Early-Winter Habitat of Woodland Caribou, Selkirk Mountains, British Columbia

1989 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 238 ◽  
Eric M. Rominger ◽  
John L. Oldemeyer
1990 ◽  
Vol 68 (12) ◽  
pp. 2691-2694 ◽  
Eric M. Rominger ◽  
John L. Oldemeyer

Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in the southern Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia shift from a diet of primarily vascular taxa during snow-free months to an arboreal lichen – conifer diet during late winter. We present evidence that caribou diets, during the early-winter transition period, are influenced by snow accumulation rates. Caribou shift to an arboreal lichen – conifer diet earlier during winters of rapid snow accumulation and forage extensively on myrtle boxwood (Pachistima myrsinites), an evergreen shrub, and other vascular plants during years of slower snow accumulation. The role of coniferous forage in early-winter food habits is examined. Forest management strategies can be developed to provide habitat that will enable caribou to forage in response to varying snow accumulation rates.

2020 ◽  
Heiko Wittmer ◽  
B McLellan ◽  
F Hovey

Where predation is a major limiting factor, it has been postulated that woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 1788)) reduce movements to minimize contact with predators and exhibit fidelity to seasonal ranges. We examined fidelity behaviour within season and among years of woodland caribou based on locations of 65 radio-collared individuals in British Columbia, Canada. We used average linear distances between all possible pairs of radiolocations of individuals to assess fidelity. Among-year interlocation distances were similar to within-season interlocation distances during summer, indicating that caribou did not shift their distribution during seasons when they were most vulnerable to predation. Among-year interlocation distances were significantly greater than within-season interlocation distances during both early winter and late winter, indicating that individual caribou shifted their distribution among winters. The amount that an individual's distribution shifted among winters varied among and within individuals over different years. During early winter this behavioural plasticity was correlated with snow accumulation, with individuals having greater interlocation distances in years with high snow accumulation. Our results indicate that site fidelity outside the calving season is unlikely solely influenced by predator avoidance. We suggest that seasonal shifts in the importance of limiting factors vary from predation in summer to food in winter. © 2006 NRC.

2006 ◽  
Vol 84 (4) ◽  
pp. 537-545 ◽  
Heiko U. Wittmer ◽  
Bruce N. McLellan ◽  
Frederick W. Hovey

Where predation is a major limiting factor, it has been postulated that woodland caribou ( Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 1788)) reduce movements to minimize contact with predators and exhibit fidelity to seasonal ranges. We examined fidelity behaviour within season and among years of woodland caribou based on locations of 65 radio-collared individuals in British Columbia, Canada. We used average linear distances between all possible pairs of radiolocations of individuals to assess fidelity. Among-year interlocation distances were similar to within-season interlocation distances during summer, indicating that caribou did not shift their distribution during seasons when they were most vulnerable to predation. Among-year interlocation distances were significantly greater than within-season interlocation distances during both early winter and late winter, indicating that individual caribou shifted their distribution among winters. The amount that an individual’s distribution shifted among winters varied among and within individuals over different years. During early winter this behavioural plasticity was correlated with snow accumulation, with individuals having greater interlocation distances in years with high snow accumulation. Our results indicate that site fidelity outside the calving season is unlikely solely influenced by predator avoidance. We suggest that seasonal shifts in the importance of limiting factors vary from predation in summer to food in winter.

2003 ◽  
Vol 117 (3) ◽  
pp. 352 ◽  
Trevor A. Kinley ◽  
John Bergenske ◽  
Julie-Anne Davies ◽  
David Quinn

Mountain Caribou are a rare ecotype of Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) inhabiting the high-snowfall region of southeastern British Columbia, and are defined by their late-winter reliance on arboreal hair lichen of the genus Bryoria. During early winter, there is considerable variation in habitat use among populations. We snow-trailed Caribou in the southern Purcell Mountains during early winter to determine foraging patterns for the Purcell population. When snow was ≤51 cm deep, Caribou fed on Grouseberry (Vaccinium scoparium), the terrestrial lichen Cladonia, and arboreal lichens of the genus Bryoria. When snow was ≥62 cm deep, they ate exclusively arboreal lichens. In both periods, Caribou ate arboreal lichen from essentially every downed tree or branch encountered and fed with a higher intensity at downed trees than standing trees. During the low-snow period, Caribou fed at fewer trees but used those with greater lichen abundance, and fed more intensively at each, compared to the deep-snow period. In comparison to trees occurring on the foraging path but at which Caribou did not feed, those from which arboreal lichen was foraged intensively were of larger diameter, had greater lichen abundance, and were more likely to be Subalpine Fir (Abies lasiocarpa) or Engelmann Spruce (Picea engelmannii) and less likely to be Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis), Lodgepole Pine (P. contorta) or Alpine Larch (Larix lyalli). The shift in diet between the low-snow and deep-snow periods reflected two modes of foraging within the early winter period, distinct from one another and apparently also distinct from the late-winter season. Management for early-winter habitat will require retention of some commercially significant forest across extensive areas, both near the subalpine forest – subalpine parkland ecotone and lower in the subalpine forest.

2020 ◽  
Heiko Wittmer ◽  
B McLellan ◽  
F Hovey

Where predation is a major limiting factor, it has been postulated that woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 1788)) reduce movements to minimize contact with predators and exhibit fidelity to seasonal ranges. We examined fidelity behaviour within season and among years of woodland caribou based on locations of 65 radio-collared individuals in British Columbia, Canada. We used average linear distances between all possible pairs of radiolocations of individuals to assess fidelity. Among-year interlocation distances were similar to within-season interlocation distances during summer, indicating that caribou did not shift their distribution during seasons when they were most vulnerable to predation. Among-year interlocation distances were significantly greater than within-season interlocation distances during both early winter and late winter, indicating that individual caribou shifted their distribution among winters. The amount that an individual's distribution shifted among winters varied among and within individuals over different years. During early winter this behavioural plasticity was correlated with snow accumulation, with individuals having greater interlocation distances in years with high snow accumulation. Our results indicate that site fidelity outside the calving season is unlikely solely influenced by predator avoidance. We suggest that seasonal shifts in the importance of limiting factors vary from predation in summer to food in winter. © 2006 NRC.

Rangifer ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 263
George Hamilton et al.

A workshop was held August 19 to foster discussion and debate on issues related to conservation of woodland caribou in the managed forest. Six panelists were invited to make brief presentations on their points of view on this subject. They were Don Thomas (Canadian Wildlife Service); Hartley Multimaki (Buchanan Forest Products); Colin Edey (NOVA Corporation); Jerry English (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - retired); Dale Seip (British Columbia Ministry of Forests) and Harold Cumming (Lakehead University - retired).

Rangifer ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 119 ◽  
Deborah B. Cichowski

Initial long term planning for logging on the Tweedsmuir-Entiako caribou winter range began in the early 1980s. Because little information was available on which to base winter range management, the British Columbia Fish and Wildlife Branch began studies on radio-collared caribou in 1983, and an intensive study on caribou winter habitat requirements was conducted from 1985 to 1988. Terrestrial lichens were identified as the primary winter food source for the caribou, and in 1987, caribou winter range ecosystem maps, which emphasized abundance of terrestrial lichens, were produced. The ecosystem maps and information from the caribou study, including potential direct and indirect effects of timber harvesting on the caribou population, were used to develop a management strategy for the winter range. The management strategy comprised two levels of management: a landscape level (Caribou Management Zones); and a site-specific level (caribou habitat/timber values). Timber information associated with BC Ministry of Forests forest cover maps was integrated using a Geographic Information System. Six winter range management options were proposed ranging from harvesting low value caribou habitats only throughout the winter range to total protection of the entire winter range. Impacts of those options on both the caribou population and on the timber supply were evaluated. The options were reviewed through a public planning process, the Entiako Local Resource Use Plan, and recommendations from that process were forwarded to the British Columbia Protected Areas Strategy.

1978 ◽  
R L Brown ◽  
R W Leatherbarrow

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