scholarly journals Literasi Berita Hoaxs Di Internet Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ketahanan Pribadi Mahasiswa (Studi Tentang Penggunaan Media Sosial Pada Mahasiswa STT Adisutjipto Yogyakarta)

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Abdul Haris Subarjo ◽  
Wita Setianingsih

ABSTRACT  The use of the internet has consequences for ways of thinking and ways of acting in the face of a variety of information presented, a variety of information flows swiftly with various interests. The ease of providing information through social media has both positive and negative impacts. Often information on various social media causes noise, unrest and can divide the public and be hoax news. Various truths that have not been investigated are displayed. Literacy is one of the components highlighted by countries in the world. The level of literacy of a country shows the ability of its citizens to study, study, disseminate information and make decisions and act on that information. STTA is an educational institution which consists of the academic community. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct research that reveals the literacy profile of the academic community, namely STTA students, on the spread of hoax  news in the internet in relation to national resilience. Data are collected by questionnaire and  library research. The results indicated that the condition of  literacy has the implication on personal resilience of students which have a close connection with national resilience.  Students without a good understanding, especially about hoax news can cause destruction in their personal resilience and potentially disturbing the national resilience.ABSTRAK Penggunaan internet membawa konsekuensi pada cara berfikir dan cara bertindak dalam menghadapi beragam informasi yang disajikan, beragam informasi mengalir deras dengan beragam kepentingan. Kemudahan untuk memberikan informasi melalui media sosial memberikan dampak positif dan negatif. Seringkali informasi di berbagai media sosial menimbulkan kegaduhan, keresahan dan dapat memecah belah masyarakat dan merupaka berita hoaks. Beragam kabar yang belum diselidiki kebenarannya terpampang. Literasi merupakan salah satu komponen yang disorot oleh negara-negara di dunia. Tingkat literasi suatu negara menunjukkan kemampuan dari warga negaranya dalam menelaah, mengkaji, menyebarluaskan suatu informasi serta mengambil keputusan dan bertindak berdasarkan informasi tersebut. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto (STTA) merupakan sebuah lembaga Pendidikan tinggi yang di dalamnya beranggotakan masyarakat akademik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini dilakukan  untuk mengungkap bagaimana profil literasi mahasiswa STTA terhadap penyebaran berita hoaxs di internet dalam kaitannya dengan ketahanan nasional. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan  dengan kuesioner dan penelusuran literatur. Data tentang literasi informasi dianalisis untuk mengetahui kondisi ketahanan pribadi mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi  literasi berita hoaxs berimplikasi terhadap ketahanan pribadi mahasiswa yang  terkait erat dengan ketahanan nasional. Mahasiswa tanpa pemahaman yang baik terhadap berita hoaxs dapat merusak ketahanan pribadi mereka dan  berpotensi mengganggu ketahanan nasional.

Stepanus Bo'do

The internet and social media expand public space has been much associated with public space and digital networks in many studies, where Habermas's public space theory and the theory of the Castells network society have been much debated about its relevance to the techno-social development. Both Habermas and Castells tend to see the public space of the Internet as a contestation space where corporate and state forces work in various ways to control and dominate it. This study emphasizes more on the creativity of citizens forming community networks through the use of the Internet and social media and conducting autonomous conversations in the public space. Netnographic studies of the dynamics of the discourse of public space in the social movement networked Indonesia Berkebun show that the Internet and social media become creative means for citizens to package global discourse locally to voice their demands. This study concludes that the concepts and theories of public space, network society are relevant as tools for analyzing public space and Internet networks and social media. The potential of the Internet network and social media as autonomous communication spaces depends on the design and purpose and the utilization of available features. Conversations - conversations that are restricted to the agenda of the 3E program help communities focus on discourse and shape the character of a rational Indonesian gardening space. This community from the beginning realized the potential of the Internet and social media to form networks and public spaces. But like gardening, public space requires commitment, such as caring for the garden from pest attacks, weeds, giving it fertilizer so the plants grow as expected.

2015 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 312-314
Elly O'Brien ◽  
Christopher Pell

When considering professional use of the internet, the focus tends to be on access to information. Yet the development of Web 2.0 and the growth of social media have transformed the internet from a largely read-only medium to one that facilitates interaction and user-created content. I will discuss some of the positive effects that online resources can have on professional practice, looking not just at access to information, but what we do with that information and how we interact online with fellow professionals and the public.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 312
Elvita Laurensia Santoso ◽  
H.H. Daniel Tamburian

In this era of globalization, the use of the internet is growing day by day. The internet service application most commonly used by Indonesian people is social media. The increasing need for social media especially among teenagers has resulted in social media addiction in Indonesia. This research was made with the aim to find out the activities and patterns of interpersonal communication between parents and teenagers who are addicted to social media in Tangerang. Meanwhile, the theory that supports this research is interpersonal communication and new media. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. While the data collection methods used are by conducting interviews, observation, documentation, library research and online data search. The results show that interpersonal communication activities undertaken by parents and teenagers who are addicted to social media in Tangerang are often carried out through social media rather than direct communication. The messages exchanged are only in the form of daily conversations and are often one-way. This shows that interpersonal communication that occurs is not open and tends to experience interference. Meanwhile, the pattern of interpersonal communication most widely used is the equality pattern. Di era globalisasi saat ini, penggunaan internet kian hari kian meningkat. Aplikasi layanan internet yang paling sering digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia adalah media sosial. Kebutuhan akan media sosial terutama di kalangan remaja mengakibatkan terjadinya media sosial adiktif di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas dan pola komunikasi antarpribadi orang tua dan remaja yang kecanduan media sosial di Tangerang. Adapun, teori yang mendukung penelitian ini adalah komunikasi antarpribadi dan media baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif secara deskriptif. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, studi kepustakaan dan penelusuran data online. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aktivitas komunikasi antarpribadi yang dilakukan orang tua dan remaja yang kecanduan media sosial di Tangerang sering dilakukan melalui media sosial daripada komunikasi langsung. Pesan yang dipertukarkan juga berupa percakapan sehari-hari saja dan seringkali bersifat satu arah. Hal ini menunjukkan komunikasi antarpribadi yang terjadi tidak terbuka dan cenderung mengalami gangguan. Sementara itu, pola komunikasi antarpribadi yang paling banyak digunakan oleh orang tua dan remaja yang kecanduan media sosial di Tangerang adalah pola persamaan. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 58-65
Obey Dzomonda ◽  
Olawale Fatoki ◽  
Olabanji Oni ◽  
Mgoako Prudence Bosch

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-19
Gea Ducci ◽  
Alessandro Lovari

The pandemic crisis has led to a renew centrality of public sector communica-tion in a hybrid and convergent media ecosystems aiming at (re)building relation-ships based on trust between institutions and citizens. This contribution reflects on the strengths and fragility of the Italian public communication in the face of the pandemic, considering regulatory processes and paths of professionalization. It focuses also on the challenges of social media use in public sector, suggesting a critical approach towards the platformization of the public sector communication activities. The last part of this manuscript presents the different articles that com-pose the special issue.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Lukis Alam

Abstrak: Teknologi  informasi  dan  komunikasi  yang  berkembang  saat  ini, telah  menciptakan  perubahan  pada  banyak  hal.  Terlebih  dengan kehadiran  internet,  berbagai  keunggulannya  semakin  menambah keunggulan  dalam  dinamika  kehidupan  modern.  Ratusan juta manusia di seluruh dunia mengakses internet setiap harinya, dan jumlahnya terus bertambah dari waktu ke waktu. Hal ini berdampak pada penggunaan internet untuk kegiatan dakwah.Secara umum dakwah dilaksanakan secara konvensional. Namun, seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi, bermunculan dakwah yang menggunakan internet, yang biasa disebut dengan cyber dakwah. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini berupaya untuk melihat keterkaitan keduanya dalam konstruksi keberagamaan, yang karenanya media internet memberikan kemudahan dalam penyebaran informasi kepada masyarakat. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode field work yang dipadukan dengan studi kepustakaan.Diharapkan penelitian ini akan membuka ruang diskusi baru mengenai studi keislaman kontemporer yang lebih integratif dengan isu-isu kekinian. Selain itu, untuk memperkaya cakrawala terhadap diskursus perkembangan media yang menjadi bagian dari wacana keislaman global dan masyarakat modern. Abtsract: Information and communication technology that has developed at this time has created changes in many things. Especially with the presence of the internet, various advantages have added to the dynamics of modern life. Hundreds of millions of people around the world access the internet every day, and the number continues to increase from time to time. This has an impact on the use of the internet for da'wah activities.In general, preaching is carried out conventionally. However, along with the development of information technology, da'wah has sprung up using the internet, commonly referred to as cyber da'wah. Related to this, this study seeks to see the relationship between the two in religious construction, which is why internet media makes it easy to disseminate information to the public. The type of this study is qualitative, using the field work method combined with library studies.It is hoped that this research will open up new discussion space regarding contemporary Islamic studies that are more integrative with current issues. In addition, to enrich the horizon of the discourse of media development which is part of a global Islamic discourse and modern society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-85
Pandu Bimantara

  The phenomenon of the use of the internet as a learning media at the Al-Ihya (Unisa) Islamic University of Kuningan is increasingly passionate about the existence of hotspot facilities, so students can access the internet anywhere and anytime as long as they are active on the Unisa Kuningan campus. This interesting phenomenon is investigated because every new use of information and communication technology will have social consequences for the Unisa Kuningan academic community. The results of the study show that there are accessibility, frequency, and duration of internet usage by students who are quite high among students in accessing the internet. The social consequences that arise have not shown the existence of negative trends such as internet addiction and social alienation.   Keywords: Internet, learning media, social consequences.  

Muhammad Raihan Nasution

In this digital era, young people are very vulnerable to negative things, therefore Islam as a religion which is rahmatan lil alamin, must take appropriate and fast actions to save young generations of Islam from getting lost in the darkness of cyberspace life. This article is prepared with a library research approach by conducting a literature review and collecting data from various sources and subsequently, the data is analyzed descriptively by presenting facts or findings which are then theoretically reviewed. Therefore da’wah of digital era really must use the media, especially new media. The development of communication technology has changed the way people communicate and interact. Nowadays, almost everyone uses the internet to send, search, and read information. Therefore, the Qur’an Surah An-Nahl: 125 offering da'wah methods of digital era have to be able to attract sympathetic Millennials, presenting representative, interactive and innovative da'wah methods through social media is the best way to save the young generations of Islam in the future.

Neeraj Vashistha ◽  
Arkaitz Zubiaga

The exponential increase in the use of the Internet and social media over the last two decades has changed human interaction. This has led to many positive outcomes, but at the same time it has brought risks and harms. While the volume of harmful content online, such as hate speech, is not manageable by humans, interest in the academic community to investigate automated means for hate speech detection has increased. In this study, we analyse six publicly available datasets by combining them into a single homogeneous dataset and classify them into three classes, abusive, hateful or neither. We create a baseline model and we improve model performance scores using various optimisation techniques. After attaining a competitive performance score, we create a tool which identifies and scores a page with effective metric in near-real time and uses the same as feedback to re-train our model. We prove the competitive performance of our multilingual model on two langauges, English and Hindi, leading to comparable or superior performance to most monolingual models.

Temida ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-36
Rajko Macura ◽  
Slavoljub Vujovic ◽  
Djuro Mikic

The emergence and spread of Internet communication has led to changes in social relationships, abuse of the Internet and maladaptive behavior. Among the authors who have studied the impact of these changes there is no consensus, and the results of their research are often contradictory. Some authors conclude that Internet communication strengthens networks of its users, while others believe that such communication leads to reduced participation in real social life. In a number of people, excessive use of the Internet adversely affects the mental health and social life and can lead to obsession at the expense of other aspects of life and creating addiction. The greatest risk of negative impacts of online communication is among children and young people. This paper is meant to indicate, the good sides as well as the negative consequences of excessive and non-functional Internet use

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