family economy
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Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 137-145
Widya Parimita ◽  
Munawaroh ◽  
Intan Maulida Rizaldy Rizaldy

Many women today have two roles at the same time, the domestic role in charge of taking care of the household and the role of the public who are in charge outside the home or work to meet the needs of family life. The dual role as a woman in this case must be handled wisely and must maximize her duties in both aspects. The partners of this program are representatives of education personnel of The State University of Jakarta with a female gender. The purpose of this devotion is for women to have an overview and input about online business and to invite partners to become independent women through dual roles as housewives and maximize their ability to help the family economy in online business activities as career women. Classic methods with lecture and discussion approaches are applied in this activity. The end result achieved from this activity is increased motivation and knowledge of partners to double role, namely becoming a housewife and becoming a career woman through online business activities.   Abstrak Perempuan masa kini banyak yang memiliki dua peran sekaligus, yakni peran domestik yang bertugas mengurus rumah tangga dan peran publik yang bertugas di luar rumah atau bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup keluarga. Peran ganda sebagai perempuan dalam hal ini harus disikapi dengan bijak serta harus memaksimalkan tugasnya dikedua aspek tersebut. Mitra program ini adalah perwakilan tenaga kependidikan Universitas Negeri Jakarta berjenis kelamin perempuan. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini agar wanita mempunyai gambaran dan masukan tentang bisnis online serta untuk mengajak mitra menjadi wanita yang mandiri melalui peran ganda sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan memaksimalkan kemampuan yang dimilikinya untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga dalam kegiatan bisnis online sebagai wanita karir. Metode klasikal dengan pendekatan ceramah dan diskusi diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini. Hasil akhir yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya motivasi dan pengetahuan mitra untuk berperan ganda yaitu menjadi ibu rumah tangga serta menjadi wanita karir melalui kegiatan bisnis online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Siti Zulaikha ◽  
Enny Puji Lestari ◽  
Titut Sudiono ◽  
Maulana Husain S

 This study aims to analyze the digitalization of the creative market on the economic growth of the family and to see the role of the family in the economic resilience of the community. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach that is field research. Sources of data from creative markets in two districts, namely Metro City and East Lampung. The results of the study indicate that the creative market is able to encourage family economic growth towards a more established direction, and build family relationships in economic resilience. The digitalization of the creative market has also been proven to be able to improve the family’s economy, such as meeting secondary and tertiary needs, education savings and retirement savings, fulfilling education costs, and fulfilling kitchen utensils. Another indication of the progress of the family economy is also marked by the development of fundamental aspects that support the creative economy, such as creativity, innovation, and invention. These three aspects can then affect creative business opportunities that are more wide open, more diverse livelihoods, easier to find additional income, souvenirs typical of tourist areas, and the title of a tourist city.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46
Lesi Hartati ◽  
Asmawati ◽  
Rum Hendarmin ◽  
Lili Syafitri

Indonesia is a paradise for plants, with numerous advantages for human life. It is possible to process Indonesia's natural resources to support the family economy while also benefiting health and being useful in treating various diseases, and many of these resources contain the vitamins that the body's organs require to increase energy. The health advantages of soursop plants are substantial, and the fruit is tasty to consume as is. Sometimes it grows naturally in people's yards; at other times, it is planted intentionally by the community for economic purposes. Apart from the fruit, soursop leaves can also be used to treat cholestorel when combined with additional spices such as betel leaves and a pinch of salt. Making soursop juice is simple if the fruit is ripe, although soursop fruit that is not ripe yet can be fried and the taste is similar to sweet potatoes. The business potential related with soursop seed planting are considerable. Along with the fruit, the leaves are beneficial for health since they contain a variety of vitamins that the body need.      

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 846
Imam Subchi ◽  
Qosim Arsadani ◽  
Muhammad Ishar Helmi ◽  
Efin Faridho

The increase in marriage dispensation applications that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic also caused the high number of child marriage. Nevertheless, this has been strictly required in Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage (Marital Law), the minimum age limit for men and women is 19 years, and requirements of irregularities for this age that must meet urgent criteria and sufficient support evidence. This is done, to reduce underage child marriages as a form of enforcing the principle of children's best interests. This paper describes the complexity of underage children's marriage during the Covid-19 pandemic period, as a convenience requirement of marriage dispensation has been set rigid in the Marriage act. The method used in this paper is normative by using several approaches: the statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. The results of the government's policy during the Covid-19 pandemic period which brought massive changes to the community's order had an impact on the collapse of the family economy. This resulted in the mass number of the child's marriages in the pandemic period. The research findings of this study deliver to children's rights violations through child marriages. The risk of decreasing individual economies, maternal and infant health, and household violence become unavoidable considering the psychological conditions of children who are immature in marriage.

Arkanudin Arkanudin ◽  
Rupita Rupita ◽  
Ignasia Debbye Batuallo

This research aims to explore the kinship system of the Dayak Ribun tribe in West Kalimantan. It uses the kinship system tree to visualize the relationship roots. This effort is also based on the refinement of the tree that has existed in the past. Moreover, the method used is an ethnographic approach, where data collection is carried out explicitly using observation, in-depth interviews, and live-in. Ethnic ethnography is gathering a variety of information from its source. According to the results, the kinship system in the Dayak Ribun community is bilateral, that is, relations through two family lineages, both sides of the mother or wife and father or husband. The principle of heredity is bilateral, where the responsibilities of husband and wife are the same in the family, both in children's education and in controlling the family economy. The marriage of a family member who is still a descendant from both the father and the mother is strictly prohibited, which is only allowed to marry between cousins ​​three times. In the distribution of inheritance, there is no difference between sons and daughters. Still, there are differences in some instances, especially for those who remain with their parents. They will get a higher share because they are responsible for their parents' old age until they die.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-54
Natalie Massong

Legal proclamations show that during the 1630 plague outbreak in Bologna, Italy, women were required to remain quarantined in their homes for the duration of the epidemic while men remained mobile. However, primary texts and visual sources demonstrate that despite these legal restrictions, women remained active players in the fight against the plague by circumventing regulations. Significantly, women played a key role in sustaining the Bolognese economy, in particular by travelling to work in the silk industry. Moreover, while male doctors enjoyed special dispensations to avoid visiting the sick directly, female nurses left their homes to care for the daily needs of patients in the lazzaretto, the plague hospital. Artworks and primary texts depict a mobile woman. They show women from the poorest of backgrounds who were compelled to move through the city’s public spaces, remaining active in the street life of the plagued city. For instance, along with unlicensed women healers and nuns, prostitutes commonly volunteered for service in the plague hospitals. This required a brief shift in the social status of these women as they moved from their brothels to the pestilent walls of the lazzaretto. This paper will address the contribution that these resilient women made to maintaining the family economy and the significant positions women held in administering care, which have been overlooked in the scholarship. It will argue that by performing these essential activities, Bolognese women enjoyed an increase in physical but also social mobility, albeit short-lived.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 649
Rahaju Rahaju ◽  
Ida Fitriyah ◽  
Yeni Puspitaningpuri ◽  
Ernawati Ernawati ◽  
Muslimatun Hasanah ◽  

ABSTRAKCovid-19 menyebabkan banyak buruh pabrik desa Srimulyo di-PHK. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan perekonomian keluarga mengalami penurunan. Hasil pengamatan awal menunjukkan hampir semua halaman rumah warga ditanami jahe. Kurangnya pengetahuan warga menyebabkan jahe hanya digunakan sebagai minuman dan bumbu dapur. Jahe belum diolah dengan berbagai macam olahan lain. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga Desa Srimulyo melalui pendampingan pembuatan ting-ting jahe ASRI. Metode yang ditawarkan dalam pengabdian antara lain pendampingan pembuatan ting-ting jahe berupa pelatihan serta pengemasan dan pelabelan.  Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan pengetahuan ibu-ibu Desa Srimulyo bertambah dalam pembuatan ting-ting jahe dan hasil penjualan ting-ting jahe dapat meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga. Diharapkan kegiatan pengabdian dapat dilanjutkan dengan pemasaran ting-ting jahe ASRI secara online. Kata kunci: pemberdayaan; ting-ting jahe; perekonomian. ABSTRACTCovid-19 has caused many factory workers in Srimulyo village to be laid off. This condition causes the family economy to decline. Initial observations show that almost all of the residents' yards are planted with ginger. Lack of knowledge of residents causes ginger is only used as a drink and a kitchen spice. Ginger has not been processed with various other preparations. This service aims to improve the economy of the Srimulyo Village family through assistance in making ASRI ginger ting-ting. The methods offered in the service include assistance in making ginger ting-ting in the form of training as well as packaging and labeling. The results of the service show that the knowledge of the Srimulyo Village women increases in making ginger ting-ting and the sales of ginger ting-ting can improve the family economy. It is hoped that service activities can be continued with online marketing of ASRI ginger. Keywords: empowerment; ting-ting ginger; economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 162-167
Nur Vita Opu ◽  
. Mahfudnurnajamuddin ◽  
Ratna Dewi ◽  
. Mapparenta

The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of intangible assets, financial resources, and regulations on the financial performance of small businesses firms in Balikpapan. The development of Balikpapan City with many national and international events has led to the development of the small business sector in this city. This informal sector is a form of business that really helps the family economy. The research samples were 80 units of small businesses. Data collection was conducted using questionnaires and techniques to examine hypotheses it was used descriptive analysis and regression analysis using SPSS 24. The results show that intangible assets and regulations affect financial performance while financial resources have no effect on financial performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 230-237
Siti Hayati Efi Friantin ◽  
Ika Swasti Putri

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many are at home, many businesses are out of business. Everyone has experienced the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The country's economy has declined drastically, moreover the family economy has become uncertain and the body of the group has a low standard of living. The family income is getting smaller while the family expenses still have to be paid. Each family must think hard to survive in the uncertainty of the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, saving costs for the family must start from self-initiative and if necessary this idea is transmitted to other communities. One of the economical solutions / family cost savings is Urban Farming. Urban Farming is urban farming by utilizing narrow land or around the yard of the house. The purpose of this activity is to save/economize family expenditures as well as urban farming training which is often called Urban Farming. As a result of this service, participants can apply Urban Farming in their surrounding environment to improve the family's economy The Cinderejo Kidul area, Gilingan Village, Banjarsari District was chosen as the location for this service activity because it is located not far from STIE AUB and has also been carried out regularly and continuously.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 358
Riadi Syafutra Siregar

This paper aims to identify and describe the survival strategies of women fishers in meeting the needs of family life in Muara Selotong and the distribution of marine products. In their role, women fishers do not only play a role in the domestic space but also participate to fulfill and increase income, so that they are sufficient for the family economy. This research uses a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach, research techniques include; participant observer and in-depth interviews. The results of the field research show that in helping the family's economy, women fisher in Muara Selotong work looking for shellfish, crabs and helping their husbands in looking for fish and shrimp. The technique of looking for shells and crabs uses the traditional way, namely by using a “Gancu” tool and watching the tides. For the sake of getting additional economics, some dare to do this work, even though they are not good at swimming. Economic demands and low levels of education are the main reasons for women to participate in helping the family economy because the income earned by men as heads of households is deemed insufficient. Women also have wider access and networks than men to distribute marine products. because women take on roles from the production stage to distribution in the market. It can be seen that the dual role of women is very helpful to meet the needs of the family.

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