Люминесценция дитолуоилметаната дифторида бора. Образование J-агрегатов
The processes of the formation of J-aggregates during the dissolution 2,2-difluoro-4,6-di(4’-methylphenyl)-1,3,2-dioxaborine crystals (1) and their subsequent dissociation have been studied by absorption and luminescence spectroscopy and quantum-chemical modeling. It is shown that two luminescent centers are observed in the solution 1: monomeric luminescence and luminescence of J-aggregates (dual luminescence). Evolution of absorption, luminescence excitation and luminescence spectra is observed over time, indicating a slow dissociation of J-aggregates.
2020 ◽
Vol 65
pp. 76-80
2014 ◽
Vol 378
pp. 1937-1944
2017 ◽
Vol 66
pp. 2227-2233
2001 ◽
Vol 105
pp. 9123-9129
2021 ◽
Vol 95
pp. 2263-2272