. After the stitches are finished, then an examination of the results of the stitches so that they are suitable for sale and market. Keywords: Bunsur Village, home industry, sewing training, hijab  ABSTRAKProgram pelatihan keterampilan menjahit jilbab dipandang sebagai sebuah skill pendidikan yang strategis untuk dilaksanakan bagi wanita karena menjahit jilbab dapat diaplikasikan untuk kebutuhan sendiri ataupun menjadi usaha sampingan. Keterampilan ini bila dilatih dan dikuasai dengan baik dapat menjadi bentuk usaha yang dapat membantu perekonomian keluarga dan penciptaan lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat desa ini dilaksanakan di Desa Bunsur Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak Propinsi Riau dengan khalayak sasarannya adalah Ibu-ibu rumah tangga desa tersebut. Mereka diberi pengetahuan dasar dalam memilih bahan untuk jilbab. Kemudian diadakan pelatihan keterampilan, mulai cara membuat pola pet dan jilbab, memotong kain sesuai dengan pola yang sudah dibuat, dan menjahit jilbab dengan bermacam pola yang telah ada. Setelah jahitan selesai, kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap hasil jahitan sehingga layak untuk dijual dan dipasarkan. Kata Kunci: Desa Bunsur, home industri, pelatihan menjahit, jilbab

Afifah Fatihakun Ni'mah Wahidah ◽  
Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga

Urgency Parents have an important role for Early Childhood Education especially with the covid outbreak so that children have to learn from home. This article aims to examine the urgency of Early Childhood Education education in the perspective of hadith, especially the hadith on the obligations of parents in educating children, which is associated with conditions in the era of the Coronavirus pandemi. Family is the first and foremost education for a person. Education in the family plays a role in developing character, personality, cultural values, religious and moral values, and simple skills. There is a physical distancing policy so that learning is carried out online (in a network) so that the role of parents is very urgent in ensuring the continuity of their children's education. is the responsibility of the parents; Second, the best gift parents give their children is a good education; Third, parents as the first and foremost madrasa, especially for early childhood, are responsible for their children's education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-37
M. Ma’ruf ◽  
Ira Misraya

This study analyzed the thoughts of Muhammad Nur Abdul Hafizh Suwaid about the concept of child education in the Manhaj at-Tarbiyah an-Nabawiyah lit-Tifl book. This type of research uses literature. The results of this study found that the concept of child education according to Muhammad Suwaid divided it into three stages, namely, pre-birth education, post-birth education, education until adolescence. The relevance of the concept of child education to children’s education in the current era can be done through education in Indonesia, namely: religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality and skills. This means that education is not only fixated on one goal, such as intelligence, but is holistic with other goaals to shape the character or personality of Indonesian people as a whole.

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