scholarly journals Reir la risa de un niño, chorar lágrimas de crocodilo um revisitar dos objetos cognatos entre expressões lexicalizadas e construções com verbos leves

Celda Gonçalves Morgado

gnate objects (OC) (espirrar um espirro...) can be paraphrased by light verbs (dar um espirro). However, some paraphrases appear to be ungrammatical or generate several readings (brito & Choupina 2018; Gonçalves et al. 2010; Mirto 2007). Cognate objects are of various types (Choupina 2013a and b), with real cognates being more restrictive syntactically and semantically. There are more or less inflexible expressions that resemble structures with OC (reir la risa.., chorar lágrimas de crocodilo...) and that occur in certain languages, not being subject to the same morphosyntactic restrictions of good formation as the OC and distinguishing them for the conditions of use. It is the properties that OC, constructions with light verbs and lexicalized expressions share and those that individualize them that we will deal with in this article

T.-H. Jonah Lin ◽  
Chang-Ho Lee ◽  
Ji-Hyoun Lee

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-71
Changsong Wang ◽  
Mingming Zheng

AbstractThe exact nature and derivation of patient-subject constructions (PSC) in Chinese are still at dispute in literature. Based on the restriction of manner adverbial modification and the nonexistence of the manner reading of zenme ‘how’ observed in Chinese PSC, a morphosyntactic analysis has been provided. We argue that the seeming action verb V in PSC is not a real main verb, but a verbal root to be introduced into the derivation after syntax via external morphological merger. The real main verb of PSC in syntax is a covert light verb ∅BEC, which selects a nominal phrase (NP) as its specifier (Spec) and a resultative phrase (RP) as its complement. BECP is further selected by an aspect (Asp) head le. To satisfy the extended projection principle (EPP), the NP at [Spec, BECP] moves to the [Spec, TP] in syntax. After syntax, the resultative (R) head-moves to ∅BEC at the phonological form (PF) to satisfy the phonological requirement of ∅BEC, forming R-∅BEC; then, a bare verbal root merges with R-∅BEC at PF to denote the manner of the change of state. Due to the phonological requirement of le, V-R-∅BEC head-moves to le, producing the right order of PSC. The two elided forms of PSC can be derived similarly. This research suggests that covert light verbs and morphology may play an interactive role in the derivation of some “typical” constructions in Chinese.

Miriam Butt ◽  
Wilhelm Geuder

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (01) ◽  
pp. 87-110
Helge Lødrup

AbstractPseudocoordination with posture verbs in Mainland Scandinavian (e.g. the Norwegian Han sitter og arbeider ‘he sits and works’) is traditionally considered a grammaticalized progressive construction. The posture verb is said to have a bleached meaning, and to have the grammatical status of an auxiliary or a light verb. In recent years, some researchers have expressed doubt about this view. In this article, I argue that the traditional arguments for grammaticalization do not hold. However, I also give new evidence for early grammaticalization. Posture verbs can to some extent be used as light verbs in sentences such as Kebab må sittes og nytes ‘kebab must sit.pass and enjoy.pass’, which have never been discussed in connection with grammaticalization. Finally, I argue that pseudocoordination with posture verbs should not be seen as progressive, but rather as a locational (or situative) construction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 337-359
Chyan‐an Arthur Wang ◽  
Hsiao‐hung Iris Wu

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