scholarly journals New Economic Policy – Practical Experience of Creating a New Socio-Economic Model

V. N. Kovnir ◽  
O. D. Kuznetsova

The article describes the stages and main activities carried out in the framework of the new economic policy (19211927) are considered. The place and role of NEP in the economic history of Russia, despite the past 100 years, are still following discussion issues. In particular, the question of the impact of a new economic policy on the formation of a mixed economy in developed capitalist countries in the second half of the 20th century was relevant. In the 1920s, an economic system was built in Russia in Russia, which can be developed as a mixed economy, which has proven its flexibility and effectiveness in solving the most complicated economic tasks. The article analyzes the experience of NEP based on the use of the methodology of institutional theory. The activities of the authorities during this period were aimed at the adaptation of old institutes, skills, mentality of the population in the conditions of a tight deficit of all resources to new requirements, primarily in the economy. The importance of the tasks facing the tasks and the limited time released by history to their decision determined the choice of a rigid totalitarian style of economic management and society, which did not allow to reveal the potential capabilities of the ECAP economic mechanism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (S349) ◽  
pp. 474-478
Rosa M. Ros ◽  
Beatriz Garca

AbstractJust as in the past, the development of the natural sciences and in particular of astronomy has changed the history of humanity. If we think about the role of our discipline into the future, it shows its enormous power in the field of education, owing to the possibility of awakening interest in science in very varied audiences. Within the framework of the enormous progress made in the technologies related to astronomy, many of them of daily use, the role of the astronomer in the era of Communications acquires fundamental importance.In this presentation, we will try to make a journey through the different ways of presenting astronomical topics for different audiences over the last 100 years. In turn, we will show some specific achievements, associated with education programmes of the discipline. We discuss the impact produced by proposals that are both rigorous in terms of content, and also appeal to the development of the human being in an integral manner, within the framework of citizen science activities.For this research, we have taken into account the uninterrupted development of the NASE programme, which has performed 112 courses in 24 countries throughout the world and in different languages. NASE has involved 4966 secondary teachers in the last eight years.

Valeriya Kibets

Modern Ukrainian historical science faces many challenges that require a scientific solution. Exploring the life and work of famous people and the history of individual regions of Ukraine are among them. The end of 19th - the beginning of 20th centuries in the history of Ukraine is characterized by a general revolutionary exaltation that was caused by sharp contradictions, national oppression, political disenfranchisement of the population. It is a time when new creators of history enter the political scene.  Nowadays, the critical task is to rethink the role of the individual in history, to explore creative people, to fill the historical process with energetic, working people, to make this process anthropocentric. It is necessary not only to revive the forgotten names but to determine a place for each personality in the history of Ukraine. The article aims to show the features of the pre-revolutionary past of Kherson city from the perspective of Leonid Solovyov, indigenous inhabitant, engineer, the qualified worker of Kherson seaport and brilliant memoirist. In his memoirs, he described the city in pre-revolutionary times and showed the changes of Kherson during Soviet power. Memoirs (memories) are a special kind of written historical sources that reflect the author’s understanding of past reality and historical consciousness of the personality of their creator. They are about the past based mostly on a personal the memory of the author and his own impressions of those events in which he participated or which he watched by himself. In his memoirs, we see the dualistic nature of historical sources, because, on the one hand, they record information about the past and, therefore, it is its reflection. On the other hand, memoirs are part of the period in which they came on. Today Mr Solovyov’s memoirs are unexplored, and this article is the first attempt to show the role of this personality. Pre-revolutionary Kherson had a number of its features. It was a small, quiet, calm, provincial town. Mr Solovyov remembers the city since 1914. He was always interested in the history of his native city. The comparison of pre-revolutionary and Soviet Kherson from the perspective of an ordinary citizen of Kherson is particularly useful. Most of Kherson citizens worked as merchants, officials, entrepreneurs and small haggler. The workers were a minority, lived mainly in the suburbs and had their property, farm. It was a typical and traditional demonstration of the usual Ukrainian way of life. The result of long and hard work of Mr. Solovyov as an ethnographer is a significant number of photo albums, including “Kherson seaport”, “Flood in Kherson”, extracts from books, magazines, newspapers about ports of Kherson, Skadovsk, Khorly, and, of course, memoirs about his native city and the port which contains unvalued layer of interesting information about the history of our city. It is shown the role of the individual in history and the impact of circumstances and the environment in the formation of his worldview and future activities from Mr Solovyov example. It is the first time when the researcher is depicted as a citizen whose life was dedicated to the service of society. The results of his work played a significant role in today’s economic and cultural potential of our city. Mr Solovyov’s great experience in the organization of productive work in the port, the realization of his interests in studying historical characteristics of the land has not lost its practical value and is useful today.

Hematology ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-55 ◽  
David Buchbinder ◽  
Margaret V. Ragni

Abstract A 32-year-old male with severe hemophilia presents for his annual evaluation. He has a history of multiple joint bleeds that he has always treated on-demand, that is, after they occur. You have recommended prophylaxis, that is, preventively, before they occur, to decrease his episodes of bleeding; however, he had been reluctant to comply in the past. He is having difficulty keeping up at work because of interruptions, pain, and lost time at work. He is willing to consider a trial of prophylaxis. You discuss the impact of hemophilia on his health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and consider measuring his HRQOL over time using a generic measure of HRQOL to determine whether prophylaxis will reduce interruptions, pain, and lost time from work and improve his HRQOL.

1979 ◽  
Vol 80 ◽  
pp. 716-733
W. Klatt

June 1979 was a turning point for China. In the fast-moving world of today, one has to be careful in the use of catchphrases which can easily be invalidated when events of even greater import overtake them. Even so, the Second Session of the Fifth National People's Congress (NPC) may justly be regarded as a landmark in the brief post-Mao history of the People's Republic. Its significance pales, to be sure, when set against the T'ien An Men incident of April 1976, which gave the signal to the world that political and economic changes were in the making. Teng Hsiao-p'ing, deposed from all his posts as the main victim of that incident, emerged – fully rehabilitated – two years later as the chief architect of what can now legitimately be regarded as China's New Economic Policy. Of course, the foundation stone had been laid much earlier by the late Chou En-lai. Thus, as in the past, continuity and change were to live precariously side by side.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 279-301 ◽  
Christopher W. Dick ◽  
R. Toby Pennington

Early botanical explorers invoked biogeographic history to explain the remarkable tree diversity of Neotropical forests. In this context, we review the history of Neotropical tree diversity over the past 100 million years, focusing on biomes with significant tree diversity. We evaluate hypotheses for rain forest origins, intercontinental disjunctions, and models of Neotropical tree diversification. To assess the impact of biotic interchange on the Amazon tree flora, we examined biogeographic histories of trees in Ecuador's Yasuní Forest, which suggest that nearly 50% of its species descend from immigrant lineages that colonized South America during the Cenozoic. Long-distance and intercontinental dispersal, combined with trait filtering and niche evolution, are important factors in the community assembly of Neotropical forests. We evaluate the role of pre-Columbian people on Neotropical tree diversity and discuss the future of Neotropical forests in the Anthropocene.

Marta Juanita Villaveces-Niño ◽  
Carlos Caballero-Argáez

This chapter explains the strong theoretical and practical connection of policy analysis to economic analysis, making economic policy an important element of any comprehensive country study of policy. It highlights how economic technocracy played a crucial role in building the capacity for policy analysis in the realm of economic policy by using several concrete examples of economic policy decisions informed by analysis. It also defines institutional willingness for economic change, as the capacity of public agencies responsible for the design and execution of economic policy adjust and reform the rules and the organizations responsible for economic management. The chapter discusses decision making in several key moments of the recent economic history of Colombia in the context of institutional flexibility and the presence of technocracy. It discusses the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s, which challenged the creativity of policy makers given the international and political restrictions.

1997 ◽  
Vol 161 ◽  
pp. 157-164 ◽  
Christopher F. Chyba

AbstractOver the past quarter century, our understanding of the impact history of the Solar System has greatly improved. This chapter considers how this increased knowledge affects our evaluation of the chances for other intelligent communicative civilizations in the Galaxy. In addition, the role of impacts is examined for insight into the long-standing debate over whether the evolution of technical intelligence is contingent upon extremely special circumstances, or might instead be a likely outcome of many different but parallel evolutionary pathways.

Anne Fleming

Over the past century, legal history and economic history developed as separate fields of scholarship. Their separation reflects an understanding of law and economy as distinct objects that may be pulled apart and each analysed apart from the other. Yet, even assuming that law and economy are separable, it is undeniable that they interact. This chapter first maps the state of the field over the past several decades, identifying two major questions that have guided much of the scholarship on the border between legal and economic history. It then describes two of the theoretical frameworks available to legal historians for conceptualizing the relationship between law and economy. Finally, it argues that future work on the history of political economy should put aside measuring the impact of law on economy (and vice versa) and instead explore how the boundary between law and economy has been constructed and maintained over time.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 34 ◽  
Alan S. Trenhaile

This paper reviews the history of conceptual and numerical modelling of hard rock coasts (mean annual cliff erosion typically < 1 mm up to 1 cm) and its use in studying coastal evolution in the past and predicting the impact of the changing climate, and especially rising sea level, in the future. Most of the models developed during the last century were concerned with the development and morphology of shore-normal coastal profiles, lacking any sediment cover, in non-tidal environments. Some newer models now consider the plan shape of rock coasts, and models often incorporate elements, such as the tidally controlled expenditure of wave energy within the intertidal zone, beach morphodynamics, weathering, changes in relative sea level, and the role of wave refraction and sediment accumulation. Despite these advances, the lack of field data, combined with the inherent complexity of rock coasts and uncertainty over their age, continue to inhibit attempts to develop more reliable models and to verify their results.

Somatechnics ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 288-303
Michael Connors Jackman

This article investigates the ways in which the work of The Body Politic (TBP), the first major lesbian and gay newspaper in Canada, comes to be commemorated in queer publics and how it figures in the memories of those who were involved in producing the paper. In revisiting a critical point in the history of TBP from 1985 when controversy erupted over race and racism within the editorial collective, this discussion considers the role of memory in the reproduction of whiteness and in the rupture of standard narratives about the past. As the controversy continues to haunt contemporary queer activism in Canada, the productive work of memory must be considered an essential aspect of how, when and for what reasons the work of TBP comes to be commemorated. By revisiting the events of 1985 and by sifting through interviews with individuals who contributed to the work of TBP, this article complicates the narrative of TBP as a bluntly racist endeavour whilst questioning the white privilege and racially-charged demands that undergird its commemoration. The work of producing and preserving queer history is a vital means of challenging the intentional and strategic erasure of queer existence, but those who engage in such efforts must remain attentive to the unequal terrain of social relations within which remembering forms its objects.

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