Priscila Porchat-de-Assis Murolo
Dean A. Handley ◽  
Lanping A. Sung ◽  
Shu Chien

RBC agglutination by lectins represents an interactive balance between the attractive (bridging) force due to lectin binding on cell surfaces and disaggregating forces, such as membrane stiffness and electrostatic charge repulsion (1). During agglutination, critical geometric parameters of cell contour and intercellular distance reflect the magnitude of these interactive forces and the size of the bridging macromolecule (2). Valid ultrastructural measurements of these geometric parameters from agglutinated RBC's require preservation with minimal cell distortion. As chemical fixation may adversely influence RBC geometric properties (3), we used chemical fixation and cryofixation (rapid freezing followed by freeze-substitution) as a comparative approach to examine these parameters from RBC agglutinated with Ulex I lectin.

1997 ◽  
pp. 40-43
Natalia Fatyushyna

In the domestic literature, the beginnings of comparative ideas about supernatural belong to the writing of Kievan Rus. The most meaningful such representation is presented by "The Word of St. Gregory, reproduced in the interpretation of how the first pagans, that is, the pagans, worshiped the idols and laid them down, as they now do." The basis of this monument of the Kyivan culture of the 12th century, also known as the "Word of the Idols," was the sermon of the prominent patriarch Gregory the Theologian on the Epiphany, in which he reacted negatively to ancient paganism. But "The Word," as Y. Anichkov noted, is not a preaching, nor a translation of the thoughts of Gregory the Theologian, but an attempt to study Old Believers: it gives an interpretation of the work of the Byzantine theologian "in the interpretation" of the local paganism.

2010 ◽  
pp. 83-102 ◽  
M. Sasaki ◽  
Yu. Latov ◽  
G. Romashkina ◽  
V. Davidenko

This article offers economic and sociological theory of trust, embodying the idea of "social capital" by James Coleman. It also analyzes empirical data on personal and institutional trust obtained on the basis of nationwide opinion poll in the project "Comparative studies of trust in different countries during the period of globalization". The problem of trust is considered in the context of the international projects "World Values Survey" and "Trust Barometer" which made it possible to construct a mental world map of personal and institutional trust for various countries. It is shown that Russia has not a low, but a medium level of trust. In the mental world map some patterns were presented that reflect the basic trust as a form of social capital.

2016 ◽  
pp. 11-45
Nicola Aporti ◽  
Maria Eugenia Bartoloni ◽  
Angela Cossiri

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-80 ◽  
Lucile Gruntz ◽  
Delphine Pagès-El Karoui

Based on two ethnographical studies, our article explores social remittances from France and from the Gulf States, i.e. the way Egyptian migrants and returnees contribute to social change in their homeland with a focus on gender ideals and practices, as well as on the ways families cope with departure, absence and return. Policies in the home and host countries, public discourse, translocal networks, and individual locations within evolving structures of power, set the frame for an analysis of the consequences of migration in Egypt. This combination of structural factors is necessary to grasp the complex negotiations of family and gender norms, as asserted through idealized models, or enacted in daily practices in immigration and back home.

2010 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-290 ◽  
Susan Currell

Showing how ‘modernist cosmopolitanism’ coexisted with an anti-cosmopolitan municipal control this essay looks at the way utopian ideals about breeding better humans entered into new town and city planning in the early twentieth century. An experiment in eugenic garden city planning which took place in Strasbourg, France, in the 1920s provided a model for modern planning that was keenly observed by the international eugenics movement as well as city planners. The comparative approach taken in this essay shows that while core beliefs about degeneration and the importance of eugenics to improve the national ‘body’ were often transnational and cosmopolitan, attempts to implement eugenic beliefs on a practical level were shaped by national and regional circumstances that were on many levels anti-cosmopolitan. As a way of assuaging the tensions between the local and the global, as well as the traditional with the modern, this unique and now forgotten experiment in eugenic city planning aimed to show that both preservation and progress could succeed at the same time.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-48 ◽  
Iain Mackinnon

This article employs a new approach to studying internal colonialism in northern Scotland during the 18th and 19th centuries. A common approach to examining internal colonial situations within modern state territories is to compare characteristics of the internal colonial situation with attested attributes of external colonial relations. Although this article does not reject the comparative approach, it seeks to avoid criticisms that this approach can be misleading by demonstrating that promoters and managers of projects involving land use change, territorial dispossession and industrial development in the late modern Gàidhealtachd consistently conceived of their work as projects of colonization. It further argues that the new social, cultural and political structures these projects imposed on the area's indigenous population correspond to those found in other colonial situations, and that racist and racialist attitudes towards Gaels of the time are typical of those in colonial situations during the period. The article concludes that the late modern Gàidhealtachd has been a site of internal colonization where the relationship of domination between colonizer and colonized is complex, longstanding and occurring within the imperial state. In doing so it demonstrates that the history and present of the Gaels of Scotland belongs within the ambit of an emerging indigenous research paradigm.

1978 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-230
David Monaghan

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