scholarly journals Sexualidade e Amor na Velhice

Sueli Souza dos Santos ◽  
Sergio Antonio Carlos

Resumo: Este trabalho é o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre a sexualidade e o amor na velhice, tendo como objetivo analisar - através da interação da psicanálise com a análise da produção dos sentidos na perspectiva discursiva - os aspectos da sexualidade do ponto de vista pulsional. Para isso, analisamos as implicações inconscientes que estão em jogo nessa problemática. Utilizamos como instrumento metodológico a produção de efeitos de sentidos baseada na Análise do Discurso (AD) da escola francesa que tem como fundador Michel Pêcheux, mais especificamente na terceira fase desse autor, levando em consideração as teorizações de Althier-Revuz, de Orlandi e de Teixeira. Contribui para este trabalho também os fundamentos da psicanálise de Freud no que se refere ao inconsciente e à sexualidade, e de Lacan, no que se refere ao sujeito do discurso na sua relação com o Outro. Concluímos que as questões ligadas à sexualidade e ao amor na velhice se revelam na heterogeneidade discursiva, "com as não-coincidências do dizer". A sexualidade insiste em se apresentar de outra maneira, sob a forma de fantasias, desejos e sonhos. Com a velhice não se verifica a suposta desistência da vida sexual e amorosa, pois esta é pulsional, sendo, por isso mesmo, um elemento vital inesgotável. Palavras-chave: Sexualidade. Velhice. Heterogeneidade do Discurso. Abstract: This paper is the result of the research on Sexuality and Love in Old Age. The objective is to analyze, through the interaction of psychoanalysis with the analysis of the production of significations, from the discursive perspective, the aspects of sexuality from the pulsional point of view. For that, we analyzed the unconscious implications that are in game in that problem. As a metodological instrument we used the production of effects of significations based on Speech Analysis of the French school that has as founder Michel Pêcheux, more specifically, in that author’s third phase, taking in consideration the theorization of Althier-Revuz, of Orlandi and of Teixeira. Also contributing to this work are the foundations of Freud’s psychoanalysis reffering to the unconscious and sexuality, and of Lacan, reffering to the subject of speech in its relationships with the Other. We concluded that the subjects tied to sexuality and love in old age are revealed in discursive heterogeneity, with the non-coincidences of saying. Sexuality insists on coming in another way under the form of fantasies, desires and dreams. With old age the supposed waiver of a sexual and loving life is not verified, because this is pulsional, being for that reason an inexhaustible vital element. Keywords: Sexuality. Old Age. Heterogeneity of Speech.

1928 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 665-735 ◽  
Dorothy J. Jackson

It is well known that in many orders of typically winged insects species occur which in the adult stage are apterous or have the wings so reduced in size that flight is impossible. Sometimes the reduction of wings affects one sex only, as in the case of the females of certain moths, but in the majority of cases it is exhibited by both sexes. In many instances wing dimorphism occurs irrespective of sex, one form of the species having fully developed wings and the other greatly reduced wings. In some species the wings are polymorphic. The problem of the origin of reduced wings and of other functionless organs is one of great interest from the evolutionary point of view. Various theories have been advanced in explanation, but in the majority of cases the various aspects of the subject are too little known to warrant discussion. More experimental work is required to show how far environmental conditions on the one hand, and hereditary factors on the other, are responsible for this phenomenon. Those species which exhibit alary dimorphism afford material for the study of the inheritance of the two types of wings, but only in a few cases has this method of research been utilized.

2007 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Ana Maya Goto Uyehara

At the end of XX century, the old age theme has been approached due to concern of the society with the quality of man’s life in the aging process and the fact of seniors correspond to a growing representative portion of the population in the quantitative point of view. So the aging changes in a problem that wins expressiveness and legitimacy in the field of the daily current concerns. This article intends to demonstrate that the work can articulate other life projects for the seniors and to avoid psychic pathologies in the old age that can appear due to the loss of personal identity, to the involvement lack in motivated activities or starting from the adoption of inadequate consumption ways or lifestyles. For this, this article assumes a line of preventive character explanation under two slopes: the first refers to the fact that, if the work ennobles the man, he must acquire or improve this individual competences, adapting them to the new demands of the job market to get a job, or even to reactivate his professional life because new life projects. The second slope follows the direction of the discovery of the seniors’ potentialities for the companies, which can adapt the qualities [and limitations] of this workers category to the various functions in the organization. The Brazilian entrepreneur needs to be attentive to the image of his company and the differential competitive that can distinguish it of the other companies. And this can be to employee senior people or to maintenance it in the company personnel staff.

2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 529-542 ◽  
Nuno Maia

This paper presents a reflection on a recently proposed solution to the problem of the free vibration response with the constant hysteretic damping model, that has been presented in some conferences in recent years, by the author himself and some of his colleagues. On the one hand, as expected, the subject has been received with natural criticism, mainly due to the well-known non-causal behaviour of the model in free vibration. On the other hand, it was not easy to understand what could be wrong in that proposal, as apparently everything was perfect from a mathematical point of view. The author decided that this subject deserved a more careful and detailed analysis and – in this kind of tutorial paper – the issue seems to have been clarified. It is concluded that the proposed solution involving the constant hysteretic damping corresponds in fact to an equivalent viscously damped model; it is therefore concluded that the application of the constant hysteretic damping to model the free vibration of practical engineering problems should be considered only in the perspective of an equivalent viscously damped model.

Alesya V. Demkina ◽  

The article deals with the relatively new rules of Art. 434.1 the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the conduct of negotiations. Taking into account the current wording of the said rule and the experience of foreign legislation on pre-contractual liability, the article argues for different theories justifying the nature of pre-contractual legal relations and liability and gives different positions of the authors on this issue. Proceeding from the doctrinal concept of obligation and characteristics of pre-contractual relations themselves the conclusion is made that these relations, firstly, are regulated by law and, secondly, they are not simply a legal relation but an obligation. It is based on certain actions of the negotiating partners that give rise to such an obliga-tion. As such, any action that is sufficiently certain (in some cases it may be required by law) and expresses the intention of the person to regard himself as negotiating with the addressee, who will in return perform the same sufficiently certain action, can be regarded as such. The specified characteristics of an action allow us to conclude that, from the point of view of classification of legal facts, this action is an act (because it is performed with a certain in-tention evident to other participants of civil turnover) and, moreover, it is also a transaction. Special rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation stipulate that the actions performed to enter into negotiations (for example, if the conclusion of a contract is binding on one party) or the actions of both partners entail legal consequences - the obligation to negotiate in good faith. The analysis of these legal relationships identifies three stages in their development, charac-terises them and attempts to answer more precisely the question of who can be a participant in the negotiation process depending on the stage of the negotiation process. The subject matter of an obligation arising during pre-contractual contacts will be actions aimed at negotiating and concluding a contract. The content of the obligation arising in the course of pre-contractual contacts, based on Art. 434.1 of the Civil Code will be the obligation to negotiate in good faith (paragraph 2 of the above rule). Assuming that the legislator provides an indicative list of actions that should fall within the scope of bad faith conduct, an indicative list of the "standard" of good faith conduct at the negotiation stage is given. This includes the obligation to provide full and truthful information to a party, including the reporting of circumstances that, due to the nature of the contract, must be brought to the attention of the other party (e.g. in a sale, all encumbrances on the subject of the contract must be reported). In addition, persons are obliged to negotiate only if they intend to conclude a contract, not to terminate negotiations suddenly and unjustifiably, and to take into account the rights and legitimate interests of the other party to the negotiation. The obligation under this obligation may also include a requirement not to disclose infor-mation obtained during the negotiation of the contract.

M. Nur Erdem

Violence has been a part of daily life in both traditional and digital media. Consequently, neither the existence of violence in the media nor the debates on this subject are new. On the other hand, the presentation of violence in fictional content should be viewed from a different point of view, especially in the context of aesthetization. Within this context, in this chapter, the serial of Penny Dreadful is analyzed. As analyzing method, Tahsin Yücel's model of the “space/time coordinates of narrative” is used. And the subject of “aestheticization of violence” is analyzed through a serial with the elements of person, space, and time. Thus, the role of not only physical beauty but also different components in the aestheticization of violence is examined.

Religions ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Barbara Aniela Bonar

In this paper, I explain the problem of the dreamer in the Zhuangzi. I aim to show that no difference exists between dreaming states and waking states because we have a fluctual relationship with these two stages. In both, “we are dreaming.” Put another way, from a psychoanalytical point of view, one stage penetrates the other and vice versa. The difference between dreaming and non-dreaming disappears because dreaming is a structural process. Also, from a psychoanalytical perspective, all confirmations and negations about dreams and non-dreams leads to one point: the being, or rather the becoming, of the subject. How does this solve the problem of the True Person/True Human Being (zhenren真人)? Does such a person have dreams or not? Does the True Person sleep without dreams, as we find in the Zhuangzi? From a psychoanalytic perspective, this is not possible. To prove this, I will present few passages from the Zhuangzi and offer a psychoanalytic explanation of them based on Jacques Lacan’s theory of the fantasy and desire.

1905 ◽  
Vol 51 (214) ◽  
pp. 576-580
George A. Rorie
Old Age ◽  

The last time I had the pleasure of addressing a meeting of this Division the subject I discussed was the different forms of insanity met with during the period of adolescence, and it was suggested that it would be interesting to investigate the cases at the other end of the scale—that is, those connected with the incidence of decay and old age, and to compare them with the previous cases.

1981 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-46 ◽  
D.P. Fourie

It is increasingly realized that hypnosis may be seen from an interpersonal point of view, meaning that it forms part of the relationship between the hypnotist and the subject. From this premise it follows that what goes on in the relationship prior to hypnosis probably has an influence on the hypnosis. Certain of these prior occurences can then be seen as waking suggestionns (however implicitly given) that the subject should behave in a certain way with regard to the subsequent hypnosis. A study was conducted to test the hypothesis that waking suggestions regarding post-hypnotic amnesia are effective. Eighteen female subjects were randomly divided into two groups. The groups listened to a tape-recorded talk on hypnosis in which for the one group amnesia for the subsequent hypnotic experience and for the other group no such amnesia was suggested. Thereafter the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale was administered to all subjects. Only the interrogation part of the amnesia item of the scale was administered. The subjects to whom post-hypnotic amnesia was suggested tended to score lower on the amnesia item than the other subjects, as was expected, but the difference between the mean amnesia scores of the two groups was not significant.

Dr.Hamid Suleiman Khalaf Kadhim

In human languages proverbs constitute a very important aspect of language use. Thus, they have been a subject of varying attention from different specialists: linguists and language users in general. Shakespeare is described as the most adroit user of proverbs in literature; therefore, his plays have been the subject of numerous scientific investigations, whereby from a linguistic point of view the focus has primarily been aimed at vocabulary and grammar. On the one hand, attention has been paid regularly to lexical items because Shakespeare is supposed to have been a great innovator of words due to his coinage of new lexemes and his usage of several unknown expressions. Linguistic studies have also been concerned with grammatical constructions which are typical of the English at Shakespeare’s time. Many writers employ proverbs in their works but Shakespeare is different in the way he employs proverbs which are used to serve different functions and to achieve different illocutionary acts. These proverbs are embedded in the flow of conversations and they may flout one or more than one of Grice‘s maxims. The present study aims at analyzing proverbs and explaining how far Grice’s cooperative principles (maxims) are abided by in Shakespeare’s proverbs as specified in the data. Proverbs are sometimes said to mean something else in addition to what is explicitly stated. Words may mean something beyond those intended by the speaker or the writer. These extra meanings might achieve or refer to different illocutionary acts. The study explores whether or not these illocutionary acts share certain structural features. In order to achieve the aims of the research, the following hypotheses have been proposed: Grice’s cooperative principle is frequently flouted in Shakespeare’s proverbs. The maxim of Quality seems to be flouted more than the other maxims. This maxim is mainly flouted by the use of metaphor. Shakespeare’s proverbs are also characterized by the use of the speech

The article is devoted to clarification of the phenomenon and logics included into the subject of forensic science. The author criticizes attempts of other commentators to extend the subject matter of this science as well as the statements about so-called crisis in forensic science in Russia. From the author’s point of view, there is no reason to speak about a crisis. At the same time, it is necessfry to specify the subject matter of forensic science. The author argues against extension of the subject matter of forensic science to the fields of civil procedure and arbitration. He believes that the main aim of science has been still to detect a trace picture of a crime. So, forensic science is primarily in the field of fighting crime. Only powerful bodies and officials carry out forensic activities. As for the other subjects (such as advocates) – they can only use the achievements of forensic sciences. The author analyzes positions of Russian (including Soviet) and German commentators. The analysis allowed the author to propose the definitions of forensic science and criminalistical (forensic) characteristics of crime.

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