Financial Statement Fraud: Insights from the Academic Literature

2008 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-252 ◽  
Chris E. Hogan ◽  
Zabihollah Rezaee ◽  
Richard A. Riley ◽  
Uma K. Velury

SUMMARY: We summarize relevant academic research findings to contribute to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) project on financial statement fraud and to offer insights and conclusions relevant to academics, standard setters, and practitioners. We discuss the characteristics of firms committing financial statement fraud, as identified in the literature, and research related to the fraud triangle. We then discuss research related to the procedures and abilities of auditors to detect fraud, and how fraud risk assessments impact audit planning and testing. In addition, we discuss several “high risk” areas and other issues as identified by the PCAOB. Finally, we summarize prior findings and offer conclusions and suggestions for areas where future research is needed.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Shabnam Fazli Aghghaleh ◽  
Zakiah Muhammaddun Mohamed .

The current research studies the usefulness of Cressey’s fraud risk factor framework adopted from SAS No. 99 to prevent fraud from occurring. In accordance with Cressey’s theory, pressure, opportunity and rationalization are existing when fraud occurs. The study suggests variables as proxy measures for pressure and opportunity, and test these variables using publicly available information relating to a set of fraud firms and a sample of no-fraud firms. Two pressure proxies and two opportunity proxies are identified and suggested to be significantly related to financial statement fraud. We find that leverage and sale to account receivable are positively related to the likelihood of fraud. Audit committee size and board of directors’ size are also linked to decrease the level of financial statement fraud. A binary logistic model based on examples of fraud risk factors of fraud triangle model measures the likelihood of financial statement fraud and can assist experts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 36
Hasni Yusrianti ◽  
Imam Ghozali ◽  
Etna Yuyetta ◽  
Aryanto Aryanto ◽  
Eka Meirawati

The purpose of this study is to examine the risk factors that influencing financial statement fraud. Especially, it examines the influence of rationalization, pressure, and opportunity on the fraudulent financial statements and also examines the interaction effect of industry risk and company size on the relationship between rationalization, pressure, and opportunity on financial statement fraud. Secondary data were collected from Bloemberg Data Base, IDX and OJK RI. The population in this study is companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the moving year from 2011 to 2017 and the sample was selected by companies that indicated financial statement fraud and those that did not indicate financial statement fraud. The company indicated by Fraud was collected from Bapepam and OJK RI. Data were tested using logistic regression analysis and different T-tests of 28 committed fraud companies and 28 companies that did not commit fraud. The results showed that only some variables had a significant effect on financial statement fraud, namely financial stability (ACHANGE), Financial Target (ROA), and the Nature of Industry (ARCHANGE). The results also show that company size and industry risk do not moderate the fraud factors on financial statement fraud. These results support the fraud triangle theory in explaining the phenomena of financial statement fraud.

2004 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-184 ◽  
T. Jeffrey Wilks ◽  
Mark F. Zimbelman

This commentary examines academic research that can assist auditors in detecting and preventing fraudulent financial reporting. We review theoretical and empirical research from game theory, social psychology, judgment and decision making, and auditing to identify improvements in audit practice and promising areas for future research. This review focuses on the strategic fraud setting and suggests modifications in auditing standards that should facilitate auditors' use of strategic reasoning in this setting. We emphasize three critical audit tasks—fraud risk assessment, audit planning, and audit plan implementation—and recommend changes to current auditing standards and identify potential research questions for each task.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Faiz Rahman Siddiq ◽  
Sofyan Hadinata

The financial statements will become more qualified in the<br />presentation if the presentation is based on qualitative<br />elements, among others: easy to understand, reliable,<br />comparable (comparable), and relevant. The financial<br />statements are presented to stakeholders, namely:<br />management, employees, investors (shareholders), creditors,<br />suppliers, customers, and government. Fraudulent financial<br />reporting was a deliberate attempt by the company to deceive<br />and mislead the users of financial statements, especially<br />investors and creditors, to present and manipulate the material<br />value of the financial statements. Manipulation gain profit<br />(earnings manipulation) for the company's desire that the stock<br />remains attractive to investors. Fraud triangle theory expressed<br />by Cressey later developed by Wolfe and Hermanson (2009)<br />with theory. Fraud diamond diamond fraud theory consisted of<br />four fraud risk factors are pressure, opportunity, rationalization<br />and capability. Diamond fraud theory can be used in predicting<br />fraud in proksikan with earnings management.

Nguyen Tien Hung ◽  
Huynh Van Sau

The study was conducted to identify fraudulent financial statements at listed companies (DNNY) on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE) through the Triangular Fraud Platform This is a test of VSA 240. At the same time, the conformity assessment of this model in the Vietnamese market. The results show that the model is based on two factors: the ratio of sales to total assets and return on assets; an Opportunity Factor (Education Level); and two factors Attitude (change of independent auditors and opinion of independent auditors). This model is capable of accurately forecasting more than 78% of surveyed sample businesses and nearly 72% forecasts for non-research firms.  Keywords Triangle fraud, financial fraud report, VSA 240 References Nguyễn Tiến Hùng & Võ Hồng Đức (2017), “Nhận diện gian lận báo cáo tài chính: Bằng chứng thực nghiệm tại các doanh nghiệp niêm yết ở Việt Nam”, Tạp chí Công Nghệ Ngân Hàng, số 132 (5), tr. 58-72.[2]. 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2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-44
Mariati ◽  
Emmy Indrayani

Company’s financial condition reflected in the financial statements. However, there are many loopholes in the financial statements which can become a chance for the management and certain parties to commit fraud on the financial statements. This study aims to detect financial statement fraud as measured using fraud score model that occurred in issuers entered into the LQ-45 index in 2014-2016 with the use of six independent variables are financial stability, external pressure, financial target, nature of industry, ineffective monitoring and rationalization. This study using 27 emiten of LQ-45 index during 2014-2016. However, there are some data outlier that shall be removed, thus sample results obtained 66 data from 25 companies. Multiple linear regression analysis were used in this study. The results showed that the financial stability variables (SATA), nature of industry (RECEIVBLE), ineffective monitoring (IND) and rationalization (ITRENDLB) proved to be influential or have the capability to detect financial statement fraud. While the external pressure variables (DER) and financial target (ROA) are not able to detect the existence of financial statement fraud. Simultaneously all variables in this study were able to detect significantly financial statement fraud.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-275 ◽  
Jean Bédard ◽  
Paul Coram ◽  
Reza Espahbodi ◽  
Theodore J. Mock

SYNOPSIS The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), and the U.K. Financial Reporting Council (FRC) have proposed or approved standards that significantly change the independent auditor's report. These initiatives require the auditor to make additional disclosures intended to close the information gap; that is, the gap between the information users desire and the information available through the audited financial statements, other corporate disclosures, and the auditor's report. They are also intended to improve the relevancy of the auditor's report. We augment prior academic research by providing standard setters with an updated synthesis of relevant research. More importantly, we provide an assessment of whether the changes are likely to close the information gap, which is important to financial market participants and other stakeholders in the audit reporting process. Also, we identify areas where there seems to be a lack of sufficient research. These results are of interest to all stakeholders in the audit reporting process, as the changes to the auditor's report are fundamental. Additionally, our summaries of research on the auditor's report highlight where there is limited research or inconsistent results, which will help academics identify important opportunities for future research.

Eileen Z. Taylor

Based on a real world, public company, $30 million embezzlement and financial statement fraud, this case helps students recognize red flags, analyze a situation using the fraud diamond, perform research and reflect on their own work experiences to support a belief, and conduct financial statement analysis. Its variety of activities are suitable for both undergraduate and graduate accounting students, and in-class and out of class learning. Because it is based on an actual fraud, it includes an epilogue with links to news stories and court documents, which improves student engagement with the material.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-138
Faiz Rahman Siddiq ◽  
Agus Endrianto Suseno

Financial statement fraud biasa disebut dengan kecurangan laporan keuangan yang merupakan kesengajaan dalam melakukan kelalaian dan kesalahan ketika  membuat laporan keuangan dengan penyajian yang tidak sesuai pada prinsip akuntansi berterima umum. Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No.99 menjelaskan tentang salah saji yang berhubungan dengan auditor dalam mengaudit laporan keuangan terhadap fraud diantaranya adalah (1) salah saji dari kesalahan suatu laporan keuangan merupakan suatu  pengungkapan yang direncanakan guna menipu pengguna laporan keuangan, (2) penyalahgunaan aset atau istilah lain pencurian dan penggelapan sering dijadikan sebagai salah saji dalam laporan keuangan. Fraud pentagon theory merupakan pengembangan dari teori fraud sebelumnya yaitu fraud triangle (Cressey, 1953) dan fraud diamond (Wolf and Hermanson,2004). Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang tergabung dalam Indeks JII (Jakarta Islamic Index) pada tahun 2014-2017. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Financial statement fraud dalam penelitian menggunakan perspektif F-Score Model. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pressure (Financial Stability, dan Financial Target), dan Opportunity (Nature of Industry) berpengaruh terhadap financial statement fraud. Sedangkan Pressure (External Pressure dan Personal Financial  Need), Rationalization (Change in Auditor), Competence (Change of Director) dan Arrogance (Frequent Number of CEO’s Picture dan Dualism Position) tidak berpengaruh terhadap financial statemnt fraud.

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