scholarly journals Aesthetics and the African Women’s Lives Drama

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Edeh, Peter Daniel

<p><em>The philosophy that deals with the theory of beauty and ugliness is called Aesthetics. It examines the creation, appreciation, evaluation, interpretation and critique of works of art. In the same vein African women’s live drama appreciates, creates, evaluates, criticizes, interprets and expresses her feelings with regards to the works of arts as it is viewed expressed in the live style of every woman. This paper identifies among others, crops of women, moderate and radical women as well as orthodox or traditional women who accept the traditional position of women but press for peaceful coexistence in spite of men and women distinction. It takes cognisance of the wind of modernity from the west as it affects the African woman. This paper is a critical examination of Aesthetics and the African women’s world view and in appreciation of other world views. While the paper identifies certain problems in women’s lives drama generally it concludes with possible suggestion as it lays much emphasis on African culture and tradition for African Aesthetics. </em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 595-604
Muhammad Afzal Faheem ◽  
Nausheen Ishaque

This paper establishes V.S. Naipaul’s position as a comprador intellectual for his essentialist representation of Africa in A Bend in the River. The position (of comprador intellectual) has been ascribed by Hamid Dabashi to the array of highly feted non-Western writers who justify the Western orientalist (mis)appropriation of the East. The unrelenting orientalist bashing of the imperialized world (Africa in this case) legitimizes the civilizational responsibility of the West to mend the situation of the supposedly inferior Africans. The violent colonial intervention to provide order and stability to the place shows Naipaul’s orientalist world view regarding the colonized Africans. The alleged, all-pervading darkness of Africans can thus be illuminated by the White colonizer’s masterful exercise of power. Naipaul, as an author, functions as a comprador intellectual who appears serving the colonial commercial interest. The West needs to destroy all the cultures that may be potential sites of resistance, so, Naipaul offers a systematic denigration of African culture to sabotage the potential culture of resistance. The narrative of African demonization justifies the colonial machinery and its exercise of violence against the natives. The paper, therefore, calls into question Naipaul’s role as a cultural intermediary, since his 'point of enunciation' (a concept given by Stuart Hall) seems to be resting on an overtly colonial trajectory of the West.

Prismet ◽  
1970 ◽  
pp. 27-46
Levi Geir Eidhamar

Artikkelen drøfter to perspektivspenn knyttet til religions- og livssyns-undervisning: innenfra kontra utenfra og faglig kontra personlig. På bakgrunn av religionsvitenskapelige og religionsdidaktiske diskusjoner argumenteres det for et faglig perspektivmangfold i undervisningen. Det faglige innenfraperspektivet fremmer elevenes toleranse og kognitive empati med annerledes tenkende, samt at det gir mulighet for gjenkjennelse av eget livssyn. Det faglige utenfraperspektivet fremmer evnen til objektiv og kritisk vitenskapelig tenkning. Begge fremmer faglig innsikt. Selv om læreren kan være åpen om eget livssyn, skal dette ikke påvirke undervisningen. Elevenes individuelle livssynssammensetninger legger føringer for hvordan de fortolker lærestoffet. Dette vil igjen påvirke deres egen livssynsutvikling.Nøkkelord: Perspektiver i religions- og livssynsundervisning, emic, etic, insider, outsider, reduksjonisme, anti-reduksjonisme, KRLE, Religion og etikk.The article discusses two spans of perspectives regarding Religious Education: inside versus outside and academic versus personal. Diversity of academic perspectives within Religious Education is advocated based on discussions within Comparative Religion and Religious Education. The academic inside perspective promotes the pupils' tolerance and cognitive empathy with adherents of other world views, as well as providing opportunity of recognition of their own belief. The academic outside perspective promotes the ability of reflecting objectively and scientifically. Both promote academic insight. Although the teacher may self-disclose her own world view, it should not affect her teaching. The pupils' individual world views affect how they interpret the educational content. This will in turn affect the development of their own world views.Keywords: Perspectives in Religious Education, emic, etic, insider, outsider, reductionism, anti-reductionism. 

2012 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 495-506
Mark L. Mcpherran

I agree with Professor Cheng’s critique that Kant shows that Practical Reason points toward a model of human subjectivity and human autonomy congenial to Confucian thinking. In the Western rationalist tradition also there are threads that connect to other world views in an illuminating fashion if we investigate their historical roots. Using Professor Cheng’s method, I claim that in the West there began a humanistic tradition that bears affinities to Confucius and which itself is now being transformed by its encounter with non-European thought. This exemplifies the comparative work that would be one facet of world humanities.

Noor Mohammad Osmani ◽  
Tawfique Al-Mubarak

Samuel Huntington (1927-2008) claimed that there would be seven eight civilizations ruling over the world in the coming centuries, thus resulting a possible clash among them. The West faces the greatest challenge from the Islamic civilization, as he claimed. Beginning from the Cold-War, the Western civilization became dominant in reality over other cultures creating an invisible division between the West and the rest. The main purpose of this research is to examine the perceived clash between the Western and Islamic Civilization and the criteria that lead a civilization to precede others. The research would conduct a comprehensive review of available literatures from both Islamic and Western perspectives, analyze historical facts and data and provide a critical evaluation. This paper argues that there is no such a strong reason that should lead to any clash between the West and Islam; rather, there are many good reasons that may lead to a peaceful coexistence and cultural tolerance among civilizations

Md. Abu Sayem

The present paper attempts to expose how the scientific world-view of nature contributes to the present environmental crisis. Alongside this, it relates European Renaissance, humanism, secularism, the scientific and industrial revolutions, modern philosophy, scientism, technology-based modern life, consumerism-based modern society, etc. with current environmental problems. By focusing on Nasr’s traditional understanding of nature, the paper explores how materialistic and mechanistic world-views are deeply connected with the present ecological crisis. It also offers a critical analysis of Nasr’s spiritual and religious world-view of nature and examines its relevance. In doing so, it aims to highlight some demerits of the present world-view, and to call to reform current perceptions of nature by revitalizing traditional wisdom in order to protect the environment from further degradation. Thus, the paper is scholarly addition to the ongoing discourse on the issue of religions and the environment. Keywords: Eco-theology, Environmental Degradation, Materialistic and Mechanistic Views of Nature, Scientism, Spiritual Crisis of Modern humans, Religious and Spiritual World-Views.   Abstrak Kertas kajian ini menerangkan bagaimana pandangan saintifik telah menyumbang kepada krisis alam sekitar semasa. Disamping itu, kertas ini akan menhubungkaitkan Gerakan Revolusi Humanisma di Eropah, sekularisme, revolusi  sains dan perindustrian, falsafah moden, saintisme, kehidupan moden yang berasaskan teknologi, masyarakat moden yang berasaskan consumerisme, etc. dengan krisis alam sekitar yang berlaku dewasa ini.  Dengan memahami pandangan Nasr terhadap alam sekitar, kertas ini akan merungkai bagaimana pandangan materialistik (kebendaan) dan mekanistik mempengaruhi krisis ekologi masa kini. Ia juga akan menganalisa pandangan spiritual dan agama Nasr terhadap alam sekitar secara kritikal dan akan menilai sejauh mana kesesuaiannya. Dengan sedemikian dapat menyedarkan manusia tentang kecacatan pandangan semasa, yang kemudiannya akan membawa kepada pembaharuan persepsi mereka terhadap alam sekitar dengan cara menghidupkan semula nilai-nilai tradisional demi mengelakkan kemerosotan alam sekitar. Kertas ini akan memuatkan idea-idea para cendiakawan dalam membincangkan isu  berkaitan agama dan alam sekitar. Kata Kunci: Eko-Teologi, Kemerosotan Alam Sekitar, Pandangan Materialistik dan Makanistik terhadap Alam, Saintisme, Krisis Spiritual Manusia Moden, Perspektif Spiritual dan Agama.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-82
Enna Sukutai Gudhlanga

The advent of colonialism relegated the traditional African woman to the fringes of the family and society through codified customary law. The Shona women of Zimbabwe were some of the worst affected as they were re-defined as housewives who had to rely on their husbands for the up-keep of the family. However, in as much as globalisation has been accused of having brought some crisis on the African continent and side-lined a significant number of indigenous players, for the African woman in the global south it has brought some form of re-awakening. Globalisation seems to have re-opened the avenues for Shona women and enabled them to re-negotiate their entry back into the economic activities of the family and the public sphere. Despite the general lack of interest in the activities of women and in the strategies used by the poor for survival, it is a known fact that Shona women have become a force to reckon with in terms of cross-border trading in Zimbabwe. This research was prompted by the general hub of activity at the country's borders before the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic and the predominance of women traders who traverse the borders but whose activities have either not attracted enough attention to get their work recognised, or simply because they are taken for granted. Despite such strides, women in the cross-border trading business have instead garnered a certain stigma around them to the extent that the magnitude of their work is largely unrecognised. Yet elsewhere, the significance of women in informal trade is well documented. This study argues that women have not been left out in the global arena of trade. Desai (2009) acknowledges that the global economic openings in the informal sector have afforded women the opportunity to become active players in the markets of the global South. It is the aim of this research to investigate how globalisation has influenced the nature of the activities of Shona women in the cross-border trading business in Zimbabwe and their impact on the social well-being of the family and the nation’s economy at large. The research is largely qualitative in nature. Purposively selected Shona female cross-border traders at the Gulf Complex and Copacabana Market in Harare were interviewed before the COVID pandemic. The study revealed that the transnational activities of these Zimbabwean women are more wide-spread than has been anticipated. The study also revealed that women are unrecognised pillars in the economy of Zimbabwe as reflected in their success stories that have benefited Zimbabwe as a country. The study was informed by Africana Womanist theory which is embedded in African culture with special leaning on Ubuntu/ Unhu philosophy which recognises the complementary roles and partnerships of both men and women in resolving society's challenges.


Famous Russian geologist N.A. Golovkinsky published 150 years ago an important scientific work, where the phenomenon of lateral  displacement (movement) of homogeneous lithological layers  («slide» over time) was asserted. This created the most significant  prerequisites for the fundamental facial law: the layers, lying nearby,  were formed in the same sequence vertically. The law was  formulated a little later by A.A. Inostrantsev, and later  «rediscovered» by J. Wal- ter. The ideas, developed by N.A.  Golovkinsky, subsequently found the application in the study of  geological cyclicity, and currently in the booming seismic  stratigraphy. The creative improvement and continuation of  theoretical positions  contained in the Golovkinsky’s work allowed to  advance a method of facially-cyclic analysis, which has been  success- fully used in the study of many coal-bearing strata, and is  currently used for coal-free deposits of the West Siberian oil and gas  basin. Methodically, they develop an understanding of causality and  correspond to the principles of synergetic world-view. The main  content of these ideas remains relevant in the light of new realities  of cognitive process (nonlin-ear science, endovision).

Ю. А. Абсалямова

В статье анализируются особенности восприятия лесного пространства башкирами. На основе языковых, фольклорных материалов сделана попытка раскрыть различные аспекты взаимоотношений лес - человек, образ леса в картине мира башкир. Как и в большинстве традиционных культур, в целом мифологический образ леса носит отрицательный характер. В фольклоре он часто описывается как тёмный, мрачный, неизвестный, таящий опасности, противопоставляясь обжитому и освоенному пространству селений. Лесной пандемониум также представлен в основном отрицательными персонажами. В целом образ леса в традиционной картине мира башкир предстаёт довольно неоднозначным. С одной стороны - это категория, связанная с потусторонним миром, неизведанная, «чужая» территория. С другой - лес издавна являлся источником различных благ - в виде строительного материала, пушнины, различных продуктов питания, укрывал от врагов. The article analyzes the features of Bashkirs' perception of the forest space. On the basis of the materials of the epos, folklore, folk ideas, an attempt was made to reveal the various aspects of the relationship between forest and man, the image of the forest in Bashkirs' world view. As in most traditional cultures, the mythological image of the forest as a whole is negative. In folklore, it is often described as dark, gloomy, unknown, fraught with danger, being contrasted with the inhabited and developed space of the villages. The forest pandemonium is also represented mainly by negative characters. On the other hand, in the domestic perception forest is valued for the benefits derived from it: shelter, food, protection from enemies. In addition, Bashkirs, distinguished by a developed aesthetic perception and contemplative thinking, appreciated its beauty, which is also reflected in folklore. In general, the image of forest in the Bashkirs' traditional view of the world appears rather ambiguous. On the one hand, it is the category associated with the other world, unknown, «foreign» territory. On the other hand, the forest has long been a source of various benefits - in the form of construction materials, furs, various food products, and it sheltered them from enemies.

2019 ◽  
pp. 152
Lucía Gutierrez Gamecho

ResumenEste trabajo analiza cuantitativamente la movilidad de Vitoria-Gasteiz desde una perspectiva de género, apoyándose en la encuesta sobre la movilidad del municipio del 2014. En particular, dentro de las muchas dimensiones que serían relevantes desde la perspectiva de género, hemos considerado de interés estudiar la movilidad de hombres y mujeres con niños menores de seis años. Esto parece particularmente relevante porque este es el periodo de la vida de las mujeres en que es más difícil compatibilizar el empleo con la crianza de los hijos. Queremos explorar si, ante esta circunstancia, las diferencias de género en la movilidad son más acusadas para así conocer qué impacto puede tener el transporte en la compatibilización de empleo y crianza en las mujeres. Nos centraremos en analizar las diferencias en el número de viajes, los motivos de los mismos y los modos de transporte utilizados. Concluyendo que la presencia de hijos menores de seis años en el hogar produce diferencias entre la movilidad de hombres y mujeres.AbstractThis study quantitatively analyses mobility in Vitoria-Gasteiz from a gender approach, based on data obtained from a survey on urban mobility of the municipality carried out in 2014. Among the many dimensions that would be relevant from a gender perspective, we have considered particularly interesting the study of the mobility of men and women with children under six. This seems especially relevant as this is the period of women's lives in which it is more difficult to reconcile work with parenting. We intend to explore if gender differences are more remarkable under these circumstances in order to identify how transport may impact on the compatibility of work and parenting among women. We will mainly focus on analysing the differences in the number of trips, the reasons behind them, and the means of transport they use. We conclude that, in fact, having children under six in the household makes a difference in mobility between women and men.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 59-72
Rūta Sutkutė

In the 21st century media has become the dominant source of knowledge of Islam and Muslims and selectively decides what the West should know about Islam and what should be hidden. However, the underlying assumption is that, the media as an institution forming stereotypes depends on the local socio-cultural context. The goal of this paper – to find out how media (as the mediator) forms values, world view of a society, creates stereotypes in different cultural environments through analysis of Muhammad cartoons. The objectives are: to define the concepts of Neo-Orientalism, Muslimophobia and Islamophobia; to find out the connection between media representations and negative images of Islam and Muslims in the society; to reveal the main stereotypes of Muslims and Islam in online media in 4 different countries by analysing the case of Muhammad cartoons. The conducted qualitative and quantitative content analysis confirmed the hypothesis that in the specific cultures the same event is presented in different ways while forming value based orientation for a specific audience. Western media seeks to portray Muslims as terrorists / Islamists that are against West, their values and any possibility of integration in Western societies. Meanwhile, Lebanon and India (Kashmir) media does not portray orientalism and Islamophobic views, because audiences are dominated by Muslims. However there are noticeable manifestations of Occidentalism - resistance to the West and the Islamophobic portrayal of public in media. Moreover, information serves as a public mobilization function, so there are reasons to believe that violent protests in Kashmir and Lebanon could have been encouraged by the media.

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