scholarly journals Forest Management Issues Wild Forest Conservation Biology and Public Policy William S. Alverson Walter Kuhlman Donald M. Waller

BioScience ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 46 (9) ◽  
pp. 697-698
Roger C. Anderson
2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012082
S Megawati ◽  
M A Mahdiannur

Abstract The Ammatoa Kajang indigenous community maintain cultural authenticity from generation to generation, especially in protecting and preserving customary forests from the threat of damage. This research aims to describe the implementation of forest conservation policies based on local wisdom of the Ammatoa Kajang indigenous community. The research method uses a literature/library study approach. Reference documents from 2001-2021. Data analysis methods with data minimization, data visualization, data analysis, and data validation and concluding. The results of the research showed that the Kajang orthodox community in day-to-day forest management is guided by the Pasang ri Kajang, which contains rules, implementation and sanctions for all forms of forest utilization and management, monitoring tools and control over all activities related to forestry, positively correlated with forestry policies governance. The concept of customary forest management is to divide the forest into three areas with certain specifications and rules as well as prohibited from destroying flora and fauna. In the end, the forest is sustainable and indigenous community behave sustainably; it can be concluded that the implementation of forest conservation policies based on local wisdom of the Ammatoa Kajang indigenous community is going well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Evi Apriana ◽  
Achmad Munandar ◽  
Nuryani Y Rustaman ◽  
Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti

Acehnese local wisdom-based contextual approach has never been used in learning. Incorporating Acehnese local wisdom into the study of conservation biology will greatly assist the process of raising awareness among students and the community about the importance of nature conservation, being able to clarify customary rules and rules about human relations with the natural environment. Therefore, it is very necessary to the development of conservation biology lecture program through Acehnese local wisdom-based contextual approach to improve environmental literacy and conservation measures. This study aimed to collect information relating to the development of conservation biology lecture program through Acehnese local wisdom-based contextual approach through lectures that examine issues of forest conservation biology and terrestrial environments Aceh. This research applies qualitative research design (Qualitative Research), conducted the analysis of the development related to environmental issues and Acehnese local wisdom. From the analysis of the results showed that the development of conservation biology lecture program through Acehnese local wisdom-based contextual approach has the characteristics (lectures studying the problems of forest conservation biology and terrestrial environments Aceh; learning Acehnese local wisdom-based contextual approach effective, integrated in the lectures and field activities to clarify the learning in the classroom; emphasis on the ability of the knowledge and skills that students care about the forest and terrestrial environment, develop environmental literacy and conservation measures are real), component (using a variety of learning methods and media), structure (meetings, concepts and sub concepts, learning process, learning objectives, learning strategies, billing tasks, and extra activities), and evaluation (procedures and evaluation tools: evaluation process using lectures observation, evaluation of learning outcomes using test (environmental literacy), and conservation measures using guidelines observation conservation measures). Abstrak Pendekatan kontekstual berbasis kearifan lokal Aceh belum pernah digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Memasukkan kearifan lokal Aceh ke dalam pembelajaran biologi konservasi akan sangat membantu proses penyadartahuan mahasiswa dan masyarakat tentang arti penting pelestarian alam, dapat memperjelas aturan-aturan adat dan kaidah-kaidah tentang hubungan manusia dengan alam lingkungannya. Dengan demikian sangat diperlukan adanya pengembangan program perkuliahan biologi konservasi dengan pendekatan kontekstual berbasis kearifan lokal Aceh untuk meningkatkan literasi lingkungan dan tindakan konservasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan program perkuliahan biologi konservasi dengan pendekatan kontekstual berbasis kearifan lokal Aceh melalui kegiatan perkuliahan yang mengkaji permasalahan biologi konservasi hutan dan lingkungan terestrial Aceh. Penelitian ini menerapkan desain penelitian kualitatif (Qualitative Research), dilakukan analisis pengembangan yang berhubungan dengan isu-isu lingkungan dan kearifan lokal Aceh. Dari analisis pengembangan ini diperoleh hasil bahwa program perkuliahan biologi konservasi dengan pendekatan kontekstual berbasis kearifan lokal Aceh mempunyai karakteristik (kegiatan perkuliahan mengkaji permasalahan biologi konservasi hutan dan lingkungan terestrial Aceh; pembelajaran dengan pendekatan kontekstual berbasis kearifan lokal Aceh yang efektif, terintegrasi dalam perkuliahan dan kegiatan lapangan yang dapat memperjelas pembelajaran di kelas; menekankan pada kemampuan pengetahuan dan keterampilan agar mahasiswa peduli terhadap hutan dan lingkungan terestrial; mengembangkan literasi lingkungan dan tindakan konservasi secara nyata), komponen (menggunakan metode dan media pembelajaran yang bervariasi), struktur (pertemuan, konsep dan sub konsep, proses pembelajaran, tujuan pembelajaran, strategi pembelajaran, tagihan tugas, dan kegiatan ekstra), dan evaluasi (prosedur dan alat evaluasi: evaluasi proses menggunakan pedoman observasi kegiatan perkuliahan, evaluasi hasil belajar menggunakan tes (literasi lingkungan), dan tindakan konservasi menggunakan pedoman observasi tindakan konservasi). Kata kunci:     pengembangan program perkuliahan biologi konservasi, pendekatan kontekstual berbasis kearifan lokal Aceh, isu-isu lingkungan, literasi lingkungan, tindakan konservasi

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 635 ◽  
Tyler Reeves ◽  
Bin Mei ◽  
Jacek Siry ◽  
Pete Bettinger ◽  
Susana Ferreira

We examine the attributes of working forest conservation easements in Georgia. Easement contracts and baseline reports are inspected to investigate easement themes, land use types, recreation opportunities, hydrological features, and forest management activity. Easement themes are heavily weighted towards themes of protecting natural habitat and preserving the conservation values of properties. Predominant land use types include wildlife food plots, bottomland hardwoods, and planted pine stands. Common hydrological features found were small creeks/streams and ponds. Lastly, forest management was characterized as having small amounts of restrictions present, with forest management being largely similar to other unencumbered property in the southeastern USA. This information can be used as a reference for landowners interested in establishing a working forest conservation easement (WFCE) on their property as well as a tool for comparison for researchers investigating easement characteristics in other regions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-22 ◽  
Alessandro Paletto ◽  
Jessica Balest ◽  
Isabella Demeo ◽  
Grazia Giacovelli ◽  
Gianluca Grilli

AbstractIn European countries, current forest use aims to enhance goods and services supplied by forest ecosystems, taking into account the multiple needs and interests of society through a participatory process. A successful participatory process requires a thorough analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions and preferences. The aim of this paper is to investigate the differences between stakeholders’ perceived influence and real power in forest management. A questionnaire survey was carried out among 51 forest stakeholders in a case study in the Italian Alps. Perceived influence was measured by asking stakeholders to rate on a 5-point scale the extent to which they can influence forest management issues. Real power was analyzed using social network analysis (SNA), investigating the relationships that stakeholders have with each other in the network. Real power was measured using a Freeman’s degree centrality measure, which focuses on the direct ties coming in and out for each stakeholder. The results show that public administration is the category of stakeholders with the most power in all forest management issues, while the actors of the tourism sector are in a marginal position. In addition, the results of the study suggest that in many cases stakeholders have a distorted perception of their own power.

2006 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39 ◽  
Qiang Wang ◽  
Xiao Ruan ◽  
Cun-De Pan ◽  
Ning-Yi Xu ◽  
Xia Luo ◽  

A case study of the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) in the western region of Tianshan Mountain was undertaken between 2001 and 2003. Data on the geographic, climatic, ecological, and social economy background of the study area were collected. The impact of the NFCP on the forest, soil, water, and biodiversity in the study area were analyzed and evaluated. The results show that a complete logging ban in the study area cannot replace sustainable forest management; a more flexible policy should be adopted to resolve technical, social and economic problems associated with the complete and suddenly implemented logging ban. In order to strengthen the long-term sustainability of the NFCP, public awareness and funding support China should be increased. Key words: sustainability, Natural Forest Conservation Program, NFCP, forest management, Tianshan Mountain

Kharisma Nugroho ◽  
Fred Carden ◽  
Hans Antlov

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book explores the critical role that local knowledge plays in public policy processes as well as its role in the co-production of policy relevant knowledge with the scientific and professional communities. The authors consider the mechanisms used by local organisations and the constraints and opportunities they face, exploring what the knowledge-to-policy process means, who is involved and how different communities can engage in the policy process. Ten diverse case studies are used from around Indonesia, addressing issues such as forest management, water resources, maritime resource management and financial services. By making extensive use of quotes from the field, the book allows the reader to ‘hear’ the perspectives and beliefs of community members around local knowledge and its effects on individual and community life.

1999 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-139 ◽  
Christopher Opio

A wildland-urban interface is a complex and dynamic zone which makes it a very difficult and uncertain area in which to practice forestry. The difficulty stems from, among other things, lack of an effective two-way communication system between forestry organizations and the affected publics, and from the differential value systems and social standards held by the publics in the wildland-urban domain. The complexity of, and approaches to solving, forest management issues in West Bragg Creek, a wildland-urban setting in Alberta, are examined in this paper,. The public consultation model is proposed and discussed as one strategy to minimize forest management conflicts in West Bragg Creek. Key words: forest management, wildland-urban interface, West Bragg Creek, public consultation model, Alberta

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