creative people
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2022 ◽  
Vol 169 ◽  
pp. 104116
Joshua H. Katz ◽  
Thomas C. Mann ◽  
Xi Shen ◽  
Jack A. Goncalo ◽  
Melissa J. Ferguson

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 257-262
Vionita Putri ◽  
Elda Irma Jeanne Joice Kawulur ◽  
Febriza Dwiranti ◽  
Sabarita Sinuraya ◽  
Sita Ratnawati

Human has a preference to use their hands for various manual activities. Left-handed preference is people who tend to use their left hand to perform various manual activities, while right-handed people tend to use right-handed. Any researches show that the left-handed preference for more creativity was influenced by the dominant use of the right brain and bigger corpus callosum. The research aims to determine the percentage of left-handed preference and their creativity in Universitas Papua, Manokwari Papua Barat. The method used in this research is the descriptive method. Data collection used a questionnaire to evaluate individual hand preference using Handedness Questionnaire and to determine individual creativity using Adjective Check List. The percentage of left-handed people in UNIPA were 9.3% or lower than right-handed and higher than ambidextrous. Our study supports the statement about selection in handedness in the traditional society which showed a higher percentage of left-hander as advantages related to using hand intensively.  The percentage of left-handed males and females was almost equal and strongly left-handed was higher in females. The percentage of creative people was higher in left-handed, especially in males

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 550
Ilaria Mariotti ◽  
Dante Di Matteo

Coworking spaces are “serendipity accelerators” designed to host creative people and entrepreneurs. While recent literature has started exploring the indirect effects of coworking spaces on the local context, little is still known on how coworking spaces may directly affect the coworkers’ economic performance and wellbeing. Using a novel dataset based on a survey of 326 CWs working in the Italian coworking spaces in 2018, this paper explores the potential economic impact for coworkers, depending on whether a coworking space is localized in a peripheral or an urban area. Through a propensity-score matching approach, we found that being located in a peripheral area for coworkers may represent an opportunity to earn more than working in an urban center. The same holds for the organization coworkers belong to.

Irina S. Pilko

Digitalization of the library sector requires library staff to develop digital competencies, information retrieval skills and new knowledge in the field of data processing. The purpose of the study was to identify the digital skills of specialists of public libraries and the opportunities for their development when mastering additional professional education programs with the use of distance learning technologies. Educational programs for advanced training of library specialists, implemented within the framework of the Federal project “Creative People” of the National project “Culture”, have become the basis for such work. The article analyses the experience of participation of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture in educational projects for professional development of practicing librarians using distance learning technologies, the topics of programs offered by the centres for continuing education and advanced training of creative and managerial personnel in the field of culture in 2019—2021. Programs of additional professional education give priority to the formation and development of digital skills in the following categories: information (information literacy), communication (communication and collaboration) and creative skills (creation of digital content). There is an obvious shortage of educational programs related to the formation of critical thinking of users of digital resources and information security. Communication skills of librarians participating in the Creative People project implemented in their willingness to undergo formal training remotely, in a positive attitude towards the distant forms of professional development, despite their labour intensiveness. It is established that in the structure of thematic preferences of library specialists for future training in the system of continuing professional education there prevail the topics related to the formation of information and communication competencies. The article notes that significant proportion of specialists who have mastered the advanced training program are not ready to clearly determine in what types of practical activities their knowledge and skills can be applied. The obtained results make it possible to correct the topics of educational programs of further professional education of library specialists, to clarify the list of priority didactic tasks and the tools of distance learning technologies used for their implementation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-20
António Sérgio Ribeiro ◽  
Rui Baptista ◽  
Francisco Lima

2021 ◽  
pp. 85-126
Alane Jordan Starko

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 127-133
Olga V. Bystrova ◽  

The article explores the boundaries of the term “literary chronicle”. The scientific community is beginning to take a more detailed interest in such a concept as a literary institution. Throughout the twentieth century, literary studies studied and described only individual periods in the history of literature. This development of individual periods of the century helped to create the necessary theoretical tools for analytical work on the study of the socio-cultural process in society. For many years, the very attempt to understand the literary process as a phenomenon encountered terminological blurring. The accumulated knowledge of historical literary studies allows us to raise as a problem of scientific research a chronicle description of the life of a literary organization, which is understood as a structural association of creative people (on the example of individual facts of the existence of All-Russian Association of Proletarian Writers). It is the socio-institutional description of the life of the literary community of Russia in the 1920s that allows us to feel the communicative space of the country in which cultural processes take place. Another important aspect in the study of the chronicle of a literary institution is its existence in everyday life, that is, its existence in everyday life. With the frequency of meetings of members of the structural association. In this case, the scattered facts of everyday life become a historical stream of events.

2021 ◽  
pp. 27-44
Linda Essig

This essay expands on the defining characteristics of the arts and culture sector by considering not only the product but also the producer, the artist—the individuals or teams of creative people who make art—and their mirror and sometimes unwitting collaborator, the audience. Concepts of symbolic meaning, identity, arts economies, and impact evaluation are illustrated by both existing literature and case study examples.

2021 ◽  
Diana Nicoglo ◽  

The most detailed description of the “Balkan” period is found in the novel by D. Tanasoglo “Uzun Kervan”. In other genres (poetry), the poeticized image of the Balkans as the historical homeland of the Gagauz is presented to a greater extent. The main events of the “Balkan” period in the history of the Gagauzians, reflected in fiction, are: the adoption of Christianity by the Oghuz / Uzes – the ancestors of the Gagauzians, relations with the local population of the Balkans, the struggle against the Ottoman Turks, and the creation of a fictional Gagauz state called Uzi Eyalet. The authors also draw attention to the way in which changes occur in the traditional everyday culture of ancestors of the Gagauz as a result of changing economic-cultural type, and religion. In the Gagauz environment of creative people, there is a unity in the perception of the historical past associated with the presence of the ancestors of the Gagauz people in the Balkans. As a rule (with a few exceptions), the past broadcast by Gagauz writers is largely mythologized: and the writers themselves play a significant role in the process of constructing ethnicity.

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