oral expression
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Joanna Leek ◽  
Marcin Rojek

AbstractThis paper is based on research studies conducted in the academic community of students and staff members (teachers, researchers and administrative staff) from 16 European universities that focus on digital learning in international mobility. The context of our qualitative study is digital learning during an international mobility scheme when university staff and students do not go abroad for their mobility programme but take courses offered by a partner university from home. By taking the perspectives of both of these academic groups, we aimed to arrive at a clearer understanding of how the digital environment supports digital learning within mobility, ascertain the functions of digital learning and describe the opportunities and challenges that are presented to students engaged in international mobility. Empirical data was gathered using questionnaires and focus group interviews. This study puts forward the assertion that distinctive features of learning in a digital environment within international mobility are systems thinking, self-directed learning and focus on course content. Digital learning environments support motivation to learn, and independence in gaining knowledge. In international digital learning, the online courses of which are characterized by their innovative pedagogical and assessment practices, students and staff become more autonomous in their learning, and more willing to open up to meeting the challenges encountered in various educational settings. Digital learning in the context of mobility means giving meaning to one’s own activity in a digital environment and extension of the course content, meaning oral expression such as discussing and interacting with teachers and peers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 69-74
Eda Can ◽  
Gülmira Kuruoğlu

Communication includes both linguistic and nonlinguistic forms and oral communication is the linguistic communication that exchanges information vocally and aurally. This process can be affected by various reasons and neurodegenerative diseases are one of them. In dementia, which is defined as a neurodegenerative disease, oral expression skills can be impaired in different ways. Linguistic problems can be observed in these patients’ speech. In this context, the oral expression skills of people with dementia of the Alzheimer type were analysed in this study. By using description tests both control group and Alzheimer group were compared within the use of verbal and nominal sentences. It was found out that these patients tend to use verbal sentences more in their oral speech. However, when compared to the control group the use of nominal sentences were higher

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 155-163
Rosa Margarita Hernández Mendoza ◽  
Gilberto Estanislao Roldán Paredes

2021 ◽  
pp. 53-73
Mª Dolores Asensio Ferreiro

Comunicarse de manera efectiva y apropiada en una lengua extranjera (FL) implica dominar las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas, comprensión y expresión escritas (CE-EE) y comprensión y expresión oral (CO-EO). Sin embargo, no se desarrollan al mismo nivel durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en entornos formales. El desarrollo de la expresión oral en FFL es a menudo un desafío para los profesores debido a condicionantes tales como la falta de motivación y sentimientos de inhibición, falta de seguridad o confianza en sí mismo del alumno. A estos, se suman otros como falta de tiempo, grandes grupos de alumnos o vacíos metodológicos y evaluativos que complican la práctica de esta competencia en el aula. Este trabajo presenta un proyecto educativo implementado en la clase FLE donde la Francofonía, el uso de las TIC y el aprendizaje colaborativo son fundamentales para desarrollar la expresión oral del aprendientee al mismo tiempo que ayuda a fortalecer sus habilidades personales. Communicating effectively and appropriately in a SL implies mastering the four language skills, i.e. written comprehension and expression and oral comprehension and expression. However, not all develop equally during the teaching-learning process in formal contexts.The development of oral expression in FFL is often a challenge for teachers and students due to conditions such as lack of motivation and feelings of inhibition of the students, lack of security or self-confidence. To these are added others such as lack of time, large groups of students or methodological and evaluative gaps that contribute significantly to hinder the practice of this competence in the classroom. This paper presents a teaching project implemented in the FFL classroom where Francophonie, the use of ICT and collaborative learning are key to developing the oral expression of the learner contributing to reinforcing their personal skills. Communiquer efficacement et de manière appropriée dans une langue étrangère (LE) implique de maîtriser les quatre compétences linguistiques, la compréhension et expression écrites (CE-EE) et la compréhension et expression orales (CO-EO). Cependant, elles ne se développent pas au même niveau au cours du processus d’enseignement-apprentissage dans des contextes formels. Le développement de l’expression orale en FLE est souvent un défi pour les enseignants en raison de conditions tellles que le manque de motivation et les sentiments d’inhibition de l’élève, le manque de sécurité ou de confiance en soi. À ceux-ci s’ajoutent d’autres comme le manque de temps, de grands groupes d’étudiants ou des lacunes méthodologiques et évaluatives qui réduisent la pratique de cette compétence en classe. Cet ouvrage presente un projet pédagogique mis en oeuvre en classe FLE où la Francophonie, l’utilisation des TIC et l’apprentissage collaboratif sont essentiels pour développer l’expression orale de l’apprenant en même temps qu’elle contribue à renforcer ses compétences personnelles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 881-890
Oksana Starostina ◽  
Olena Horytska

The language of law is a technical language, different from other technical languages such as mathematics or physics, as it is bound to the national legal system and has its own highly specialised terminology. In a language of special communication, the text is expressed in a special language or sub-language that is subject to specific syntactic, semantic and pragmatic rules. Purpose of the study: To examine the specific features of teaching a foreign language to lawyers students. A systematic review can be explained as a research method and process for identifying and critically evaluating relevant studies and for collecting and analysing data from those studies. An excellent result of teaching legal English involves providing students with the ability to formulate speech with specific terminology and to develop their thinking about the law. Here's why teachers encourage discussion and role-playing to improve students' oral expression. An excellent method of developing listening skills in the absence of native speakers is video. We use this method with our class and it has proved very effective in attaining communication purposes. Teachers design all kinds of exercises for students and apply them while watching or post-viewing videos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-152
Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh

This study aimed at identifying the relationship between the acquisition of language patterns and oral expression skills among students with learning difficulties in the English language during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study used the experimental approach and implemented the program on a sample of 84 students divided into an experimental group (n = 42) and a control group ( n = 42). The instruments of the study consisted of the training program, a test of language patterns, and a test for the evaluation of oral expressive performance. The study found the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the acquisition of language patterns and oral expression skills among students with learning difficulties in the English language.

Mengqing Han ◽  
Shanshan Niu

The ultimate goal of learning the English language is oral communication. Virtual scenario teaching (VST) provides the speaking and listening opportunities for learners of spoken English, and allows students to actively participate in the creation of an English environment. Based on VST, this paper summarizes the status quo of spoken English teaching, applies VST to the teaching of spoken English, and evaluates the teaching effect. The results show that VST enhances the students’ ability of language expression, and stimulates their learning interest. With the aid of VST, students can master relevant knowledge, learn spoken English more fluently, and acquire better skills of oral expression. About 95% of teachers speak highly of VST. The research results lay a theoretical basis for reforming and improving the teaching of spoken English.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-150
Mohmmad Khasawneh

The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of using a language games-based electronic program on developing the oral expressions of people with learning difficulties in the English language during the emerging Covid-19 pandemic. The study used the experimental approach and implemented the program on a sample of 84 students, who were distributed to an experimental group (42) and a control group (42). The instruments of the study consisted of the training program and a test for the evaluation of oral expressive performance. The study found the existence of significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the acquisition of oral expression after receiving the training program in favor of the experimental group.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-46
Mark Selikowitz

Specific deficits in information processing in the brain are the commonest causes of academic difficulties in children with ADHD. For many children with ADHD, academic difficulty is not confined to a particular subject but occurs across several areas of study. This chapter explores learning difficulties in ADHD, including common areas of difficulty, including written expression, oral expression, and others. The chapter also discusses when problems become apparent, the causes of learning difficulty in ADHD (poor concentration, impulsivity, working memory impairment, defiance, low self-esteem, social difficulties, poor incentival motivation, auditory processing impairment, difficulties in spelling, handwriting, and organizing), as well as dyslexia and ADHD, and the gifted child with ADHD.

Mary Effiong NYONG

The position and roles of the language teacher have changed a lot in the globalised world of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This is to say that with the upsurge of ICT the relevance of the teacher is threatened. Thus the language teacher needs to change from the stereotype methods of teaching and apply all available resources to achieve his goals. It is the intention of this paper to present a discussion on how oral expression can be used to effectively teach literature in French at the Secondary School level in an Anglophone set-up.

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