scholarly journals Children and Virtual Reality — Some dilemas of Education

Organizacija ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Jasminka Zloković ◽  
Metod Černetič ◽  
Olga Dobrnjič

Children and Virtual Reality — Some dilemas of EducationPossible responses to the extremely complex and delicate question of the influence that <virtual reality> exercises on the development of a child as a unique personality, on the child's psycho-social development and on the education of a child generally may be provided by serious research of a cohort sequential design, either in research programmes in the field of educational sciences or of other social disciplines. The present paper confronts some dilemmas of the modern world. Particularly those between the <traditional> educational values, <obsolete> families and schools and <progressive> education supplied (imposed) by virtual reality that promotes the social standardization of behaviour and the perception of values and of the world around us. The aggressiveness of the mass media in presenting <virtual reality> as <progressive> and without an <alternative> often results in a virtual life for a child, with virtual friends, education and even virtual families. In the time of developing technology, an important question arises: how to deal with such a situation. Do we direct young people to carefully select from what modern virtual reality has to offer and how do we do that?

1999 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-52
M.S. Jillani

The debate over the relationship of population and development is now more than 200 years old, starting with the treatise on population by Malthus, in 1798. The increase in population, ever since, has remained a matter of concern for economists and development planners. The most recent high point of the issue was witnessed at Cairo in September, 1994. The conference which was attended by more than 10,000 persons from all over the world ended with an agreement on the issues involved in the growth of population and the economy. The outcome was a Plan of Action for the next twenty years, which would concentrate on Reproductive Health in order to obtain, “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and its functions and process”. This can be a turn-around in global efforts for human health and welfare, if properly implemented.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 70
Malgorzata Dubis ◽  
Jolanta Karbowniczek

Violence and aggression has become common phenomena in modern world, they include almost all fields of social life. The reflection of problems the society copes with, is visible in the way of perceiving the educational values by pupils and their behaviour at school. The nature of the educational process organised by school is mainly the interactions among teachers and pupils and pupils themselves. They are not always the best. The anxiety among guidance counsellors and psychologists raises the fact that the cooperation rule and mutual help are replaced by the rule of dominance, extortion and force. The cases of ignoring the teacher's orders are more and more common, lack of respect towards the teaching staff, humiliating adults and vandalism. Pupils battle against teachers and peers too. The school hall is a kind of arena of undesirable behaviours. Therefore, the school as an institution in which children and young people spend 1/3 of their time during the day, should not only deal with teaching but take an active part in the implementation of activities in the field of broadly understood prevention and upbringing. Therefore there are challenges in front of the school aiming at stopping, limiting or even eliminating negative behaviours from children's and teenagers' lives.

Steve Bruce

Although we can view sociology as a disinterested intellectual discipline that stands aside from the world it observes, sociology is itself a symptom of the very things it describes. ‘The modern world’ summarizes what sociology sees as distinctive about the social formations that concern it, considering modernity, social order, social mobility, and postmodernity. The key sociological proposition that much of our world is inadvertent and unintended is important, not just for understanding why things do not go as planned, but also for understanding why things are as they are. This has serious policy implications, because if we misunderstand the causes of what concerns us, we misdirect our efforts to change it.

2009 ◽  
Vol 51 (5) ◽  
pp. 63-80 ◽  
D. D. Eshpanova ◽  
K. O. Aitbai ◽  
Z. S. Aidarbekov

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-64 ◽  
A.D. Tikhonova

The purpose of this article is the socio-psychological analysis of the process of radicalization of young people through the use of social media. The article considers the role of social networks in the life of modern youth, touches upon the problem of "clip" consciousness in the perception of media space, and analyzes the features of the radicalization process through the use of modern media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook.It is noted that online chats today are a key tool for radicalization of young people. It is emphasized that social media contribute to the fact that young people have a distorted picture of the world, which ultimately contributes to the loss of a sense of self-identification and the emergence of uncertainty. Extremism and radicalization are considered as a way to overcome uncertainty in the modern world, as well as an attempt to solve the lack of time. The article discusses that the state of boredom and a sense of uncertainty are fertile ground for radicalization of young people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Iqra Khan, Maryam Bibi, Muhammad Amin

The term education has been the living phenomena among the social and cultural lives of the human body that derives the crucial needs and necessities of the modern world. This could be considered as the realistic approach to say- as education provided the positive barrier between the old and new learnings to help bring out the development in the logical and literal minds. The fundamental requirements of education result the possibility when its acquirements are made reachable to the deserving hands. Education is hence freed from all the discrimination and racial comments- welcomes the technological and scientific learnings to those who seeks for it. As, for men, education has been the revolving agenda to succeed in the rushing world and as it’s similar for the women of every religion and culture. With the rising inventions and prominent technological factors, the demanding scope for the educational promotions established the future needs. This need in an outcome prevailed the exceeding desires of women to work side by side with men and to meet the necessities of the coming age. The patterned structures that the society follows, advances the efforts of men rather than women and if it belongs to any religion, Muslim women are the first to face the discriminative attitudes in the work places and learning institutes. But to count their efforts in an extensive manner, there are many of the Muslim women who took charge in the advancement of the technological and the social sciences. This article aims at the perpetual challenges and contributions of Muslim women in their respective work areas. The problems and hurdles they experienced at the social and cultural surroundings. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the difficulties and hardships of Muslim women all around the world and the challenging atmospheres they worked in while giving their utmost for the betterment of society  

2019 ◽  
Mirosława Ściupider-Młodkowska

The theoretical part of this article draws on terminology defined by theorists such as J. C. Kauffman,N. Luhmannn, Ch. Lasch, E. Beck-Gernsheim, U. Beck, A. Giddens, L. Jamienson, E. Illouz,and Z. Bauman. The research on partnership relations in the narcissistic culture are published in thebook by the article author: Ściupider-Młodkowska M., Love in the time of Me. A socio-pedagogical study,Poznań 2018. The fight for an approval and innovatory ideas for a happy partnership life (which hasbeen observed in my research on biographies of relationships) does not entirely come from “free”choices. Therefore, we may conclude that to some extent the culture of narcissism has an impact ona quality of relationships and relations between people in general. In the wider context, the articletries to provide an answer to the question of transgression of common responsibility for a success ora failure in relations between people. Interpersonal contacts are increasingly controlled or created bythe market as well as the world of technicization. As a result, their character is changed into shorttermrelations where only an Ego of individuals is promoted and general narcissism culture is spread.Pedagogues are concerned about building identity of young people mostly in social media accordingto the phrase Selfie ergo sum. Pedagogy cannot ignore the influence of media on the social developmentof teenagers (which includes their sexual development, too). To prevent the acquisition of negativepatterns, an educational program needs to be proposed which will teach a critical approach to socialmedia and help build sustained interpersonal relations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 78
Ian Morris,

Ian Morris a társadalmi fejlődés (social development) fogalmával az emberi közösségek képességét fejezi ki „dolgok elintézésére” a világban. Az így értelmezett társadalmi fejlettség mérhető és összehasonlító állapotokat jelent, térben és időben. Morris 4 tényező (az energiafelhasználás, a társadalmi szerveződés, az információtechnológia és a hadviselő kapacitás) kvantifikálásával megszerkesztett indexét kifejtő könyvéből az információtechnológiára vonatkozó, a többihez hasonlóan a Kelet és a Nyugat összehasonlítására épülő fejezetet fordítottuk le. Úttörő okfejtései és becslései remek kiindulópontok, hogy újraértékeljük és alaposan végiggondoljuk az információtechnológia helyét és „küldetését” a beavatkozásképesség, a cselekvési hatékonyság szempontjából. A tanulmányt Z. Karvalics László bevezetésével közöljük. --- The civilization path of information technology: measurement and classification Ian Morris defines social development as “social groups’ abilities to master their physical and intellectual environments and get things done in the world”. From this approach, “social development is - in principle - something we can measure and compare through time and space”. The Social Development Index of Morris is based on the quantifiable attributes of four pillars: energy capture, social organization, information technology, war-making capacity, comparing the numbers of the West and the East. We have translated and published the information technology chapter of his book with Laszlo Z. Karvalics’ introduction to support the re-evaluation of the role and mission of information technology throughout the ages from a special point of view: to facilitate the ability to act effectively.

2021 ◽  
Oksana Tiron ◽  

The paper deals with the research of the theoretical and methodological bases of the world travel market functioning, taking into account the new trends influence on it and gives the characteristic of the forms of these trends. We provide the globalization processes dynamics assessment and their impact on the world travel market development. It enables the determination of the main features of Ukraine’s participation at the world travel market and results in the indication of the Ukrainian tourist product development prospects at it. The development of tourism, as one of the basic branches of national economy, is an important factor of the social development and cultural growth of Ukraine. Tourism is the source of foreign currency income in the state treasury and also the center of new jobs creation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Zhanna Semchuk ◽  

In this article, we have considered the complex problem of developing and realizing the potential of young people in the light of the challenges that arise in the modern world. Young people are a vulnerable social group for whom state and local support is essential. Problems in employment can shake the incentive for young people to develop their potential. We investigated the impact of educational and social space on the development of one of the components of youth potential - potential in event management. We emphasized that the development of this component can be a good impetus for intensifying the entrepreneurial activity of young people. However, youth employment and entrepreneurship in event management need care from the state and intensification of informal social control mechanisms. We have formed recommendations that will allow integrating the processes of social development and development of youth potential in event management. This work can be helpful for public authorities, educational institutions and public organizations.

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