The first flush in sewer systems

1996 ◽  
Vol 33 (9) ◽  
pp. 101-108 ◽  
Agnès Saget ◽  
Ghassan Chebbo ◽  
Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski

The first flush phenomenon of urban wet weather discharges is presently a controversial subject. Scientists do not agree with its reality, nor with its influences on the size of treatment works. Those disagreements mainly result from the unclear definition of the phenomenon. The objective of this article is first to provide a simple and clear definition of the first flush and then to apply it to real data and to obtain results about its appearance frequency. The data originate from the French database based on the quality of urban wet weather discharges. We use 80 events from 7 separately sewered basins, and 117 events from 7 combined sewered basins. The main result is that the first flush phenomenon is very scarce, anyway too scarce to be used to elaborate a treatment strategy against pollution generated by urban wet weather discharges.

Michele Caroline Bueno Ferrari Caixeta ◽  
Patrícia Tzortzopoulos ◽  
Márcio Minto Fabricio

This paper reports results of a systematic literature review on the definitions and levels of user involvement in the design process. Although many studies have highlighted the importance of user involvement for the quality of both process and final product, the term still lacks a clear definition and different models describe diverse involvement levels, which are detrimental to the advancement of knowledge in the area. The present study focused on the mapping of definitions of user involvement and comparisons of the different proposals of involvement levels for outlining a clear definition of the term, based on the levels of involvement, and contributing to the consolidation of the theory of user involvement in the field of architectural design.  Moreover, this research assists architects to find the most appropriate level of user involvement for the design they are developing, improving the practice of involving users in the design process.

2017 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Stuart Macdonald

Scottish historians have invested considerable effort in gathering data on and counting the number of accused witches in Scotland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The benefits of the four projects dedicated to this data-gathering that are analysed in this article are clear, but the act of counting has also changed our perception of the Scottish witch-hunt. In order to count witches, we have to have a clear definition of who is (and is not) a witch. This article explores the change in definition across these projects, notably the distinction between a witch and a charmer. Graphing witchcraft accusations gives the impression that all accusations are related. Counting may make us overconfident in the quality of the data when what is striking is how little information we have in most instances. The methodological concern of using the information we do have and interpreting the entire witch-hunt on that basis is noted.

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 659-672 ◽  
Laura Sabatino ◽  
Alessandro Stievano ◽  
Gennaro Rocco ◽  
Hanna Kallio ◽  
Anna-Maija Pietila ◽  

Background: Nursing continues to gain legitimation epistemologically and ontologically as a scientific discipline throughout the world. If a profession gains respect as a true autonomous scientific profession, then this recognition has to be put in practice in all environments and geographical areas. Nursing professional dignity, as a self-regarding concept, does not have a clear definition in the literature, and it has only begun to be analyzed in the last 10 years. Objectives: The purpose of this meta-synthesis was to determine the various factors that constitute the notion of nursing professional dignity. The target was to create a tentative model of the concept. Research design: The research design was a meta-synthesis (N = 15 original articles) of nursing professional dignity described in the literature, based on the guidelines by Noblit and Hare. Method and findings: Original studies were sought out from electronic databases and manual searches. The selection of literature was conducted on stages based on titles (n = 2595), abstracts (n = 70), and full-texts (n = 15) according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. From this analysis, a clear definition of nursing professional dignity emerged that underscored two main macro-dimensions constituting this intertwined, multidimensional, and complex notion: characteristics of the human beings and workplace elements. Conclusion: The recognition of nursing professional dignity could have a positive impact on patients because the results clearly showed that nurses are more prone to foster patients’ dignity, patients’ safety, and a better quality of care if their own dignity is respected. If nurses are uncomfortable, humiliated, or not seen in their professional role, it is difficult to give to others good care, good support, or good relationships.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 108
Stefano Guarino  ◽  
Enrico Mastrostefano  ◽  
Massimo Bernaschi ◽  
Alessandro Celestini ◽  
Marco Cianfriglia ◽  

The definition of suitable generative models for synthetic yet realistic social networks is a widely studied problem in the literature. By not being tied to any real data, random graph models cannot capture all the subtleties of real networks and are inadequate for many practical contexts—including areas of research, such as computational epidemiology, which are recently high on the agenda. At the same time, the so-called contact networks describe interactions, rather than relationships, and are strongly dependent on the application and on the size and quality of the sample data used to infer them. To fill the gap between these two approaches, we present a data-driven model for urban social networks, implemented and released as open source software. By using just widely available aggregated demographic and social-mixing data, we are able to create, for a territory of interest, an age-stratified and geo-referenced synthetic population whose individuals are connected by “strong ties” of two types: intra-household (e.g., kinship) or friendship. While household links are entirely data-driven, we propose a parametric probabilistic model for friendship, based on the assumption that distances and age differences play a role, and that not all individuals are equally sociable. The demographic and geographic factors governing the structure of the obtained network, under different configurations, are thoroughly studied through extensive simulations focused on three Italian cities of different size.

1990 ◽  
Vol 22 (10-11) ◽  
pp. 31-38 ◽  
M. G. Carleton

The use of separate sewerage systems to solve pollution problems associated with combined systems is examined. Overflows from combined stormwater-sewer systems have been found to be one of the major causes of receiving water pollution. Experiences in two countries which have predominantly one system or the other provided a basis for comparison. Wet weather overflow was found to be a major problem with similar quality of overflow produced for both systems. Minimising overflows was feasible, however proper and integrated control of stormwater and sewage flows, related to receiving water impacts, is indicated as the best solution. The use of separate sewerage systems to solve pollution problems may not be justified.

2014 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-51 ◽  
Nicolas Caradot ◽  
Hauke Sonnenberg ◽  
Pascale Rouault ◽  
Günter Gruber ◽  
Thomas Hofer ◽  

This paper reports about experiences gathered from five online monitoring campaigns in the sewer systems of Berlin (Germany), Graz (Austria), Lyon (France) and Bogota (Colombia) using ultraviolet–visible (UV–VIS) spectrometers and turbidimeters. Online probes are useful for the measurement of highly dynamic processes, e.g. combined sewer overflows (CSO), storm events, and river impacts. The influence of local calibration on the quality of online chemical oxygen demand (COD) measurements of wet weather discharges has been assessed. Results underline the need to establish local calibration functions for both UV–VIS spectrometers and turbidimeters. It is suggested that practitioners calibrate locally their probes using at least 15–20 samples. However, these samples should be collected over several events and cover most of the natural variability of the measured concentration. For this reason, the use of automatic peristaltic samplers in parallel to online monitoring is recommended with short representative sampling campaigns during wet weather discharges. Using reliable calibration functions, COD loads of CSO and storm events can be estimated with a relative uncertainty of approximately 20%. If no local calibration is established, concentrations and loads are estimated with a high error rate, questioning the reliability and meaning of the online measurement. Similar results have been obtained for total suspended solids measurements.

K. T. Tokuyasu

During the past investigations of immunoferritin localization of intracellular antigens in ultrathin frozen sections, we found that the degree of negative staining required to delineate u1trastructural details was often too dense for the recognition of ferritin particles. The quality of positive staining of ultrathin frozen sections, on the other hand, has generally been far inferior to that attainable in conventional plastic embedded sections, particularly in the definition of membranes. As we discussed before, a main cause of this difficulty seemed to be the vulnerability of frozen sections to the damaging effects of air-water surface tension at the time of drying of the sections.Indeed, we found that the quality of positive staining is greatly improved when positively stained frozen sections are protected against the effects of surface tension by embedding them in thin layers of mechanically stable materials at the time of drying (unpublished).

2020 ◽  
pp. 89-96
Sergei S. Kapitonov ◽  
Alexei S. Vinokurov ◽  
Sergei V. Prytkov ◽  
Sergei Yu. Grigorovich ◽  
Anastasia V. Kapitonova ◽  

The article describes the results of comprehensive study aiming at increase of quality of LED luminaires and definition of the nature of changes in their correlated colour temperature (CCT) in the course of operation. Dependences of CCT of LED luminaires with remote and close location of phosphor for 10 thousand hours of operation in different electric modes were obtained; the results of comparison between the initial and final radiation spectra of the luminaires are presented; using mathematical statistics methods, variation of luminaire CCT over the service period claimed by the manufacturer is forecast; the least favourable electric operation modes with the highest CCT variation observed are defined. The obtained results have confirmed availability of the problem of variation of CCT of LED luminaires during their operation. Possible way of its resolution is application of more qualitative and therefore expensive LEDs with close proximity of phosphor or LEDs with remote phosphor. The article may be interesting both for manufacturers and consumers of LED light sources and lighting devices using them.

2007 ◽  
Vol 222 (6) ◽  
Michael Baake ◽  
Dirk Frettlöh

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