scholarly journals Meganarratives of Supermodernism: The Spectre of the Public Sphere

PhaenEx ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 197
Mark Kingwell

Political-theoretic discussions of the public sphere, common at least since Habermas as a site of both crisis and justification, are rarely if ever animated by a sense of public spaces as what phenomenology calls 'real places.' Indeed, the space/place distinction is an important lever of critique for the transcendental rationalism operative in many political theories, even when unavowed. At the same time, architectural theory, even when itself informed by a laudable marriage of concrete and abstract, often seems uninterested in pursuing the political consequences of the built environment. This paper outlines the beginning steps in a large research project that might be labelled 'the political phenomenology of the city.'

Goods ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 7-13
Emanuele Coccia ◽  
Marissa Gemma

This chapter offers philosophical reflections on the nature of commodities and their value in our civilization, focusing on the particular site where a commodity becomes recognizable as itself: the walls in our cities. It begins with a discussion of stones and the city as a “thing of stone”, arguing that stone inscriptions are the first tangible—and certainly the longest lasting—incarnation of what modern political philosophy has called the public sphere. It also asserts that the images, faces, and words that comprise this spatialized symbolic order express the city's collective ethos and goes on to explain how advertising enables us to encounter the commodity in the political space where the city has always articulated and portrayed its own ethos. The chapter concludes by suggesting that city walls imply a morality that in turn provides an important clue about the shape of the world we live in.

2018 ◽  
pp. 147-161
Ana Brasil Machado

RESUMOO projeto dos ecolimites foi concebido e implementado ao longo dos anos 2000 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Seu objetivo manifesto era conter a expansão das favelas sobre áreas de proteção ambiental. Em uma situação geográfica particular, a da favela da Rocinha, o projeto tomou a forma de um parque urbano dotado de diversos equipamentos de lazer. Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a implantação do Parque Ecológico da Rocinha a partir das perspectivas da esfera pública e da política urbana, contribuindo assim para o debate acerca da dimensão política dos espaços públicos.Palavras-chave: ecolimites, esfera pública, política urbana. ABSTRACTThe ecolimites project was conceived and implemented throughout the years 2000 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Its overt goal was to contain the expansion of favelas over areas of environmental protection. In a particular geographical situation, the favela of Rocinha, the project took the form of an urban park equipped with various leisure facilities. This article aims to discuss the implementation of the Rocinha Ecological Park from the perspectives of the public sphere and urban politics, thus contributing to the debate about the political dimension of public spaces.Keywords: ecolimits, public sphere, urban politics

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-211
Lee Michael-Berger

The story of The Cenci’s first production is intriguing, since the play, based on the true story of a sixteenth-century Roman family and revolving around the theme of parricide, was published in 1819 but was denied a licence for many years. The Shelley Society finally presented it in 1886, although it was vetoed by the Lord Chamberlain, and to avoid censorship it had to be proclaimed as a private event. This article examines the political and social context of the production, especially the reception of actress’s Alma Murray’s rendition of Beatrice, the parricide, thus probing the ways in which The Cenci question was reframed, and placed in the public sphere, despite censorship. The staging of the play became the site of a political debate and the performance – an act of defiance against institutionalised power, but also an act of defiance against the alleged tyranny of mass culture.

Slavic Review ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 907-930
Igor Fedyukin

This article uses the materials of the Drezdensha affair, a large-scale investigation of “indecency” in St. Petersburg in 1750, to explore unofficial sociability among the Imperial elite, and to map out the institutional, social, and economic dimensions of the post-Petrine “sexual underworld.” Sociability and, ultimately, the public sphere in eighteenth century Russia are usually associated with loftier practices, with joining the ranks of the reading public, reflecting on the public good, and generally, becoming more civil and polite. Yet, it is the privately-run, commercially-oriented, and sexually-charged “parties” at the focus of this article that arguably served as a “training ground” for developing the habits of sociability. The world of these “parties” provides a missing link between the debauchery and carousing of Peter I's era and the more polite formats of associational life in the late eighteenth century, as well as the historical context for reflections on morality, sexual licentiousness, foppery, and the excesses of “westernization.”

2021 ◽  
pp. 002190962110638
Baskouda S.K. Shelley

Using the example of neotoponyms proliferation in Tokombéré (Northern Cameroon) between 1970 and 2011, this paper questions the banal tactics of naming places as a site of public patriarchy contestation. In fact, young people play a crucial role in reinventing local political power forms of interpellation, which enables them to symbolically reappropriate the space. This helps to establish their presence in the public sphere from which they have been side-lined by social elders. Even though it reflects a political expression, the fact remains that the attribution of toponyms does not really help to reverse their domination into social field.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-127
Luke Matthews

Heiner Goebbels’s works are examples of “postdramatic” theatre works that engage with the political by seeking to challenge socially ingrained habits of perception rather than by presenting traditional, literary-based theatre of political didacticism or agitation. Goebbels claims to work toward a “non-hierarchical” theatre in the contexts of his arrangement of the various theatrical elements, in fostering collaborative working processes between the artists involved, and in the creation of audience-artist relationships. In offering a reading of Goebbels’s “no-man show” Stifters Dinge, this paper seeks to situate Goebbels’s practice within a theoretical tradition that also encompasses Hannah Arendt’s deployment of the theatre as a metaphor for the public sphere. Within this analysis, I suggest, theatre can be seen to offer the possibility of a participatory democracy through its attention to disappearance and absence.

Luís Guilherme Nascimento de Araujo ◽  
Claudio Everaldo Dos Santos ◽  
Elizabeth Fontoura Dorneles ◽  
Ionathan Junges ◽  
Nariel Diotto ◽  

The political and economic crises faced today, evidenced by the manifestos of political parties and the texts published in social networks and in the press, point to Brazilian society the possibility of different directions, including that of an autocratic regime, with the return of the military to the public sphere. This article discusses the movements of acceptance and resistance to the military regime that was implemented in Brazil with the coup of 1964. It is observed that the military uprising received at that time the support of a large part of the Brazilian population, which sought ways to maintain its socioeconomic status to the detriment of a majority that perceived itself vulnerable in view of the forms of maintenance and expansion of power used by the regime. In this context, Tropicalism emerges as an example of a contesting movement. This text approaches the song "Culture and civilization" by Gilberto Gil, performed by Gal Costa, relating the ideas present in this composition with the understandings of politics and culture, in a multidisciplinary proposal, seeking to understand the resistance and counter-resistance movements that emerged in Brazil at the time.

Yuliya Kuzovenkova ◽  

The last two decades have been a time of serious transformation of youth subcultures. Researchers speak about the formation of the postmodernism paradigm of subculture and the virtualisation of sociocultural phenomena. The subcultural subject and the power that formed it continue to exist in the new realities, but are undergoing a transformation. Changes having occured to the public sphere were especially significant for a subcultural entity since it is the public sphere where a subcultural entity can present itself to authorities, thereby maintaining its social subsistence. Our research was aimed at studying how the transformation of the public sphere has affected the entity’s subculture. For the study, the authors employed the method of a qualitative half-structurated interview and draw on the disciplinary authority concept suggested by M. Foucault. The analysis was based on materials of interviewing some representatives of the graffiti subculture in the city of Samara (twenty-two people) from 2016 to 2018. The author has established that the subcultural subject is processual and dependent on the practices in use; a change in practices leads to a change in the subject. Changes of practices in the graffiti subculture were a result of the virtualisation of culture. The author has identified the changes that have taken place in the subcultural subject under the influence of the transformation of the public sphere (the ‘short time’ of instantaneous fame prevails over the ‘long time’ of the symbolic capital of the nickname, new space-time coordinates within which the entity exists, the ‘digital body’ of the subcultural entity becomes ever more informative rather than that which was created via sketches placed in urban space). Unlike the public sphere, the private sphere under the influence of a subculture ideology remains unchanged.

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