Experiencial Learning; Learning Abilities That Enhance Problem Solving Ability
Problem solving is one of the most critical aspects of an organization and a well thought out approach to problem solving has a direct correlation to an organization performance. The study sought to establish the effect of the four Kolb learning abilities (Concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation) on problem solving ability of the administrators in a university setting in the academic registrar’s department. A cross sectional survey design was employed. The population consisted of all administrators in the Academic Registrar’s department registrar’s department in four Universities in Uganda. Using Kreicjie and Morgan Sample size determination table, out of the population of 191 administrators, a sample of 123 was drawn and 103 responded. Simple random sampling was employed to give equal chance to every administrator in the department .The findings indicate a significant association between all the Kolb learning abilities and problem solving while abstract conceptualization and active experimentation are predictors of problem solving. It is recommended that administrators in universities and similar organisations should be trained in abstract conceptualization and active conceptualization skills to enhance their problem solving ability. It is also recommended that further research be conducted in a larger sample of administrators.