scientific discipline
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Luise-Ch. Modrakowski ◽  
Jian Su ◽  
Anne B. Nielsen

The risk of compound events describes potential weather and climate events in which the combination of multiple drivers and hazards consolidate, resulting in extreme socio-economic impacts. Compound events affecting exposed societies can therefore be deemed a crucial security risk. Designing appropriate preparation proves difficult, as compound events are rarely documented. This paper explores the understanding and practices of climate risk management related to compound events in specific Danish municipalities vulnerable to flood hazards (i.e., Odense, Hvidovre, and Vejle). These practices illuminate that different understandings of compound events steer risk attitudes and consequently decisions regarding the use of different policy instruments. Through expert interviews supported by policy documents, we found that the municipalities understand compound events as either a condition or situation and develop precautionary strategies to some extent. Depending on their respective geographical surroundings, they observe compound events either as no clear trend (Odense), a trend to be critically watched (Hvidovre), or already as a partial reality (Vejle). They perceive flood drivers and their combinations as major physical risks to which they adopt different tailor-made solutions. By choosing a bottom-up approach focusing on local governance structures, it demonstrated that the mismatch between responsibility and capacity and the ongoing separation of services related to climatic risks in the Danish municipality context need to be critically considered. The findings highlight that the complex challenge of compound events cannot be solved by one (scientific) discipline alone. Thus, the study advocates a broader inclusion of scientific practices and increased emphasis on local focus within compound event research to foster creative thinking, better preparation, and subsequently more effective management of their risks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 99-105
Hery Murnawan ◽  
Putu Eka Dewi Karunia Wati ◽  
Faradlillah Saves ◽  
Tomy Michael ◽  
Dimas Andrianto Kisworo ◽  

The internship program is able to improve students' soft skills and hard skills as well as solve problems that exist in the industrial world. The student exchange program is able to improve student competence in participating in the transfer of existing knowledge at partner universities. Student certification and training programs are able to improve student scientific discipline in identifying problems and solving problems according to the scientific field. The Thematic Real Work Lecture Program is able to understand the culture, social and economics of the community so that students have the ability to draft village regulations and socialize them. Students' abilities in internships, student exchanges, student certification and training, and thematic Real Work Lecture activities are expected to enable students to achieve KPI 1, namely Graduates Get Decent Work.

2022 ◽  
pp. 47-67
Nkopodi Nkopodi

Social pedagogy as a discipline is known in different countries. However, interpretations of this discipline vary in different countries. As a result of different interpretation of the discipline, the discipline itself is seen from different perspectives, leading to different methodologies of investigating problems related to social pedagogy. The literature by researchers from different countries indicates how the interpretations differ, resulting in different research approaches. Implications of the different approaches on research are being investigated. This chapter makes the reader aware of these differences and how they emanate. Discussions which follow lead to justifications and guidance of research methodologies suitable for social pedagogy. Drawing on the different perspectives, this chapter explains different research methodologies and expands knowledge understanding of the field of social pedagogy as well as suitable research methods for this discipline and how they can be applied.

2022 ◽  
pp. 169-186
María Paula Lechuga Sancho ◽  
Alicia Martín Navarro

This chapter describes the evolution of research on social responsibility in the tourism sector until November 2017. The authors have compiled a database of 66 articles focused on the field published in academic journals. Bibliometric methods and techniques were used to describe the evolution of scientific activity, countries and active institutions, most productive authors, applied methodologies, and the main topics researched to determine the state and describe the evolution of literature in this field. Based on these analyses, possible ways are proposed for future research to advance this consolidation as a scientific discipline.

2021 ◽  
Vol 107 (7) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Andrey Manakov ◽  
Pavel Suvorkov ◽  
Ilya Ermolin ◽  

In the post-Soviet period, attention is paid to the depopulation problem in the Baltic States, caused by the natural decline and migration outflow. At the same time, there is a change in the amount of certain ethnic groups in the population of these states. The purpose of the study is to assess the prospects for the reproductive potential of ethnic groups in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The study was carried out within ethnic demography, a scientific discipline that has developed at the intersection of demography, ethnography, and anthropology. The article presents the results of forecasting the number of major ethnic groups in the Baltic States for the long term (until 2061) using original methodological tools. In all three Baltic states, against the background of population decline, the share of titular ethnic groups is expected to grow – the highest in Latvia, the less significant in Estonia, and the minimum in Lithuania. The share of Russians (the most significant is in Latvia) and other ethnic groups will continue to decrease due to their low reproductive potential. In general, the tendency of the Baltic countries to move away from the complex ethnic structure of the population in the Soviet period towards mono-ethnicity will continue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-132
Ivan Ivić ◽  
Ružica Vuk ◽  

The teaching methodology of geography is a relatively young scientific discipline within the scientific field of geography, that has only been experiencing its full scientific affirmation in the last few decades. In the early years, scholarly production focused on works that primarily dealt with geography education, but further development of the discipline showed a tendency to single out educational geography as a distinct scholarly entity and branch within the field. Given the aforementioned, there is a need to recapitulate scientific production and the most important findings of this geographical scientific discipline from the last fifty years. A review of scientific and scientific-expert papers on the teaching methodology of geography and educational geography indicates a thematic and methodological paradigm shift toward covering topics and objects of research significantly wider than those covered in the classroom and during geography lessons. The noticeable changes in the prevailing scientific interest in the curriculum and organization of teaching according to human resources research, the organization of education in certain areas and student achievement indicate a continuous and stable development.

Natalia Geyzhan ◽  
Marina Ilakavichus

The article is devoted to the relevant for modern humanities of the ratio of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the pedagogical field. Based on the separation of «nature sciences» and «cultural sciences» by V. Windelband and G. Rickert, the authors urge the scientific community to understand their difference at the present stage. Based on a comparative analysis of the objectives, object, subject and hypotheses of research (primarily thesis) in psychology and pedagogy, the specificity of each scientific discipline is revealed, which mediates specific tools to verify the validity and effectiveness of the results obtained. The most controversial issues include the use of mathematical statistics methods in pedagogical research, which, due to the ontology of the studied phenomena, do not adequately cover the observed changes, therefore, are not able to describe them. The most inadequate quantitative methods are used in the sphere of upbringing and adult education, where the processes of reflection, conception, self-determination and the construction of life scenarios in accordance with one’s own convictions take precedence, and the factors of life and prospects cannot be ignored. It is proposed at the stage of creating a pedagogical research program to pay special attention to the definition of the ontology of the phenomenon under study, in accordance with the chosen methodology, to fix the ratio «goal - means of achieving it - diagnostics / monitoring of the process - performance assessment», which will allow answering the question about the ratio / adequacy of quantitative and qualitative methods-proofs of its implementation. In addition, it is necessary to support the institution of dialogue platforms for scientific communities, within which representatives of different subject areas would come to a consensus on this issue and keep it in research and expert work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-18
Anastasia A. Atabekova

Language management refers to state administrative regulations, policies, and activities on the language(s) use within educational, legal, and other public domains and to the scientific discipline which studies this phenomenon. We argue that during COVID-19 health emergency, the concept of language management might need revision as new topics and contexts have come to light within the discussion on language use amid the current pandemic. We explore key dimensions of this discussion representation in public communication, identify language-use related topics which have been mentioned in this discussion, study its levels and major actors. The texts from official sites of international organizations, national governments, public and non-profit social agencies, mass media were selected. The corpus of 238 sources with a total of 193478 words was subject to manual and computer-based thematic content coding and clustering. The results reveal language-use related topics within the information and discussion topics during the COVID-19, specify the levels at which the above topics discussed, outline those actors who initiate/take part/form the target audience within the discussion on language use during the COVID-19. The research also leads to the conclusion on the critical importance of such issues as the style of international and national leaderships addresses, production and timeliness of multilingual data on the pandemic, countermeasures against misinformation and anti-nation bias, development of protocols for the use of fact-based rational language. The mentioned items are considered as the key components of a language management framework for policy and actions which need a coordinated interagency response within local and global contexts during the COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol XII (4 (37)) ◽  
pp. 27-49
Dorota Jankowska

My intention is to draw attention to pedagogical studies, and more specifically Pedagogy that according to ISCED-F 2013 classification belong to broad field named Education. The rationale for taking up this subject is the special and requiring reflection situation of pedagogical studies, including its relation to teacher training In my opinion, in Poland pedagogical studies has begun the next stage of its functioning and it will most likely change significantly in the upcoming years. In the article, I argue that the perspective of changes in pedagogical studies is determined not only by the general direction of changes in academic education, but also by following factors:(1) the new situation of pedagogy as a scientific discipline, which is the basis for the analysed field of study, (2) pedagogization of social life, which results in broadening the fields of activity for graduates in pedagogy. The aim of the article is to raise the issue of the specificity of pedagogical studies, to indicateitscurrent condition and to outline both the problems it face and perspectives it has

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-299
Irena Grebtsova ◽  
Maryna Kovalska

The article is devoted to the study of the development of the source criticism’s knowledge in the Imperial Novorossiya University which was founded in the second half of the XIX century in Odesa. Grounding on a large complex of general scientific methods, and a historical method and source criticism, the authors identified the stages of the formation of source criticism in the process of teaching historical disciplines at the university, what they based on an analysis of the teaching activities of professors and associate professors of the Faculty of History and Philology. In the article, the development of the foundations of source criticism is considered as a complex process, which in Western European and Russian science was the result of the development of the theory and practice of everyday dialogue between scientists and historical sources. This process had a great influence on the advancement of a historical education in university, which was one of the important factors in the formation of source studies as a scientific discipline. The history of individual scientific disciplines cannot be understood outside the context of the development of science altogether, therefore the authors paid attention to the change of scientific paradigms in the period under the study. It is noted that reforms in the field of education and the development of European historical knowledge have become the main components of the formation of historians, who, with their scientific activities at the theoretical and practical levels, contributed to the development of the special historical disciplines. The article reveals a gradual increase in the number of courses taught at the historical department of the Faculty of History and Philology, in which teachers used the opportunity to teach students to work with various types and kinds of sources. The authors examine the contribution of the historians of Odesa in the XIX – early XX century in the process of institutionalization of historical disciplines, in the formation of a complex of special historical disciplines, which resulted in the actualization of their scientific works in subsequent years. As a result of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that the professors of the departments of general and Russian history, with their teaching and scientific activities, laid the foundations of source criticism as a special scientific discipline, raising theoretical problems in their lecture courses, and at the training workshops, teaching students how to work with sources in practical terms.

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