scholarly journals Changes in Land Cover Analysis in The Gulf Coast Kendari Using High Resolution Satellite Image (Period: 2003-2009)

2013 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 179 ◽  
Laode Muh. Golok Jaya

This research was aimed to indentify land cover change in coastal area of Kendari Bay in period 2003 to 2009. The satellite imagery data (Ikonos and Quick Bird) collected in 2003 and 2009 were used in this research to obtain the land cover change. The method used in this research was comparing the classification of satellite imagery. Field survey was conducted using handheld GPS for ground truth.  The result of this research showed us the land use change in period 2003-2009. Mangrove vegetation decreased 56.57 Ha and the fishpond also decreased 205.5 Ha. The primary forest decreased into 3.28 Ha in year 2009. The secondary forest also decreases 124.84 Ha. In the same time the urban area increased from 382.37 Ha in year 2003 to 674.37 Ha in 2009. The land use change also occured for the public space which increased from 6.49 Ha in 2003 to 18.46 Ha in 2009 or increased 11,97 Ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6898
Opelele Omeno Michel ◽  
Yu Ying ◽  
Fan Wenyi ◽  
Chen Chen ◽  
Kachaka Sudi Kaiko

Villages within the Luki Biosphere Reserve and the surrounding cities have undergone rapid demographic growth and urbanization that have impacted the reserve’s natural landscape. However, no study has focused on the spatiotemporal analysis of its land use/land cover. The present research aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of land use/land cover change in the Luki Biosphere Reserve from the year 1987 to 2020, and to predict its future change for the year 2038. Landsat images were classified in order to provide land use/land cover maps for the years 1987, 2002, 2017 and 2020. Based on these maps, change detection, gradient direction, and landscape metric analyses were performed. In addition, land use/land cover change prediction was carried out using the Multilayer Perceptron Markov model. The results revealed significant land use/land cover changes in the Luki Biosphere Reserve during the study period. Indeed, tremendous changes in the primary forest, which lost around 17.8% of its total area, were noted. Other classes, notably savannah, secondary forest, built-up area, fallow land and fields had gained 79.35, 1150.36, 67.63, 3852.12 hectares, respectively. Based on the landscape metric analysis, it was revealed that built-up areas and fallow land and fields experienced an aggregation trend, while other classes showed disaggregation and fragmentation trends. Analysis further revealed that village expansion has significantly affected the process of land use/land cover change in the Luki Biosphere Reserve. However, the prediction results revealed that the primary forest will continue to increase while built-up area, fallow land and fields will follow a trend similar to a previous one. As for secondary forest and savannah, the forecast revealed a decrease of the extent during the period extending from 2020 to 2038. The present findings will benefit the decision makers, particularly in the sustainable natural resources management of the Luki Biosphere Reserve.

PeerJ ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e6617 ◽  
Jesús A. Prieto-Amparán ◽  
Federico Villarreal-Guerrero ◽  
Martin Martínez-Salvador ◽  
Carlos Manjarrez-Domínguez ◽  
Griselda Vázquez-Quintero ◽  

The loss of temperate forests of Mexico has continued in recent decades despite wide recognition of their importance to maintaining biodiversity. This study analyzes land use/land cover change scenarios, using satellite images from the Landsat sensor. Images corresponded to the years 1990, 2005 and 2017. The scenarios were applied for the temperate forests with the aim of getting a better understanding of the patterns in land use/land cover changes. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) multispectral classification technique served to determine the land use/land cover types, which were validated through the Kappa Index. For the simulation of land use/land cover dynamics, a model developed in Dinamica-EGO was used, which uses stochastic models of Markov Chains, Cellular Automata and Weight of Evidences. For the study, a stationary, an optimistic and a pessimistic scenario were proposed. The projections based on the three scenarios were simulated for the year 2050. Five types of land use/land cover were identified and evaluated. They were primary forest, secondary forest, human settlements, areas without vegetation and water bodies. Results from the land use/land cover change analysis show a substantial gain for the secondary forest. The surface area of the primary forest was reduced from 55.8% in 1990 to 37.7% in 2017. Moreover, the three projected scenarios estimate further losses of the surface are for the primary forest, especially under the stationary and pessimistic scenarios. This highlights the importance and probably urgent implementation of conservation and protection measures to preserve these ecosystems and their services. Based on the accuracy obtained and on the models generated, results from these methodologies can serve as a decision tool to contribute to the sustainable management of the natural resources of a region.

Jurnal Wasian ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Nurlita Wahyuni ◽  
Abdul Hasyim ◽  
Soemarno Soemarno

The land use and land cover change phenomenon has become one concern over many regions worldwide, including Indonesia. Land use and land cover change due to human activities triggered alteration terrestrial ecosystems and its services including climate control functions. The study aimed to analyze land use and land cover change in Banyuwangi regency during 1995 – 2019. Four satellite images from acquisition year 1995, 2000, 2014 and 2019 were used to analyze the spatial and temporal changes along with field observations. The classification processes of land use and land cover included determination of training areas, supervised classification, and accuracy assessment. There are 12 land use and land cover based on supervised classification as follow primary forest, secondary forest, plantation forest, mangrove forest, plantation, settlement, cropland, paddy field, shrubs, water, fishpond and barren land. The result showed during observation period of 1995 until 2019 land use and land cover which tends to decrease are secondary forest, mangrove forest, and rice fields. On the other hand, the area of settlements, shrubs and fishponds were increased significantly.

2019 ◽  
Jesús A Prieto-Amparán ◽  
Federico Villarreal-Guerrero ◽  
Martin Martínez-Salvador ◽  
Carlos Manjarrez-Domínguez ◽  
Griselda Vázquez-Quintero ◽  

The loss of temperate forests of Mexico has continued in recent decades despite wide recognition of their importance to maintaining biodiversity. This study analyzes land use/land cover change scenarios, using satellite images from the Landsat sensor. Images corresponded to the years 1990, 2005 and 2017. The scenarios were applied for the temperate forests with the aim of getting a better understanding of the patterns in land use/land cover changes. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) multispectral classification technique served to determine the land use/land cover types, which were validated through the Kappa Index. For the simulation of land use/land cover dynamics, a model developed in Dinamica-EGO was used, which uses stochastic models of Markov Chains, Cellular Automata and Weight of Evidences. For the study, a stationary, an optimistic and a pessimistic scenario were proposed. The projections based on the three scenarios were simulated for the year 2050. Five types of land use/land cover were identified and evaluated. They were primary forest, secondary forest, human settlements, areas without vegetation and water bodies. Results from the land use/land cover change analysis show a substantial gain for the secondary forest. The surface area of the primary forest was reduced from 55.8% in 1990 to 37.7% in 2017. Moreover, the three projected scenarios estimate further losses of the surface are for the primary forest, especially under the stationary and pessimistic scenarios. This highlights the importance and probably urgent implementation of conservation and protection measures to preserve these ecosystems and their services. Based on the accuracy obtained and, on the models generated, results from these methodologies can serve as a decision tool to contribute to the sustainable management of the natural resources of a region.

2019 ◽  
Jesús A Prieto-Amparán ◽  
Federico Villarreal-Guerrero ◽  
Martin Martínez-Salvador ◽  
Carlos Manjarrez-Domínguez ◽  
Griselda Vázquez-Quintero ◽  

The loss of temperate forests of Mexico has continued in recent decades despite wide recognition of their importance to maintaining biodiversity. This study analyzes land use/land cover change scenarios, using satellite images from the Landsat sensor. Images corresponded to the years 1990, 2005 and 2017. The scenarios were applied for the temperate forests with the aim of getting a better understanding of the patterns in land use/land cover changes. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) multispectral classification technique served to determine the land use/land cover types, which were validated through the Kappa Index. For the simulation of land use/land cover dynamics, a model developed in Dinamica-EGO was used, which uses stochastic models of Markov Chains, Cellular Automata and Weight of Evidences. For the study, a stationary, an optimistic and a pessimistic scenario were proposed. The projections based on the three scenarios were simulated for the year 2050. Five types of land use/land cover were identified and evaluated. They were primary forest, secondary forest, human settlements, areas without vegetation and water bodies. Results from the land use/land cover change analysis show a substantial gain for the secondary forest. The surface area of the primary forest was reduced from 55.8% in 1990 to 37.7% in 2017. Moreover, the three projected scenarios estimate further losses of the surface are for the primary forest, especially under the stationary and pessimistic scenarios. This highlights the importance and probably urgent implementation of conservation and protection measures to preserve these ecosystems and their services. Based on the accuracy obtained and, on the models generated, results from these methodologies can serve as a decision tool to contribute to the sustainable management of the natural resources of a region.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 1099
Claudia K. Legarreta-Miranda ◽  
Jesús A. Prieto-Amparán ◽  
Federico Villarreal-Guerrero ◽  
Carlos R. Morales-Nieto ◽  
Alfredo Pinedo-Alvarez

The temperate forests of northern Mexico possess a great diversity of unique and endemic species, with the greatest associations of pine-oak in the planet occurring within them. However, the ecosystems in this region had experienced an accelerated fragmentation process in the past decades. This study described and quantified the landscape fragmentation level of a degraded watershed located in this region. For that, data from the Landsat series from 1990, 2005 and 2017, classified with the Support Vector Machine method, were used. The landscape structure was analyzed based on six metrics applied at both, the landscape and class levels. Results show considerable gains in surface area for the land use land cover change (LULC) of secondary forest while the Primary Forest (PF) lost 18.1% of its area during 1990–2017. The PF increased its number of patches from 7075 to 12,318, increased its patch density (PD) from 53.51 to 58.46 # of patches/100 ha, and reduced its average patch size from 39.21 to 15.05 ha. This made the PF the most fragmented LULC from the 5 LULCs evaluated. In this study, strong fluctuations in edge density and PD were registered, which indicates the forests of northern Mexico have experienced a reduction in their productivity and have been subjected to a continuous degradation process due to disturbances such as fires, clandestine and non-properly controlled logging, among others.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Petrus Gunarso ◽  
Manjela Eko Hartoyo ◽  
Yuli Nugroho

Indonesia is one of the largest crude palm oil (CPO) producing countries in the world and at the same time have experienced high levels of deforestation. The link between deforestation and expansion of oil palm plantation has been a source of controversy, which has been exacerbated by the lack of objective quantitative information on the nature of land use and land cover change and the expansion of oil palm plantations.  This report provides an independent analysis of land use and land cover change for a broad range of land cover classes for five main Islands in  Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua based on Landsat TM satellite images. Visual analysis and on screen digitizing methods were employed to create a nation-wide land cover classification that spans two decades (1990 to 2010). Three temporal epochs (1990 to 2000, 2000 to 2005 and 2005 to 2010) correspond to a period of time with significant changes in land cover and land uses in Indonesia. Expansion of oil palm plantation in Indonesia shows that most of the expansion exists as a follow on transition from disturbed forest (secondary forest), agricultural lands (mainly rubber plantation), and low biomass land cover types, including shrub land and grassland than formerly reported to be majority from undisturbed forest (primary forest).  

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-156
Devianti Devianti

Abstrak. Sub Sub DAS Cikujang merupakan salah satu bagian dari Sub DAS Cimanuk hulu yang dapat menyumbang sedimen ke waduk Jatigede yang berasal dari erosi sebagai akibat perubahan penggunaan lahan yang tidak sesuai dengan kondisi fisik lahan. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan  pola perubahan penggunaan lahan di Sub Sub DAS Cikujang periode 1994-2009, terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan dari kawasan lindung menjadi kawasan budidaya seluas 742,20 ha. Kawasan lindung pada tahun 1994 seluas 3.213,03 ha menurun menjadi 2.470,83 ha pada tahun 2009 dan kawasan budidaya pada tahun 1994 seluas 9.532,41 ha meningkat menjadi 10.274,61 ha pada tahun 2009 dengan laju perubahan 185,55 ha/tahun. Laju penurunan luasan hutan primer mencapai 54,45 ha/tahun, dan pada tahun 2009 tidak terdapat lagi lahan dengan fungsi sebagai hutan primer. Laju penurunan luasan hutan sekunder mencapai 135,90 ha/tahun dari 2.995,25 ha pada tahun 1994 menjadi 2.451,65 ha pada tahun 2009. Pola perubahan penggunaan lahan di Sub Sub DAS Cikujang sebagian besar dipengaruhi dengan pola perubahan hutan primer dan hutan sekunder pada kawasan lindung. Sedangkan pola perubahan penggunaan lahan pada kawasan budidaya dipengaruhi pola perubahan lahan kebun campuran, tegalan/ladang, perkebunan, dan sawah Land-Use Change Pattern in Cikujang Catchment Area Abstract. Cikujang catchment area is one part of the subzone Cimanuk that can contribute sediment upstream reservoirs to Jatigede derived from erosion as a result of changes in land use that is not in accordance with the physical condition of the land. Based on analysis result of land-use change pattern in Cikujang catchment area in 1994 – 2009 period, land-use had changed 742,20ha from protected areas to cultivated areas, where protected area had decreased from 3.213,03ha in 1994 to 2.470,83ha in 2009 and cultivated area had increased from 10.274,61 ha in 1994 to10.274,61 ha in 2009 with changing rate ha/year. The rate of decreasing primary forest area was 54.45ha/year, as a result there was no land function as primary forest in 2009.  The rate of decreasing secondary forest area was 135,90ha/year ranging from 2.995,25ha in 1994 to 2.451,65ha in 2009. Land-use change pattern in Cikujang catchment area dominantly was influenced by changing pattern of protected forest and secondary forest in protected area, but in cultivated area land-use change pattern was influenced by changing pattern of farm, grassland, and rice field.

2013 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 59-70 ◽  
Fredrick Ao Otieno ◽  
Olumuyiwa I Ojo ◽  
George M. Ochieng

Abstract Land cover change (LCC) is important to assess the land use/land cover changes with respect to the development activities like irrigation. The region selected for the study is Vaal Harts Irrigation Scheme (VHS) occupying an area of approximately 36, 325 hectares of irrigated land. The study was carried out using Land sat data of 1991, 2001, 2005 covering the area to assess the changes in land use/land cover for which supervised classification technique has been applied. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) index was also done to assess vegetative change conditions during the period of investigation. By using the remote sensing images and with the support of GIS the spatial pattern of land use change of Vaal Harts Irrigation Scheme for 15 years was extracted and interpreted for the changes of scheme. Results showed that the spatial difference of land use change was obvious. The analysis reveals that 37.86% of additional land area has been brought under fallow land and thus less irrigation area (18.21%). There is an urgent need for management program to control the loss of irrigation land and therefore reclaim the damaged land in order to make the scheme more viable.

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