Reconstruction of the Main Cylinder of Carding Machine-Optimization of Dimensions with the Use of the Finite Element Method
Reconstruction of the Main Cylinder of Carding Machine-Optimization of Dimensions with the Use of the Finite Element MethodThe following paper presents the solution to the problem of searching the best shape - structural form of the bottoms and optimal dimensions of the main cylinder of the carding machine with consideration to the criterion of minimal deflection amplitude. The ANSYS package of the Finite Element Method has been used for the analysis. Polak-Ribery conjugate gradient method has been applied for searching the optimal solution, basing on the parametric model of the cylinder written with the use ofAnsys Parametric Design Language.As a result of the performed analyses, reduction of maximum deflection value at approximately 80% has been obtained. Optimal cylinder dimensions enable application of a new textile technology - microfibre carding and improvement in the quality of traditional carding technology of woollen and wool-like fibres.