scholarly journals Percepção dos enfermeiros do interior do Ceará acerca da SAEP

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (33) ◽  
pp. 342-349
Maria Helane Rocha Batista Gonçalves ◽  
Auricélio Felício de Sousa ◽  
Paulo Rômulo Viana de Oliveira Filho ◽  
Meyssa Quezado de Figueiredo Cavalcante Casadevall ◽  
Andressa Cena de Sousa ◽  

Analisar a percepção dos Enfermeiros acerca da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem Perioperatória (SAEP) e sua implementação em um hospital de referência em um município do estado do Ceará. O estudo foi realizado com dez enfermeiros do referido hospital. Realizou-se reuniões e levantou-se questões sobre o tema abordado e realização de atividade educativa sobre a SAEP. Mostrou-se que na rotina da unidade não era realizada a SAEP; entretanto, segundo os enfermeiros, eles detinham conhecimento sobre a sistematização e sabiam da importância de sua implementação. Os resultados obtidos com os questionários foram satisfatórios no ponto de vista da possibilidade de se implementar a sistematização. Observou-se que a realização da atividade educativa reduziu dubiedades dos profissionais acerca do assunto. Neste estudo foi possível perceber que mesmo com o conhecimento dos profissionais quanto à sistematização, esse processo não é aplicado.Descritores: Processo de Enfermagem, Enfermagem Perioperatória, Centro Cirúrgico. Perception of nurses inside ceará about SAEPAbstract: To analyze the perception of Nurses about the Systematization of Perioperative Nursing Care (SAEP) and its implementation in a reference hospital in a city in the state of Ceará - Brazil. The study was carried out with ten nurses from that hospital. Meetings were held and questions were raised on the topic addressed and educational activities on SAEP were carried out. It was shown that SAEP was not performed in the routine of the unit; however, according to the nurses, they had knowledge about systematization and knew the importance of its implementation. The results obtained with the questionnaires were satisfactory in terms of the possibility of implementing the systematization. It was observed that the accomplishment of the educational activity reduced doubts of the professionals on the subject. In this study it was possible to notice that even with the professionals' knowledge regarding systematization, this process is not applied.Descriptors: Nursing Process, Perioperative Nursing, Surgicenters. Percepción de enfermeros em el interior de ceará sobre SAEPResumen: Analizar una percepción de los enfermeros acerca de la Sistematización de la Asistencia de Enfermería Perioperatoria (SAEP) y su implementación en el hospital de referencia en el municipio del estado de Ceará. El estudio se realizó con diez enfermeros de ese hospital. Se realizaron reuniones y se han formulados perguntas sobre el tema abordado y la realización de una actividade educativa sobre un SAEP. Se demonstró que no se realizaba el SAEL en la rutina de la unidade;  sin embargo, según los enfermeros, ellos estabam conscientes sobre la sistematização y conocián la importancia de su implementación. Los resultados obtenidos con los cuestionarios fueron satisfactorios em cuanto a la posibilidad de implementar la sistematización. Se observó que la realización de la actividad educativa redujo las dudas de los profesionales sobre el tema. En este estúdio, fue posible que aún con el conocimiento de los profissionales en matéria de sistematización, este proceso no se aplique.Descriptores: Proceso de Enfermería, Enfermería Perioperatoria, Centros Quirúrgicos.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. p43
Evangelos C. Papakitsos ◽  
Georgia Korakidi ◽  
Xenophon Vamvakeros ◽  
Anastasios Mavrakis

In this paper, a project of the local sustainability network of schools in the area of Western Attica (Greece) is described. The subject of this project is “Road Safety”, and it was addressed to third grade pupils of junior high-schools. It has been planned as the result of collaboration between the local Secondary Education Directorate, a few voluntary organizations, some private Vehicle Technical Inspection Centers and the local traffic-police department. This educational activity had been mainly implemented through the teaching and learning method of “experiential learning”. The pupils were divided into groups and attended six workshops that were designed accordingly. The entire process aims at establishing educational activities that in long-term will deal effectively with the acute problem of road safety.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-198
Salem Ali Al-Qahtani ◽  
Asyraf Isyraqi Jamil ◽  
Fakhrul Adabi Abdul Kadir

The objective of this research is to determine how far the general objectives of teaching the subject of Hadith for the first intermediate grade have been achieved. The main question of this study is how adequate the educational activities in achieving the general objectives of teaching the subject of Hadith for the first intermediate grade. The study has used analytical descriptive approach to answer the questions of research. The tool of research is an analysis card which contains 52 educational activities; the sample of research. The study came to results which are: 1) the criteria laid down for the study were highly verified and the average was (3.50), 2) achieving the axis of the study that represented the tool was arranged by the criteria related to the form of knowledge which highly verified and the average was (3.87) and the criteria related to the general objectives of teaching the subject of Hadith which highly verified and the average was (3.43), and 3) The criteria related to the activities and their general ways were highly verified and the average was (3.13). Some of the most important recommendations of the study are to increase the quorum of Hadith to two classes per week, to care of educating students about the concept of activity and the difference between it and the content and the benefit of each of them to students, in a language that can be understood simply by the students, to differentiate between activities of male students and female students after uniting the content which is better that the activities become to each sex according to what is suitable to nature and characteristic, and to form special committees or appointing educational supervisors whose first task is to follow up educational activities in the Islamic religious courses, and evaluating them, and then help the teacher and students to pass everything can be difficult to achieve these activities.

Liudmila Vasilevna Baiborodova

Ensuring the subject position of a student, and especially a master’s student, is one of the most pressing problems of modern training of teaching staff. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of designing individual educational activities of undergraduates as a subject-oriented technology. Research methods used: literature analysis, study and generalization of experience, observation, focus group, survey, conversation. The article defnes the concepts of «individual educational activity» (IOD), « designing individual educational activities»; the article considers the essence and principles of designing individual educational activities of undergraduates, describes the main projects of IOD (plan, program, route), highlights and reveals the main stages of designing individual educational activities of undergraduates: preparatory, motivational and diagnostic, understanding and analysis, goal setting and planning, implementation of individual educational projects, evaluation and analysis of achievements, making adjustments to projects of individual educational activities. It shows the use of a number of pedagogical tools that are used in the design of individual educational activities: cluster, portfolio, mapping, tutorial, etc. The conditions that ensure the success of designing individual educational activities of undergraduates are called.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 1535
Maria Eugênia Pires Pessoa Batista Rafael ◽  
Simone Maria Irineu Leal ◽  
Talita Helena Monteiro De Moura ◽  
Tatiana Prísgida De Oliveira Cavalcanti ◽  
Thaísa Marinho Carneiro De Albuquerque ◽  

ABSTRACTObjectives: introduce up to date information about the assistance of nursing to the patient with tetanus and write one interdisciplinary guide to be used in a Intensive Care Unit. Method: this is about a bibliographic research that analyzed references available at the Library of Faculdade de Enfermagem Nossa Senhora das Graças and periodicals on databases of Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde with the following descriptors “nursing assistance”, “nursing”, “protocols”, “tetanus”, “intensive care unit”. Results: care proposals were described according to admission, general care while in the hospital and some procedures at “alta hospitalar”. Conclusion: teaching a humanized care does not depend only on routines and procedures, it involves proper nuances linked to the essence of the subject, while being in the world. Nursing Assistance Systematization is important to trace a plan of cares in order to attend integrally and individually the patient. Nursing Process is presented as a model of action capable to assist the care and give credibility to the activities of the professionals. Planning Nursing care allows the continuity and integrality of humanized care, fortifying the work in team. Descriptors: nursing care; tetanus; intensive care units; guideline; intensive care.RESUMO Objetivos: introduzir informações atualizadas a respeito da assistência de enfermagem ao portador de tétano acidental e confeccionar uma pauta de cuidados interdisciplinares. Método: revisão bibliográfica em periódicos de língua portuguesa disponíveis na Biblioteca da Faculdade de Enfermagem Nossa Senhora das Graças e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde para consulta on line usando os descritores “assistência de enfermagem”, “enfermagem”, “protocolos”, “tétano” e “unidade de terapia intensiva”. Resultados: as propostas de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva foram descritas em relação à admissão, aos cuidados gerais enquanto na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e procedimentos para alta hospitalar. Conclusão: ensinar um cuidar mais humano não depende apenas de rotinas nos procedimentos, envolve nuances próprias que se ligam à essência do sujeito, enquanto ser-no-mundo. A Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem é de suma importância para traçarmos um plano de cuidados para assistirmos ao paciente de forma integral e individualizada. O Processo de Enfermagem é um modelo de ação capaz de auxiliar no cuidado e dar credibilidade às atividades dos profissionais. Planejar a Assistência de Enfermagem permite a continuidade e a integralidade do cuidado humanizado, fortalecendo o trabalho em equipe. Descritores: cuidados de enfermagem; tétano; unidades de terapia intensiva; guia; cuidados intensivos.RESUMENObjetivos: introducir la información sobre la ayuda del cuidado al paciente con tétanos y escribir una guía interdisciplinaria que se utilizará en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Método: investigación bibliográfica que analizaba referencias en portugués disponible en la biblioteca de Faculdade de Enfermagem Nossa Senhora das Graças y periódicos en bases de datos on line con los descriptores “ayuda cuidado”, “oficio de enfermera”, “protocolos”, “tétanos”, “Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos”. Resultados: propuestas para la atención en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos fueron descritos en relación a la admisión, la atención general, mientras que en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y procedimientos para la aprobación de la gestión. Conclusión: la enseñanza del cuidado humanizado no depende de rutinas y los procedimientos, implica los matices apropiados que se ligan a la esencia del tema, mientras que estando en el mundo. La sistematización remonta un plan de cuidados para atender integralmente y individualmente el paciente. El proceso del oficio de enfermera és un modelo de la acción capaz de dar credibilidad a las actividades de los profesionales. Planear permiten la continuidad y la integralidad del cuidado humanizado, fortificando el trabajo en equipo. Descriptores: atención de enfermería; tétanos; unidades de terapia intensiva; guia; cuidados intensivos.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 436-441 ◽  
Maria Gaby Rivero de Gutiérrez ◽  
Sheila Coelho Ramalho Vasconcelos Morais

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to explore arguments that broaden the understanding of possible links between the organization of nursing care and the structuring of professional identity. For that purpose, some aspects related to these themes are addressed, highlighting issues regarding differences in the concepts of the organization of nursing care and the nursing process, as well as the performance of this activity and its possible impact on the establishment of its relationship with the professional identity. Emphasis is given to the need to stimulate the debate on the subject by nursing professionals involved in the training of human resources and the provision of care, as well as in class entities, in order to deepen understanding of these concepts as significant elements for strengthening our professional identity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 3500
Viviane Carrasco ◽  
Daniel Vinícius Alves Silva ◽  
Patrícia Oliveira Silva

RESUMO Objetivo: refletir sobre a terapia nutricional enteral e a importância da assistência de enfermagem ao paciente. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, do tipo reflexivo, baseado em revisão de literatura sobre terapia nutricional enteral, entre os anos de 1998 a 2018, além da percepção dos autores a respeito do assunto. Realizou-se a sistematização dos dados pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Apresentaram-se os resultados em duas categorias: “Indicação de terapia enteral e a técnica de introdução da sonda enteral” e “Monitoramento da dieta e controle das intecorrências pela equipe de enfermagem”. Resultados: averiguou-se que a terapia nutricional enteral é a forma de suporte priorizada em pacientes graves, com função digestiva aceitável, porém incapazes de se alimentar por via oral. Constataram-se que o enfermeiro e a equipe desempenham importante papel na prevenção das complicações relacionadas a essa modalidade de dieta, com capacidade de reconhecer complicações potenciais e intervir, contribuindo para a manutenção da vida. Conclusão: deve-se conscientizar e valorizar esse cuidado enquanto assistência de enfemagem ao paciente. Considera-se que o estudo possa enriquecer a prática dos enfermeiros que lidam com a terapia nutricional. Descritores: Nutrição Enteral; Terapia nutricional; Trato Gastrointestinal; Métodos de Alimentação; Enfermagem; Cuidados de Enfermagem.ABSTRACT Objective: to reflect on enteral nutritional therapy and the importance of nursing care to the patient. Method: this is a qualitative, reflexive study, based on a review of the literature on enteral nutritional therapy, between 1998 and 2018, in addition to the authors' perceptions about the subject. The data was systematized using the Content Analysis technique. The results were presented in two categories: "Indication of enteral therapy and the technique of introduction of the enteral catheter" and "Monitoring of diet and control of the occurrences by the nursing team". Results: it was verified that enteral nutritional therapy is the form of support prioritized in severe patients, with acceptable digestive function, but unable to be fed orally. It was verified that the nurse and the team play an important role in the prevention of complications related to this diet modality, with the capacity to recognize potential complications and intervene, contributing to the maintenance of life. Conclusion: this care should be made aware of and valued as a patient's nursing care. It is considered that the study can enrich the practice of nurses who deal with nutritional therapy. Descriptors: Enteral nutrition; Nutritional therapy; Gastrointestinal Tract; Feeding Methods; Nursing; Nursing care.RESUMEN Objetivo: reflexionar sobre la terapia nutricional enteral y la importancia de la asistencia de enfermería al paciente. Método: se trata de un estudio cualitativo, del tipo reflexivo, basado en la revisión de literatura sobre terapia nutricional enteral, entre los años 1998 a 2018, además de la percepción de los autores al respecto. Se realizó la sistematización de los datos por la técnica de Análisis de Contenido. Se presentaron los resultados en dos categorías: "Indicación de terapia enteral y la técnica de introducción de la sonda enteral" y "Monitoreo de la dieta y control de las competencias por el equipo de enfermería". Resultados: se comprobó que la terapia nutricional enteral es la forma de soporte priorizada en pacientes graves, con función digestiva aceptable, pero incapaces de alimentarse por vía oral. Se constató que el enfermero y el equipo desempeñan un importante papel en la prevención de las complicaciones relacionadas con esta modalidad de dieta, con capacidad de reconocer complicaciones potenciales e intervenir, contribuyendo para el mantenimiento de la vida. Conclusión: se debe concientizar y valorar ese cuidado como asistencia de enfermería al paciente. Se considera que el estudio puede enriquecer la práctica de los enfermeros que tratan con la terapia nutricional. Descriptores: Nutrición Enteral; Terapia Nutricional; Tracto Gastrointestinal; Métodos de Alimentación; Enfermería; Atención de Enfermería.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 1547-1553
Marcos Renato de Oliveira ◽  
Paulo César de Almeida ◽  
Thereza Maria Magalhães Moreira ◽  
Raimundo Augusto Martins Torres

ABSTRACT Objective: to present the perception and knowledge of Brazilian nursing nurses and academics regarding Nursing Care Systematization. Method: a descriptive study, carried out in the first half of 2018. Results: of the 596 respondents, 86% perceived Nursing Care Systematization as very important, but only 60.9% used it in their care practice. Its use was statistically associated with a higher level of training. Non-utilization was associated with the perception that it is irrelevant and with little knowledge on the Nursing Process, even in the face of recognition of its obligation. Among professionals who wish to learn more about the subject, understanding the application of the process, especially the planning step, is perceived as a necessity. Conclusion: the relevance perception of systematization and levels of knowledge of the professional/academic are directly related to the use or not of Nursing Care Systematization principles.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Luiza Cadar Almeida Machado Rabelo

<p><span>O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo pesquisar e discorrer acerca da utilização de instrumentos de controle e gestão de riscos - </span><em>Compliance</em><span>, em especial nas Empresas Estatais. Será realizada análise da Lei 13.303 de 30 de Junho de 2016, que passou a prever explicitamente estes instrumentos de controle e </span><em>Compliance </em><span>como partes integrantes do estatuto jurídico de instituições públicas. Para que todos os aspectos sejam considerados, este trabalho se propõe a analisar a viabilidade da sua aplicação e instituição, de forma a ser esta mais singela e proveitosa possí­vel. Bem como analisar possí­veis dificuldades e, propor mecanismos de solução, considerando sempre os avanços da implementação deste instituto no Brasil. Propõe-se também, como desfecho conclusivo, ponderar sobre o tema a partir de uma breve análise crítica que envolve a sociedade brasileira e os princípios éticos e morais que são idealizados na atualidade. Serão demonstrados os benefícios da sua aplicação, bem como da possibilidade de se utiliza-lo em Empresas Estatais, aprimorando os mecanismos de controle interno e externo, afim de que estas possam funcionar de forma eficaz, buscando alcançar os fins aos quais se propõe.</span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p>This article has the purpose of examining and discussing the usage of control measures and management risks – compliance, especially with state owned companies. It will analyze Law 13.303/16 which explicitly includes such control measures and Compliance as integral parts of the legal bylaws of public institutions as means to revert the present situation. In order to consider all aspects, this paper proposes to discuss about the possibility of its application and implementation in such a way as to be the more simple and most advantageous. Also to analyze the difficulties and to propose solutions mechanisms taking into consideration the progress of this institution in Brazil. As a conclusive ending, it also propose to study about the subject beginning with a brief analysis involving the Brazilian society and the main ethical and moral principles of today. The benefits of application will be demonstrated and also the possibility to use them in the state owned companies, improving the control mechanisms internally and externally, so they may work in an efficient way, aiming at the goals of which it proposes.</p><p><span><br /></span></p>

Vladlen K Ignatovich ◽  
Petr B. Bondarev ◽  
Svetlana S. Ignatovich ◽  
Valentina E. Kurochkina ◽  

The monograph presents the results of a scientific study devoted to the problem of theoretical, methodological and technological justification of the conditions for the formation of the subject of building an individual educational trajectory. The purpose of the study was to develop and justify a model for designing individual educational outcomes for children of different ages in the system of additional education as a new type of educational activity carried out in the subject-subject interaction of teachers and students. The results of the analysis of the state of the problem under study in the science and practice of education are presented. The concept of individual educational result is substantiated, the ways of their formation in ontogenesis are characterized. The theoretical model of designing individual educational results in the process of additional education is developed and described, the characteristics of the subjectivity of teachers and students and the possibilities of their purposeful formation are given. The pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of this activity are characterized. Methodological recommendations on the organization of free social tests of students as subjects of designing their own educational results are given. The components of the technology of designing and monitoring individual educational results of students in the process of additional education are described.

Oksana Kiktenko

The article considers the following issues: to determine the system of factors influencing the forms of financing educational activities; to analyze the state and prospects of development of the educational cluster to facilitate access to funding for the implementation of state policy in the field of education at the local level. For effective educational activity in Ukraine it is necessary to be able to properly perform the functions of control over the financial, organizational, technical, methodological, information support of the development of the educational sphere by the authorized bodies. The sign of progressive transformations should be the creation of conditions to meet the needs of education, improving the system of mechanisms for state regulation of educational activities, intensifying cooperation between educational institutions and the private sector, as well as improving the quality of education and the use of educational technologies, tools and resources. and states. Educational activity of Ukraine needs qualitative changes for realization of administrative processes, in particular transformation of structure of local governments, their orientation on increase of level of competitiveness of all key links of region (territory). Ukraine's integration into the world educational space requires constant improvement of the national education system, search for effective ways to improve the quality of educational services, testing and implementation of innovative pedagogical systems, real equal access of all its citizens to quality education, modernization of education and its organization adequately to world trends and requirements. labor market, ensuring continuity of education and lifelong learning. As world experience shows, education and society are inseparable, which is a single system. And if the conditions and factors directly related to the formation of the individual, his cultural and spiritual and moral development are subject to reform and restoration, then the indispensable means of such development is education and everything connected with it. One of the most important directions of the country is the priority development of the educational sphere, for many countries it has been, is and remains a strategic point of growth, as it creates an effective, powerful investment resource – human potential. The state and prospects for the development of the educational cluster are analyzed to facilitate access to funding in the implementation of state policy in the field of education at the local level. The results of the development of control and stabilization financial mechanisms are summarized, with the help of which the state will take on some of the risks and demonstrate its own level of confidence in the effectiveness of using an open educational system, while leaving no room for abuse of state support. A mechanism for targeted control of the development of the infrastructure of the educational information space at the local level has been built. Educational policy is based on the relationship between the systems of state and public administration, thanks to their effective interaction, they contribute to the development of educational systems. Implementation, modernization and operation of educational research infrastructures; the formation of the committee; creation of financial support instruments for the participation of educational research infrastructures in international associations of educational research infrastructures.

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