scholarly journals Penerapan Asas Hakim Aktif (Dominus Litis) dalam Persidangan di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (Studi Kasus Putusan No.1/G/2017/PTUN.DPS.)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Ni Komang Dewi Novita Indriyani Weda ◽  
I Made Arjaya ◽  
I Putu Gede Seputra

In the judiciary the Judicial State Administration plays a more active role in the trial process in order to obtain material truth. The activist of the judge is intended to compensate for the unequal position of the parties, namely the Defendant is an entity or official of the State administration and the Plaintiff is an individual or civil legal entity. In this research there are two main problems, namely (1) how is the Procedure for Making a Gathering in the State Administrative Court? (2) How is the application of the principle of active judge (dominus litis) in the stage of proof at the trial? The research method used is normative legal research with a legal approach.

Solusi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 336-357
Johansyah Johansyah

The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the evidentiary process at the trial in a State Administration dispute involving evidence, the burden of proof and evaluation of the evidence carried out in the State Administrative Court. This type of research is normative legal research. Proof is a procedure for establishing evidence of a fact in a State Administration case to be used as a basis for consideration in passing a decision. In general explanation of Law Number. 5 of 1986 stated that the teaching of proof used in the State Administrative Court is the teaching of free proof, in the State Administrative Court, the judge plays a more active role in the trial process to obtain material truth. An administrative suit does not in essence delay the implementation of the disputed State Administration Decree. The judge has the authority to provide an assessment of the results of evidence in examining, deciding, and resolving State Administration Disputes based on Article 107 of Law Number 5 of 1986.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 142
Putu Ayu Anastasia Wierdarini

The amendment of the Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 positioned the Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat no longer as the highest state institution and the highest sovereign of the people. This has implications for the authority of the Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat to have a strategic position, namely to UUD 1945, to stipulate GBHN, to elect the president and vice president through amendment of its authority to be very limited and weak. This paper examines jurisdictionally how to restore the privileges possessed by the Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat through the amendment of the UUD 1945. A normative legal research method with statute approach and conceptual approach is used to analyze this problem.The results of the study indicate that the MPR's repatriation in the main and vital position in the Indonesian state administration system is very important, namely through amendments to the material content of the UUD 1945 which must be implemented on an ongoing basis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Danel Aditia Situngkir

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis yurisdiksi Pengadilan Pidana Internasional dengan Pengadilan HAM Indonesia. Masalah penelitian Bagaimana yurisdiksi dibandingkan dengan pengadilan kriminal internasional dan pengadilan HAM di Indonesia? dan Apa Peluang untuk Pengenaan Yurisdiksi Pengadilan Pidana Internasional di Indonesia? Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan yurisdiksi Pengadilan Pidana Internasional dan Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia dapat dilihat dari yurisdiksi pidana, pribadi, temporal dan teritorial. Indonesia bukan negara pihak dan bukan negara yang menerima yurisdiksi Mahkamah Pidana Internasional. Meski begitu, Yurisdiksi Mahkamah Pidana Internasional dapat diterapkan di Indonesia mengingat perbedaan yurisdiksi pidana kedua pengadilan tersebut, karena ada 2 (dua) kejahatan yaitu kejahatan perang dan kejahatan agresi yang tidak diatur dalam Pengadilan HAM Indonesia. , jika ada situasi di Indonesia yang dirujuk oleh Dewan PBB dan keamanan Indonesia dianggap tidak mau dan tidak dapat membawa para pelaku kejahatan untuk diadili di pengadilan. This study aims to analyze the protection of labor rights in this case Indonesian migrant workers abroad within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community and Law no. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers' labor rights within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community. Research problems, First, What is the Form of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers, Second, What is the Form of Legal Efforts for Indonesian Migrant Workers who are disadvantaged? The research method uses socio-legal research by observing the ASEAN Declaration of Human Rights and Law No. 18 of 2017, as well as other Indonesian Laws and Regulations. The results showed that the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) is all efforts to protect the interests of prospective PMI and their families in realizing guaranteed fulfillment of rights in all their activities. The author will analyze the issue of the extent to which the state protects labor rights in this case Indonesian migrant workers abroad within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community and Law No. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Mirza Nasution ◽  
Muhammad Yusrizal Adi Syaputra

The state is a social entity that consists of areas that have almost similar historical-cultural backgrounds. These areas have administrative divisions that are hierarchical in nature, where the division aims to accelerate the development and improvement of the area and the people in it. The research method used in this research is normative legal research method. The normative legal research method is a research method that looks for facts through the variables derived from the laws and regulations that are examined on their implementation and their effectiveness and shortcomings so that improvements and improvements can be made to these laws and regulations. Regional head elections are an inseparable part of a country that adheres to the principles of democracy and is even part of the characteristics of a democratic country.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-145
Ahyuni Yunus ◽  
Agustina Ali Bilondatu

Penelitian ini bertujuan, pertama Bentuk perlindungan hukum konsumen pada perjanjian baku (Standart Contract) PT Telkomsel Terhadap Penggunaan Kartu Pasca Bayar (Halo Kick), kedua Upaya hukum konsumen Konsumen tindakan sepihak yang dilakukan oleh pihak Telkomsel. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, Perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja dimaksudkan untuk menjamin hak-hak dasar dan menjamin kesamaan kesempatan serta perlakuan tanpa diskriminasi atas dasar apapun untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan pekerja beserta keluarganya. Perlindungan pekerja tersebut hanya dapat tercapai jika adanya peran serta Negara secara aktif dalam menjaga stabilitas iklim industrialisasi dengan perindungan terhadap pekerja, atau dengan kata lain ditengah gesekan perubahan zaman dan menggeliatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi maka peran serta Negara merupakan keniscayaan. This study aims, firstly, the form of consumer legal protection in the PT Telkomsel standard contract against the use of postpaid cards (Halo Kick), secondly the consumer's legal efforts for unilateral actions taken by Telkomsel. The research method used is normative legal research method. The results show that, first, legal protection for workers is intended to guarantee basic rights and guarantee equal opportunity and treatment without discrimination on any basis to realize the welfare of workers and their families. Protection of workers can only be achieved if there is an active role of the State in maintaining the stability of the industrialization climate with protection of workers, or in other words, amidst the friction of changing times and stretching economic growth, the participation of the State is a necessity.

2018 ◽  
Solly Aryza

The principle of Fixie Rechts or Legal Fiction still embraced in Indonesian legislation. It does notmatter that the policy is inconsistent with reality on the ground, which in fact creates more and more newproblems. For example the application of laws in very remote areas. How can a rural person who has no accessto information, if he does not comply with a rule that has been passed by the state through the state gazette, thenwithout considering the absorption aspect of his information, he remains entangled in the law. Because he afterthe law was enacted, he was supposed to know the law. This study uses normative legal research method byreviewing the literature related to legal fiction. Surely the principle that is deemed irrelevant to its real conditionlike this deserves no longer applied. For that required seriousness of government and society in participatingeliminate this law fiction principle. The results of this research show that Indonesia still enacts law governmentand culture as well, law maker or legislator and organization publish that.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-127
Posma Ramos Sitompul

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perlindungan hak buruh dalam hal ini Pekerja Migran Indonesia di luar negeri dalam kerangka Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN dan UU No. 18 tahun 2017 tentang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia hak buruh dalam kerangka masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. Permasalahan penelitian, Pertama, Bagaimanakah Bentuk Perlindungan Terhadap Pekerja Migran Indonesia, Kedua, Bagaimanakah Bentuk Upaya Hukum Pekerja Migran Indonesia yang dirugikan? Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian Sosio-Legal dengan mengamati dokumen Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia ASEAN dan Undang Undang No. 18 tahun 2017, serta Peraturan Perundang-undangan Indonesia lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) adalah segala upaya untuk melindungi kepentingan calon PMI dan keluarganya dalam mewujudkan terjaminnya pemenuhan hak dalam keseluruhan kegiatannya. Penulis akan menganalisis permasalahan sejauhmana negara melindungi hak buruh dalam hal ini Pekerja Migran Indonesia di luar negeri dalam kerangka Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN dan UU No. 18 tahun 2017 tentang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the protection of labor rights in this case Indonesian migrant workers abroad within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community and Law no. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers' labor rights within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community. Research problems, First, What is the Form of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers, Second, What is the Form of Legal Efforts for Indonesian Migrant Workers who are disadvantaged? The research method uses socio-legal research by observing the ASEAN Declaration of Human Rights and Law No. 18 of 2017, as well as other Indonesian Laws and Regulations. The results showed that the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) is all efforts to protect the interests of prospective PMI and their families in realizing guaranteed fulfillment of rights in all their activities. The author will analyze the issue of the extent to which the state protects labor rights in this case Indonesian migrant workers abroad within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community and Law No. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Bachtiar Bachtiar ◽  
Tono Sumarna

ABSTRAKWanprestasi dalam perjanjian konstruksi kerap ditemui dalam praktik, baik yang dilakukan oleh pemberi pekerjaan, maupun pihak pelaksana pekerjaan. Konsekuensinya, pihak yang melakukan wanprestasi dibebankan memulihkan kerugian yang timbul dari pelaksanaan perjanjian. Hal demikian tercermin dalam Putusan Nomor 72/PDT.G/2014/PN.TGR, di mana Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang Selatan selaku pihak pemberi pekerjaan proyek terbukti melakukan wanprestasi. Menarik untuk dicermati, majelis hakim dalam putusannya justru membebankan Walikota Tangerang Selatan untuk bertanggung jawab secara keperdataan. Isu hukum yang hendak dijawab dalam tulisan ini, terkait apakah penafsiran hakim dalam Putusan Nomor 72/PDT.G/2014/PN.TNG tentang pembebanan tanggung jawab perdata kepada kepala daerah akibat wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh kepala dinas telah sesuai dengan ajaran hukum administrasi negara, dan ajaran hukum perdata. Untuk menjawab isu hukum tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan bersandar pada data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa majelis hakim telah keliru dalam menafsirkan konsep pertanggungjawaban kepala daerah. Menurut ajaran hukum administrasi negara, walikota selaku kepala daerah tidak dapat dimintai tanggung jawab secara perdata akibat wanprestasi yang dilakukan kepala dinas. Demikian pula dari perspektif Pasal 1340 KUHPerdata, walikota bukanlah merupakan pihak dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian yang dibuat oleh kepala dinas, sehingga tidak dapat dibebani tanggung jawab secara keperdataan.Kata kunci: tanggung jawab perdata, kepala daerah, wanprestasi. ABSTRACT Breach of contract in construction agreements is often found in practice, whether carried out by the employer, or the implementing party. As a consequence, the defaulting party is charged to recover losses arising from the implementation of the agreement. This was reflected in Court Decision Number 72/PDT.G/2014/ PN.TGR, which is the Head of South Tangerang City Health Office, as the project employer, has been proven in breach of contract. It is interesting to note that the panel of judges in its decision actually charged the Mayor of South Tangerang with a contractual liability. The legal issue in this paper is whether the interpretation of judges in Court Decision Number 72/PDT.G/2014/ PN.TNG concerning the imposition of civil liability to the regional head due to default committed by the head  of office is in accordance with the teachings of the law of state administration and civil law. To answer these issues, the author uses normative legal research methods based on secondary data obtained through literature studies. The results of the analysis show that the panel of judges has erred in interpreting the concept of regional head accountability. According to the teachings of the state administration law, the mayor as the head of the region cannot be privately liable for the default committed by the head of office. Likewise, from the perspective of Article 1340 of the Civil Code, the mayor is not a party to the implementation of the agreement made by the head of office, therefore civil liability cannot be burdened to him. Keywords: civil liability, regional head, default.

Solusi ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 344-352 ◽  
Budi Aspani

ABSTRACT Indonesia is constitutionally constitutional state and requires the government through its apparatus in the field of State Administration to play a positive active role in all aspects of people's lives to achieve the prosperity of their people. Within this framework, it is not uncommon for a dispute to be caused by actions from the government in the form of irregularities, thus violating the human rights of its citizens. Strictly speaking, these deviations constitute government actions that are detrimental to those affected by the decision, in this case the people. The foregoing raises problems namely; whether any decision of the State Administration or Agency that causes harm to a person or legal entity can be submitted and sued as a dispute to the State Administrative Court and administrative efforts in which the decision can be sued again through the State Administrative Court. In this study the authors use the method of normative law research (normative law research) and by using primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Normative legal research examines laws that are conceptualized as the norms or principles that apply in society, and become a reference for each person's behavior. Management and analysis of data is done in a qualitative way that is analyzing library data to produce descriptive data. After conducting discussions on the existing problems, it can be concluded, Each decision of the State Administration Agency or officials that causes harm to civil legal persons or entities can be submitted and sued as a dispute to the State Administrative Court. Its relative competency is related to the place of residence or jurisdiction of the court itself, as well as the parties to the dispute. Whereas the absolute competence can be seen from the point of view of the basis of disputes, which is due to the issuance of written provisions by the State Administrative Court or Agency. Administrative efforts in resolving state administrative disputes are known as administrative channels or efforts, whether in the form of administrative appeals or objections. In accordance with the basis of our country's philosophy of Pancasila, then the state administrative disputes should be resolved as far as possible through administrative efforts, which are more deliberative in reaching consensus. But if all available administrative efforts have been used, it turns out that the disputing parties remain unsatisfied, then the matter is raised and sued through the State Administrative Court.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-118
Anak Agung Gede Duwira Hadi Santosa ◽  
Kadek Agus Sudiarawan ◽  
I Made Marta Wijaya

The presence of the omnibus law of the Employment Cluster of Job Creation Law haven’t consider to solve the crucial problems in the Manpower Law, but its further away from the purpose of the welfarestate concept  and leads to the purpose of the nachtwakerstaat. The aims of this research to determine position omnibus law of the Job Creation Law after it’s passed within in the scope of welfarestate concept or nachtwakerstaat concept and to analyse the construction of labour law concept in accordance to concept of welfarestate in the future. This research used a normative legal research method with a statute approach and elaborated with a legal concept analysis approach. The results show there are crucial problems in the Employment Cluster of the Job Creation Law such as the elimination of several principal provisions in Manpower Law that indicates the role and presence of the state in labour law is getting minimum and also the Job Creation Law point out many things that returned the agreement mechanism by the parties. This show that, Employment Cluster of the Job Creation Law tends to the nachtwakerstaat concept and far away from welfarestaat concept. The solutions of the issues by doingrevision to the Employment Chapter of the Job Creation Law by adjusted the welfarestate concept, alsorestore and strengthen the function of the government as a part of industrial relations as a regulator and supervisor

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