development studies
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2022 ◽  
pp. 154231662110667
Henry Redwood ◽  
Tiffany Fairey ◽  
Jasmin Hasić

This article provides an analytical case study of a participatory youth-led filmmaking project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Using the conceptual framework of hybridity, it critically considers whether and to what extent youth centred, participatory arts projects can facilitate the emergence of a positive hybrid peace. It reflects on three themes—solidarity; creativity as politics; and participation as norm—that speak to the opportunities and challenges encountered during the project. The analysis demonstrates that while participatory arts have the potential to induce a more emancipatory vision of peace, that, and mirroring the warnings from development studies, their effects are not a given and challenges and blockages persist.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 164-180
Elfis Suanto ◽  
Armis Armis ◽  
Syarifah Nur Siregar

Penalaran matematis merupakan salah satu kemampuan matematis yang perlu dan penting dimiliki oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika. Penalaran matematis merupakan proses berpikir matematik dalam memperoleh kesimpulan matematis berdasarkan fakta-fakta, konsep dan metode yang relevan. Dilain pihak, fakta menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan penalaran matematis mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Matematika FKIP UNRI belum terlalu baik atau dapat dikatakan rendah terutama pada matakuliah Masalah Nilai Awal dan Syarat Batas (MNASB). Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh fakta rendahnya capaian hasil belajar mahasiswa pada matakuliah tersebut dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Kemudian, berhubung dengan wabah COVID-19 yang terjadi saat ini termasuk di Pekanbaru, Riau yang memaksa institusi-institusi pendidikan tatap muka untuk bertransformasi menjadi institusi pendidikan jarak jauh dengan sistim pembelajaran secara daring. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan tipe development studies dengan dua tahapan yaitu tahapan preliminary evaluation dan formative evaluation. Tujuan akhir penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk berupa E-Modul berbasis pendekatan experiential learning yang potensial untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematis mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa E-Modul yang dikembangkan sudah memenuhi apek validitas dan praktikalitas serta potensial untuk mengembangkan kemampuan penalaran matematis mahasiswa. E-Modul yang dikembangkan ini diharapkan sebagai contoh dan pedoman oleh dosen, mahasiswa dan institusi pendidikan tinggi dalam menyelenggarakan pembelajaran matematika yang berorientasi kemampuan penalaran matematis sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum. Bentuk soal pada E-Modul matakuliah MNASB yang diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran berupa soal-soal non rutin sehingga dapat mengasah kemampuan penalaran matematis mahasiswa.

Gülşah Coşkun Yaşar ◽  
Berna Aslan

The aim of this literature review study was to examine the historical development of the concept of curriculum theory, its reflections on curriculum development studies, and teaching-learning processes and also to attract the attention of the researchers to the area of curriculum theory which was seen to be left aside for years. The research was designed by reviewing the literature, and different theoretical perspectives on curriculum development studies in the USA which historically dominated the field since the early 1900’s and Turkey were examined. In the first phase, the explanation of the concepts of curriculum, theory, curriculum theory, the chaotic structure, and discussions in the literature regarding the terminology of these concepts were given. It was concluded that in the literature the concept of curriculum theory has been used synonymously with the concepts of curriculum beliefs, educational value orientations, curriculum ideologies, and curriculum orientations. In addition, the classification of curriculum theories, curriculum development studies in which the reflections of curriculum theories could be seen, and the studies conducted in Turkey and abroad on this subject were included in the study. Taking the limited number of studies on curriculum theories and their lack of variety into account, future studies on curriculum theory are considered to feed the intellectual background of the field and attract the attention of the researches to theories of curriculum, which will fill the gap in the literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Dewi Rawani

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan soal matematika tipe PISA konten space and shape. Konteks yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cabang olahraga softball yang terkategori valid, praktis serta mengetahui efek potensial soal tersebut terhadap kemampuan matematis siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Design research tipe Development studies yang terdiri dari preliminary dan formative evaluation. Alur desain formative evaluation meliputi: self evaluation, one to one dan expert review, small group, field test. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dokumentasi (rekaman video, foto), walk through, hasil tes dan wawancara. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan 4 unit soal matematika model PISA sebanyak 9 butir soal. Peneliti menggunakan konteks softball untuk meminta siswa mengestimasi luas daerah dalam (infield) pada lapangan softball. Bentuk luas daerah tersebut menyerupai gabungan bangun datar. Kriteria soal yang dinyatakan valid telah sesuai berdasarkan framework PISA, dalam hal ini divalidasi 3 expert review secara kualitatif; praktis, siswa mudah memahami soal. Berdasarkan hasil jawaban siswa, soal yang dikembangkan ini memiliki efek potensial diantaranya kemampuan penalaran dan argumen matematis, siswa dapat memahami ide-ide matematika dan menerapkan suatu perhitungan sederhana secara algoritmik dengan membuktikan kebenarannya. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 40-43
Norman Long

Jason García Portilla

AbstractThis chapter provides some brief concluding remarks.This study contributes to existing research in the sociology of religion and development studies fields by demonstrating the effect of the mutually reinforcing configuration of multiple prosperity triggers (religion–political–environment). Historical Protestantism largely influenced prosperity by promoting education, by secularising institutions, and by stabilising democracy. Protestantism has also proven highly influential in the successive historical law revolutions that gradually mitigated the power of pervasive feudal institutions and of papalist medieval canon law. In contrast, traditionally Roman Catholic countries have generally upheld a medieval model of extractivist institutions until anti-clerical (non-communist) movements were able to weaken this influence in some countries.

2021 ◽  
Lizzy Simpson

<p>The rise of the ‘precariat’ under neoliberalism has garnered the attention of development studies scholars. Drawing on and contributing to this literature, in this thesis I explore the lived experiences of solo mothers in Aotearoa New Zealand and their own precarity in relation to a neoliberal State. Through interviewing seven self-identified solo mothers in the Greater Wellington region, in this thesis I explore solo mothers negotiations with the State through the following areas: state welfare, child support, employment, and housing. I outline how the State often exacerbates the precarity of the research participants, but also highlight the different tactics the participants employ to enact their agency and push back against the State. Shifting the discursive focus of Development Studies from the ‘Global South’ to the ‘Global North’, the experiences of the participants highlight the very real issues of inequality manifesting in the ‘developed’ setting. Informed by the visions of the participants and the wider literature, this research contributes to scholarship in gender post-development studies, illustrating the need for a comprehensive, socialistic welfare state, and to methodologically see value in localising development research in a way that accounts for local complexities. In opposition to neoliberal discourse, this thesis calls for the valorisation of care work, to better account for the competing responsibilities of solo mothers and to lessen the precarity they experience in their everyday lives.</p>

2021 ◽  
Lizzy Simpson

<p>The rise of the ‘precariat’ under neoliberalism has garnered the attention of development studies scholars. Drawing on and contributing to this literature, in this thesis I explore the lived experiences of solo mothers in Aotearoa New Zealand and their own precarity in relation to a neoliberal State. Through interviewing seven self-identified solo mothers in the Greater Wellington region, in this thesis I explore solo mothers negotiations with the State through the following areas: state welfare, child support, employment, and housing. I outline how the State often exacerbates the precarity of the research participants, but also highlight the different tactics the participants employ to enact their agency and push back against the State. Shifting the discursive focus of Development Studies from the ‘Global South’ to the ‘Global North’, the experiences of the participants highlight the very real issues of inequality manifesting in the ‘developed’ setting. Informed by the visions of the participants and the wider literature, this research contributes to scholarship in gender post-development studies, illustrating the need for a comprehensive, socialistic welfare state, and to methodologically see value in localising development research in a way that accounts for local complexities. In opposition to neoliberal discourse, this thesis calls for the valorisation of care work, to better account for the competing responsibilities of solo mothers and to lessen the precarity they experience in their everyday lives.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 315-329
Cristiano Lanzano ◽  
Cecilia Navarra ◽  
Elena Vallino

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