2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-204
Irwansyah Suwahyu

Abstract: Character education has been an educational model offered to overcome the moral problem of children in Indonesia. This links with an increase of  juvenile delinquency in society. Ki Hadjar Dewantara as one of the national education figures had contributed a lot to the progress of education in Indonesia. In this research, researcher studies about the thoughts of Ki Hadjar Dewantara about education lingking with character education. The result is the thoughts of Ki Hadjar dewantara lead to the importance of the role of the environment, the place where the character is formed, the spirit of leadership and mutual assistance, and the growth of love to the culture of the nation in order to form the successor generations of a good nation in terms of character. Keyword: Pendidikan Karakter, Pemikiran Pendidikan Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Ki Hadjar Dewantara.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Mohammad Alek Mahya Shofa & Mudzakkir Ali

Indonesia is now facing various problems such as moral degradation, corruption, deceitfulness in schools and juvenile delinquency behavior. All of these require a solution. Most education experts argue that the Sufi-style education is one of ways to solve the moral problem. Among them is Ibn Aṭāillāh al- Sakandarī who undeniably has a significant role in this field especially through his famous work, al-Ḥikam. This article tries to uncover how the role of his moral education. It uses descriptive analytical method, in which the author refers to Sufi works that talk about moral education particularly al-Ḥikam. The findings are: first, the Sufi-style moral education is one of moral education methods focusing on self-empowerment and purification. It is hoped to get an improvement and even reach the level of gnosis (ma’rifat) which is in turn able to spread peace in this world. Second, Ibn Athoillah is the Sufis master who has a major role in the improvement of his pupils moral, especially through his work, al-Ḥikam. Third, his thought on Sufistic education can be applied in four stages: teaching, best practice, habituation, and strengthening. Keywords: Ibn ‘Aṭāillāh al-Sakandarī; moral education; al- Ḥikam; mysticism

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Novrian Satria Perdana

Abstract. Many cases of juvenile delinquency that occurred in the community allegedly be-cause there are lack of exemplary and intensive supervision in our educational and community components. According to this reality, it is urgent to know the strategy of strengthening character education in schools to prevent juvenile delinquency. The purpose of this paper is to examine strat-egies in preventing juvenile delinquency through strengthening character education. This paper uses the theory of habituation from the Skinner, such as spontaneous activities, exemplary meth-ods are also a series of behaviorism theory from John Watson, and conditioning activities that are similar to behaviorism theory from Edwin Guthrie . This study includes the type of literature study research by finding reference theory that relevant to the cases or problems found. The data that have been obtained then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. The conclusions from this litera-ture study includes 1) education in Indonesia still focused on cognitive aspect or academic, while the aspect of soft skills or non academic which is the main element of character education so far still get less attention. 2) implementation of strategies to strengthen character education in schools in preventing juvenile delinquency, can be integrated into existing subjects, local content, self-development. 3) the headmaster as the leader of the school organization is fully responsible for the character building of students, so as a model school requires special efforts to integrate the values of character into the learning process and routine activities in schools. Based on the above conclu-sions, some suggestions were formulated: 1) learning in schools should focus on soft skills or non academic (affective and psychomotor) which are the main elements of character education through teaching and learning activities or extracurricular activities; 2)The national education ministries should formulate learning models that use the character component as the largest com-ponent; 3) the national education ministry should cooperate with TNI and POLRI by conducting education to defend the country that there are character and nationalism elements. Abstrak. Maraknya kasus kenakalan remaja yang terjadi di masyarakat diduga ku-rangnya keteladanan dan pengawasan intensif dari komponen pendidikan dan masyarakat. Ber-dasarkan hal tersebut, mendesak untuk diketahui strategi penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah dalam mencegah kenakalan remaja. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji strategi dalam mencegah kenakalan remaja melalui penguatan pendidikan karakter. Penulisan ini menggunakan teori pembiasaan dari Skinner, berupa kegiatan-kegiatan spontan, metode keteladanan yang juga sejalan dengan teori behaviorisme dari John Watson, dan kegiatan pengkondisian yang sejalan dengan teori behaviorisme dari Edwin Guthrie. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian studi literatur dengan mencari referensi teori yang relefan dengan kasus atau per-masalahan yang ditemukan. Data-data yang sudah diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Kesimpulan dari studi literatur ini antara lain: 1) Pendidikan di Indonesia masih terfokus pada aspek-aspek kognitif atau akademik, sedangkan aspek soft skills atau non-akademik yang merupakan unsur utama pendidikan karakter selama ini masih kurang mendapatkan per-hatian; 2) Implementasi strategi penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah dalam upaya pencega-han kenakalan remaja dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam mata pelajaran yang sudah ada, muatan lokal, pengembangan diri, dan budaya sekolah, dan 3) Kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin organisasi sekolah bertanggungjawab penuh terhadap pembinaan karakter peserta didik, sehingga sebagai teladan sekolah diperlukan upaya khusus untuk mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter ke dalam proses pembelajaran dan aktivitas rutin di sekolah.. Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas, dirumuskanbeberapa saran: 1) Pembelajaran di sekolah sebaiknya diutamakan menekankan pada soft skills atau non-akademik (afektif dan psikomotorik) yang merupakan unsur utama pendidikan karakter melalui KBM dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler; 2) Kemendikbud sebaiknya merumuskan model penilaian yang menggunakan komponen karakter sebagai komponen terbesar; 3) Kemendikbud bekerjasama dengan TNI dan POLRI sebaiknya mengadakan pendidikan bela Negara yang dida-lamnya memuat unsur budi pekerti dan nasionalisme.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Syahrul Akmal Latif ◽  
Yusri Herman

The issue of education is never over to talk about because education is one measurement of a person's individual accomplishments and achievements systematically nation. The high education of human resources will give a lot of useful works for the individual and social. Unfortunately, the education that was developed based on this character only strengthen individual and social, it’s beyond the divine value . It is due to the historical roots of the character education by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Charles Renouvier (1815-1857); Religious morality in the low education and August Comter (1798- 1857); secular morality. Renouvier said the weakness of youth responsibility, loss of justice equality, respect and others. The process of character education is faced with the application of secularization. Such as, in France Francois Camille Jules Ferry (1832-1893) , a French Education minister said; Moral education is important but explicitely teaching morality does not needed. The development of character education in America is very dynamic. It’s started from 19th century (1900-1950) until 1997.It’s established nationally. Finally, Thomas lichona explained the entire role of religion in the education of character with seven steps and the role of teachers in character education. Thus, the author conducted religious analysis which widely spread among society is that the teaching of Protestant religious. But, It successfully gives individual and social value as character education. On the contrary, the goal of our national educational in 1945 (Version amendment) Article 31, paragraph 3 states: The Government shall manage and organize a national education system. Which increases the Faith and piety as well as noble character in order to educate the nation that adopted by law. Article 31, paragraph 5, states that the government advances science and technology to uphold the values of religious and national unity for the progress of civilization and prosperity of mankind. Likewise, the purpose of philosophy Nasionsl Education Act No. 20 of 2003. The 1945 Constitution and the Law N0 20 of 2003. Strongly reflects the value of belief in one God as the first principle of Pancasila as the first principle says it is an acknowledgment that in developing the nation's education should not be separated from human relations and slave relationship with God the creator.  

Wildan Taufiq ◽  
Ayu Puji Lestari ◽  
Lailli Irna Sari ◽  
Risma Ardianti Restianty

The role of character education in shaping student character is as a counterweight to cognitive skills for students. The implementation of character education itself has been reflected in Rasullullah SAW. In the person of the Apostle who contains great and noble values. Therefore the important role of teachers, school principals, and parents in building the character of students is needed. Teachers and parents must collaborate in instilling the character values of students so that later the character education received by children will be in accordance with what must be taught. Cultivating character education is very important for the student so that in the future they can find out how good deeds are done and not good to use. Juvenile delinquency at this time is triggered because of being influenced by the circle of friends he follows, which causes them to be easily influenced by invitation from friends who they think are appropriate examples. This research was conducted to analyze the character education policy in minimizing juvenile delinquency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Moch Iqbal

This paper examines the strategic role of religious education in the national education system. In accordance with the mandate of UU Sisdiknas no 20/2003 that religious education is part of national education. Moreover, the issue of character education is getting stronger, increasingly placing religious education, in this case Islamic Education (IE) as the spearhead in guarding the implementation of character education. By using literature study, the results of this study were obtained, that the implementation of IE needs to be improved in order to produce students with character. Some obstacles in the implementation of Islamic religious education, making the PAI has not been able to produce students of character as much as expected by all parties. There are two dominant causes in the implementation of IE that are less than the maximum. First, IE puts more emphasis on the mastery of texts contained in textbooks and outer cognitive only (cognitive domain), whereas the substance of the cultivation of religious values just disappears as the cognitive knowledge accumulates. Second, the doctrinal learning process must be accepted, without growing the students' critical reason.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-86
Khairul Huda

The purpose of this research is to find out; the concept of character education in the perspective of Ibn Miskawaih, and the relevance of character education in the modern era. This research is library research with content analysis method. The results showed that in shaping character, Ibn Miskawaih implemented four things. However, what is more emphasized is through habituation and practice, because these two methods are carried out continuously and repeatedly. Ibnu Maskawaih emphasizes character education in the world of education which is carried out from an early age and taught through the role of family, education, and society. If with current education the concept of Ibn Miskawaih's character education has relevance to the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 as well as the character pillar which aims so that students not only learn to be intelligent, but also have noble personalities and morals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 132
Aries Abbas ◽  
Marhamah Marhamah

Respecting children's views is a fundamental principle that relates to all aspects of the implementation and interpretation of other articles of the convention. Every child's views need to be considered in making decisions that will affect the child's life and development. Factors that can affect the understanding of Civics teachers, the existence of socialization with fellow Civics teachers, the existence of a two-way communication with MGMP members, the existence of shared perceptions in overcoming problematic students, the existence of collaboration when solving problems faced by students and cooperation can be carried out with teachers PAI, counseling teachers, Civics teachers must know or really understand the role and objectives of Civics learning, because Civics subjects have a role in education to develop character development through the role of Civics teachers. In accordance with one of the missions of the new paradigm Civics subject, namely as character education. Civics as one of the subjects that have content in moral education and nationalism, is a subject that is obliged to take part in the character education process through the role of Civics teachers. By applying appropriate teaching methods and supported by all levels of personnel at these educational institutions, Civics teachers can take the initiative to be the driving force for the character learning program. As the output of this Civics learning, there will be a generation with truly quality human resources in accordance with the goals of national education.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-118
Achmad Mu’ad Wachid

Researchers interested in lifting the title "Strategy for Educational Institutions in the Development of Character Education at SDN Sidobinangun Deket Lamongan" because it is motivated by the realities of the modern era such as this age is more distant from the character values and the loss of public awareness of education only demanding duties and responsibilities of the rights the right of students to be met by teachers, as well as improving the quality of education in Indonesia as stated in School Organization character. The purpose of this study is to investigate to find out, how the strategy Educational Institutions in the development of character education in SDN Sidobinangun Deket Lamongan. To find out the problem and get the data is clear about the factors supporting and inhibiting factors in the development of character education in SDN Sidobinangun, here the author uses qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques and information through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed, strategy adopted by SDN Sidobinangun is, using four kinds of elements as well as a contributing factor, the First, the role of the School component. Secondly, applying the method and the insistence in teaching and learning activities. Third, development of syllabus and lesson plans. and Fourth, planting through self development activities. and that makes reference to factors inhibiting the development of character education that is based on research conducted by Sa'dun Akbar, which means overcoming that by optimizing the performance or the role of the school component and utilization methods and innovative learning model attractive, developing syllabus and RPP are not escaped from the minimum standard, which decides to by the National Education Standards Agency, and through a variety of activities that have been formulated Schools.

Farid Setiawan ◽  
Wildan Taufiq ◽  
Ayu Puji Lestari ◽  
Risma Ardianti Restianty ◽  
Lailli Irna Sari

The role of character education in shaping student character is as a counterweight to cognitive skills for students. The implementation of character education itself has been reflected in Rasullullah SAW. In the person of the Apostle who contains great and noble values. Therefore the important role of teachers, school principals, and parents in building the character of students is needed. Teachers and parents must collaborate in instilling the character values of students so that later the character education received by children will be in accordance with what must be taught. Cultivating character education is very important for students so that in the future they can find out how good deeds are done and not good to use. Juvenile delinquency at this time is triggered because of being influenced by the circle of friends he follows, which causes them to be easily influenced by invitation from friends who they think are appropriate examples. This research was conducted to analyze the character education policy in minimizing juvenile delinquency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-207
Nanik Setyowati

Character building is a very important part of national education goals. As stated in the law no. 20 of 2003 on the national education system which states that the purpose of national education is to develop the potential of learners to become human beings who believe and piety to God Almighty, noble character, healthy knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become citizens of democratic and to be responsible. And one of the researchers' concerns in this context is to try to discuss the implementation of character education in educational institutions, especially in the madrasah. The research methodology used a qualitative approach. Data collection using interview methods and snowball sampling, observation, and documentation techniques. Sources of data in this study were Madrasah Principals, teachers and students in both research objects. Data analysis techniques are data reduction that has been obtained then presented / in the form of display data, and the conclusion or verification. The thinking model used is inductive. The location of the research is in MTsN. Ponorogo and MTs Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo. From the results of the study found that (1) Implementation of character education in MTsN Ponorogo and MTs Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo has been formulated in vision and mission of Madrasah. (2) The efforts of MTsN Ponorogo and MTs. Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo in developing character education is designing activities that terms with the values ​​of character and build madrasah culture. (3) Characteristic implementation of character education in MTsN Ponorogo is to maximize the role of Counseling Guidance (BK) in instilling character in students. While in MTs Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo Implementation of character education is deliberately designed through the development of madrasah culture with the management of all components in Madrasah.

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