scholarly journals The Analysis of Grammatical and Textual Equivalence Used in The Translation of Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance” into Indonesian

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Badi’atul Azmina

This study examines kinds of grammatical and textual equivalence which are used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance” as well as the most dominant equivalence used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance”. This is descriptive qualitative research and the method of collecting data of this study are documentation and library research. The data in the novel which have been collected are classified into two kinds of equivalence; grammatical equivalence (number, gender, person, tense/aspect and voice) and textual equivalence (reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion). After analyzing and classifying the data, researcher discovered that there are 25 data of number, 27 data of gender, 38 data of person, 12 data of tense/aspect and 12 data of voice. Furthermore, researcher discovered that there are 33 data of reference, 9 data of substitution and ellipsis, 35 data of conjunction and 17 data of lexical cohesion.Those data presented are representative from all of the data in the novel, because the writer takes the data by its part among the translated sentences contained grammatical and textual (cohesion) equivalence. To sum up, the result shows that Poppy D. Chusfani uses all kinds of grammatical and textual (cohesion) equivalence, after all, grammatical equivalence of person is the most dominant data (38) used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance”  

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Badi’atul Azmina

This study examines kinds of grammatical and textual equivalence which are used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance” as well as the most dominant equivalence used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance”. This is descriptive qualitative research and the method of collecting data of this study are documentation and library research. The data in the novel which have been collected are classified into two kinds of equivalence; grammatical equivalence (number, gender, person, tense/aspect and voice) and textual equivalence (reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion). After analyzing and classifying the data, researcher discovered that there are 25 data of number, 27 data of gender, 38 data of person, 12 data of tense/aspect and 12 data of voice. Furthermore, researcher discovered that there are 33 data of reference, 9 data of substitution and ellipsis, 35 data of conjunction and 17 data of lexical cohesion.Those data presented are representative from all of the data in the novel, because the writer takes the data by its part among the translated sentences contained grammatical and textual (cohesion) equivalence. To sum up, the result shows that Poppy D. Chusfani uses all kinds of grammatical and textual (cohesion) equivalence, after all, grammatical equivalence of person is the most dominant data (38) used by Poppy D. Chusfani in translating English into Indonesia language of Christopher Paolini‘s Novel of “Inheritance”  

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Yohanes Eko Rubiyanto ◽  
Restu Arini

The writer conducts the research related to class conflict which is presented in Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” novel. This qualitative research is written to analyze the conflicts that happen in Afghan society which is mainly caused by difference of social class. The research is conducted by using library research. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method as the data are described in the form of sentences. The steps of collecting the data in this research are reading both the novel and the supporting theories related, analyzing, organizing and displaying the data to allow conclusions to be drawn. The results show that the society in the twentieth is fundamentally separated by two large groups namely Pashtun and Hazara. They are inhabit Afghanistan as told in The Kite Runner. The Pashtuns act as the dominant upper class and the Hazaras fill the society of the lower class which fits the theory of Marxism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Yulia Puspita Sari ◽  
Emil Eka Putra

This research discusses archetypal in the novel Dracula written by Stoker. The purpose of this research is to find out some archetypal images in the novel. Some of the problems that exist today are readers who do not know the meaning of archetypal images contained in a novel. The data used in this study were taken from the novel Dracula written by Stoker. In this research, the researcher applies Carl Jung's theory. This study uses descriptive qualitative research, in qualitative research the key concepts, ideas, and processes studied are part of the central phenomenon. The result of this research is that the novel Dracula has many archetypal images contained in it. The archetypes in Dracula are: sun, color, the archetype women, and wise old man. Based on the results of this study, the researcher concludes that there are several archetypes in Dracula's novel that are used to convey implied meanings through the symbols used.

Hartini Selian ◽  
Jumino Suhadi ◽  
M. Manugeren

Abstract This study is about heroism in the novel The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. There are three points of discussion under this title: giving protection, defending rights and gratitude. Defending rights is associated with heroic deeds. A hero is a random citizen that rises to an occasion and performs an action of superhero proportions. Gratitude implies thankfulness or an appreciation of benefits conferred together with a desire, when practicable, to return those benefits. Defending rights is tied to human rights which are universally applicable to one and all. These are the significant components of heroism. One of the relevant and outstanding modern theories of heroism applied here is proposed by Gibbon (2009) stating that hero is just an average man who fights to solve a common problem in today’s society. The study is conducted with Descriptive Qualitative Method proposed by Haughman (2009) in which he states that Qualitative research is a form of social inquiry that focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they live. Kipling leads children down the jungle path into adventures beyond their day to day imagining and along the way he shows the value of ‘doing for yourself', of 'learning who to trust'. The result shows that heroism is highlighted through the major characters and the conclusive points are some of the significant characters such as Mowgli, Father Wolf, Mother Wolf, Hathi, and Bagheera have done heroic deeds. Their heroism is presented in the forms of giving protection, defending rights and gratitude. Keywords: heroism, human rights, gratitude

Alfa Rosyid Abdullah ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Nugraheni Eko Wardani

Character education is a form of cultivation of noble character in students. The aspect of 'social care' character is one of the most important of the eighteen character education in Indonesia, this is because the sense of sensitivity and help towards others in the environment around students begins to diminish. There are various kinds of media to succeed in internalizing character education, one of which is a novel. The novel Merindu Baginda Nabi by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy can be said to be a complete novel in instilling character in Indonesia. Therefore, researchers will explore how the value of social care character education in the novel Merindu Baginda Nabi. The research method used is qualitative descriptive qualitative research. The novel Merindu Baginda Nabi as a source of data in this study, in the form of dialogue and narrative stories about character education about social care. Based on the results of the analysis, seventeen data were found that were divided into four important parts, namely: giving help to others, caring for others, mutual respect, and sympathy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 177 ◽  
Imam Syafi'i

This research aims to examine and analyze the opinion of Syafi'iyyah scholars about intention in prayer. On this problem, Syafi'iyyah scholars are divided into two opinions, namely from the previous period scholars (Mutaqoddimin) whit his opinion intention of al-Muqoronah al-Hakikiyyah, and from the contemporary scholars (mutaakhkhirin) whit his opinion intention of al-Muqoronah al-Urfiyyah. This research is important because the intention in prayer is compulsory case (rukn) and is the beginning of all forms of worship. Other than that many Muslims doubt in his intention so anxiety arises in them. As research that examines the opinions of the scolars, the method used in this research is library research which descriptive qualitative research, where the object of study is literature in the form works in the yellow books, journal and other books. From the explanation and studies that has done, the intention of al-Muqoronah al-Hakikiyyah as stated by the previous period scholars is a law of origin, one must do when praying. Whereas the intention of al-Muqoronah al-Urfiyyah as stated by the contemporary scholars is rukhsah wajibah because of the udzur that befell a person while doing the prayer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 222
Melani Siti Khalifah ◽  
Juan Carlina Wibowo ◽  
Cynantia Rachmijati

The aim of the research is to find out endophoric references in Mark Zuckerberg biography and the relationship between discourse analysis and pragmatic. The research used descriptive qualitative research design. The data obtained from Mark Zuckerberg biography written by the biography website. The data are analyzed using Halliday & Hasan’s theory (1976) of reference cohesion reference is one of the cohesive devices. The result shows that endophoric reference exists in Mark Zuckerberg biography endophoric. Endophoric consist of two types, the first is anaphoric and the second is cataphoric. In this research there are five type cohesive devices that are usually used in texts like substitution, references, ellipsis, lexical cohesion, and conjunctions. In the research found that cataphoric is dominant than anaphoric because the subject is located in the beginning of the sentences. Cohesive devices not only focused on lexical cohesion, but also focused on ellipsis and substitution and reference.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 274-286
Rina Ratih

  The concepts of local wisdom inherited through folklores and children literature are the strategies to transform the values considered important to learn by children through textbooks. Therefore, children literature should be meaningful and highly relevant to the empowerment of the children’s life according to the stage of their development. This study questions how to write children’s literature with the theme of local wisdom based on character education. Based on the problem, the study aims to produce children literature with the theme of local wisdom, which is based on character education and according to the children’s development. There are three stages of children literature: emotional, intellectual, and personal development. The study belongs to descriptive qualitative research, employing Brady’s theory on children development and Rampan’s on the technique of writing children literature. Library research and creative process are used in the method. The study generates three models of folklore with the theme of local wisdom according to the children development: Putri Emas dan Burung Ajaib, Putri Cantik dari Pulau Bintan, and Sang Pembangkang. Besides, it also produces three literary works based on character education: “Lalang dan Kupu-Kupu yang Menawan,” “Gara-gara Ketinggalan Bekal,” and “Surti, Mawar, and Kupu-kupu.”

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Giyatmi Giyatmi ◽  
Ratih WIjayava ◽  
Nunun Tri Widarwati

This research aims at finding the types of swearing expressions and linguistic forms of English swearing used in Richard Wright’s Black Boy. This is a descriptive qualitative research since it describes the phenomena of swearing used in the novel. The data of the research are all the conversations or sentences used swearing in the novel written by Richard Wright namely Black Boy as the main data source. The method of collecting data in this research is observation and teknik lanjut catat. After all the data had been collected then they are coded using the coding system such as data number/title of novel/chapter/page/data. There is no data reduction since all the data are analyzed in this research. This research used theory triangulation. Kind of swearing expressions found in this novel dealing with God and religion terms, name of  animals and plants, part of body, racial terms, stupidity terms, name of occupation, sexual terms, family terms. The linguistic forms of English swearing used in this novel are word, phrase, and clause. The swearing in the form of words consists of (1) noun referring to place, person, occupation, animal, and idea (2) verb and (3) adjective. Phrase consists of (1) noun phrase with swearing functioning as headword, modifier, and both headword and modifier, (2) adjective phrase with swearing functioning as modifier. Swearing expression is also found in the form of sentence.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Nur Endah Permatasari ◽  
Marfuah Nur Jannah ◽  
Bunga Febriana

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kohesi gramatikal dan kohesi leksikal yang ditemukan dalam berita olahraga surat kabar Solopos edisi Oktober 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data diambil dari berita olahraga pada surat kabar Solopos edisi Oktober 2019. Sumber data diambil secara acak. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik catat. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kohesi gramatikal terbagi menjadi (1) referensi/pengacuan, (2) substitusi/penyulihan, (3) elipsis/pelesapan, dan (4) konjungsi/perangkaian. Adapun kohesi leksikal terbagi menjadi (1) repetisi/pengulangan, (2) sinonimi, (3) antonimi, (4) hiponimi, (5) kolokasi, dan (6) ekuivalen. This research aims to describe grammatical and lexical cohesion of Solopos sport news in October 2019. This is a descriptive qualitative research which data were taken from Solopos sports news in October 2019. Data sources are taken randomly. Method of collecting data using the method read and listen, as for techniques using note technique. The results of this study are grammatical cohesion divided into (1) reference referential, (2) the substitution/removal, (3) ellipsis/despair, (4) conjunctions/framing. Then the lexical cohesion is divided into (1) reps/repetitions, (2) synonymy, (3) antonymy, (4) hiponymy, (5) collocations, and (6) equivalents.

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