scholarly journals Trade liberalization, Economic Growth and Poverty Level in Nigeria: Vector Auto-regression (VAR) Approach (1980-2009)

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 591-606 ◽  
Aremo Aremo

The paper examines the nexus among trade liberalization, economic growth and poverty level in Nigeria between 1980 and 2009 within the context of multivariate Vector Auto regression (VAR) with a view to establishing the links that exist among the three variables. The data series were also subjected to unit root and co integration tests to examine the properties of the data. The findings that emerged from the analyses showed that the interactions among trade liberalization, economic growth and poverty level suggest that economic growth had a positive impact on trade liberalization in Nigeria within the study period. Also, the interactions among trade liberalization, economic growth and poverty level were weak making the effect of trade liberalization on poverty to be low. This probability portrays the presence of some structural rigidity in the economy capable of preventing the impact of trade liberalization from being fully felt on poverty, particularly through economic growth channel. This suggests the presence of some institutional factors that create inherent problems in the economy that could largely frustrate any valid and sincere trade policies formulated by the government. It is therefore recommended that policy makers should be mindful of the fact that the Nigerian economy is structurally vulnerable; such that for any policy to succeed, the peculiar characteristics of the economy must be factored into the plan and rigorously evaluated for good policy effects.

Bertha Z. Osei-Hwedie ◽  
Napoleon Kurantin

Infrastructure development is considered a key factor in promoting economic growth and attracting foreign investors for sustainable production and productivity. Conversely, inadequate levels of infrastructure constrain economic growth, a situation developing countries find themselves in. This requires the government to invest in infrastructure supplemented by external financing. This chapter, therefore, discusses how levels of infrastructure development affect economic growth in Ghana, since 1986 to date. The focus is on road transport infrastructure and its impact on economic growth under successive Ghanaian governments. Using the Cobb-Douglas production function and Vector Auto-regression (VAR) approach our analysis shows a positive relationship between infrastructure development and economic growth. This explains governments' improved allocation and expenditure on infrastructure development and maintenance in the 2000s. Ghana governments' attempts to plan and prioritize development of infrastructure, roads in particular, and create a culture of maintenance are targeted at raising the country's competitiveness and attractiveness to foster growth of all sectors of the economy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 151 ◽  
Chin-Hong Puah ◽  
Meng-Chang Jong ◽  
Norazirah Ayob ◽  
Shafinar Ismail

The local and international communities play an important role in the sustainable growth of the Malaysian tourism industry. The principle of sustainable growth in the tourism industry was proposed by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in 1988. As the tourism industry is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in Malaysia, the government has poured considerable effort into promoting this industry consistent with the objective of the Economic Transformation Program (ETP) to transform from a resource-based economy to a service-based economy. This study aimed to test the hypothesis of tourism-led growth from Malaysia’s perspective. The tourism revenue earned by the government can be used to invest in industry to further promote economic growth in Malaysia. Hence, tourist receipts and capital investment in the tourism industry are important factors that can affect the nation’s economic growth. Utilizing Malaysian data from 1995 to 2016, the study employed the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to examine whether the tourism-led growth is valid in this study. Empirical findings indicated that both variables have a significant positive impact on economic growth and the hypothesis of tourism-led growth is accepted in Malaysia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78
Muhammad Kholis ◽  
Diah Astuti ◽  
Rini Febrianti

Some previous studies suggested pros and cons regarding the correlation between investment and economic growth. The study is to determined if investment in Indonesia has a positive influence on the economic growth in Indonesia. This study uses a Vector Auto Regression/ VAR. Variables used in this study include economic growth, investment growth, export growth and import growth. The calculations show that investment growth and export growth has a positive effect on economic growth, whereas import growth has a negative effect on economic growth in Indonesia. These results indicate that the driver of economic growth is investment and exports. Thus, the government must create a climate to increase the role of investment in economic growth.   Beberapa kajian terdahulu menyatakan adanya pro dan kontra mengenai korelasi antara investasi dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Hipotesis yang ingin dibuktikan dalam kajian ini adalah investasi di Indonesia memiliki pengaruh yang positif dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Vector Auto Regression (VAR). Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain pertumbuhan ekonomi, pertumbuhan investasi, pertumbuhan ekspor dan pertumbuhan impor. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan investasi dan pertumbuhan ekspor memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, sebaliknya pertumbuhan impor memiliki pengaruh negative terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah investasi dan ekspor. Dengan demikian pemerintah harus menciptakan iklim untuk meningkatkan peran investasi dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55
Neli Aida ◽  
Fadeli Yusuf Afif ◽  
Tantri Siwi Peni

This study aims to analyze the impact of the global crisis that occurred in 2008 on economic growth, the trigger for the crisis, namely an increase in credit accumulation in a large amount and in a short time in the United States (US), this increase led to an increase in bad credit so that it was quite large in the world economy. Economic growth, the global crisis, investment, exports, and labor are variables that will be obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the Investment Coordinating Board, and others. The result of the unit root test and cointegration shows that the Error Correction Model is the chosen model. The results showed that the global crisis had a significant and negative impact on economic growth in Indonesia, while exports, labor, and investment had a significant and positive impact. Therefore, the government must maintain the balance of the economy to prevent a crisis, as well as the need to encourage investment, exports, and human resources to encourage increased economic growth.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-48 ◽  
Onyinye I. Anthony-Orji ◽  
Anthony Orji ◽  
Jonathan E. Ogbuabor ◽  
Emmanuel Nwosu

The current decline in global oil prices and the attendant economic distortions it has caused in many oil-dependent economies, such as Nigeria, have become a cause of concern to researchers and economic managers alike. This research work, therefore, investigates the impact of non-oil export (NOIL) on capital formation and economic growth in Nigeria. It adopts a classical linear macroeconomic model using aggregate data time series from 1980 to 2013. Empirical results from the estimated model show that NOIL has a positive impact on capital formation and economic growth in Nigeria, respectively. However, the level of statistical significance differs between capital formation and economic growth. The study, therefore, recommends that there is a need for diversification of the economy as this will go a long way in boosting the growth of the Nigerian economy. Furthermore, the government should create an enabling environment that will ensure the survival and functioning of the ailing industries in order to diversify the economy. Finally, the problem of infrastructural deficits (water supply, transport system, telecommunication and energy) should be tackled by massive public expenditure and private investment, as this will enhance productivity in the non-oil sectors.

Kateryna Pugachevska ◽  

Research on the impact of the external component on economic growth shows the prevailing view of the positive impact of foreign trade and its liberalization on economic growth. At the same time, discussions on trends in foreign trade liberalization are part of the issue of contradictory impact of free cross-border movement of goods, capital and labor on the economic development. The majority of sources on endogenous growth contains a range of models for the relationship between trade restrictions and economic growth. Therefore, the aim of the article is to study trade restrictions in the context of foreign trade liberalization. At a high level of economic development, the liberalization of the economy allows to increase the benefits of foreign trade, but the issues related to the opening of national markets in the economic periphery remain controversial. The article considers the essence and classification of foreign trade restrictions. The views of scholars of leading economic schools on the relationship between trade liberalization and economic growth have been represented. It has been determined, that the main trends in the liberalization of foreign trade are: expanding the scope of regulatory measures by both national governments and global trade institutions; coordination and intensification of international cooperation in the areas of multilateral liberalization of foreign trade; growing non-tariff barriers to the development of international trade. The results of the study allow to deepen the understanding of the peculiarities of ensuring national economic interests in the conditions of dynamization of foreign trade. Key words: trade restrictions, national economic interests, import regulation, foreign trade liberalization, tariff and non-tariff restrictions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Yuliati Yuliati ◽  
Alisman Alisman ◽  
Bukhari Bukhari

The role of village-owned enterprisesis an institution managed by the government and the village community which aims to strengthen the village economy. This research was conducted for see the impact of village-owned enterprises in overcoming poverty in Peunaga Pasi village, Meureubo sub-district, West Aceh district year 2020. This study aims to determine the impact of village-owned enterprises in overcoming poverty. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative, using a sample of 22 respondents.the results of this study indicate that village-owned enterprises have a positive impact on poverty. the existence of village-owned enterprises has reduced the poverty level of the community in the village of Peunaga Pasi, Meureubo sub- district, West Aceh district

2021 ◽  
Anthony Orji ◽  
Jonathan E. Ogbuabor ◽  
Chiamaka F. Okolomike ◽  
Onyinye I. Anthony-Orji

Abstract This paper empirically investigated the impact of foreign capital inflows and financial development on economic growth in ECOWAS countries. The study made use of quarterly data series from 2000 to 2017 for the analysis. Adopting the panel fixed-effect regression, the empirical results showed that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), net domestic credit (CRE), Gross Capital Formation (GCF), and Foreign Aid (AID) increase economic growth in ECOWAS region while labour force (LF) and Trade Openness (OPEN) revealed otherwise. The study therefore recommended that concerned policy makers in the ECOWAS region should pursue financial deepening and strengthen policies that will enhance the operations of the financial system. Also member countries should create a conducive socio-political and economic environment for foreign investors to invest in the economies. This can be done by reducing the corruption prevalent in the system, ethnic unrest, introduction of tax holidays, stability of policies introduced by the government, among others. In this era of Covid-19 many have lost their jobs and the economy of ECOWAS needs to be revitalized by following these economic prescriptions, among others.JEL Classification: F21; F36; F38; F43; G15; O16

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Nguyen Thi Van Anh ◽  
Hoang Thanh Tung ◽  
Vu Thuy Hien

In 2010, Vietnam achieved a total import-export turnover of US $ 154 billion, but by 2019, that number increased more than tripled, reaching over $ 500 billion. In 2020, while the context of complicated developments of the outbreak COVID-19 in the world, disrupting supply chain in international trade, Vietnam's merchandise exports remained the rising trend and exerted a positive impact on economic growth. In the article, the research team will present the results of examining the current situation of Vietnam's exports and economic growth in the period 2005 - 2019 and the first 9 months of 2020. By using Eview8 software to analyze the data series compiled every quarter in the period 2005 - 2019, the research team evaluated the impact of exports on Vietnam's economic growth in this period and pointed out some problems for export activities of Vietnam. Besides, the research team also considers the opportunities and challenges for export activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the research team made some recommendations to boost Vietnam's exports in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Nemer Badwan ◽  
Mohammed Atta

The study aims to investigate and examine the impact of International Capital Flows and other Financial Flows on Economic Growth in Palestine during the period (2007-2018). This study also included trends and methods of forming Capital Flows and Financial Capital Flows. The study used the appropriate descriptive and analytical approach by the authors for the purposes and requirements of the research to investigate the real results and required. The researchers used the time intervals method, and the study concluded that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI), Large Loans (World Bank), Worker Remittances (WR), Foreign Affairs Borrowing and Financial Grants (GR) have a noticeable positive impact on Economic Growth in Palestine. The study made several important and useful recommendations, the most notably: That Palestinian Government must lay down and establish lighter and comfortable rules and regulations for investors to attract more investors and Foreign Investments to Palestine. Besides, the Palestinian Government must work hard side by side with the other Developed Countries for reaching better Economic Development and increasing a good rate. To achieve a good rate of Economic Growth, the government must work hard to create job opportunities for citizens to reduce the high Unemployment rate in the country. The Government should improve the standard of living and competitiveness in global markets and obtain a sufficient share in the International Financial Markets, so the Government must work to provide new opportunities for Global Markets Integration by creating a good environment to increase Economic Growth and Technology Development.

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