Federal Control over Industry

1922 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 432-443
Nathan Isaacs

Legal history teaches two doctrines, which seem at first glance diametrically opposed to each other, with reference to the current agitation concerning the dangers of federal encroachment. First, that the agitation, in so far as it is called out by a temporary accidental state of affairs due to the war, is ephemeral. On the other hand, the essential facts involved are of a type that are always with us. In other words, federal encroachment, when stripped of the mask and guise that temporarily makes it seem dreadful, is a perfectly natural phenomenon quite familiar to students of Anglo-American law, and, for that matter, of other legal systems.

It was hardly to be expected but that an attempt to demonstrate the inconveniences arising from daily increasing competition in the business of life assurance should meet with resistance and reprobation. The large number of persons interested in novel undertakings of the character in question would naturally feel themselves aggrieved at statements which went to prove that such undertakings were mischievous because they could not be successful, and which sought to demonstrate their hopelessness of success by an expose of their actual condition; on the other hand, it is not much to be wondered at, that minds familiar only with a state of affairs so wholly different should regard with anxiety and alarm a succession of enterprises threatening not merely to encroach on their own field of operation, but, by a series of failures, to bring all alike into general suspicion and discredit. As in most other controversies, much allowance is to be made on either side. The interests of the two parties are probably not altogether antagonistic, but they can scarcely fail to come into serious collision unless placed under more carefully devised regulations than at present exist.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Farihan Aulia ◽  
Sholahuddin Al-Fatih

The legal system or commonly referred to as the legal tradition, has a wealth of scientific treasures that can be examined in more depth through a holistic and comprehensive comparative process. Exactly, the comparison of the legal system must accommodate at least three legal systems that are widely used by countries in the world today. The three legal systems are the Continental European legal system, Anglo American and Islamic Law. The comparative study of the three types of legal systems found that the history of the Continental European legal system is divided into 6 phases, while Anglo American legal history began in the feudalistic era of England until it developed into America and continues to be studied until now. Meanwhile, the history of Islamic law is divided into 5 phases, starting from the Phase of the Prophet Muhammad to the Resurrection Phase (19th century until nowadays). In addition to history, the authors find that the Continental European legal system has the characteristic of anti-formalism thinking, while the Anglo American legal thinking characteristic tends to be formalism and is based on a relatively primitive mindset. While the thinking character of Islamic Law is much influenced by the thought of the fuqoha (fiqh experts) in determining the law to solve a problem, so relatively dynamic and moderate.

Michael Lobban

The Anglo-American law of obligations was profoundly reshaped in the two centuries after 1800, driven by social and economic changes, and changes in legal institutions and doctrines. In contract law, nineteenth-century jurists increasingly sought to put the rules of law into a coherent rational framework (inspired by continental models resting on will theory), though they soon found that this theory could not explain many contractual doctrines. In tort law, jurists were also divided over whether unifying principles underlying tort could be uncovered, with formalist efforts to find such principles being challenged by Realists who argued that tort was in effect ‘public law in disguise’. The quest for underlying principles was also pursued by scholars of unjust enrichment, first in the United States and subsequently in England; though as in the other areas of obligations, by the end of the twentieth century, there was no consensus on whether this was possible.

Joshua C. Gellers

Could robots have rights? On the one hand, robots are becoming increasingly human-like in appearance and behavior. On the other hand, legal systems around the world are increasingly recognizing the rights of nonhuman entities. Observing these macro-level trends, in this paper I present an ecological framework for evaluating the conditions under which some robots might be considered eligible for certain rights. I argue that a critical, materialist, and broadly ecological interpretation of the environment, along with decisions by jurists establishing or upholding the rights of nature, support extension of rights to nonhuman entities like robots.

1949 ◽  
Vol 9 (03) ◽  
pp. 331-351 ◽  
Anthony Steel

It is a traditional view among historians that nothing so be-devilled Anglo-American relations in their early days as the British wartime practice of impressing seamen. True, the British never asserted any right to impress persons who were not British subjects, but on the other hand such persons often claimed to be American citizens, and it was frequently very difficult to determine whether they really were so or not. Moreover, alleged British subjects were pursued by the Royal Navy on to neutral ships, not only in British ports and waters but also on the high seas, as well as on to British merchant ships and privateers, even when these were lying in neutral harbours. Finally, American naturalization papers were not respected by the British before 1870; until then the rule was, ‘once a British subject always a British subject’. The result was that, according to American official estimates, at least 2410 genuine Americans were impressed by the British between 1792 and 1802, and a further 6057 between 1802 and the beginning of 1812. The latter figure is probably an underestimate, and the grand total of impressed men for whom some colour of American citizenship existed may perhaps reach 10,000. Very many contemporary Americans believed it to be five or six times as much—with no shadow of doubt about the citizenship—but most American historians would now admit that such beliefs were ill-founded.

2003 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-217
Shael Herman

The first part of this article appeared in the first issue of this volume of the Edinburgh Law Review. The article explores the regulation of specific performance of sales by reference to Spain and the USA and speculates on the interaction of these municipal laws with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The first part compared Spanish and United States approaches to specific performance. In this second part the CISG's approach to specific performance is examined with the goal of inquiring, on one hand, whether the drafters have successfully accounted for both Anglo-American and Romano-Germanic preferences, or, on the other hand, whether the CISG's synthesis of the preferences is faulty and manifests incompatible goals that may be difficult to harmonise. Recent US decisions on specific performance under the CISG are discussed as well as some of the assumptions underlying the reasoning processes of US courts in commercial cases. The final section speculates on reasons for the intensity of the rivalry between proponents of specific performance as a primary remedy and those favouring damages as a primary remedy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 598
Khairuddin Hasballah ◽  
Andi Darna ◽  
Wardana Said ◽  
Hajarul Akbar ◽  
Ihdi Karim Makinara ◽  

This study discusses the way in determining ‘illat through the munasabah method proposed by Imam al-Ghazali in the perspective of Islamic law. The study focuses on two main problems: the identification of ‘illat through munasabah and the legal formulation to utilize hikmat to obtain ‘illat according to al-Ghazali. This normative legal research used a legal history approach as an analytical tool to examine the Islamic scholars’ thoughts on concepts, theories and ways of doing istinbath. The study concluded that according to al-Ghazali there are three kinds of munasabah in determining ‘illat, consisting of munasib mu’atstsir, munasab mula’im, and munasib gharib. In munasib mu’atstsir, there is no issue found in seeking ‘illat because the ‘illat is understood directly from the nash or ijma’. Therefore, munasabah is no longer needed in the determining ‘illat. Here, the munasabah method focuses on munasib mula’im and munasib gharib in identifying ‘illat. Munasib mula’im seeks for the genus ‘illat, an ‘illat drawn from every event that has been predetermined by the nash, by examining the same hikmah in each of the events. Such hikmah is then used as the genus ‘illat which will later be applied as qiyas for other events that have been legally stipulated by the nash. On the other hand, munasib gharib seeks for the species ‘illat, an ‘illat obtained from an event that has been predetermined by the nash, with no comparison found in other events. ‘Illat determined from munasib gharib is also hikmah, having no concrete nature. In the perspective of legal history, this method of seeking ‘illat is inseparable from kalam and philosophy as was the development of the Islamic sciences at the time. As such, this had also affected al-Ghazali’s mastery in Islamic law as well as in other Islamic disciplines. 

Mochamad Chaeran ◽  

<p>Tsunami is a natural phenomenon that occurs suddenly. This occurs due to tectonic earthquakes, they are fault tectonic earthquake rises and a fault tectonic earthquake downs. The epicenter of the earthquakes is on the seabed with the strength of the earthquake &gt; 6 on the Richter scale. But, the biggest and most dangerous impact of the tsunami is at the port or at the beach. In fault tectonic earthquakes rises is occurs when high waves approach the port and ships that are close to the port or someone who are leaning on the harbor can be blown ashore or even be reversed back to the sea. This could take a lot of casualties. In the other hand, tsunami due to fault tectonic earthquakes downs is occurs the seawater near the beach suddenly receded so that the fish seemed to flounder, which was feared by many fishermen to catch fish, at the interval of 20 minutes came high waves reaching up to 10 m which could took a lot of casualties. The impact of the tsunami on a ship is when she is the middle of the sea then came high wave. The ship can oscillate and if she is a small ship, she can be thrown into the middle of the sea and could be hit by high waves after high waves which could cause accidents or the ship to move towards the port and hit the port or something at the port.</p><p><strong>Keywords : Tsunami, Ship Accident, Watchful</strong></p><p>Tsunami merupakan gejala alam yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba, hal ini terjadi disebabkan karena adanya gempa bumi tektonik, yaitu gempa bumi tektonik sesar naik dan gempa bumi tektonik sesar turun. Pusat gempa bumi di dasar laut dengan kekuatan gempa &gt; 6 skala richter. Percobaan bom nuklir di dasar laut, longsoran material di dasar laut dan adanya tsunami disebabkan gempa bumi tektonik di dasar laut. Dampak yang paling besar dan berbahaya akibat tsunami adalah di pelabuhan atau di pinggir pantai. Tsunami akibat gempa bumi tektonik sesar turun. Saat terjadi gempa, air laut dekat pantai mendadak surut sehingga ikan-ikan terlihat menggelepar yang dikhawatirkan banyak nelayan ramai-ramai menangkap ikan, kemudian selang waktu 20 menit datang ombak besar dan tinggi mencapai 10 m sehingga memakan banyak korban jiwa, sedangkan pada gempa tektonik sesar naik gelombang tinggi langsung menuju pantai sehingga korban jiwa juga cukup banyak. Dampak tsunami pada kapal yaitu saat berada di tengah laut gelombang tinggi menghantam kapal, kapal bisa terombang-ambing dan apabila kapal kecil bisa tenggelam. Jika kapal berada dekat pelabuhan, saat terjadi tsunami akibat gempa bumi tektonik sesar turun, kapal akan bergerak ke tengah laut kemudian akan dihantam ombak besar dengan gelombang tinggi dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kecelakaan kapal atau kapal bergerak menuju pelabuhan dan akan menabrak sesuatu yang ada di pelabuhan. Pada gempa bumi tektonik sesar naik, ombak dengan gelombang tinggi akan bergerak ke pelabuhan, kapal yang berada dekat dengan pelabuhan atau yang sedang bersandar di pelabuhan bisa terhempas ke darat dan bahkan bisa terbalik.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci : Tsunami, Kecelakaan Kapal, Waspada</strong></p>

Alireza Milani ◽  
Mehdi Rezaee Moghadam

In accordance with the inefficiency of imprisonment punishments in reforming and rehabilitating the prisoners, also due to the criminal environment of the prisons, economic costs of the prison and damages caused by imprisoning the head of the household, contradiction with the principle of personal punishment, health and mental problems existing and the like, are some of the problems which have created serious challenges for the imprisonment punishments. Hence, attempts for employing other punishments as alternatives to the imprisonment punishment have drawn the attention of various countries and legal systems. Accordingly, today the Iranian criminal policy makers, in line with dis-imprisonment and prohibiting the indiscriminate use of imprisonment punishment have begun to enact a law in which a chapter has been assigned to alternatives of the imprisonment punishment and prediction of a half freedom system. This paper, while introducing and investigating alternative punishments of imprisonment in the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 concludes that not only is transparent and clear rules and regulations necessary in this area, but also a successful enforcement of these laws requires an appropriate culture building in the society. On the other hand, the issue of alternatives should be institutionalized among the judges.

Сергей Николаевич Касаткин

В статье автор обращается к исследованию «тезиса правильного ответа», предложенного выдающимся американским правоведом Рональдом Майлзом Дворкином (1931-2013). Р. Дворкин высказывал мысль о том, что в развитых правовых системах всегда имеется предзаданный единственно верный ответ на любой юридический вопрос. Актуальность темы исследования связана, с одной стороны, с теоретической фундаментальностью и практической ценностью воззрений американского правоведа, с другой - с их оригинальностью и провокативностью по отношению к традиционным теориям права. Новизна исследования обусловлена малой изученностью данной темы в отечественном правоведении, а равно обращением к проблеме применимости «тезиса правильного ответа» Р. Дворкина за пределами англо-американского права (что составляет основную цель работы). В статье на базе общенаучных методов фиксируются основные позиции и аргументы Р. Дворкина, связанные с «тезисом правильного ответа», изучается его применимость к российскому праву, в том числе к объяснению российского уголовного судопроизводства. Автор высказывает мнение о возможности существования в правовой системе единственно верного ответа, отмечая при этом отсутствие универсальности или необходимости такого положения дел. Подчеркивается некорректность безоговорочного применения тезиса Р. Дворкина как в качестве общего принципа или аксиомы российского права, так и в качестве более частной характеристики нормативных начал и институциональной практики назначения уголовных наказаний. In the article, the author refers to the study of the « correct answer thesis » proposed by the prominent American jurist, Ronald Myles Dworkin (1931-2013). R. Dvorkin expressed the idea that in developed legal systems there is always a predetermined only correct answer to any legal question. The relevance of the research topic is connected, on the one hand, with the theoretical fundamental and practical value of the views of the American jurist, on the other - with their originality and provocation in relation to traditional theories of law. The novelty of the study is due to the low level of study of this topic in Russian law, as well as the appeal to the problem of the applicability of the « correct answer thesis » by R. Dvorkin outside of Anglo-American law (which is the main goal of the work). The article uses General scientific methods to fix the main positions and arguments of R. Dvorkin related to the « correct answer thesis » , and examines its applicability to Russian law, including the explanation of Russian criminal proceedings. The author expresses the opinion that the only correct answer can exist in the legal system, while noting the lack of universality or the need for such a state of affairs. The author emphasizes the incorrectness of the unconditional application of R. Dvorkin's thesis both as a General principle or axiom of Russian law, and as a more specific characteristic of the normative principles and institutional practice of assigning criminal penalties.

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