scholarly journals Near-Resonant Regimes of a Moving Load on a Pre-Stressed Incompressible Elastic Half-Space

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-36
Askar Kudaibergenov ◽  
Askat Kudaibergenov ◽  
Danila Prikazchikov

Abstract The article is concerned with the analysis of the problem for a concentrated line load moving at a constant speed along the surface of a pre-stressed, incompressible, isotropic elastic half-space, within the framework of the plane-strain assumption. The focus is on the near-critical regimes, when the speed of the load is close to that of the surface wave. Both steady-state and transient regimes are considered. Implementation of the hyperbolic–elliptic asymptotic formulation for the surface wave field allows explicit approximate solution for displacement components expressed in terms of the elementary functions, highlighting the resonant nature of the surface wave. Numerical illustrations of the solutions are presented for several material models.

1967 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 910-914 ◽  
J. D. Achenbach ◽  
S. P. Keshava ◽  
G. Herrmann

An elastic plate supported by a semi-infinite elastic continuum is subjected to a moving line load. Both welded and smooth contact between plate and foundation are considered. Dynamic solutions for the bending moments in the plate are presented that are time-invariant relative to a coordinate system moving with the load. Resonance effects at certain critical velocities are discussed. The response of the system depends significantly on the relative stiffness of plate and half space and on the type of contact. For the relatively stiff plate certain resonances occur for smooth contact but not for welded contact. For subcritical load velocities the bending moments are calculated and compared with corresponding bending moments for a plate on a Winkler foundation. The Winkler foundation is adequate for smooth contact and small load velocities.

Yibin Fu ◽  
Julius Kaplunov ◽  
Danila Prikazchikov

Near-surface resonance phenomena often arise in semi-infinite solids. For instance, when a moving load with a speed v close to the surface wave speed v R is applied to the surface of an elastic half-space, it will give rise to a large-amplitude disturbance inversely proportional to v  −  v R . The latter can be determined by a multiple-scale approach using an extra slow time variable. It has also been shown for isotropic elastic half-spaces that the reduced governing equation thus derived is capable of describing the surface wave contribution even for arbitrary dynamic loading. In this paper, we first derive the analogous evolution equation for a generally anisotropic elastic half-space, and then assess its applicability in the study of travelling waves in a half-space that is coated with a continuous array of spring-like vertical resonators or bonded to an elastic layer of different properties. Our results are validated by comparison with previously known results, and illustrative calculations are carried out for a fibre-reinforced half-space and a coated half-space that is subjected to a finite deformation.

2003 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-224
Kuang-Chong Wu

ABSTRACTThe transient motion in an anisotropic elastic half-space due to a moving surface line load is considered. The load is applied suddenly on the surface and moves off in a fixed direction with nonuniform speed. Integral expressions for the displacements are derived using the reciprocal theorem. The waves generated by the moving load are discussed. Special attention is paid to the singularities in surface displacements generated as the load moves through the Rayleigh wave speed. Explicit expression is obtained for the particle velocity due to a constant load moving with constant speed.

1971 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 899-905 ◽  
L. B. Freund

Three-dimensional wave propagation in an elastic half space is considered. The half space is traction free on half its boundary, while the remaining part of the boundary is free of shear traction and is constrained against normal displacement by a smooth, rigid barrier. A time-harmonic surface wave, traveling on the traction free part of the surface, is obliquely incident on the edge of the barrier. The amplitude and the phase of the resulting reflected surface wave are determined by means of Laplace transform methods and the Wiener-Hopf technique. Wave propagation in an elastic half space in contact with two rigid, smooth barriers is then considered. The barriers are arranged so that a strip on the surface of uniform width is traction free, which forms a wave guide for surface waves. Results of the surface wave reflection problem are then used to geometrically construct dispersion relations for the propagation of unattenuated guided surface waves in the guiding structure. The rate of decay of body wave disturbances, localized near the edges of the guide, is discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 49-53 ◽  
L.A. Khajiyeva ◽  
D.A. Prikazchikov ◽  
L.A. Prikazchikova

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (21-22) ◽  
pp. 1980-1987
Baljeet Singh ◽  
Baljinder Kaur

The propagation of Rayleigh type surface waves in a rotating elastic half-space of orthotropic type is studied under impedance boundary conditions. The secular equation is obtained explicitly using traditional methodology. A program in MATLAB software is developed to obtain the numerical values of the nondimensional speed of Rayleigh wave. The speed of Rayleigh wave is illustrated graphically against rotation rate, nondimensional material constants, and impedance boundary parameters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 05048
Bakhtiyor Yuldashev ◽  
Sagdulla Abdukadirov

Wave processes in an elastic half-space covered with an elastic layer and (or) a thin elastic plate are considered in the paper. External load moves along the free surface. In the stationary statement, the waveguide properties of the system are determined. The multiple roots of the dispersion equations are revealed and the critical load velocities, leading to the initiation of resonant processes, are determined. In the case when the load moves with the velocity of the Rayleigh wave, additional resonances determined by the structure can be realized in the structure under consideration. It is revealed that Rayleigh resonance exists for long waves only. Numerical solutions are obtained that make it possible to trace the development of resonant excitations. The models of simple structures that have dispersive properties in the medium wave zone are analyzed, such as a thin plate on an elastic base; a model with an attached inertial medium. Analytical solutions have been obtained for these models. Computer simulations conducted simultaneously allow us to analyze the quantitative features of process throughout the entire time period of the load effect. The numerical and asymptotic solutions are compared.

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