Les Enfants perdus de Neverland (Quelques considérations sur J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan et… Michael Jackson)

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 233-243
Delia Nan

"The Lost Children of Neverland (Considerations about J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan and... Michael Jackson). This paper proposes a journey into the childhood and youth of J. M. Barrie (the death of an older brother, the relationship with his grieving mother, his unusual marriage), trying to discover the psychoanalitical events that led to the birth of Peter Pan, as well as the true dimensions of his phantasy universe. And nonetheless the surprising influence that this universe had over such an unusual character called Michael Jackson. Keywords: Peter Pan, psychosis, fantasy, children, Michael Jackson. "

Slavic Review ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 78 (01) ◽  
pp. 74-102
Diana Georgescu

Beginning with the state's successful promotion of purposeful and patriotic tourism for children in Ceaușescu's Romania, this article argues that we should move beyond traditional representations of the relationship between citizens and the socialist state in oppositional terms that emphasize resistance, subversion, and indifference, leaving historical subjects strangely disconnected from their socio-political context. Children and teachers who engaged in summer expeditions, for example, found self-fulfillment not only by opposing the regime or escaping into alternative lifestyles, but also by pursuing the socialist and national values the regime promoted and by activating forms of youth agency that were built into the socialist pedagogy of citizenship, which encouraged activism, voluntarism, and leadership in youth. To investigate young people's engagement with the socialist state, this article proposes a performative approach that has the potential to not only contribute to studies of late socialism, but also invigorate studies of nationalism and histories of childhood and youth under authoritarian regimes.

2000 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-109 ◽  
Mark B. Tappan

This paper explores a sociocultural approach to the development of moral identity, by considering the recently published autobiography of Ingo Hasselbach. Hasselbach, the founder (in 1991) of the National Alternative neo-Nazi party in East Germany, writes about his childhood and youth, how and why he embraced the neo-Nazi perspective, and how and why he ultimately repudiated the movement that he had helped to create. The analysis of Hasselbach’s story employs a “mediated action” approach to identity formation (Penuel & Wertsch, 1995; Wertsch, 1998). Such an approach entails taking human action as the starting point for the study of identity development, and understanding that mediated action, rather than an inner sense of identity, continuity, or sameness, provides the primary unit of analysis. In bringing a sociocultural perspective to bear on Hasselbach’s autobiographical narrative, this paper thus highlights the connections that emerge in his autobiography between his changing/developing sense of moral identity and his moral actions and interactions in the world. In so doing, it explores and explicates the relationship between Hasselbach’s moral identity and the sociocultural context in which it develops.

2007 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 380-386
Simon Trussler

As the two articles following this amplify, whatever one's views of its intrinsic merits, J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan is open to a multiplicity of readings, and (notably since the RSC broke the mould in 1982) of stage interpretations – not to mention its co-option into Walt Disney's cartoon canon. Simon Trussler takes the play for a spin in such unaccustomed company as Romeo and Juliet and the almost contemporaneous ‘tragedy of childhood’ by Frank Wedekind, Spring Awakening, exploring the theme it sustains of betrayed childhoods, surrogate parenting, and changing attitudes towards grown men sleeping with small boys – a magical experience for Barrie, but much less comfortable for the singer Michael Jackson in his ranch called…Neverland. Simon Trussler is Co-Editor of New Theatre Quarterly and presently Professor and Senior Research Fellow at Rose Bruford College. His numerous books on drama and theatre include Shakespearean Concepts (Methuen, 1989), the award-winning Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre (1993), The Faber Pocket Guide to Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama (2006), and Will's Will: the Lives and Last Wishes of William Shakespeare (National Archives, 2007).

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 111-113
Abbas Shiblak

There is a striking lack of studies on the Palestinian diaspora. Undoubtedlythe pioneering work of Edward Said (“Reflections on Exile,” in Out There:Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures, eds. Russell Ferguson [TheMIT Press: 1990]) on exile and Rashid Khalidi (Palestinian Identity: TheConstruction of Modern National Consciousness [Columbia UniversityPress: 1997]) both touch on many of the related issues of collective memory,cultural identity, and the relationship between the “center” (the homeland)and the diasporic communities and how these issues manifestedthemselves in the Palestinian case. More recently, Abbas Shiblak (Reflectionson Palestinian Diaspora in Europe [2000]), Sari Hanafi (Here andThere: Analyses of the Relationship between Diaspora and the Centre [2001:in Arabic]), and Helena Schulz and Juliane Hammer (The Palestinian Diaspora:Formation of Identities and Politics of Homeland [Routledge: 2003])explore different aspects of the Palestinian diaspora.Juliane Hammer’s new study examines young Palestinian returnees aspart of a larger social, historical, political, and cultural framework (p. 114).She conducted her research in the mid-1990s, a crucial period between twophases: one of peace and hope following the signing of the Declaration ofPrinciples in 1993, and another one that started in 1997 with the deteriorationand breakdown of the peace talks, and, consequently, with the eruption of thesecond Intifada in 2000. For her survey, she chose a sample of two main categoriesof young returnees: those of the Palestinian Authority strata (a`idin)and the children of Palestinian expatriates who live in the West but mainly inthe United States (Amerikans). The interviewees were mainly adolescent oryoung men and women from and around Ramalla and Jerusalem.The return process has been described chronologically, as a series offive steps or stages ranging from the decision to return to plans for the nearfuture. As the study argues, this return entails a process of the returnees’rewriting aspects of their identities. Hammer does not see, however, that thechronological approach is the only way of looking at the process of return.She sees the transformation (what she calls the “rewriting of identities”) alsoby dividing “identity” into different aspects, and then investigating how therespondents remembered these aspects from their childhood and youth in the ...

2021 ◽  

The relationship between theater and children has a long and evolving history, mirroring the evolving conceptualization of childhood itself. Children have featured as performers, or had a presence within audiences, far earlier than the emergence of anything specifically labeled as theater for children. For much of the 19th and early 20th centuries, whether a performance was for children was rarely clearly delineated. For example, while J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan is now considered the most famous single piece of “theater for children” it is contested as to whether it was specifically intended for children when first performed in 1904. In the modern guise of theater for children (often also titled theater for young audiences, or TYA), a central tension exists, echoing that in literature for children, in the work being made for children, but created, performed, and written by adults. Among other elements, this often results in theater for children having a close educational ethos or moralistic focus, reflecting and reinforcing adult conceptualization of childhood and adult/child social relationships. Over the last several decades, however, theater for children and young people has entered a period of increased vitality in which some of these relationships have started to change. This vitality is manifested in professionalization, the growth of festivals, dedicated venues, and the increased commitment of innovative artists who have sought to develop the practice in new directions, including through participatory and applied theater practices that seek to give voice to and explore the lived experiences of young people. Accompanying these developments, the field has also received far greater critical and scholarly attention in the last several decades. Historically the study of theater for children has struggled to assert a strong independent identity, often subsumed into literary studies. What is emerging today, however, is something much broader and more vibrant, often interdisciplinary and embracing performance and literature studies, education and child development, psychology and politics. It engages with the core issues of our times, including a growing focus on inclusivity, whether in relation to race, sexuality, or disability. Nonetheless, theater for children has much work to do to decolonize and decenter itself from white and Western dominances. There is also a strong thread of research interest in audiences, which seeks to understand children’s lived experiences of theater and in creative and participatory research methodologies. Finally, and interconnecting all these elements, theater for children is often political and frequently deeply ambitious, driven by a strong sense of idealism that is perhaps childlike in the very best of senses.

1967 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 239-251 ◽  
F. J. Kerr

A review is given of information on the galactic-centre region obtained from recent observations of the 21-cm line from neutral hydrogen, the 18-cm group of OH lines, a hydrogen recombination line at 6 cm wavelength, and the continuum emission from ionized hydrogen.Both inward and outward motions are important in this region, in addition to rotation. Several types of observation indicate the presence of material in features inclined to the galactic plane. The relationship between the H and OH concentrations is not yet clear, but a rough picture of the central region can be proposed.

Paleobiology ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 146-160 ◽  
William A. Oliver

The Mesozoic-Cenozoic coral Order Scleractinia has been suggested to have originated or evolved (1) by direct descent from the Paleozoic Order Rugosa or (2) by the development of a skeleton in members of one of the anemone groups that probably have existed throughout Phanerozoic time. In spite of much work on the subject, advocates of the direct descent hypothesis have failed to find convincing evidence of this relationship. Critical points are:(1) Rugosan septal insertion is serial; Scleractinian insertion is cyclic; no intermediate stages have been demonstrated. Apparent intermediates are Scleractinia having bilateral cyclic insertion or teratological Rugosa.(2) There is convincing evidence that the skeletons of many Rugosa were calcitic and none are known to be or to have been aragonitic. In contrast, the skeletons of all living Scleractinia are aragonitic and there is evidence that fossil Scleractinia were aragonitic also. The mineralogic difference is almost certainly due to intrinsic biologic factors.(3) No early Triassic corals of either group are known. This fact is not compelling (by itself) but is important in connection with points 1 and 2, because, given direct descent, both changes took place during this only stage in the history of the two groups in which there are no known corals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Thomas Parr

Abstract This commentary focuses upon the relationship between two themes in the target article: the ways in which a Markov blanket may be defined and the role of precision and salience in mediating the interactions between what is internal and external to a system. These each rest upon the different perspectives we might take while “choosing” a Markov blanket.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
Paul Benjamin Badcock ◽  
Axel Constant ◽  
Maxwell James Désormeau Ramstead

Abstract Cognitive Gadgets offers a new, convincing perspective on the origins of our distinctive cognitive faculties, coupled with a clear, innovative research program. Although we broadly endorse Heyes’ ideas, we raise some concerns about her characterisation of evolutionary psychology and the relationship between biology and culture, before discussing the potential fruits of examining cognitive gadgets through the lens of active inference.

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