Audit Firm Perspective on Audit Firm Rotation and Enhancing Independence: Evidence from PCAOB Comment Letters
SUMMARY This study examines practitioners' perspectives on audit firm rotation and alternative solutions to enhance independence in the audit industry as solicited by the PCAOB's “Concept Release on Audit Firm Rotation and Auditor Independence.” Accordingly, we synthesize the opinions found in comment letters of 15 American public accounting firms—eight of which are annually inspected by the PCAOB and seven of which are inspected tri-annually. Altogether, we find the firms generally offer homogenous rationale for opposition to audit firm rotation. However, most importantly, we note that the overwhelming majority of the alternative solutions offered by the firms to enhance the independence relationship between auditor and client lies with fortifying the audit committee. To that end, while regulators have generally attempted to strengthen independence by introducing regulation at the auditor level, our review indicates that perhaps a shift in regulatory philosophy is warranted—one that suggests progressing regulation at the client level. Data Availability: Publicly available.