scholarly journals Development of Tourist Attractions in Kutri Pekraman Village

2017 â—˝  
Vol 1 (2) â—˝  
pp. 166
I GA. Oka Mahagangga â—˝  
I Putu Anom

This study is inspired by the existence of Bukit Darma Durga Kutri Temple located in Kutri Pekraman Village in Buruan Village, Blahbatuh Sub-regency, Gianyar Regency. Bukit Darma Durga Kutri Temple as an archaeological heritage possesses tourism potentials if it is managed holistically. This study aims to develop a strategy for the development of Kutri Pekraman Village with the tourist attractions that it has in store as a tourist village. This study employs the qualitative paradigm paired with a combination of both the qualitative and qualitative methods (mixed methods) and the SWOT analysis as the data analysis technique. The research method used is a combination of both the quantitative and qualitative methods with the qualitative paradigm as the main approach to the study. As for the sampling, qualitatively the technique used is the purposive sampling technique where there are four informants, and quantitatively the technique used is the total sampling technique where there are 100 respondents from the local residents and 15 foreign tourists. The result of the study indicates that the people of Kutri Pekraman Village in Buruan, Blahbatuh Sub-regency, Gianyar Regency are ready to carry out the development of a tourist village using all tourism potentials that are considered to be very attractive for tourists. The result of the analysis points to the strategy of future tourism development as a tourist village with the approach of alternative tourism (heritage tourism) with Bukit Darma Durga Kutri Temple as the core of the tourism, supported by the rice field areas which are popular among tourists for tracking and cycling activities.

2021 â—˝  
Vol 2 (1) â—˝  
pp. 82-86
Suti Sutrisno Lateba â—˝  
Ferdinan Kerebungu â—˝  
Rasyid Umaternate

The problem in this study is poverty in the people of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. The purpose of this study was to assess poverty in the community of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques used are observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this study was the Milles and Huberman technique. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique. The results show that in general the Sofan Village community is a poor community, and the factor that causes poverty in the Sofan Village community is the low education factor, this lack of employment can be seen in general from the work of the community is farmers and fishermen. Another thing that causes poverty is the lack of income and the habit of some people who were still sitting before working. Another factor that causes poverty in the people of Sofan Village is the attitude of being dependent on other parties, especially the Government. This attitude of being too dependent on others is what causes them to live in poverty.

10.22146/jcef.24021 â—˝  
2015 â—˝  
Vol 1 (3) â—˝  
pp. 107
Rosdiana Puji Lestari

The research was conducted to answer a questions: 1) how the relocation of the current strategy was carried out by the government 2) the problems that arise in the relocation which has yet to be resolved, 3) how the good concept of relocation so that these problems can be minimized. The research methodology used in this study combined quantitative and qualitative methods. Qualitative methods are used to explain the empirical facts that exist in each of these conditions in the relocation settlements. SWOT analysis is used to provide an overview of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the relocation of victims of Merapi. Information, facts and issues that arise in the study will be described, explained and analyzed primarily for the impact of residential relocation on social and economic life of the community. Relocation concept of the economic aspects of community empowerment efforts should be made related to community economic recovery after a change in livelihood. In addition, the potential of community mapping needs to be done by the government to be optimized and developed. From the aspect of government settlements seek to transfer ownership of land in the new settlement which may be the property of the citizens so that citizens obtain legal certainty while occupying the new settlement. The social aspects of the development potential of relocating residents and making it as a tourist village, residents need to support that relocation is no longer a newcomer, they have the same rights and obligations with citizens of another.

2021 â—˝  
Vol 9 (2) â—˝  
pp. 239-255
Erniati Erniati

This study is a lexicostatistical study that aims to classify words that are related statistically to classify similarities. This research is focused on Banggoi and Hoti languages spoken by the people in West Bula District, East Seram Regency, Maluku Province. The aim is to determine the kinship classification of Banggoi and Hoti languages and determine the time of separation between the two languages. The method used is quantitative and qualitative methods with data collection techniques using direct observation, listening, note-taking, and recording methods. The results showed that Banggoi language and Hoti language have kinship with percentage of 31.5%. Based on this percentage, the two languages are at the stok/family kinship level. The existence of this kinship is influenced by geographical proximity, while the time of separation of the two languages is estimated at 1,170 years ago. Kajian ini merupakan kajian leksikostatistik yang bertujuan mengelompokkan kata-kata yang berkerabat dengan mengelompokkan persamaan secara statistik. Peneltian ini difokuskan pada bahasa Banggoi dan bahasa Hoti yang ditutukan oleh masyarakat yang ada di Kecamatan Bula Barat, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur, Provinsi Maluku. Tujuan kajian adalah untuk mengetahui klasifikasi kekerabatan bahasa Banggoi dan bahasa Hoti dan menentukan waktu pisah dari kedua bahasa tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik  observasi langsung, simak, catat, dan perekaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara bahasa Banggoi dan bahasa Hoti memilki kekerabatan dengan persentase 31,5%. Berdasarkan persentase tersebut maka kedua bahasa tersebut berada pada tingkat kekerabatan stok/rumpun.  Adanya kekerabatan bahasa Banggoi dan bahasa Hoti karena dipengaruhi oleh letak geografi yang berdekatan dan  waktu pisah kedua bahasa tersebut diperkirakan pada 1.170 tahun  yang lalu.

2012 â—˝  
Vol 14 (1) â—˝  
pp. 29
Lucia Nurbani Kartika â—˝  
Purwani Retno Andalas

This study was intended to analyze the attributes of tourism villages in Sleman district that were perceived by domestic tourists, to identify the perceptions of domestic tourists on the importance of various attributes of tourism villages in Sleman Yogyakarta, to identify the perceptions of domestic tourists on the performance of tourism villages viewed from various attributes which were considered important by tourists and to describe whether or not there were differences in perceptions of domestic tourists on the importance and performance of various attributes of economic, social and tourism infrastructure in the Tourism Village of Sleman Regency. Respondents of this study were domestic tourists who were visiting tourism villages in Sleman Regency with a sample of 150 people, who were selected using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and Importance-Performance analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the attributes of public facilities, tour guides who master the local culture and have communication skills, security of tourist attractions (tourism  villages), comfort of tourism villages (organized, clean, complete facilities), tourism information (directions, posts on tourism village gates), friendliness of the local people, and people's understanding of culture and tourism objects are in the "Keep Up The good Work" quadrant. The attributes of parking facilities, road quality and health services (hospitals, pharmacies) were in the "Concentrate Here" quadrant. As for the attributes of the number of public transportation facilities, public transportation lines, banking services, traditional or classical cultural events or shows, events or performances of contemporary culture, souvenir shopping, food shopping (culinary), tourism village ticket prices, tourist price levels (tour package prices, outbound, event) were in the "Low Priority" quadrant and the choice of natural or cultural attractions was in the "Possible Overkill" quadrant. Keywords: tourism infrastructure, tourism village attributes, level of importance, level of performance ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis atribut-atribut desa wisata di kabupaten Sleman yang dipersepsikan oleh wisatawan nusantara, untuk mengidentifikasikan  persepsi wisatawan Nusantara terhadap tingkat pentingnya berbagai atribut desa wisata di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta, untuk mengidentifikasikan persepsi wisatawan Nusantara terhadap kinerja Desa Wisata dilihat dari berbagai atribut yang dianggap penting oleh para wisatawan dan untuk mendeskripsikan ada atau tidaknya perbedaan persepsi wisatawan Nusantara atas arti penting dan kinerja berbagai atribut infrastruktur ekonomi, sosial dan kepariwisatan di Desa Wisata Kabupaten Sleman. Responden penelitian ini adalah para wisatawan nusantara yang sedang berkunjung ke desa wisata di kabupaten Sleman dengan sampel sejumlah 150 orang, yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposiv sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis Importance-Performance. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa atribut ketersediaan fasilitas umum (MCK), pemandu wisata yang menguasai budaya lokal, pemandu wisata yang memiliki ketrampilan berkomunikasi, keamanan tempat wisata (desa wisata), kenyamanan desa wisata (teratur, bersih, fasilitas lengkap), informasi pariwisata (petunjuk arah, tulisan pada gerbang desa wisata), keramahan penduduk lokal, dan pemahaman masyarakat akan budaya dan obyek wisata berada pada kuadran “Keep Up The good Work”.  Atribut fasilitas parkir, kualitas jalan dan layanan kesehatan (rumah sakit, apotik)berada pada kuadran “Concentrate Here”. Adapun atribut jumlah sarana transportasi umum, jalur transportasi publik, jasa perbankan (ATM dan sejenisnya), event atau pertunjukan budaya tradisional dan klasik, event atau pertunjukan budaya kontemporer, tempat belanja cinderamata, tempat belanja makanan (oleh-oleh), harga tiket masuk desa wisata, tingkat harga wisata (harga paket wisata, outbound, event)berada pada kuadran “Low Priority”. Sedangkan atribut keteraturan lalu lintas dan pilihan obyek wisata alam atau budaya berada pada kuadran “Possible Overkill”. Keywords: infrastruktur pariwisata, atribut desa wisata, tingkat kepentingan, tingkat kinerja.

Johnson Oluwole Ayodele

Considering the implications of population movements for places of origin and destinations, migration has garnered significant interest in recent scholarship. To advance this objective, this chapter examines the influence of migration and crime on development in Lagos, Nigeria. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data from 310 respondents. Data were analysed. Results show that 84.4% of Hausa, Yoruba (76%), others (73.3%) and Igbo (57.8%), planned their migration to Lagos. Overall, 95.8% of the respondents acknowledged that they had no assurances of jobs before migrating to Lagos. As frustration develops, some migrants embrace crime and endanger development. The study concluded that if development is inclusive, migration will be naturally controlled as individuals will remain in their places of origin rather than constituting nuisance to development in Lagos. It therefore suggests that government should control crime so that the people can see the possible constructive interactions between migration and development.

2019 â—˝  
Vol 7 (2) â—˝  
pp. 364
Alinda Thalia â—˝  
Saptono Nugroho

Sayan Village is one of the villages in Ubud that has a lot of potential to be used as a tourism village. The first three great potentials are natural tourism, potential opportunities for water tubing tourism, and also the potential of Puri Sayan as a heritage tourism object in Sayan Village, which is being planned by the village government and local communities. In addition to the three great potentials, Sayan Village also has the potential for water tourism with beji spring sources which are a source of water that is purified by the local community and is usually used for melukat. In this case, the researcher focused more on discussing the development of biology natural tourism which is currently used as the center of tourism village activities in Sayan Village. This study uses collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis and SWOT analysis. The technique of determining informants used purposive sampling technique. The results of this study contain the existing conditions of Desa Sayan based on tourism product components, namely attractions, amenities, accessibility, and ancilliary. And the strategy for developing SWOT-based Sayan Tourism Village. So that the strategies obtained produce the best ways to realize one of the missions of Desa Sayan as a sustainable tourism village. Keyword: Identification of Existing Conditions, SWOT Analysis, Natural Tourism, Sayan Tourism Village.

2020 â—˝  
Vol 5 (1) â—˝  
pp. 29-34
B. Bustang

This study aims to determine the pattern of the marketing channel of Broiler and to find out how much the marketing margin and profit from the broiler marketing channel in Tanggetada Village, Tanggetada District, Kolaka Regency. This research was conducted in June 2019. The sample of this study was all the population. It is mean that many as two people who worked as breeders and retailers. This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. The data analysis technique is descriptive and mathematical analysis. The results showed that only one pattern of broiler marketing channels: producers-retailers-consumers. The marketing margin of Broiler is IDR. 15,000/head, while the marketing profit of broiler IDR 11,380/ head.

2021 â—˝  
Vol 2 (1) â—˝  
pp. 012-022
Sri Ernawati Zunaidin

The development paradigm in many countries is currently more oriented towards the service sector and industry, including the tourism industry. In the tourism system, the marketing strategy carried out on tourist objects is an important element in supporting the desire of tourists to visit. This study aims to determine and analyze whether expanded marketing affects the visiting decision Lawata Beach. This study uses a mix method quantitative and a qualitative. The population in this study are tourists who have visited lawata beach tourist destinations in Bima City. Sampling with purposive sampling technique, where the determination of the sample based on certain criteria that are tailored to the needs of the study. The sample in this study amounted to 100 people with the research instrument using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis used simple linear regression, partial test with t test. To test the effect between variables using SPSS (Statistical Service Product Solutions) version 20.00 and SWOT analysis. The results of the study stated that expanded marketing had a positive and significant effect on the Visiting Decision Lawata Beach Bima City and from the results of the SWOT analysis, the Bima City government had to always develop attractive tourist attractions, making Lawata Beach an economic creative area and adding supporting facilities on the Lawata beach, facilities and infrastructure can add attractiveness and increase competitiveness with tourist objects in other areas.

2018 â—˝  
Vol 8 (1) â—˝  
pp. 59-78
Irwan Mohd Subri â—˝  
Wan Mohd Fazrul Azdi Wan Razali â—˝  
Walid Mohd Said â—˝  
Nisar Mohammad Ahmad â—˝  
Amir Shaharuddin â—˝  

At the end of 2014, Malaysia was  hit by an extraordinary and massive  flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. This pilot study was conducted to gather issues related to aqidah at  relief centers in the Temerloh and Maran district, Pahang. This exploratory study used qualitative methods. The researchers conducted non-structered interviews with thirty eight respondents in four flood relief centers in Temerloh using convenience sampling technique. The results showed that there were 8 themes of aqidah issues raised by the people at the flood relief centers. The most popular themes were i) flood disaster was qada and qadar (fate and destiny) from Allah, ii) effort and tawakkal from victims in facing the disaster, and iii) disaster brought people close to Allah. In the discussion,the reseachers explained the probable factors of the results. They also suggested some improvement actions that could be highlighted in flood management model. Keywords: aqidah, Temerloh, Maran, flood, issues Abstrak Penghujung tahun 2014, Malaysia khususnya di pantai Timur telah dilanda banjir besar yang luar biasa. Mangsa-mangsa yang dipindahkan dan ditempatkan di pusat penempatan banjir melebihi dua ratus ribu orang. Kajian perintis ini dijalankan bagi  mengumpulkan isu-isu berkaitan akidah di pusat pemindahan mangsa banjir di daerah Temerloh dan Maran, Pahang. Kajian yang bermatlamatkan penerokaan ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif. Para penyelidik telah menjalankan temu bual tidak berstruktur terhadap tiga puluh lapan orang responden di empat buah pusat pemindahan mangsa banjir di daerah Temerloh dan Maran, Pahang. Pemilihan responden dibuat menggunakan kaedah persampelan mengikut kesenangan (convenience sampling). Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat lapan tema isu akidah yang dibangkitkan oleh warga pusat pemindahan banjir. Tiga tema paling polular adalah i) banjir itu qadak dan qadar Allah, ii) berusaha dan bertawakkal dalam menghadapi banjir, dan iii) banjir mendekatkan diri dengan Allah. Di bahagian perbincangan, penyelidik menghuraikan perkara-perkara yang berkemungkinan menjadi faktor kepada dapatan kajian. Penyelidik juga mengemukakan cadangan penambah baikan berkaitan isu akidah dan kaunseling untuk dimuatkan dalam model pengurusan banjir. Kata kunci: akidah, Temerloh, Maran, banjir, isu

2020 â—˝  
Vol 1 (2) â—˝  
pp. 12-18
Ni Wayan Sutiani

Buleleng Regency is one of eight regencies in Bali that is known by foreign tourists as an attractive tourist destination, where the area has a variety of arts, culture and natural tour- ist attractions. Munduk Village has a variety of tourist attractions consisting of arts or culture and natural scenery, in the form of hills, rice fields, and waterfalls that are characteristic of the village. The concept of Tri Hita Karana is the basis for living the daily lives of local people in Munduk Village. Village tourism is a form of integration between attractions, accommodation and supporting facilities that are presented in a structure of community life that integrates with the prevailing procedures and traditions where tourists can stay in or close to the village to learn and enjoy life in the village.From the description of the background above, the formulation of the problem in this paper is: what is the role of tourism villages in the development of villages in Munduk Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. The research method is done using interviews.Conclusions from the results of the study indicate that the role of the tourist village munduk in Munduk Village, Banjar Subdistrict, Buleleng Regency is as a source of income for the people in Munduk Village other than as farmers, considering the Munduk village area as a tourist vil- lage that is visited by many tourists which in turn can increase the income of the surrounding community. The suggestions that can be asked are: For the Munduk village government should be able to support tourism villages in Munduk by helping to provide funding facilities for devel- opment in order to develop. In addition, the community is given facilities for capital in order to build a business to support tourist villages in the village of Munduk, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency.

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