2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-173
Heru Adi Djatmiko ◽  
Fatichin Fatichin

Resistance of twentyone rice varieties to Bacterial Leaf Blight.  Bacterial leaf blight is one of the most important diseases of rice plants.  Resistant Variety is one of safe, effective, and environment friendly alternative controls to suppress the bacterial leaf blight on rice.  The objectives of this research were to find the most resistant varieties against bacterial leaf blight, and to study the yield of inoculated rice varieties. The research was carried out experimentally. This experiment was arranged in Randomized completely block design with 22 treatments and three replicates. Varieties of IR64 as control for susceptible varieties. Observed Variables were incubation period, disease intensity, seed weight per panicle, and seed weight per hills.  The result of this research showed that variety IR 70 was the most resistant variety to bacterial leaf blight. Variety having highest yield was Rojolele with seed weight per hill was 31.17 g.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 65 ◽  
Dini Yuliani ◽  
Rina H. Wening ◽  
NFN Sudir

<p>Seleksi Ketahanan Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Padi terhadap Hawar Daun Bakteri. Dini Yuliani, Rina H. Wening, dan Sudir. Usaha budi daya tanaman padi di Indonesia selalu dihadapkan pada berbagai kendala, di antaranya serangan penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Pengendalian penyakit HDB dengan varietas tahan merupakan salah satu teknik yang murah dan mudah dilakukan oleh petani padi. Aksesi plasma nutfah sebagai sumber tetua untuk perakitan varietas tahan perlu diketahui reaksi ketahanannya terhadap penyakit HDB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyeleksi ketahanan aksesi plasma nutfah terhadap penyakit HDB patotipe III, IV, dan VIII. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi di Sukamandi, Subang, Jawa Barat pada Musim Hujan 2012/2013 dan Musim Kemarau 2013 dengan Rancangan Acak Terpisah. Petak utama adalah tiga patotipe Xoo, yaitu patotipe III, IV, dan VIII. Sedangkan anak petak adalah materi yang diuji, yaitu 20 aksesi plasma nutfah dan tiga varietas pembanding. Sebanyak 20 rumpun tanaman per petak diinokulasi Xoo dengan metode pengguntingan. Inokulasi dilakukan pada saat pertanaman menjelang stadium primordia. Ujung-ujung daun digunting sepanjang kira-kira 10 cm dari ujung daun dengan gunting inokulasi yang berisi suspensi bakteri Xoo umur 48 jam dengan kepekatan 108 cfu. Pengamatan keparahan penyakit HDB dilakukan dengan mengukur panjang gejala terpanjang pada umur dua, tiga, dan empat minggu setelah inokulasi. Hasil pengujian ketahanan terhadap HDB patotipe III, IV, dan VIII diperoleh tiga aksesi plasma nutfah yang berasal dari galur isogenik menunjukkan keparahan penyakit HDB tidak berbeda nyata dengan varietas pembanding tahan Angke pada dua musim tanam. Galur isogenik tersebut, yaitu IRBB 55, IRBB 60, dan IRBB 61. Ketiga galur isogenik tersebut dapat dijadikan tetua tahan dalam perakitan varietas unggul baru tahan HDB.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Rice cultivation in Indonesia has been faced with many obstacles, including the attack of bacterial leaf blight (BLB) that caused by bacteria Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Resistant variety was considered as the cheap technique to control BLB disease and could be used by rice farmers. Germplasm accessions as a source to build resistant varieties must be known their resistance to BLB disease. This study aimed at selecting the resistance germplasm accessions to BLB pathotype III, IV, and VIII. The study was conducted at the Experimental Station of the Indonesian Center for Rice Research in Sukamandi, Subang, West Java at wet season 2012/2013 and dry season 2013 with Split Plot Design. The main plot was three pathotypes Xoo i.e. pathotype III, IV, and VIII. The subplot was 20 germplasm accessions and three check varieties. A total of 20 hills of rice plants per plot were inoculated by Xoo with cutting method. Inoculation was conducted before the primordia stage. Inoculation of bacterial suspension containing Xoo aged 48 hours at a concentration of 108 cfu. Observations BLB disease severity was done by measuring the longest length of symptoms at the age of two, three, and four weeks after inoculation (WAI). The result showed that three germplasm accessions from near isogenic lines were not significantly different with the check varieties (Angke) in their resistance to Xoo pathotype III, IV, and VIII in two cropping seasons. The isogenic lines were IRBB 55, IRBB 60, and IRBB 61 can be used in the assembly of resistant new varieties to BLB.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 80 ◽  
Lina Herlina ◽  
Tiur S. Silitonga

<p>Field Selection on Several Rice Varieties for Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Blight strain IV and VIII. Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) on rice (Oryza sativa) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is the major obstruction for rice production. Powerful strategy to control BLB is generally conducted by planting resistant plant. Meanwhile, the main way to explore germplasm as the source of resistance gene is conducted by selection a wide rice varieties. Field selection for resistance to BLB on 150 rice-varieties (BB-Biogen collection) was conducted in 2009 in Cianjur. Three leaves and flag leaves of individual hills at vegetative and flowering stage were inoculated by clipping the leaf tip with scissors which had been connected with a suspension bottle of bacterial cells (109- 1010 cells/ml) of the isolates which represented bacterial groups (strain) IV and VIII, respectively. Each plant was inoculated with one race. Two weeks after inoculation, length of the lesion developed on the inoculated leaf was measured, as an index of severity of infection by BLB. This experiment was treated as Factorial-Randomized Completed Block Design (two factor-with 3 replications, respectively). The resistancyreaction to strain IV and VIII was observed as the variable tested, while the factors measured consists of plant-varieties and two bacterial strains. The results showed that 11 varieties with a resistance-reaction to Xoo strain IV, inwhich 5 varieties poses a consistent resistance-reaction, i.e: Pulu Bolong, Pelopor, Gombal, Barito and Kapuas. While resistancereaction to Xoo strain VIII obtained only one variety : IR42 (score-1), while 17 others showed intermediate resistancy (score-3).</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) yang disebabkan oleh Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) pada padi (Oryza sativa) merupakan faktor pembatas upaya peningkatan produksi padi. Pencarian gen-gen tahan terhadap HDB sangat diperlukan untuk pengendalian penyakit tersebut. Seleksi ketahanan terhadap HDB dilakukan di Cianjur pada MT 2009 terhadap 150 varietas padi koleksi Bank Gen, BB-Biogen. Isolat Xoo yang diuji adalah strain IV dan VIII. Inokulasi dilakukan dua kali, yaitu pada fase vegetatif dan generatif dengan cara menggunting 3-5 cm dari ujung daun dan daun bendera dengan gunting yang telah dihubungkan dengan botol berisi suspensi Xoo strain IV dan VIII (109-1010 sel/ml). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah acak kelompok faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Sebagai varietas pembanding tahan digunakan IRBB7 dan pembanding rentan varietas Kencana Bali. Reaksi ketahanan tertinggi terhadap Xoo strain IV ditunjukkan oleh 11 varietas terpilih dengan reaksi agak tahan, lima varietas di antaranya menunjukkan reaksi yang konsisten agak tahan, yaitu varietas Pulu Bolong, Pelopor, Gombal, Barito, dan Kapuas. Reaksi &amp;lsquo;tahan&amp;rsquo; terhadap Xoo strain VIII ditunjukkan oleh satu varietas introduksi IR42. Untuk varietas terpilih dengan reaksi &amp;lsquo;agak tahan&amp;rsquo; terdapat 17 varietas.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 145-149
Agus Nurawan ◽  
Yati Haryati ◽  
Kiki Kusyaeri Hamdani

Bacterial leaf blight can cause rice loss between 15-80%. Biorational pesticides can be an alternative to controlling the disease. Bacillus firmus, Burkholderia sp, and Serratia marcescens against bacterial leaf blight on rice plants in the field. The study was conducted in Maret-Juni 2014 in the land of the Independent Farmers Group, Cipeuyeum Village, Haurwangi District, Cianjur Regency, West Java. The design uses a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments consist of: 1) Mekongga + biorational, 2) Inpari 14 + biorational, 3) Sintanur + biorasional, 4) Mekongga + without biorational, 5) Inpari 14 + without biorational, and 6) Sintanur + without biorational. The results of the study showed that the application of biorational pesticides can reduce the intensity of bacterial leaf blight disease. Sintanur varieties with the application of biorational pesticides produce higher and higher R / C ratios of 6.81 tons ha-1 and 2.79.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Tri Joko ◽  
Kristamtini Kristamtini ◽  
Sumarno Sumarno ◽  
Rofiq Andriyanto

Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is an important disease in rice plants worldwide, including in Indonesia. The use of resistant variety against BLB is the best effort in disease control because it is considered as the most effective and environmentally friendly. This study aimed to evaluate the resistance of local varieties, red rice (cv. Sembada Merah) and black rice (cv. Sembada Hitam), against Xoo compared to white rice variety (Ciherang), commonly cultivated by the farmers. The study was conducted in a greenhouse and arranged in Factorial of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 replications and 2 treatment factors: variety (Sembada Hitam, Sembada Merah, and Ciherang) and inoculation (with and without inoculated by Xoo bacterial suspension). Xoo inoculation was performed by clipping the leaves that close to the reproductive phase when the heading begins to be produced. The disease intensity and Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) over two weeks were used to determine the level of resistance of the tested plant varieties. The results showed that black rice and red rice had better levels of resistance against BLB compared to white rice. At two weeks after inoculation, Sembada Hitam had the lowest AUDPC value followed by Sembada Merah, while the Ciherang had the highest AUDPC value and was categorized as a susceptible variety to Xoo.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Ermelinda Maria Lopes Hornai ◽  
Bambang Sapta Purwoko ◽  
Willy Bayuardi Suwarno ◽  
Dan Iswari Saraswati Dewi

ABSTRACT<br /><br />Hybrid rice varieties  is an alternative technology to improve  productivity of low land rice. The results of previous studies have identified and found the male sterile lines Wild Abortive type and Kalinga are resistant to bacterial leaf blight pathotype III, IV and VIII. The objectives of the research were to obtain information on agronomic characters, yield evaluation, genetic parameters, and repeatability information. The experiment was conducted in two locations namely  Muara and Indramayu experimental stations. The design used was a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replication at each site.  Each replicate consisted of 17 hybrid rice and three check varieties. The results from locations showed that genotype BI485A/BP1 (IR53942) has the highest yield of 5.8 ton ha-1. The coefficient of genetic and phenotypic diversity of six agronomic characters was low. The repeatability for seven character observed were low, except for days to flowering. The  scoring value  of bacterial leaf blight disease in Indramayu showed that nine genotypes exhibit resistance.<br /><br />Keywords: cytoplasmic male sterile lines, disease resistance <br /><br />

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-109
Ovi Prasetya Winandari ◽  
Aris Tjahjoleksono . ◽  
Dwinita Wikan Utami

Identification marker of bacterial leaf blight (BLB) gene resistance on introducted and dihaploid rice germplasm. Bacterial leaf blight (BLB), caused by bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), is one of the most devastating diseases in rice. The use of BLB-resistant rice varieties is one of the most efficient ways to protect rice from this disease. BLB-resistant varieties can be produced through the breeding program by using the diverse  rice germplasm. The objective of this research was to identify BLB resistance gene on 37 introducted and dihaploid rice lines derived from wide genetic background double crossing from local rice : IR54/Parekaligolara and Bio110/Markuti, by using the molekular markers. As control plant  used 23 differential varieties (monogenic lines/IRBB) and TN1 (susceptible).  All plants tested were inoculated by 3 selected dominant BLB races (Race III, IV dan VIII). The selected of 19 polymorphism molecular markers used to identify the BLB resistance genes on rice lines tested. The result of this research showed that 4 rice lines were resistance to all BLB races tested. Three molecular markers were specific associated with resistant gene to Race III (Xa7-STS40, Xa1-STS14 and Xa4-STS50); Race IV (Xa1-STS5, Xa4-STS50 and Xa26-STS1), and Race VIII (Xa21-STS6, Xa7-RM20590 and Xa7-STS40). These markers could be utilized for the selection process the developmen of BLB resistance rice lines breeding program. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Dini Yuliani ◽  
Wage Ratna Rohaeni

<p>Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) disease is one of the obstacles in increasing of rice production. The use of resistant varieties is an effective and easy to implement for farmers. This paper discusses the heritability and source of resistance genes of rice varieties against the BLB disease and strategies to maintain the durability of resistant varieties as one of the control efforts through plant breeding to supports the increasing of rice production. Assembling and development of resistant varieties play an important role in controlling BLB disease because it has a genetic resistance<br />mechanism that can be inherited to progeny level. Varieties with vertical resistance are easily broken by pathogens, so it is necessary to assembling of varieties with horizontal resistance. To obtain the resistant progeny to BLB disease in the assembly of varieties, the position of the resistant varieties should be played as a female parent that has a high specific joining power. The nature of resistance to BLB is from a population whose parent genes are derived from multiple cross results has higher heritability. The populations derived from a double-cross have multigenic resistance and have the potential to produce recombinant individuals resistant for prolonged periods (durable). The availability of durable resistant varieties become a key requirement in sustainable BLB disease control. This matter can be done by improving the resistance of varieties through the assembling of varieties with various sources of resistance such as wild rice, local rice, and introduced rice.</p><p>Keywords: Rice, varieties, resistance, bacterial leaf blight, durability, heritability</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) merupakan salah satu kendala dalam peningkatan produksi padi. Penggunaan varietas tahan merupakan cara pengendalian yang efektif dan mudah diterapkan petani. Tulisan ini membahas heritabilitas dan sumber gen ketahanan varietas padi terhadap penyakit HDB dan strategi mempertahankan durabilitas varietas tahan sebagai salah satu upaya pengendalian melalui pemuliaan tanaman mendukung upaya peningkatan produksi padi. Perakitan dan pengembangan varietas tahan berperan penting mengendalikan penyakit HDB, karena memiliki mekanisme ketahanan genetik yang dapat diwariskan kepada keturunannya. Varietas dengan ketahanan vertikal mudah dipatahkan oleh patogen, sehingga perlu upaya perakitan varietas dengan ketahanan horizontal. Untuk memperoleh keturunan tanaman padi yang tahan terhadap penyakit HDB dalam perakitan varietas, posisi tetua tahan sebaiknya diperankan sebagai tetua betina yang memiliki daya gabung khusus yang tinggi. Sifat ketahanan HDB dari populasi tetua yang mengandung gen dari hasil silang ganda memilliki heritabilitas lebih tinggi. Populasi turunan dari silang ganda memiliki ketahanan multigenik dan berpeluang menghasilkan individu rekombinan tahan untuk periode yang lama (durable). Ketersediaan varietas tahan yang durable menjadi syarat utama dalam pengendalian penyakit HDB secara berkelanjutan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan perbaikan ketahanan varietas melalui perakitan varietas dengan berbagai sumber ketahanan, di antaranya padi liar, padi lokal, dan padi introduksi.</p><p>Kata kunci: Padi, varietas, ketahanan, hawar daun bakteri, durabilitas, heritabilitas</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Fatimah Fatimah ◽  
Tasliah Tasliah ◽  
Joko Prasetiyono ◽  
Mahrup Mahrup

Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is a serious disease in rice plants worldwide. Yield losses caused by Xoo can be as high as 50% in some parts of Asia. Xa7 gene can potentially confer a broad resistance to BLB. Evaluation of disease resistance characteristics in early breeding generations of rice is important to develop varieties with better resistance. This study reports the evaluation of 167 Indonesian rice germplasms against three BLB isolates/pathotypes in a green house setting and the genotyping of 56 Indonesian rice germplasm using 12 SSR markers linked to Xa7 BLB resistance gene. The majority of the indigenous rice germplasms was found to be susceptible to three BLB isolates/pathotypes tested. Sate Liko from Bantul, Yogyakarta, Horeg from Cirebon, West Java and Sijem from Malang, East Java revealed consistent resistance to three isolates/pathotypes tested based on BLB evaluation in a greenhouse, UPGMA analysis, and genotyping. Pathotype XII displayed more virulence to Indonesian rice varieties tested compared to pathotypes VI and V. The association analysis using the General linear model identified six markers associated with BLB resistance and two markers were highly associated (RM20589 and RM20590). This information will be useful for future studies of BLB resistance in rice plants.

1974 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 62-65
Norisato GAMO ◽  
Takayuki YAMAGUCHI ◽  

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