2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 5652
Ni Putu Triana Mahadewi ◽  
Eka Sulistyawati

The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of product knowledge on positive emotion, to explain the effect of product knowledge and positive emotion on impulse buying, and to explain the role of positive emotion in mediating product knowledge of impulse buying. The population in this study are consumers of fashion products in Bali. The technique of determining the sample used is purposive sampling method, namely the sample is determined by consideration, namely respondents with Indonesian citizens who are domiciled in Denpasar City and Badung who have been shopping for Zara products. The number of samples used in this study were 130 respondents. The data analysis technique used in this research is Path Analysis. The results showed that product knowledge had a positive and significant effect on positive emotion, product knowledge and positive emotion that had a positive and significant effect on impulse buying, as well as positive emotion and significantly mediated the effect of product knowledge on consumer impulse buying on Zara products. Keywords: product knowledge, positive emotion, impulse buying

Raden Hanif Arga Suryana ◽  
Dewi Komala Sari

This study aims to know the effect of Visual Merchandising, Store Atmosphere and Price Discount on Impulse Buying with Positive Emotion as an Intervening Variable in Ace Hardware Sidoarjo. The sample used were 100 respondents. Samples were taken by purposive sampling method. Data analysis technique is done by using PLS-SEM analysis with the SmartPLS 3.0 program. The results of this study indicate that Visual Merchandising has an effect on Impulse Buying, Store Atmosphere has an effect on Impulse Buying, Price Discount has no effect on Impulse Buying, Visual Merchandising has an effect on Positive Emotion, Store Atmosphere has an effect on Positive Emotion, Price Discount has an on effect on Positive Emotion, Positive Emotion has an effect on Impulse Buying, Visual Merchandising has an effect on Impulse Buying through Positive Emotion, Store Atmosphere has an effect on Impulse Buying through Positive Emotion, Price Discount has an effect on Impulse Buying through Positive Emotion

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 3756
Putu Cindy Clarista Darmaningrum ◽  
I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja

The purpose of this study is to explain the role of enjoyment shopping mediating hedonic motivation towards impulse buying. This research was conducted at consumers of Stradivarius Beachwalk. The measure of samples used in this study were 105 respondents, with a purposive sampling method. Data collection is done through questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The analysis technique used is path analysis. Based on the results, it was found that shopping enjoyment is able to mediate partially hedonic motivation towards impulse buying. Furthermore, hedonic motivation has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying; hedonic motivation has a positive and significant effect on shopping enjoyment; shopping enjoyment has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying; and shopping enjoyment acts as a mediating variable between hedonic motivation and impulse buying. Based on the findings of this study suggested that hedonic motivation and good shopping enjoyment greatly affect consumer impulse buying at Stradivarius Beachwalk. Keywords: hedonic motivation, shopping enjoyment, impulse buying  

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 3873
Ni Putu Krisna Diah Rani ◽  
Ni Made Purnami

The purpose of this study was to explain the influence of the retail atmosphere, and the promotion of emotions, to explain the influence of the retail atmosphere, promotion, and emotions on impulse buying, to explain the role of emotions as mediating the relationship between the retail atmosphere and promotion of impulse buying at Hypermart Mall Bali consumers. Galeria. The population in this study were all consumers who had shopped at Hypermart Mall Bali Galeria and had done Impulse Buying. The sampling method used was purposive sampling. The samples selected in this study were 108 respondents. Data were analyzed using path analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study shows that the retail atmosphere, and promotion has a positive effect on emotions. Retail atmosphere, promotion, and emotions have a positive effect on impulse buying. Emotions mediate the relationship between the retail atmosphere and promotion of impulse buying on Hypermart Mall Bali Galeria consumers. Keywords: retail atmosphere, promotion, emotion, impulse buying

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 212
Ida Ayu Nabila Meidyna ◽  
Made Mertha

The amount of dividends distributed to shareholders depends on the company's dividend policy. This study aims to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of profitability on dividend policy with an investment opportunity set as a mediating variable. This research was conducted at companies classified as LQ45 index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling method used was purposive sampling to obtain 87 observations. Data analysis technique used is path analysis. Based on research results, it is known that profitability has a positive and significant effect on investment opportunity set. Profitability has a positive and significant effect on dividend policy. Investment opportunity set has a negative and significant effect on dividend policy. Investment opportunity set is able to mediate the effect of profitability on dividend policy.

Ida Bagus Gde Indra Wedhana Purba ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Tirtayani

As time has developed, many e-commerce platforms exist in Indonesia, so that competition in maintaining consumer loyalty on an e-commerce website often occurs. This study aims to determine the effect of e-price and e-trust on e-loyalty and the role of e-trust in mediating it. The research method used is quantitative and using questionnaire. The population used in this study are consumers who have ever shopped online through the Indonesian online marketplace who are domiciled in the province of Bali. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling and accidental sampling and a sample of 120 respondents. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of this research is that Shopee is e-commerce with the biggest enthusiasts in Bali. E-price and e-trust have a positive and significant effect on e-loyalty, and e-price has a positive and significant effect on e-trust, e-trust can mediate the effect of e-price on e-loyalty. This research is expected to be able to provide input to further researchers, e-commerce providers, sellers who sell in e-commerce, and customers. Providing reasonable prices, security in transactions, trust in online vendors, will certainly increase consumer loyalty, either by not moving to other e-commerce and recommending it to others.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Viajeng Purnama Putri

This  study  is  to  test  the  effect  of hedonic shopping, shopping lifestyle to impulse buying online. This  research  sample  of  100 respondents,  taken  based  on  Purposive  Sampling .The  data analysis  uses PLSsoftware3.  This  path  analysis  technique  will  be  used  in  testing  the  amount  of contribution  shown  by  the  path  coefficient  on  each  path  diagram  of  the  causal  relationship between variables  Hedonic shopping (HS), Shopping Lifestyle (SL), on Impulse Buying (IB). Hedonic shopping support  have  a  positive  and  significant  effect  on impulse buying. Shopping lifestyle positif effect on impulse buying and shopping lifestyle able to mediate the effect between hedonic shopping on impulse buying. Hedonic shopping and shopping lifestyle had positively and significantly influenced the consumer’ responses to impulse buying.The findings of this study contribute to the theory of impulse buying online, namely hedonic shopping and shopping lifestyle important factors in realizing impulse buying online.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 5258
Gusti Nyoman Bagus Dananjaya ◽  
Ni Made Rastini

This research aims to explain the effect of product quality on brand image, the effect of product quality on customer loyalty, the influence of brand image on customer loyalty, and the role of brand image to mediate the effect of product quality on customer loyalty of Kober Mie Setan in Denpasar City This research was conducted in Denpasar using 100 respondents. Data collection method used is purposive sampling method with path analysis technique. The results showed that product quality had a positive and significant effect on brand image. Product quality has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty. Brand image has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty. Brand image as a mediation variable significantly indirect influence on customer loyalty through product quality variables. Kober Mie Satan needs to pay attention to the portion of food to match the expectations of the consumers. In addition, Kober Mie Satan needs to improve the positive reputation for the image of Kober Mie Satan is considered positive and able to create customer loyalty. Keywords: product quality, brand image, customer loyalty

I Kadek Bramantya Abdy Pangestu ◽  
I Wayan Santika

This study aims to determine the role of positive emotions mediating the influence of fashion involvement and hedonic consumption tendency on impulse buying. The sample measurements amounted to 105 respondents. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires directly to customers of the Beachwalk Mall Bali fashion products. The analysis technique used is path analysis (path analysis) and sobel test. The test results show that there is a positive and significant influence between fashion involvement and hedonic consumption tendency towards positive emotions, a positive and significant influence between fashion involvement, hedonic consumption tendency and positive emotions on impulse buying. Positive emotions can act as a significant mediating variable between the influence of fashion involvement and hedonic consumption tendency towards impulse buying. These results mean that the higher fashion involvement and hedonic consumption tendency will be able to increase high positive emotions too, so that it can encourage impulse buying for customers of Beachwalk Mall Bali fashion products.

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 666
Azizah Pratika Sari ◽  
Rose Rahmidani

This study aims to know 1) the influence E-Word of Mouth to E-Trust toward E-Purchase Decision Universitas Negeri Padang students on marketplace Lazada, 2) the influence E-Word of Mouth toward E-Purchase Decision Universitas Negeri Padang students on marketplace Lazada, 3) the influence E-Trust toward E-Purchase Decision Universitas Negeri Padang students on marketplace Lazada. The type of study is causal research. The population in this study are Universitas Negeri Padang students who once using marketplace Lazada. The sampling techniques using non probability sampling with purposive sampling method and sample size of 100 respondens by using the formula of Cochran’s. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of the path (path analysis) using SPSS version 21. By using path analysis, the resultsof this study  showed that: (1) E-Word of Mouth have effect on E-Trust toward E-Purchase Decision Universitas Negeri Padang students on marketplace Lazada, (2) E-Word of Mouth affects E-Purchase Decision Universitas Negeri Padang students on marketplace Lazada, (3) E-Trust affects E-Purchase Decision Universitas Negeri Padang students on marketplace LazadaKeyword: E-Word of Mouth, E-Trust, E-Purchase decision

Proyeksi ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Erni Dwi Octaviani ◽  
Amrizal Rustam ◽  

Kedisiplinan adalah salah satu metode yang diterapkan dalam lingkungan Kepolisian. Dedikasi dan kedisiplinan yang tinggi dari anggota POLRI untuk menjadi lebih profesional sangat diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan dan peranan POLRI. Salah satu yang mempengaruhi kedisiplinan adalah religiusitas yang dimiliki oleh seorang anggota POLRI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara religiusitas dengan kedisiplinan pada anggota POLRI. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah ada hubungan positif antara religiusitas dengan kedisiplinan pada anggota POLRI, dengan populasinya anggota POLRI yang bertugas di Kepolisian Resort (Polres) Kendal. Metode pengambilan sample yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah sample 50 orang. Tehnik  analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis korelasi produck moment. Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai korelasi rxy  = 0,747 dengan p = 0,000 (p < 0,01). Hal ini menunjukkan hubungan positif yang sangat signifikas antara religiusitas dengan kedisiplinan pada anggota POLRI, artinya makin tinggi religiusitas anggota POLRI, maka makin tinggi kedisiplinan anggota POLRI, sebaliknya makin rendah religiusitas anggota POLRI makin rendah pula kedisiplinan anggota POLRI. Dengan demikian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima. Kata kunci: kedisiplinan, religiusitas  RELIGIOSITY AND DISCIPLINE AMONG POLICE OFFICERS  Abstract Discipline is one of the manners applied in the police environment. Dedication and high discipline of members of the police in order to improve professionalism is required to achieve the purpose and role of police. One that affects the discipline is religiosity of the police member. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between religiosity and discipline among police officers. The hypothesis proposed was that there is a positive relationship between religiosity and discipline on police officer at the Police Resort (Police) Kendal. Sampling method used was purposive sampling with a sample size of 50 people. Data analysis technique used was product moment correlation analysis. The results of analysis of data obtained correlation values rxy = 0.747 with p = 0.000 (p <0.01). This showed a very significant positive relationship between religiosity and discipline on police officer. It means that the higher the religiosity of Police, the higher discipline on police officer. Thus the hypothesis in this study was accepted. Keywords : discipline, religiosity

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