On the Dimensionality of Measuring Tourist Satisfaction towards Homestay

Gangaram Biswakarma

This study focuses on measuring tourist satisfaction towards home stay. This paper emphasized to identify the variables that are related to tourist satisfaction during tourist homestay. It is also focused on analyzing the relationship and impact of these latent construct of factors to overall tourist satisfaction towards home stay. In an attempt to visualize the purpose, tourists satisfaction in a homestay in Nepal has taken into as a case, with an aim to identify the underlying dimensions of tourist satisfaction during tourist homestay. Twenty six (26) manifest variables of homestay has been formulated to understand the dimensions. Likewise, for a conforming the latent construct (1) statement as dependent variable of overall satisfaction was developed for the purpose of the primary data collection. The manifest variables are basically focused on aspects of home stay attributes namely cultural attraction, hospitality, amenities and safety & security at the home stay destination. Post Exploratory Factor Analysis indicates factor loading for twenty two (22) items manifest variables as significant, loaded with five (5) factors of home stay attributes named as Amenities & Safety, Reception, Local Cuisine & Accommodation, Local Life style & Costumes, and Cultural Performance. This study contributes to the development of survey instrument for exploring tourist satisfaction for Home stay for future researchers.

Development of society becomes possible only when the economic and social status of people is developed and it leads to their empowerment. Microfinance is a mechanism of providing financial services to the targeted group who has been excluded by the formal banking services. Factors of the functioning of Microfinance Institutions have been considered in this study. The factors were extracted using Exploratory Factor analysis and the mediating effect of social status on the relationship between the functioning of MFIs and empowerment of beneficiaries was also checked. Both primary and secondary was used in this study. Primary data was collected with the help of prepared schedule from the beneficiaries of selected MFIs. Sampling has been done in multiple stages to collect data from 417 respondents. Result of the study shows that two factors namely group forming & monitoring and training & counselling were extracted from exploratory factor analysis. And, the social status of beneficiaries has a mediating effect on the relationship between the functioning of MFIs and the beneficiary’s empowerment. Various suggestions and policy implication were provided for the policymakers.

This study aims to analyze the influence of reward, motivation and discipline to employee job satisfaction. The sample of this research is 15 employees of iNews TV. Exploratory factor analysis aims to confirm the structure of factors that underlie independent predictors with each other. The results of this study explain that reward, motivation and work discipline affect job satisfaction reward, motivation and work discipline affect job satisfaction. Of the several variables that affect job satisfaction, the work discipline variables that provide the greatest contribution to satisfaction.Company management is expected to pay attention to variable work discipline employees to support the achievement of job satisfaction

2015 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 271-278
L. Pilař ◽  
J. Pokorná

AbstractScientific research in the sphere of education confirms the fact that the key elements of success are innovation and education. Through the influence of continuous changes, it is necessary to define innovation within the scope of the organization culture and education, which have a significant share on the efficient expression of thoughts leading to the overall development of the organization. The article builds on the research of social network, trust, and innovation and validates the relationship between the 'Trust at the workplace' and 'Innovation climate' in the environment of Czech universities. In connection with the research of determinants of Innovation climate, the article further examines the moderating effect of 'Seniority' on the relationship between the factors of 'Trust' and 'Innovation climate'. Primary data was collected using an electronic survey. An exploratory factor analysis was used for the extraction of factors. Based on the extracted factors the moderation effect was calculated. Conjoint effect of the 'Trust at the workplace' and 'Seniority' has greater impact on the level of Innovation climate than the simple sum of separate effects of individual constructs which can be interpreted as a synergistic effect.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1837-1849
Precious Chikezie Ezeh ◽  
Anayo D. Nkamnebe

Purpose The purpose of this study is to develop a model for the study of Islamic bank choice and to test the significant importance of the constructs that influence bank customers to choose Islamic bank in a pluralistic-secular nation. Design/methodology/approach Total of 348 conventional and Islamic bank customers were sampled. Five-point Likert-type question containing 27 bank selection items was used in collecting primary data. Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability and average variance extracted are used to test the reliability and validity of the instrument. Also various descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis and one sample T-test are equally used in analyzing the work. Findings Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors. They are Islamic ethics, convenience, Islamic bank services awareness and physical evidence. Furthermore, the factors that show significant importance in the choice of Islamic banking are Islamic ethics and Islamic bank services awareness. The result equally shows that people are aware of Islamic banking. Practical implications This study provides insight on the factors that influence the selection of Islamic banking, an innovative banking concept. This study has obvious management and theory implications. Also, the study will assist the bank managers in developing effective marketing strategy to increase the market share. Originality/value This study reports Islamic banking selection criteria in a pluralistic-secular Nation. The study also developed a model that can be used in studying the choice of Islamic bank in special type of environment. Thus, Islamic banking is a new reality in the Nigerian financial scene.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-136 ◽  
Ismael Luiz dos Santos ◽  
Sidnei Vieira Marinho

Purpose This study aims to find evidence of a possible relationship between three constructs that are generally investigated separately: entrepreneurial orientation, understood as entrepreneurship on the organizational level; marketing capability, seen as a highly competitive factor for the organization; and business performance, highlighted as a focus of the entire organization. Design/methodology/approach A survey-based quantitative approach was adopted with a cross-sectional temporal perspective. To arrive at results that can be compared, the study uses factor analysis and structural equations modeling techniques, with estimations of maximum likelihood for testing the quality of fit of the measures to the structural models, using SPSS 21 and AMOS 16 software. Data were collected at the 27th EXPOSUPER, which is a trade fair at which 35,000 visitors were present. The data collection instrument used is a questionnaire previously validated by Reis Neto et al. (2013a). The first section covers control variables chosen to profile the firms, the second contains entrepreneurial orientation variables, the third comprises marketing capability variables and the fourth section contains business performance variables, all using seven-point Likert response scales. Findings Tests of the entrepreneurial orientation measurement scale produced interesting results in this application within the retail supermarket industry. The results of exploratory factor analysis indicated that a scale with three dimensions was significant. The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and marketing capability (H1) is positive, through the intermediate dimensions of innovation, proactiveness and risk-taking, used by firms’ management, contributing to their efforts to research and manage the market, to develop products and services and to offer better prices. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis showed that four of the scale’s dimensions of the marketing capability were significant: market research, market management, new product development and pricing. Comparison of these results with those of Reis Neto et al. (2013a) reveals a difference, as although their result, achieved using structural equations modeling, also had four factors; the promotion dimension was the most significant and absorbed the other variables. Despite these differences, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations modeling demonstrated that this construct met the minimum conditions for adequacy, where (H2), formulated to test the relationship between the marketing capability construct, was confirmed. The final construct analyzed in this study was business performance, initially suggested by González-Benito et al. (2009), and also used by Reis Neto et al. (2013a). They used the dimensions profitability, market value and market response, and in the present study, after exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations modeling, the results were identical to those authors results, in that (H3), formulated with the objective of testing the relationship between the entrepreneurial orientation construct and business performance, was confirmed, and although this was not the most robust of the relationships postulated in the three hypotheses, but was of lower significance. Research limitations/implications Although this study has achieved its objective, one of the study’s limitations relates to the data collection instrument, which was subject to failures in terms of the number of variables to be analyzed in each dimension. This led to elimination of certain dimensions during the analyses. Another limitation is related to the method used in the study. When questionnaires are used as data collection instruments, respondents often may not understand the true meaning of questions, which could lead them to choose any option, thereby stripping the results of credibility. In view of this limitation, it is suggested that future researchers conduct qualitative studies, using the case study method, which could offer greater clarity and increase understanding of the results related to these subjects. Even considering that this study has certain limitations and restrictions affecting generalization, it is hoped that it raises new questions, interests and inspirations, improving and complementing understanding of this strong social and economic sector. Originality/value It is identify the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and marketing capability, since to date there is no evidence from studies confirming the existence of such a relationship. This statement was based on the results of a bibliographic survey conducted using the ProKnow-C, knowledge development process-constructivist methodology, in which, this originality was positive and significant, offering new studies from this point of view.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 555-561
Antonio Hernández Fernández ◽  
Claudia De Barros Camargo

  El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general analizar la relación entre inclusión, atención a la diversidad y neuroeducación en el ámbito de Educación Física, a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) de una escala, creada ad hoc, validada y confirmada. Para la búsqueda de respuestas, se ha realizado un proceso de investigación no experimental, descriptivo y explicativo. El instrumento de recogida de datos ha sido una escala Likert (con número impar de opciones, cinco niveles de respuesta y rango de 1 a 5) que se ha validado en contenido y fiabilidad (alpha de Cronbach, .833) buena. La validez de constructo se ha realizado con un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) (KMO: .771, Bartlett: sign.000, determinante: 6.064E-7). La muestra ha sido de 359 estudiantes universitarios que cursan la especialidad de Educación Física. El AFC nos permitió concluir que es posible esta relación, con mayor fuerza entre inclusión y atención a la diversidad, y entre esta última y neuroeducación, y con menor fuerza entre inclusión y neuroeducación. (X2/gl (3.09). IAA: GFI (.85), RMSEA (.076), NCP (437.63), SRMR (.44), RMS (.061), ECVI (2.31). IAI: AGFI (.79), IFI (.96), NFI (.94), TLI O NNFI (.94), RFI (.92), CFI (.96). IP: PNFI (.71), PGFI (.60), AGFI (.79)). Abstract. The general objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between inclusion, attention to diversity and neuroeducation in the field of Physical Education, through the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of a scale, created ad hoc, validated and confirmed. For the search for answers, a non-experimental, descriptive and explanatory research process has been carried out. The data collection instrument was a Likert scale (with an odd number of options, five response levels and a range from 1 to 5) that was validated for content and reliability (Cronbach's alpha, .833). The construct validity has been carried out with an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) (KMO: .771, Bartlett: sign.000, determinant: 6.064E-7). The sample consisted of 359 university students majoring in Physical Education. The CFA allowed us to conclude that this relationship is possible, with greater strength between inclusion and attention to diversity, and between the latter and neuroeducation, and with lesser strength between inclusion and neuroeducation. (X2/gl (3.09). IAA: GFI (.85), RMSEA (.076), NCP (437.63), SRMR (.44), RMS (.061), ECVI (2.31). IAI: AGFI (.79), IFI (.96), NFI (.94), TLI OR NNFI (.94), RFI (.92), CFI (.96). IP: PNFI (.71), PGFI (.60), AGFI (.79)).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1295-1309
Amauche Ehido ◽  
Zainudin Awang ◽  
Bahyah Abdul Halim ◽  
Chukwuebuka Ibeabuchi

Purpose of the study: Quality of work life (QWL) is vital for all establishments to continue to hire and retain high-performance workers. However, from the review of previous literature on QWL, little is known about the dimensions that constitute high QWL among academics. Therefore, this study aimed at contributing to the literature by conducting a detailed validation of seven dimensions of QWL through the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) procedure. Methodology: This study employed a cross-sectional research design to establish reliable measures for the QWL construct. The items were adapted and modified to suit this study. Study data was obtained using a structured questionnaire from 100 randomly selected academics from the five Malaysian research universities. The study further conducted the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) procedure using IBM-SPSS version 21.0. Main Findings: A total of 51 items were initially developed to measure QWL construct, however, from the EFA procedure, the study found that 8 items with factor loading below the cut-off point of .60 were deleted and 48 items with a factor loading above the cut-off point of .60 were retained and deemed suitable to measure the QWL construct. Applications of this study: This study validated the dimensions that lead to improved QWL. Therefore, this study is particularly useful to the Malaysian universities' management who aim to obtain benefits from super motivated and high-performance academics by making sure that the workers' overall well-being is protected in the workplace. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study established a validated and reliable instrument for measuring the QWL construct among academics in the Malaysian research universities.

Jessica Ratna Subandi ◽  
Sautma Ronni Basana

This study aims to prove the effect of salience and disposition on investors' investment decisions in Surabaya. In addition, this study also seeks to see the effect of salience and disposition effect on investment decisions with the type of investor as a moderating variable. This type of research is quantitative research with associative methods and primary data sources. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The data that has been collected is then processed using Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results showed that the salience and disposition effect had a significant influence on investment decisions. In addition, the types of investors weaken the relationship between the salience and disposition effect on investment decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 597-605
Alya Indriani ◽  
Endang Sulistya Rini ◽  
Beby Karina F Sembiring

This study aims to analyze the destination image and memorable tourism experience on revisit intention through tourist satisfaction at Maimoon Palace. The type of research used in this research is associative research. The population in this study were tourists who visited the Maimoon Palace with the samples taken in this study were 135 respondents. Withdrawal of the number of sample sizes is done by non-probability sampling using purposive sampling method. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained through a list of statements and documentation studies. The data analysis technique uses structural equation modeling (SEM) with the Smart PLS version 3.0 analysis tool. The results of the study directly show that destination image has a positive and significant effect on revisit intention, memorable tourism experience has a positive and significant effect on revisit intention, destination image has a negative and significant effect on revisit intention, memorable tourism experience has a positive and significant effect on revisit intention, and tourist satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on revisit intention. Then the results of tests carried out indirectly indicate that tourist satisfaction is not able to mediate the relationship between destination image and revisit intention, but tourist satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between memorable tourism experience and revisit intention. Keywords: Destination images, memorable tourism experience, tourist satisfaction and revisit intention.

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