Torang Samua Basudara : Nilai Budaya dalam Menjaga Kerukunan Hidup Beragama di Kota Manado.

Muhammad Kamil Jafar N

This article aims to describe and analyze the cultural values of Torang Samua Basudara which are the philosophy of living in harmony in the city of Manado. This study uses qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques namely observation and interviews, data analysis using three stages, namely data collection, reduction, and drawing conclusions.  The results of the study provide an overview of the history of the origin of the meeting between ethnic Minahasa and immigrants who show an attitude of openness and care for the Minahasa people, then the core meaning of the torang samua basudara value is that we are all God's creations, must love one another, cherish and live in good conditions, as well as the reality of interpersonal life. religion in the city of Manado shows a harmony in society, differences do not become obstacles but they support each other in the common good.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Rita Safari ◽  
Abdul Manan ◽  
Sanusi Ismail

This study aims to find out the history of visiting Simeulue, the visiting procession the Lambaya Village with Sanggiran Village, the role of the community in preserving visiting traditions and the benefits of visiting the people of Lambaya Village with Sanggiran Village. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that visiting procession is a visit activity carried out by a group of individuals, organizations or communities by way of deliberations with citizens, communicating, and preparing all the necessities and interests of visiting activities. This visit is led by the highest person in the village or someone who is trusted as the leader of the activity group. The role and benefits of the community to preserve the tradition of visiting is that the community continues to maintain, apply, maintain and develop traditions and cultural values so that visiting can strengthen harmony in daily life. In addition, by visiting them they can get new experiences, find out weaknesses, lack of organization, keep them away from enmity, get new families and most importantly get knowledge that they have not yet gotten.

2020 ◽  
pp. 529-544
Marcin Krassowski ◽  
Grzegorz Młynarski

In the following article, we explore interconnections between using bicycle sharing systems and the personal approach to ownership as well as to such practices as shared use and borrowing. Based on primary, qualitative research conducted in march 2020 we claim that public bicycles – despite their history rooted in ideas of common use – are perceived as one of many services available within the city. Users see them as useful in a particular situation but do not associate them with shared use or the common good. Therefore we claim that bike-sharing systems – despite optimism – cannot be classified as part of the sharing economy. Based on users opinions they should be classified as part of access based or collaborative consumption.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-149
Jan Siegemund

AbstractLibel played an important and extraordinary role in early modern conflict culture. The article discusses their functions and the way they were assessed in court. The case study illustrates argumentative spaces and different levels of normative references in libel trials in 16th century electoral Saxony. In 1569, Andreas Langener – in consequence of a long stagnating private conflict – posted several libels against the nobleman Tham Pflugk in different public places in the city of Dresden. Consequently, he was arrested and charged with ‘libelling’. Depending on the reference to conflicting social and legal norms, he had therefore been either threatened with corporal punishment including his execution, or rewarded with laudations. In this case, the act of libelling could be seen as slander, but also as a service to the community, which Langener had informed about potentially harmful transgression of norms. While the common good was the highest maxim, different and sometimes conflicting legally protected interests had to be discussed. The situational decision depended on whether the articulated charges where true and relevant for the public, on the invective language, and especially on the quality and size of the public sphere reached by the libel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Rozilene Lopes de Sousa Alves ◽  
Renilfran Cardoso de Souza

The history of Brazilian education has been the subject of research to analyze problems and perspectives that affect the analysis of problems and perspectives linked to the structuring and consolidation of the Brazilian educational system. Under this prism, the present work has as general objective, to understand the development of the teaching profession through stories and memories of normalist teachers, who acted, in the teaching in the Primary Education, in schools of the Sertão Paraibano (1970 and 1980). The research assumes the theoretical foundations on History, Memory, History of Brazilian Education and methodological procedures of qualitative research, with attention to data collection approaches through the history of oral expression, added by documentary research. The study will contribute to the characterization, discussion of the conceptions of Education and Society and their relationship on the constitution of the teaching identity, based on listening, writing and analysis of thematic oral histories of the collaborating teachers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 3806 ◽  
Ling Ding ◽  
Di Cao ◽  
Taohua Ouyang ◽  
Jin-xi Wu

This paper aims to take the longitudinal development history of the Lenovo Cross-border complex nested R&D organization as the research object, to explore the development rules of enterprise niche. Strategic positioning is the core issue of enterprise management, and enterprise niche is the core issue of strategic positioning. This study elaborates on the three stages of enterprise R&D organizational ambidexterity promoting enterprise niche evolution, discusses the process model of space development, and reveals the life cycle of enterprise niche. It reveals the deep reason for promoting enterprise niche to develop—the ambidexterity of complex nested organization. The conclusion helps to promote the successful space development of enterprise niches through Cross-border merger and acquisition, and to enhance global sustainable development for the companies from emerging markets such as China.

2016 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Terezinha Oliveira

The considerations on the book “VirtuosaBenfeitoria” aim atevaluating the relevance of a social project to guide the actions of the ruler and theindividuals, with a view to practical actions that converge to the common good. The infant D. Pedro, also known as the Duke of Coimbra, wrote the work. The central focus of the book is to address the sense of improvement and how the prince should practice and bestow it and how the subjects would receive and practice it. The arguments of D. Pedro to deal with the good and the society are strongly influenced by classical authorities and authors of scholasticism, especially Thomas Aquinas. In this sense, on the one hand our study seeks to show that such knowledge was essential for him to understand the plots that build human relationships, whose premises, to him, should be the ones leading society towards the common good;on the other hand, the goal is to analyze the work we regard as essential theoretical and methodological principles of history that allow us to recover, through memory, historical events that potentially guide us through paths that show the relevance of the Master of the University, as a vector in the organization of a given society. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-63
Tabah Rizki ◽  
Sany Dwita

This study aims to interpret in depth the cultural values ​​of Confucianism reflected in the management control system of Chinese ethnic families in Minangkabau. This study uses qualitative interpretive. The process of this research is interactive and meaning that is not measured by statistical data and aims to explore various information more in depth and makes it possible to get things implied by data collection carried out in triangulation. Data analysis is inductive and the results of qualitative research emphasize the meaning of generalization. This interpretive research method seeks to formulate a question and then analyze it based on the question of participants' perceptions studied. This research was conducted in one of the food trading businesses in the city of Padang, namely UD. KBF. The results of the study can be concluded by interpreting Confucian cultural values ​​in the implementation of the management system of Chinese ethnic family companies. This study found that Confucian values ​​were reflected in the implementation of the company's management control system UD. KBF. The values ​​applied by the company's leadership are

Escritos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (61) ◽  
pp. 51-61
Bruno Alonso

Marcus Aurelius reigned from 161 A.D. to 180 A.D., and he ranks among the most successful emperors of the antonine dynasty. The success of his administration may be attributed to his philosopher personality and, more than that, to his stoic character. Meditations presents thoughts of a stoicism devotee, which reflects in moments of intimacy on the challenges that he faced throughout his life as an emperor. It is in the practice of the ethical precepts of stoicism that he finds his refuge. The text consists of a series of spiritual exercises which reaffirm the indifference to pleasures, contempt for fame, detachment from riches and abnegation for political power. This paper is a study of Meditations, and its main purpose is to elucidate how the stoic way of life is incorporated in the figure of the philosopher emperor; this, as a military function, as he was a commander of the Roman army in the war against the Nordics, where political virtue was tested. Amid the chaos of an insane struggle for the survival of Rome, he found in stoicism a precious source of inspiration. Marcus Aurelius was not dazzled by the cult of the emperor's personality; he acted for the natural right to freedom and guided his political actions for the common good. His stoic perseverance reveals itself in a harmonious conduct with the city, the rational and cosmic organism from which the emperor is a simple part.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-164
M. Aufarul Mawahib

Umar bin Khattab during his leadership in the city-state of Medina he had laid the foundations of the modern state especially in the economic field which will be discussed in this paper. Umar made many breakthroughs that had never been done by the Messenger of Allah and the Caliph before, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. Although one of the policies that will be mentioned in this paper is opposed by some Muslims at that time, Umar can prove to his people that what he did was for the common good and interests.

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