scholarly journals Lesbian Continuum As An Alternative Strategy In Negotiating Heteronormativity In Sarah Water’s Fingersmith

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-220
Mega Hayuningtyas Erwanti ◽  
Maimunah Maimunah

This study is conducted to examine the portrayal of a lesbian continuum in Sarah Waters’ Fingersmith. To conduct the analysis, there are two research questions: first, how is the construction of lesbian continuum portrayed in the relationship between Susan Trinder and Maud Lilly and how does lesbian continuum become a strategy to negotiate compulsory heterosexuality. In doing the analysis, the theory of lesbian continuum which is proposed by Adrienne Rich will be used to elaborate the novel. This study is a qualitative research where the data are taken from the novel Fingersmith, library research, journals, and other relevant sources. To gain the comprehensive analysis, this study uses some methods which are: close reading, postulation the statements of the problems, data classification, and analysis using the lesbian continuum theory, supporting analysis through library research, books, and academic journals. This study finds that the characters of Susan Trinder and Maud Lilly can be identified as having a double life which constructs the lesbian continuum. Moreover, the lesbian continuum becomes a strategy to negotiate compulsory heterosexuality with denial and negotiation of women’s oppression. Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji representasi lesbian continuum dalam novel Sarah Waters yang berjudul Fingersmith. Dua pertanyaan utama penelitian ini adalah (1) bagaimana konstruksi lesbian continuum direpresentasikan dalam hubungan antara tokoh Susan Trinder dan Maud Lily dalam novel Fingersmith dan (2) bagaimana lesbian continuum menjadi strategi untuk menghadapi compulsory heterosexuality dalam novel Fingersmith. Teori lesbian continuum oleh Adrienne Rich akan menjadi teori utama untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Menggunakan teknik pembacaan novel dan analisis pustaka yang bersumber dari jurnal dan sumber lain yang mendukung. Untuk mendapatkan data yang komprehensip, metode yang dipakai adalah close reading, menjabarkan pertanyaan, klasifikasi data, dan analisis menggunakan teori lesbian continuum, analisis didukung menggunakan penelitian pustaka, buku dan jurnal. Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan hal-hal berikut: Pertama, tokoh Susan Trinder dan Maud Lily diidentifikasi memiliki kehidupan ganda (double life), yang merupakan ciri dari representasi Lesbian Continuum. Kedua, lesbian continuum adalah strategi untuk bertahan dalam masyarakat dengan cara menyangkal (denial) adanya relasi seksual di antara mereka dan untuk melawan tekanan terhadap perempuan pada masa itu. Kata-kata Kunci: compulsory heterosexuality; lesbian continuum; Fingersmith

Libri ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Yigal Nirenberg ◽  
Gila Prebor

Abstract The relationship of F.M Dostoevsky with Jews attracted the attention of numerous scholars throughout the years, many of whom attempted to grapple with the views of the great writer and their origin. In this article we will attempt to show this relationship by analyzing six of Dostoevsky’s greatest novels, written through the entirety of his career. We are analyzing these novels using Distant Reading in conjunction with Close Reading, tools that are commonly used in the field of digital humanities, which enabled us to show visually the extent of F.M. Dostoevsky’s engagement with this topic. The study poses two research questions: 1. To what extent did the writer use the more denigrating term “Zhid”? 2. Can we see a correlation between the writer’s portrayal of Jews with the definition of Anti-Semitism as it was known during his era? The obtained results show that there is clearly a correlation between the definition of anti-Semitism as it was understood at the time of Dostoevsky and the “Jew” as depicted in his novels, as the financial motif is paramount in the depiction of Jews as this is the central topic in 49% of the negative sentences in which the word “Jew” appears, with 59% of these sentences classified as stereotypes. The negative financial stereotype constitutes 32% of the entire corpus. In addition, we found the term “Zhid” is commonly used by the writer, a variation of which constitutes 75% of the total terms used to depict Jews.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Qhothrun Nadaul Jannah ◽  
Purwati Anggraini

Alor Community Environmental Wisdom in Swarna Alor Novel: Impian di Langit Timur Written by Dyah Prameswarie ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan manusia dengan alam ditinjau dari nilai-nilai kearifan lingkungan serta upaya menyeimbangkan lingkungan alam yang dilakukan tokoh dalam novel Swarna Alor: Impian di Langit Timur karya Dyah Prameswarie. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini meliputi kutipan terkait hakekat hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungannya yang berupa kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat. Sumber data dari novel Swarna Alor: Impian di Langit Timur. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik baca dan teknik catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya (1) sikap tanggung jawab moral terhadap alam yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat Alor yang selalu taat terhadap aturan, tradisi, dan adat dari nenek moyang terdahulu, (2) sikap solidaritas terhadap alam yang dimiliki oleh tokoh Pak Libana guna mempertahankan tradisi leluhur dan ekosistem alam, (3) kasih sayang dan kepedulian terhadap alam yang dimiliki oleh tokoh utama dengan ikut menjadi anggota Green World, dan (4) sikap tidak mengganggu kehidupan alam masyarakat Alor dan selalu taat pada aturan untuk tidak semena-mena memperlakukan alam.Kata kunci: Kearifan, Lingkungan, Alam Masyrakat AlorABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the relationship between humans and nature in terms of environmental wisdom values and efforts to balance the natural environment by characters in the novel Swarna Alor: Impian di Langit Timur written by Dyah Prameswarie. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive data approach. The data in this study including quotes related to the nature of relationship between humans and their relationship in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and setences. Source of the data from the novel Swarna Alor: Impian di Langit Timur. Data collection techniques in this study used the reading technique and note-taking technique. The result of study show that the (1) is the attitude of moral resposibility towards nature that is owned by the Alor people who always obey the traditional and customery rules of their previous ancestors, (2) the attitude of solidarity towards nature owned by Pak Libana figures in order to maintain ancestral traditions and natural ecosystems, (3) affection and concern for nature that are owned by the main by being a member of Green World, and  (4) the attitudes of not disturbing the natural life of Alor people and always obey the rules not to treat nature arbitrarily.Keywords: Wisdom, Environment, Nature of Alor Community

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Suharso Suharso

The purpose of this study is to describe the values of faith, worship, and morals contained in the novel Api Tauhid by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. This researchis a type of qualitative research, which is a study that does not use calculation of numbers. In this study researchers used library research. In collecting data usingdocument review techniques or commonly called documentation analysis. Data analysis in this study through three stages, including: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Islamic values contained in the novel Api Tauhid include: the values of the faith which include planting the value of faith, faith in God, faith in the destiny of Allah, and faith in the last day. The values of worship include prayer on time, guarding against immoral acts, recitation, prayer, and preaching. Moral values include respect for parents, respect for experts, respect for the government, inferiority, courtesy, and honesty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-124
Diah Pratiwi ◽  
Maharani Intan Andalas

The research entitled "The Life of Anne Mary’s Figure in the Novel Sekumtum Ruh dalam Merah by Naning Pranoto : Intertextual Study" aims to find out the life of Anne Mary's character in intertextual relations. In this study used intertextual theory with qualitative research methods. The results of this research are the discovery of intertextual relationships in the life of Anne Mary's character in the novel Sekumtum Ruh dalam Merah by Naning Pranoto namely the relationship of life with the queen of England mid 16th century, myths of bloody Mary, Mary Ann's alcoholic beverage brands, and the puppet story of Dewi Anjani.   Penelitian berjudul “Kehidupan Tokoh Anne Mary dalam Novel Sekumtum Ruh dalam Merah Karya Naning Pranoto: Kajian Intertekstual” bertujuan untuk mengetahui kehidupan tokoh Anne Mary dalam hubungan intertekstual. Di dalam penelitian ini digunakan teori intertekstual dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya hubungan intertekstual di dalam kehidupan tokoh Anne Mary dalam novel Sekumtum Ruh dalam Merah karya naning Pranoto yakni hubungan kehidupan dengan ratu Inggris pertenaghan abad 16, mitos bloody Mary, merk minuman alkohol Mary Ann, dan cerita pewayangan Dewi Anjani.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Yohanes Eko Rubiyanto ◽  
Restu Arini

The writer conducts the research related to class conflict which is presented in Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” novel. This qualitative research is written to analyze the conflicts that happen in Afghan society which is mainly caused by difference of social class. The research is conducted by using library research. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method as the data are described in the form of sentences. The steps of collecting the data in this research are reading both the novel and the supporting theories related, analyzing, organizing and displaying the data to allow conclusions to be drawn. The results show that the society in the twentieth is fundamentally separated by two large groups namely Pashtun and Hazara. They are inhabit Afghanistan as told in The Kite Runner. The Pashtuns act as the dominant upper class and the Hazaras fill the society of the lower class which fits the theory of Marxism.

Karin Schlapbach

This chapter addresses the relationship between dance and language. Starting with a brief discussion of choral song-dance, it moves on to Plutarch’s Table Talk, examining the place of dance in this sympotic dialogue and in particular the dance theory with which the dialogue ends. A close reading teases out a basic distinction that underlies this theory, namely image-like gestures or movements as opposed to gestures or movements that bypass images, designated by the term deixis. The chapter defends the novel claim that deixis is not necessarily limited to ‘pointing’, but rather includes any type of direct showing or displaying. This alternative understanding of physical deixis implies that there is an element in dance that is not only non-pictorial but also non-referential altogether.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-238
Gusti Alif Daffa

This article aims to discuss the WEAK LAW OF CORRUPTION OF CRIMINAL ACTION IN INDONESIA (Corruption) to deal with corruption that is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia. Eradication of Corruption is intended to eradicate corruption that can trap corruptors and make them deterrent, as well as providing side effects in the form of preventing the emergence of new corruptors. The method used in writing this article is to use qualitative descriptive and Library Research. Qualitative descriptive is one of the types of research included in the type of qualitative research. The purpose of this study is to reveal events or facts, circumstances that occur directly by presenting what is happening as it is. This writing outlines the data that is happening, attitudes and views that occur in society, conflict between two or more parties, differences between facts that become a condition that arises. The aim of the descriptive qualitative research is in line with the problem formulation and research questions / identification of research problems. This is due to the purpose of this study will answer the questions previously raised by the formulation of the problem as well as research questions / problem identification. This goal also determines how you process or.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 208
Sukma Septian Nasution ◽  
Lestari Juniarti Karimah ◽  
Setiana Sri Wahyuni Sitepu ◽  
Tryana Tryana ◽  
Laksmy Ady Kusumoriny

Abstract. As a written representation of society, novel contains sociolinguistic issues which deserve a comprehensive analysis one of which is the use of slang words. This study explored slang words used in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, a novel written by Jesse Andrews. The aims of this study were to categorize types of slang words used in the novel and to explain the interpretations of them. The data were collected from the dialogues in the novel. Using qualitative approach, the writer used the theory of Chapman (1988) to classify the data into their types. To explain the interpretations of slang words, the writer analyzed the role relationship among the speakers, the way the actors speak, and the meaning of each slang word found using slang dictionaries.  The analysis reveals that as the relationship among the actors are equal and they naturally raise within the community, actors in the novel dominantly use primary slang words. Conversation using secondary slang words take place when the actors are not engaged within the community.Keywords: Novel, Slang Words, Sociolinguistics

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Badi’atul Azmina

This study examines kinds of grammatical and textual equivalence which are used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance” as well as the most dominant equivalence used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance”. This is descriptive qualitative research and the method of collecting data of this study are documentation and library research. The data in the novel which have been collected are classified into two kinds of equivalence; grammatical equivalence (number, gender, person, tense/aspect and voice) and textual equivalence (reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion). After analyzing and classifying the data, researcher discovered that there are 25 data of number, 27 data of gender, 38 data of person, 12 data of tense/aspect and 12 data of voice. Furthermore, researcher discovered that there are 33 data of reference, 9 data of substitution and ellipsis, 35 data of conjunction and 17 data of lexical cohesion.Those data presented are representative from all of the data in the novel, because the writer takes the data by its part among the translated sentences contained grammatical and textual (cohesion) equivalence. To sum up, the result shows that Poppy D. Chusfani uses all kinds of grammatical and textual (cohesion) equivalence, after all, grammatical equivalence of person is the most dominant data (38) used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance”  

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Badi’atul Azmina

This study examines kinds of grammatical and textual equivalence which are used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance” as well as the most dominant equivalence used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance”. This is descriptive qualitative research and the method of collecting data of this study are documentation and library research. The data in the novel which have been collected are classified into two kinds of equivalence; grammatical equivalence (number, gender, person, tense/aspect and voice) and textual equivalence (reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion). After analyzing and classifying the data, researcher discovered that there are 25 data of number, 27 data of gender, 38 data of person, 12 data of tense/aspect and 12 data of voice. Furthermore, researcher discovered that there are 33 data of reference, 9 data of substitution and ellipsis, 35 data of conjunction and 17 data of lexical cohesion.Those data presented are representative from all of the data in the novel, because the writer takes the data by its part among the translated sentences contained grammatical and textual (cohesion) equivalence. To sum up, the result shows that Poppy D. Chusfani uses all kinds of grammatical and textual (cohesion) equivalence, after all, grammatical equivalence of person is the most dominant data (38) used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance”  

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