scholarly journals Production of Denatured Whey Protein Concentrate at Various pHfrom Wastewater of Cheese Industry

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Robi Andoyo ◽  
Anindya Rahmana Fitri ◽  
Ratih Siswanina Putri ◽  
Efri Mardawati ◽  
Bambang Nurhadi ◽  

Wastewater produced from cheese industry is rich in biological component such as whey protein, fat and lactose. Whey protein is the residual liquid of cheese making process with a high protein efficiency ratio. The wastewater source used in this study was whey liquid from cheese processing industry located at West Java, Indonesia. Conversion of soluble whey protein into whey protein microparticle is required to produce food with nutritional value that can be adjusted to the needs of the specific target with high digestibility and palatability. Whey protein was collected by separation technique through heat treatment at specific condition. This was done by changing the heat treatment condition and pH of the samples. Changing the pH of the samples before heat treatment affect the ionic strength of the whey protein hence, altering the properties of the concentrate. This study aims to produce whey protein concentrate heated at various pH level and to observe physicochemical and functional properties of the concentrates. The method used in this research was a descriptive method conducted on three treatments and two replications namely whey protein concentrate production in a pH condition 6.4; 6.65; and 7.0. The parameters observed were physicochemical and functional properties. Furthermore, the result showed that there were decrease in protein content, along with the increasing pH before heat treatment. Microstructure image (SEM) showed a finer particles with the increasing pH. Meanwhile, solubility of the rehydrated samples tends to increase along with the increasing pH. The measurement of functional properties of the samples showed that denatured whey protein produced at different pH before heat treatment have different water holding capacity and a tendency to form bonds between protein particles thereby increasing the viscosity value. These physicochemical and functional properties were suitable for denatured whey protein to be used as a texture controller in whey protein based-food production.

2016 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-145 ◽  
Bosayya Govindaraju Shilpashree ◽  
Sumit Arora ◽  
Vivek Sharma ◽  
Prince Chawla ◽  
Ravikumar Vakkalagadda

2007 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 277-285 ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
pp. 429-436
Bárbara E Meza ◽  
Daniel A De Piante Vicín ◽  
Fernanda Marino ◽  
Guillermo A Sihufe ◽  
Juan Manuel Peralta ◽  

Vishal R. Parate ◽  
Dilip K Kawadkar ◽  
Shriram S. Sonawane

Whey protein concentrate is one of the most cheaply available rich sources of quality proteins offering many health benefits, and it has the ability to improve the food products due to its various functional properties. In improving the nutritional status of biscuits, the incorporation of whey protein concentrate has proved its ideality. The objective of present study was to explore the possibility of fortifying the whey protein concentrate in the formulation of biscuits. Biscuits were prepared from the blend (wheat flour and whey protein concentrate) containing various wt% levels of whey protein concentrate (0, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 percent) using traditional creaming method. Prepared biscuits were then evaluated for chemical, physical and sensory properties. It was observed that the thickness of whey protein concentrate fortified biscuits increased with increasing wt% level of whey protein concentrate, whereas diameter, spread ratio, spread factor and weight decreased with increasing wt% level of incorporation. The sensory evaluation supported incorporation of maximum 25 percent level of whey protein concentrate.

2000 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 329-348 ◽  

Heat (85 °C for 20 min) and pressure (600 MPa for 15 min) treatments were applied to skim milk fortified by addition of whey protein concentrate. Both treatments caused > 90% denaturation of β-lactoglobulin. During heat treatment this denaturation took place in the presence of intact casein micelles; during pressure treatment it occurred while the micelles were in a highly dissociated state. As a result micelle structure and the distribution of β-lactoglobulin were different in the two milks. Electron microscopy and immunolabelling techniques were used to examine the milks after processing and during their transition to yogurt gels. The disruption of micelles by high pressure caused a significant change in the appearance of the milk which was quantified by measurement of the colour values L*, a* and b*. Heat treatment also affected these characteristics. Casein micelles are dynamic structures, influenced by changes to their environment. This was clearly demonstrated by the transition from the clusters of small irregularly shaped micelle fragments present in cold pressure-treated milk to round, separate and compact micelles formed on warming the milk to 43 °C. The effect of this transition was observed as significant changes in the colour indicators. During yogurt gel formation, further changes in micelle structure, occurring in both pressure and heat-treated samples, resulted in a convergence of colour values. However, the microstructure of the gels and their rheological properties were very different. Pressure-treated milk yogurt had a much higher storage modulus but yielded more readily to large deformation than the heated milk yogurt. These changes in micelle structure during processing and yogurt preparation are discussed in terms of a recently published micelle model.

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