scholarly journals Innovation and Design

Павел Балабанов ◽  
Pavel Balabanov ◽  
Лариса Зауэрвайн ◽  
Larisa Sauerwein

The present research features the relationship between the two processes in design. First, more and more areas of culture reveal their design character. Second, design activity is getting more and more innovative. This is due to the increasing attention to design in science and practice, in particular, in cultural studies. This relationship is interpreted as a separate subject of research, which has the following constituents: a) cultural conditions and factors, b) the process of implementation of technical and technological innovations in the socio-cultural fabric of society and man. Thus, there is a problem of their mutual determination, which can be investigated by such methods of analysis as idealization and modeling. Creativity is represented as one of the manifestations of culture as a whole and is expressed in the conceptual vision of design and continuity of socio-cultural design. The authors focus on the matter of socio-cultural support and effective implementation and assimilation technical and technological innovations by culture, society, and man by creating certain conditions and factors. The concept of the design configurator is used here as a model of the process represented in the problem. The paper enumerates the functional features of management objectivity, pragmatism, efficiency, creativity, heuristics, etc., which make it possible to focus on methodological approaches not only in problem solving but also to argue the importance of the design approach in the understanding of the relationship of these socio-cultural sides of human existence. The design configurator is not only a synthesis of different types of subject knowledge, but rather a starting point in the methodological work on the formation of epistemological portrait of the created artifact, i.e. technological innovations using such methodological tools as socio-cultural and design approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-321
Luke O’Sullivan ◽  

The concept of civilisation is a controversial one because it is unavoidably normative in its implications. Its historical associations with the effort of Western imperialism to impose substantive conditions of life have made it difficult for contemporary liberalism to find a definition of “civilization” that can be reconciled with progressive discourse that seeks to avoid exclusions of various kinds. But because we lack a way of identifying what is peculiar to the relationship of civilisation that avoids the problem of domination, it has tended to be conflated with other ideas. Taking Samuel Huntington's idea of a “Clash of Civilisations” as a starting point, this article argues that we suffer from a widespread confusion of civilisation with “culture,” and that we also confuse it with other ideas including modernity and technological development. Drawing on Thomas Hobbes, the essay proposes an alternative definition of civilisation as the existence of limits on how we may treat others.

1965 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 660-679
Arthur Schweitzer

What is the relationship of economic history to the study of comparative economic systems? Perhaps the major contribution to thought on this subject has been made by Walter Eucken, whose ideas may be taken as the starting point for our discussion.

Bohdan Tsymbal

The paper explores the initial activity of Kyiv publishing house “Vik” and Vasyl Domanytsky’s participation in its work. The history of the publishing house has not been properly studied yet. The vast majority of sources used by the scholars contain many inconsistencies, and the existing research works don’t pay attention to the causes of the differences, but rather exacerbate the problem due to uncritical attitude to the sources. The author, therefore, focuses on three issues: 1) the time when the publishing house was founded; 2) its employees; 3) Domanytskyi’s participation in its work. Researchers date the origins of the publishing house differently, within a wide period of 1894–1897. Most of them rely on a limited range of printed sources that may contain some mistakes. Based on the crossed analysis of the ‘main’ (popular) sources with the involvement of those less popular among specialists, the author identified the causes of differences in the works of the scholars and made an attempt to explain the causes of such inaccuracies. The new archival materials not only confirmed the results of studying the printed sources but also helped to establish the earliest documented date directly related to the work of the publishing house. This date may be reasonably taken as a starting point of its history. Studying the archival documents of the censorship department allows making some assumptions about the staff of the publishing house, which although remains insufficiently studied. The list of personalities is still limited to the five most famous members of the publishing circle. The findings also help to clarify the terminus post quem of Vasyl Domanytskyi’s involvement in the work of the publishing house. The results obtained are important not only for the further study of the history of Ukrainian book printing but also for highlighting the relationship of publishers with the censorship in the Russian Empire and the work of the Kyiv “Moloda Hromada” circle. The paper explores the initial activity of Kyiv publishing house “Vik” and Vasyl Domanytsky’s participation in its work. The history of the publishing house has not been properly studied yet. The vast majority of sources used by the scholars contain many inconsistencies, and the existing research works don’t pay attention to the causes of the differences, but rather exacerbate the problem due to uncritical attitude to the sources. The author, therefore, focuses on three issues: 1) the time when the publishing house was founded; 2) its employees; 3) Domanytskyi’s participation in its work. Researchers date the origins of the publishing house differently, within a wide period of 1894–1897. Most of them rely on a limited range of printed sources that may contain some mistakes. Based on the crossed analysis of the ‘main’ (popular) sources with the involvement of those less popular among specialists, the author identified the causes of differences in the works of the scholars and made an attempt to explain the causes of such inaccuracies. The new archival materials not only confirmed the results of studying the printed sources but also helped to establish the earliest documented date directly related to the work of the publishing house. This date may be reasonably taken as a starting point of its history. Studying the archival documents of the censorship department allows making some assumptions about the staff of the publishing house, which although remains insufficiently studied. The list of personalities is still limited to the five most famous members of the publishing circle. The findings also help to clarify the terminus post quem of Vasyl Domanytskyi’s involvement in the work of the publishing house. The results obtained are important not only for the further study of the history of Ukrainian book printing but also for highlighting the relationship of publishers with the censorship in the Russian Empire and the work of the Kyiv “Moloda Hromada” circle.

Л.В. Борисова ◽  
С.И. Павлова ◽  
З.А. Качаева ◽  
Н.П. Прищепа ◽  
Е.В. Преображенская

Цель исследования: сравнительная оценка показателей гемостаза, полученных различными методами, у пациентов, которым выполнялось первичное эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава (ТБС) и проводилась профилактика тромбоэмболических осложнений (ТЭО) дабигатраном этексилатом Материалы и методы. Обследовано 27 пациентов (17 женщин и 11 мужчин) с коксартрозом III стадии, которым выполнялось первичное эндопротезирование ТБС. Для профилактики ТЭО все пациенты получали дабигатрана этексилат, длительность профилактики составила 35 дней. Оценку состояния системы гемостаза проводили до операции, в первые и пятые сутки после операции клоттинговыми методами, методами тромбоэластографии и тромбодинамики. Результаты. Показана взаимосвязь наличия спонтанных сгустков, выявленных тестом тромбодинамика, с признаками высокой гемокоагуляционной активности. Сравнительная оценка показателей системы гемостаза, определенных различными методами в плазме и цельной крови, показала, что 1) стандартные тесты коагулограммы отражают только отдельные изменения системы гемостаза и 2) образование спонтанных сгустков в тесте ТД может с большой вероятностью указывать на состояние гиперкоагуляции и быть основой для стратификации пациентов по наличию факторов риска гиперкоагуляции. Использование фиксированной профилактической дозы дабигатрана этексилата не обеспечило адекватной коррекции гиперкоагуляционного состояния у пациентов, перенесших тотальное эндопротезирование ТБС. Заключение. Данное исследование может служить отправной точкой для персонификации дозирования дабигатрана этексилата в целях профилактики ТЭО у пациентов, имеющих исходно высокий гемокоагуляционный потенциал. The aim was to compare hemostasis parameters obtained by different methods, in patients who underwent primary total hip arthroplasty (TBS) with postoperative antithrombotic prophylaxis using dabigatran etexilate. Materials and methods. We examined 27 patients (17 women and 11 men) with coxarthrosis (stage III) after primary hip joint endoprosthetics. For prophylaxis of thromboembolic complications all patients received dabigatran etexilate, the duration of prophylaxis was 35 days. We assessed hemostasis state before, on the first and fifth days after operation using clotting tests, thromboelastography and thrombodynamics. Results. Results shows the relationship of spontaneous clots in cromodinamica with signs of high clotting activity. Comparative evaluation of hemostasis parameters in the plasma and in whole blood showed that 1) conventional coagulation tests specifies only isolated changes in hemostasis, and 2) the appearance of spontaneous clots are likely to indicate a hypercoagulability and to be the basis to stratify patients according to hypercoagulation risk. Fixed doses of dabigatran etexilate did not provide proof prevention in patients undergoing total joint hip replacement. Conclusion. This study can be seems a starting point to personalize the dabigatran etexilate dosing in such patients with initially high coagulation potential.

Rafael A. Gonzalez ◽  
Henk G. Sol

Validation within design science research in Information Systems (DSRIS) is much debated. The relationship of validation to artifact evaluation is still not clear. This chapter aims at elucidating several components of DSRIS in relation to validation. The role of theory and theorizing are an important starting point, because there is no agreement as to what types of theory should be produced. Moreover, if there is a theoretical contribution, then there needs to be clear guidance as to how the designed artifact and its evaluation are related to the theory and its validation. The epistemological underpinnings of DSRIS are also open to different alternatives, including positivism, interpretivism, and pragmatism, which affect the way that the validation strategy is conceived, and later on, accepted or rejected. The type of reasoning guiding a DSRIS endeavor, whether deductive, inductive, or abductive, should also be considered as it determines the fundamental logic behind any research validation. Once those choices are in place, artifact evaluation may be carried out, depending on the type of artifact and the type of technique available. Finally, the theoretical contribution may be validated from a formative (process-oriented) or summative (product-oriented) perspective.

2019 ◽  
Vol 135 ◽  
pp. 01034
Vadim Bespalov ◽  
Gennadiy Turk ◽  
Oksana Gurova

The article is devoted to the study of the process of reducing air pollution in relation to the operating conditions of the drying drum of brick factories. The objectives of the work were to study and identify the physical characteristics of the process of reducing air pollution for the operating conditions of the drying drum of brick factories, for its subsequent effective implementation with the help of engineering systems. A block diagram is suggested of the physical model of the process of reducing air pollution for the considered production and technological conditions, revealing the relationship of a set of consistently and purposefully implemented stages of the cycle of dusting, using physical and energy concept as the theoretical basis. As a result of the study of the process of reducing air pollution, in relation to the operating conditions of the drying drum of brick factories operation, based on the analysis of possible solutions of the problem of dusting, physical features of the process of reducing air pollution for these production and technological conditions were identified for its subsequent effective implementation by means of engineering systems.

PMLA ◽  
1985 ◽  
Vol 100 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-80 ◽  
Caryl Emerson

Mikhail Bakhtin's work on Dostoevsky is well known. Less familiar, perhaps, is Bakhtin's attitude toward the other great Russian nineteenth-century novelist, Leo Tolstoy. This essay explores that “Tolstoy connection,” both as a means for interrogating Bakhtin's analytic categories and as a focus for evaluating the larger tradition of “Tolstoy versus Dostoevsky.” Bakhtin is not a particularly good reader of Tolstoy. But he does make provocative use of the familiar binary model to pursue his most insistent concerns: monologism versus dialogism, the relationship of authors to their characters, the role of death in literature and life, and the concept of the self. Bakhtin's comments on these two novelists serve as a good starting point for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the Bakhtinian model in general and suggest ways one might recast the dialogue between Tolstoy and Dostoevsky on somewhat different, more productive ground.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 106-129
Sirkku Inkeri Ruokkeinen ◽  
Aino Liira

This article examines the relationship of material text (text of the document) and paratext in light of fourteenth to sixteenth century evidence. Despite the wealth of interest generated by paratexts and paratextuality in recent years, especially in the fields of literary studies, book history, and translation studies, theoretical approaches to paratexts and paratextuality remain scarce. The paratextual status of an element is typically determined by its function, in combination with its distance from the material text: elements within the codex which do not share space with the text are part of the paratext. Less studied, however, is the gray area of elements which are located within the codex and share the space with the text. We examine this border between text and paratext through an analysis of late medieval and early modern initials, typeface, script and notes. While the form and function of the element are a good starting point, we propose that gauging the optionality of the element, in relation to the abstract text of the work and the material text of the document, is a better indicator of its paratextual status. Optionality should therefore be taken into consideration as evidence of a type of contemporary paratextual understanding.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
María Ema Llorente

ABSTRACTIn contemporary Spanish poetry is increasingly frequent the relationship of poetry with other artistic disciplines and, in particular, with the visual arts. The book of poems “A orillas del Ems”, by Maria Victoria Atencia, which combines the photographic and the poetic, can be seen as an example of this kind of interaction. Taking as a starting point the photo book “Telgte in Erinnerung”, by Renate Kruchen, the author makes a poetic recreation, using the mechanism of “ecphrasis”. In this recreation, the foreign thing with the proper thing and the objective thing with the subjective thing are combined or mixed together. Over the others’ images, the author’s voice, experiences and personal memories are being overlapped or intertwined in the construction of a discourse, in which, although in a veiled form, personal, subjective and autobiographical elements can be found. Throughout the text, the following will be studied: some of the ways in which these elements are introduced in the book of poems, including the selection and arrangement of the photographic and poetic material; overlays or overlap between the two discourses, the visual and the verbal; the relationship between the present and the absent; and the interaction of the speaker with the characters in the photographs and the fictitious kinship relations established with them.RESUMENEn la poesía española contemporánea resulta cada vez más frecuente la relación de la poesía con otras disciplinas artísticas y, en especial, con las artes visuales. El poemario “A orillas del Ems”, de María Victoria Atencia, que combina lo fotográfico y lo poético, puede verse como un ejemplo de este tipo de interrelación. Tomando como punto de partida el libro de fotografías “Telgte in Erinnerung”, de Renate Kruchen, la autora realiza una recreación poética, sirviéndose del mecanismo compositivo de la “écfrasis”. En esta recreación, se mezclan o se combinan lo ajeno con lo propio y lo objetivo con lo subjetivo. A las imágenes de los otros se va superponiendo o entrelazando la voz, las experiencias y los recuerdos personales de su autora, en la construcción de un discurso en el que, aunque de forma velada, pueden encontrarse elementos personales, subjetivos y autobiográficos. A lo largo del texto se estudiarán algunas de las formas en las que estos elementos se introducen en el poemario, entre las que se encuentran la selección y ordenación del material fotográfico y poético; las superposiciones o coincidencias entre los dos discursos, el visual y el verbal; la relación entre lo presente y lo ausente; y la interacción de la hablante con los personajes de las fotografías y las relaciones ficticias de parentesco que establece con ellos.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ni Kadek Ayu Ismadewi ◽  
Widodo.T Novianto ◽  
Hartiwiningsih ,

<p>Abstract<br />The purpose of this article  to determine the judge’s considerations using penal mediation in the settlement of Domestic Violence (KDRT) cases and its formulation in the future. This is a normative study with case approach, comparative approach and conceptual approach. The legal matterial of this research are primary legal matterial and secondary legal material with deductive analystic mind. Reffering the research above, Showed that there is a difference of judges consideration using the result of penal mediation in the form of peace between offender and victim who still have relationship of husband and wife in the settlement of case of domestic violence for offense. First, it is based on the benefit and recovering of the relationship of the offender and the victim, to the exclusion of the legalistic rules, so that the Judge arrives at the decision of the prosecution otherwise unacceptable. Second, based on expediency, but the legal process continues with the imposition of a conditional penalty. The existence of differences in consideration and judgment because the mediation of penal itself is not yet regulated in positive criminal law in Indonesia. However, with the starting point on the principle of benefit and the theory of pragmatic realism, the Judge should not worry or hesitate to use the results of peace in penal mediation as a way of resolving a domestic violence case by  stopping the proceedings, although considered to be contrary to the principle of legal certainty. This has implications for the achievement of substantial justice for offender and victim, a quicker settlement of cases and avoid the accumulation of cases in the Court. Therefore the future needs to be formulated for mediation of penal entry into inseparable part in the procedure of settling the case of domestic violence, especially for offense complaints, ranging from the level of investigation, prosecution and court.<br />Keywords: Penal Mediation; Domestic Violence; Judge’s Decision</p><p>Abstrak<br />Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertimbangan Hakim menggunakan mediasi penal dalam penyelesaian perkara Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) dan formulasinya di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini merupakan studi normatif dengan pendekatan  kasus, pendekatan komparatif dan pendekatan konseptual. Bahan hukum yang digunakan berupa bahan hukum primer <br />dan bahan hukum sekunder dengan pola analisis deduktif. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan pertimbangan Hakim menggunakan hasil mediasi penal berupa perdamaian antara pelaku dan korban yang masih ada hubungan suami istri dalam penyelesaian perkara KDRT untuk delik aduan. Pertama, mendasarkan pada kemanfaatan dan pulihnya hubungan <br />pelaku dan korban, dengan mengenyampingkan aturan yang bersifat legalistik, sehingga Hakim sampai pada putusan berupa penuntutan dinyatakan tidak dapat diterima. Kedua, mendasarkan <br />pada kemanfaatan, namun proses hukum tetap dilanjutkan dengan penjatuhan pidana bersyarat. Adanya perbedaan pertimbangan dan penjatuhan putusan tersebut karena mediasi penal sendiri <br />memang belum diatur dalam hukum positif pidana di Indonesia. Akan tetapi dengan bertitik tolak pada asas kemanfaatan dan teori realisme pragmatis, semestinya Hakim tidak khawatir atau <br />ragu menggunakan hasil perdamaian dalam mediasi penal sebagai jalan penyelesaian perkara KDRT dengan menghentikan proses perkara, meski dianggap bertentangan dengan asas kepastian <br />hukum. Hal tersebut berimplikasi pada tercapainya keadilan substansial bagi pelaku dan korban, penyelesaian perkara yang lebih cepat dan menghindari penumpukan perkara di Pengadilan. <br />Kedepannya perlu diformulasikan agar mediasi penal masuk menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dalam prosedur penyelesaian perkara KDRT, khususnya untuk delik aduan, mulai dari tingkat penyidikan, penuntutan dan pengadilan.<br />Kata kunci: Mediasi Penal; Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga; Putusan Hakim.</p>

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