scholarly journals Penerapan Video Media Interaktif untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Shield Metal Arc Welding

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Randa Avito Yasri ◽  
Ambiyar Ambiyar ◽  
Mulianti Mulianti

This research explores the application of video as an interactive media, learning motivation of students and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research for motivation and student learning outcomes. This type of research this is a class action Research (PTK), the population and the sample used at the class XI welding techniques as much as 29 students. The instruments used in the form of interactive media, video observation sheets and test of mastery. Data obtained from the motivation of learning i.e. the percentage and the results of the study are average. The learning motivation of students in cycle I meetings I was 50.86% criteria less motivated; the Icycle meeting II was 64.22% criteria sufficiently motivated; and in cycle II meeting was 73.71% criteria I motivated; cycle II II meeting was 84.48% criteria are very motivated. The results of a study on cycle I with an average of 70.24 and cycle II with an average of 84.37. The use of video as an interactive media can increase motivation and learning results Subjects Shield Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Welding Technique Class XI in SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 260
Nur Kholis Huda

The students’ low interest in learning Social science, especiallyon the changes of provinces in Indonesia, has an impact on their learning motivation which automatically makes the studying outcomes are not satisfying. This is experienced by class VI students of Jetis III Elementary school during 2016/2017 period. This article observes about the methods to increase learning motivation and student learning outcomes in Social Science particularly about the changes of Provinces in Indonesia by using media learning called "Indonesian Acceleration (I Love Learning Provinces in Indonesia). The method used to obtain data in the use of "Akselerasi Indonesia” or Indonesian Acceleration, learning media is Qualitative and quantitative research packaged in the classroom action research. The result of learning showsthe increase of students’ interest that can be proven bythe learning outcomes after using "Indonesian Acceleration" learning media.

Siti Choiriyah

<p><em>The focus of</em><em> this Class Action Research is the application of Problem Based Learning on The Results of Learning Bahasa Indonesia Grade 5 SDN Karanganyar 01 Tugu Subdistrict Semarang Year 2019/2020. From the above formulation of research objectives for (1) Describing the application of the use of PPT media in improving student learning achievement (2) Describing how to improve students' learning motivation, especially the content of Indonesian language lessons. The implementation of learning improvements carried out in three cycles of each cycle shows an improvement in learning outcomes.  From the data obtained, it can be concluded that the use of Problem Based Learning on the results of learning Bahasa Indonesia grade 5 SDN Karanganyar 01 Tugu Subdistrict Semarang is very effectively used to improve student learning outcomes<strong>.</strong></em></p>

Widya Accarya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-73
I G A Mas Darwati ◽  
Veronika Rambu Padu Jabu

Abstrak Dalam proses pendidikan metode mempunyai kedudukan yang begitu penting dalam upayamencapai tujuankarena metode merupakan sarana penunjang yang membantu kelancaran jalannya proses belajar mengajar. Metode adalah cara yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan rencana yang sudah disusun dalam kegiatan nyata agar tujuan yang telah disusun dapat terapai secara optimal. Adapun rumusan masalah yaitu: Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah Apakah melalui upaya penerapan metode Tanya jawab bervariasi media pembelajaran hasil belajar siswa akan, meningkat pada matapelajaran PPKn pada siswa kelas VII D SMP Dwijendra Denpasar tahun pelajaran 2018/2019?. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan penerapan metode Tanya jawab bervariasi media pembelajaran dalam hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PPKn pada siswa kelas VII D SMP Dwijendra Denpasar tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 2 siklus yaitu siklus pertama dan siklus kedua.metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah test, observasi, data lapangan. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data diperoleh bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan penerapan metode Tanya jawab dengan variasi media pembelajaran di kelas VII D SMP Dwijendra Denpasar dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa. Peningkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa ditandai dengan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada setiap test akhir siklus. Tingkatan rata-rata pencapaian skor saat pre test sebesar 7.338% rata-rata pencapaian skor saat test siklus 1 sebesar 7.725% dan rata-rata pencapaian skor saat test siklus 2 sebesar.8,612%.Sedangkan ketuntasan belajar siswa saat pre test sebesar 45,16 dan post siklus 2 meningkat dengan signitifkan sebesar 93.54% berdasarkan hasil belajar siswa di uraikan dapat di simpulkan bahwa, proses pembelajaran menggunakan penerapan metode Tanya jawab dengan variasi media pembelajaran sangat efektif bila di terapkan di sekolah (dikelas). Kata kunci:  Metode tanya jawab, variasi media pembelajaran, hasil belajar Abstract In the process of education the method has a very important position in trying to achieve goals because the method is a supporting tool that helps the smooth running of the learning process. The method is a method used to implement a plan that has been prepared in real activities so that the objectives that have been prepared can be achieved optimally. The formulation of the problem are: Based on the problems above, the formulation of the problem in this class action research is whether through the application of the question and answer method varies the learning media of student learning outcomes will, increase in PPKn subjects in class VII D students at Dwijendra Denpasar Middle School in 2018/2019 ? This study aims to determine the efforts made to improve the application of the question and answer method of varying learning media in student learning outcomes in PPKn subjects in class VII D of SMP Dwijendra Denpasar in the academic year 2018/2019. This research was conducted in 2 cycles, the first cycle and the second cycle. The methods used in data collection were test, observation, field data. Analysis of the data used is descriptive quantitative. The results of the analysis of the data obtained that the implementation of learning by applying the question and answer method with a variety of learning media in class VII D of Dwijendra Denpasar Junior High School can improve student learning activities and outcomes. Increased student activity and learning outcomes are marked by increasing student learning outcomes at each end of the test cycle. The average level of achievement score when pre-test amounted to 7,338% the average achievement score during the first cycle test was 7,725% and the average achievement score during the second cycle test was 8,612%. While the completeness of student learning during pre-test was 45,16 and post cycle 2 increased with a significance of 93.54% based on student learning outcomes described can be concluded that, the learning process using the question and answer method with a variety of instructional media is very effective when applied at school (in class). Keywords: Question and answer method, variations in learning media, learning outcomes

Yunita Yunita ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat ◽  
Harun Sitompul

This study aims to: (1) investigate the effect of Jigsaw cooperative learning on students learning outcomes; (2) find the difference in learning outcomes between high and low learning motivation and (3) find the interaction between learning approaches and learning motivation towards learning outcomes. The population of the study is students of grade IVa, IVb, IVc at SD Kasih Ibu Patumbak and the sample in this study is grade IVa with 35 students and grade IVb with 35 students. The results show that: (1) the average student learning outcomes of jigsaw cooperative learning is 28.40 while conventional is 24.14. Thus, students learning outcomes that get cooperative learning of jigsaw type are higher than conventional learning, (2) Students who have high motivation get an average value = 30.74, while low motivation is 22.72. Thus, it can be concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes having high learning motivation and low learning motivation, and (3) students learning outcomes  taught by jigsaw cooperative learning are high learning motivation groups (32.94), and low learning motivation groups (24.58), while students taught with conventional learning are high learning motivation groups (28.40 ), and low motivation groups (20,95). Thus, there is no interaction between learning approaches and learning motivation towards learning outcomes.

Diyan Pertiwi

This study is a class action that aims to improve learning outcomes in subjects PPKn sixth grade students of SDN 002 Ukui Dua. This research is motivated by the low activity and low teacher and student learning outcomes in subjects PPKn. The problem of this study is whether the implementation of a strategy to answer alternately patterned circle round robin can improve student learning outcomes in subjects PPKn in the sixth grade SDN 002 Ukui Dua? This PPKn was conducted over two cycles. Data collection techniques in this research using collection observation techniques, achievement test, and documentation. Techniques of analysis in this study is an analysis of the activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes in subjects PPKn sixth grade students SDN 02 Ukui Dua Kecamatant Ukui. The result showed that the activity of teachers has increased. At the first meeting of the first cycle of 41% was obtained with Simply Perfect category and the second meeting reached 55% with the category Fairly Perfect. In the second cycle 3 meeting to reach 75% by the Perfect category and the 4th meeting of the second cycle reaches 85% with the Perfect category. While the activity of students has increased. At the first meeting of the first cycle reaches 51% with the category Fairly Perfect and the second meeting with the percentage of 66% to the category Perfect. After the second cycle of the third meeting with a percentage of 75% with the Perfect category while in attendance for-4 with the percentage of 94% to the category of Most Perfect. Learning outcomes of students also increased from the previous students who achieve KKM only 8 votes with a percentage (45%) after the first cycle an increase in students worth over KKM which reached 14 people with a percentage of 70%. Cycle II students who achieve KKM 17 (85%).

Irmiah Nurul Rangkuti ◽  
Harun Sitompul ◽  
Naeklan Simbolon

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan media video pembelajaran rias karakter yang layak digunakan, mudah dipelajari mahasiswa dan dapat dipakai untuk pembelajaran individual, (2) mengetahui keefektivitasan media video pembelajaran rias karakter yang dikembangkan pada materi rias karakter. Penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model produk Borg dan Gall yang dipadu dengan model pengembangan pembelajaran Dick dan Carey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) media video pembelajaran layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran rias karakter pada program studi pendidikan tata arias universitas negeri medan, (2) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan media video pembelajaran rias karakter dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan media belajar buku teks. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil pengolahan data (thitung=3,285 )pada taraf signifikansi ɑ = 0,05 dengan dk 56 diperoleh (ttabel = 1,67 ), sehingga (thitung > ttabel), efektivitas penggunaan media video pembelajaran rias karakter = 80,46%. Hasil belajar kelompok mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan tanpa menggunakan media video pembelajaran rias karakter sebesar 71,72%. Dari data ini membuktikan bahwa penggunaan media video pembelajaran rias karakter lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi dan pengetahuan mahasiswa pada pembelajaran rias karakter dari pada tanpa menggunakan media video pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: media video pembelajaran, rias karakte, pendidikan tata rias Abstract: This study aims to: (1) produce a suitable use of character makeup learning video media, easy for students to learn and can be used for individual learning, (2) to find out the effectiveness of media character makeup learning videos developed in character makeup material. Development research using the Borg and Gall product model combined with the learning development model of Dick and Carey. The results of the study showed: (1) learning video media is feasible to use in character makeup learning in the field state university education education program, (2) there are significant differences between student learning outcomes learned using the character makeup video learning media with student learning outcomes which was learned by using media learning textbooks. This is indicated by the results of processing data (tcount = 3.285) at the significance level ɑ = 0.05 with dk 56 obtained  (ttable = 1.67), so that (tcount> t table), effectiveness of using media character makeup learning videos = 80.46%. The learning outcomes of the group of students who were taught without using the character makeup learning video media amounted to 71.72%. From these data prove that the use of character makeup learning video media is more effective in increasing students' competence and knowledge in character makeup learning than without using learning video media. Keywords: learning video media, character makeup, makeup education

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Mimik Fernandes ◽  
Farida F ◽  
Yanti Fitria ◽  
Ahmad Fauzan ◽  
Nelvyarni Nelvyarni

Based on experience and reflection multiplication of fractions learning at fifth class SDN 33 VII Koto Padang Pariaman district. Student learning outcomes is still low and the learning undertaken by teachers arenot using realistic problem to beginning of learning. So the author through this research trying to improve student learning outcomes in subjects multiplication of fractions. The purpose of this study was to describe the planning, implementation and learning outcomes. This research is action research (class action research), this study used a qualitative and quantitative approach. Learning is used by using the realistic mathematics education approach. After doing research hence an increase in student learning outcomes in multiplication of fractions lesson using realistic mathematics education approach. It can be seen, both from the ability of teachers in designing learning from 83% up to 94%, implementation of learning increased 94% from 77%, and learning outcomes increased to 86,87 from 74,04.

Dewi Lestari ◽  
Reh Bungana ◽  
Siman Siman

Teachers have a duty to encourage, guide and provide learning facilities to achieve goals. Teachers have a responsibility to see everything that happens in the classroom to help student development. Teachers must be able to carry out their duties properly by first having to understand carefully the matters relating to the teaching and learning process, because the success of the learning process is supported by the ability of the teacher to develop and generate activeness and students in the learning process. The research method used is the Quasi Experiment (Quasi Experimental Method) with the research design as the basis for the implementation of the research is to distinguish the influence of the Inquiry method and the effect of conventional methods on learning outcomes of Citizenship Education in terms of high learning motivation and low learning motivation where the treatment class is class Va student and Vb class. The following is presented sequentially descriptive data regarding: (1) Civics learning outcomes students are taught using scramble learning model, (2) Civics student learning outcomes are taught using the expository model, (3) Civics student learning outcomes have high learning motivation, (4) Civics student learning outcomes have motivation to learn low, (5)Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning motivation are taught with the Scramble learning model, (6) Civics learning outcomes of students who have low learning motivation are taught with the Scramble learning model, (7) Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning motivation are taught using the expository learning model, (8) Civics learning outcomes of students who have low learning motivation are taught using the expository learning model.

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