2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Satria Arif Gumelar ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Affandi ◽  
Suriaty Situmorang

This research aims to analyze which trade barriers are implemented by European Union (EU) on Indonesian Crude Palm Oil (CPO) commodity and did the non-tariff barrier named “Report on Palm Oil and Deforestation of Rainforrest” which has been ratified by the European Comission (EC) have a significant effects on Indonesian CPO export or not. This research used literature study method with secondary and primary data obtained from BPS, Indonesian National Export Development Agency, Central Bank of Indonesia, Eurostat, WTO, FAO, PASPI, Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesian Ministry of Trade and Indonesian Palm Oil Assosiation (IPOA). The results of this research show that the EU has implemented non-tariff barriers on Indonesian CPO since 1905 with various kinds of issues such as health, social and environment. The non-tariff barrier which has been ratified in April 2017 by the European Comission did not significantly affect on Indonesian CPO export.Key words: CPO, European Union, Non-tariff Barriers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Bustanul Arifin ◽  
Komang Audina Permana Putri

Indonesia is the largest producer of palm oil in the world. With Malaysia, palm oil production could account for about eighty percent of global production. Meanwhile, Europe is the country with the third largest CPO export destination for Indonesia after India and China. However, the EU proposed a European Union resolution initiative on palm oil and deforestation of rainforest, which finally passed with the major votes from EU members of Parliament in April 2017. The key point on EU resolution reveals that EU will ban palm oil use for biofuels production by 2020. The purpose of this research is to analyze the Indonesian government’s diplomatic efforts to respond and negotiate with EU regarding the issue. It is also considered important to prevent the global downturn on palm oil products. To analyze the diplomacy effort, the researcher will use qualitative methods presented through data collection from sources such as books, journals, press releases and official reports from institutions in this case the European Union. To support the research, the researcher also uses primary data through the interview with one of the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia for diplomatic actions conducted by Indonesian government. This research finds that the government of Indonesian finally combined several soft diplomatic strategies to face EU both directly and indirectly.Keywords: Strategies, Government of Indonesia, Trade, Palm Oil, EU Resolution, Deforestation

Mohammad Ichlas El Qudsi ◽  
Indra Kusumawardhana ◽  
Volodymyr Kyrychenko

Abstract This paper analyzes Indonesia's economic diplomacy in overcoming trade barriers to Indonesian palm oil commodities carried out by the European Union. Until now, the Indonesian Crude Palm Oil (CPO) industry has experienced tremendous pressure from the European Union (EU) as one of the main export destinations for Indonesian CPO. In order to secure Indonesia's national interests, instead of taking a cooperative approach, the Indonesian government has responded to the EU's discriminatory attitude towards palm oil commodities with a series of assertive economic diplomacy approaches. This assertive economic diplomacy approach is understood by this paper as a form of the “Power-Play End” strategy articulated by Indonesia to secure its national interests in mainland Europe. The main question in this paper is how can Indonesia use this strategy in overcoming trade barriers imposed by the EU on palm oil commodities? Using the concept of Economic Diplomacy which emphasizes three elements, namely the use of political influence and relations, the use of economic assets, the consolidation of the political climate and the international environment - this paper will examine Indonesia's economic diplomacy in related issues. Key Words: Palm Oil, Economic Diplomacy, Trade Barriers, Indonesia, European Union

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-135
Mohammad Ichlas El Qudsi ◽  
Indra Kusumawardhana ◽  
Volodymyr Kyrychenko

Abstract This paper analyzes Indonesia's economic diplomacy in overcoming trade barriers to Indonesian palm oil commodities carried out by the European Union. Until now, the Indonesian Crude Palm Oil (CPO) industry has experienced tremendous pressure from the European Union (EU) as one of the main export destinations for Indonesian CPO. In order to secure Indonesia's national interests, instead of taking a cooperative approach, the Indonesian government has responded to the EU's discriminatory attitude towards palm oil commodities with a series of assertive economic diplomacy approaches. This assertive economic diplomacy approach is understood by this paper as a form of the “Power-Play End” strategy articulated by Indonesia to secure its national interests in mainland Europe. The main question in this paper is how can Indonesia use this strategy in overcoming trade barriers imposed by the EU on palm oil commodities? Using the concept of Economic Diplomacy which emphasizes three elements, namely the use of political influence and relations, the use of economic assets, the consolidation of the political climate and the international environment - this paper will examine Indonesia's economic diplomacy in related issues. Key Words: Palm Oil, Economic Diplomacy, Trade Barriers, Indonesia, European Union

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-105
M Fuadillah Nugraha

This study aims to determine how Indonesia's resistance strategy in oil palm discrimination by the European Union. Researchers use the perspective of liberalism and idealism, and the basic assumptions are peace and war avoidance. The results show that EU discrimination against Indonesian CPO products requires players in the palm oil industry and the Indonesian government to work together to design and develop intensive diplomatic efforts aimed at the EU government and its people. The Indonesian government's efforts to oppose the EU's incentives for the use of palm oil are 1) filing claims and challenges against the EU incentives to reject palm oil restrictions, 2) The Indonesian government emphasizes the importance of distributing Indonesian palm oil globally 3) Lobbying the leadership of the APEC organization to ensure the safety of Indonesia's palm oil industry 4) Undertake Join Capaign efforts by the world's largest palm oil producer to protect the stability of palm oil shipments and take action against negative campaigns against palm oil, and unite voices in drafting an agreement to jointly support industrial development palm oil to be more resilient against the global backlash on palm oil.

Chiara Zilioli ◽  
Phoebus Athanassiou

The provisions on Monetary Union (MU), of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU or the Treaty), as well as the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank (the Statute), are important in their own right, and are amongst those from which any student of the European Union (EU) can learn a great deal with regard to the EU.

Petr David ◽  
Vojtěch Schiller

The market system is unavailable to reflect negative externalities, caused by road motor traffic, in the realized prices. For that purpose, it would be appropriate to implement a general environmental road tax in the European Union member states. The question is whether the national registers of vehicles are prepared for such a change. Whether this is the case at present, may be found out by means of analyses of the available national registers. The next step is synthetic: the data must be subsequently completed on the basis of the knowledge of needs of currently existing systems of road motor vehicles taxation. In the end, the identified results may be supplemented with the known data published by international institutions. The results of the research show that the present systems of road motor vehicles taxation are utterly different and distortive. Only 12 countries of the European Union have registers which were clearly identified as prepared for the application of the environmental tax. Registers of the remaining countries do not contain one or more data that are necessary for the implementation of the environmental tax. For this reason we may assume that regardless of other determinants, environmental road tax shall not be introduced throughout the European Union in the foreseeable future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Maretha Syawallin Umarach

Introduction: The policy issued by the European Union is the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) that turn creates barriers to palm oil exports from other countries to the European Union. The policy to ban palm oil under the pretext of protecting the environment is considered to be a new obstacle to trade. One of the rejection responses came from the ASEAN region. However, even though it has received a lot of protests and rejections, until 2020 the European Union has not changed its policy regarding the ban on the use of palm oil for biodiesel in the European region.Methods: This article focuses on the reasons for the European Union implementing protectionism policies towards the Palm Oil sector in the ASEAN region. The explanation regarding this focus is explained using the Neo Mercantilism approach.Results: The policy to ban palm oil imports can be analyzed to respond to the EU's ambition and concern that the climate emergency will jeopardize the trade process in the future. The European Union research group considers that oil palm plants have a high contribution to the problem of deforestation and forest and peatland diversion in the world, especially ASEAN. Howeever, it can also be seen that there are ambitions to protect the domestic production of biofuels from the EU sunflower and radishes from global competition. The above concerns and motivations then prompted the European Union to formulate protectionism for regional economic stability.Conclusion and suggestion: ASEAN, especially Indonesia and Malaysia, have become quite vocal actors in responding to this policy. Indonesia and Malaysia are the biggest contributors of palm oil exports to Europe. As well as causing an oversupply of global palm oil supplies, this policy is considered to discriminate against and violate free-trade norms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 905
Novela CHRISTINE ◽  
Mokhamad Khoirul HUDA

Crude palm oil is one of the main commodities exported by Indonesia to several countries, including European Union. The European Union has pushed through several laws regarding climate change, including the Renewable Energy Directive II. The regulation supplementing the Renewable Energy Directive II has also been adopted by the European Commission, making the criteria for determining the high indirect land-use change-risk feedstock in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/807. The objective of this paper is to observe if the measure taken by European Union on determining the indirect land-use change-risk feedstock has satisfied the existing WTO trade principles, the principle of most favored nation and the principle of quantitative restriction. The determining criteria in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/807 is trade restrictive and discriminating to the export of crude palm oil, as crude palm oil is the only feedstock that falls under the criteria of high indirect land-use change-risk feedstock. The regulation has impact for the consumption of crude palm oil in Member states of European Union should be gradually reduced 0% by 2030 at the latest.  As the provision on General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade embodies the principle of non-discrimination, the result of the study shows the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/807 has violated the international trade principles. Furthermore, the general exceptions of GATT 1994 contained in Article XX (b) also doesn’t justify the measure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Stivani Ismawira Sinambela

This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy implemented by Germany under governmental Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015. Since, Germany has issued various policies that serve as protection regime in dealing with migrant. In its application, it is ineffective until cause in significant and different impacts in every aspect since. Implementation of Open Door Policy to deal with the migrant crisis that occurred at Europe, a new hope in Germany to boost Germany's positive image. The conclusions obtained in the analysis of this study that some Germans hope this positive image will help remove some stains in the past against Germany reputation. Germany has become home to migrants where Germany once made hundreds of thousands of people migrants. Germany appears to have drastically curtailed its open-door policy for migrants. therefore Open-door policy has resulted in the disintegration of countries in the EU region. There are four risks that will be experienced by the European Union, namely the north-south divide on migrants by rethinking and suspension of the agreement called the Schengen system. This study uses literature study as a method and in the data analysis uses descriptive qualitative.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 509-533
Panicos Demetriades ◽  
Radosveta Vassileva

ABSTRACT Dirty money is often a by-product or a symptom of political corruption in the jurisdictions in which it originates. It can also spread corruption and erode democracy on its journey to its final destination. This typically involves multiple jurisdictions and is the reason why it is so hard to detect. Recently, a series of money laundering scandals have highlighted weaknesses in the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) framework of the European Union (EU), the implementation of which remains the responsibility of Member States. The paper argues that EU’s defences against money laundering have been weakened partly reflecting a little-known erosion in the independence of Member State central banks, which are often the AML supervisors. It puts forward a number of new proposals to strengthen the governance and AML/CFT implementation in the EU.

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