Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry
Latest Publications





Published By "Usn Scientific Journal, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka"

2548-3803, 2548-5504

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-47
I. Irmawaty ◽  
Tuti Widjastuti ◽  
Asep Anang ◽  
Muhammad Nur Hidayat

This experiment shows performance chickens of Kedu, Arab, and Poncin with Giffen different protein content.  This experiment uses chickens of Kedu, Arab, and Poncin (a crossbreed of male Arab and female Kedu) that each breed consists of 40 Day Old Chicken. Each species was randomly placed in 8 units of experiment cage, and every experiment cage consists of 5 Day Old Chicken.  Treatment dietary is used 15% (R1) dan 18% (R2).  The experiment's design is used a completely random design 2x3 factorial, that i two treatments of dietary and three breeds of chickens. Every treatment is replayed four times, and the show used 24 units of experiment cage.  The parameter is limited watch on dietary Consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion. The result showed that Poncin chickens gave better growth performance when compared to Arab and Kedu chickens. Simultaneously, the ration protein content of 18 % resulted in better growth performance compared to 15% ration protein.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-64
Rosidi Azis ◽  
Gatot Ciptadi ◽  
S. Suyadi

This research aimed to analyze the phenotypic similarity and genetic characteristics of 1st and 2nd generation (G1 and G2) goat of Boer and PE goat yield crossbreeding. The number of offsprings of G1 and G2 was46 and 28 goats, respectively. Data analysis of phenotypic characteristics was estimated by calculating the opportunities of the number of the appearance of G1 and G2 offspring. The result showed that the percentages of the G2 of  W11 similarity (67.86%) more significant than G1 (26.09%).  The W21was the G1 (45.65%) higher than G2 (10.71%), and W31 was G1 (28.26%) higher than G2 (21.43%). It concluded that G2 had phenotypic similarities of the characteristic (color) in total progeny. The G2 goat displays the phenotypic characters of inheritance (color)patterns that had more significant similarity than the results of the G1, as well as similarities in morphological characters that were different from the G1. The characteristics (colors) in the G2 had dark brown head color greater than G1, and body conformation approaches to Boer goat. Other colors like light brown, plain white, black, and straight black on G1 greater than G2.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-51
Abd Wahab Hasyim ◽  
Oktora Dwi Putranti

The research aimed to examine the effect of caffeine's addition on diluents on Bali cattle epididymis' survival or sperm viability to get the right amount of caffeine. The epididymis collection was taken from the Slaughterhouse of Ternate City. Analysis of sperm vitality or viability was carried out in the Biotechnology Laboratory of Universitas Khairun. The methods in this research were by preparing egg yolk Tris solution treated with caffeine P0 (0 mg/ml), P2 (2 mg/ml), P4 (4 mg/ml), and P6 (6 mg/ml) with four replications, and then the epididymal sperm was inserted into each treatment. The epididymal sperm viability was calculated by evaluating the percentage of the number of living sperm.  It compared to the dead sperm, which were observed microscopically by eosin-nigrosin staining. The data obtained were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to see if there were significant differences (P<0.05) or very real (P<0.01), the analysis were then continued with the Tukey-W-Procedure test with SPSS 18. The results show that administration of caffeine 2 mg/ml and 4 mg/ml  (86.95% and 86.95%) have a significant effect on the sperm viability of epididymis compared with 0 mg/ml and 6 mg/ml (69.38% and 69.91%) treatments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Tedi Akhdiat ◽  
Hilman Permana ◽  
Nilawat Widjaja ◽  
Raden Febrianto Christi ◽  
Dini Elsa Alfiani

Milking is the act of removing milk from the udder on purpose to get maximum milk production. A reasonable milking interval will affect the amount of milk production. This research aims to know the extent of the milking time interval affecting Friesian Holstein dairy cow milk production and the interval of milking time that produces the best production and quality of Friesian Holstein.  The research method was an experiment using a completely rand randomized with four treatments, namely: treatments 1 was 16:8 hours time delivery interval (TDI) dairy cow; treatments 2: time delivery interval (TDI) 15:9 hours; treatment 3: delivery time interval (TDI) 14:10 hours; treatment 4: time delivery interval (TDI) 13:11 hours.  The observed variables are milk production and milk quality.  The data were analyzed using verbal if any effect of treatment was done Duncan's distance test. Based on the results and discussion, the milking time interval significantly impacts milk production and water content. Still, it has no significant effect on the density, protein content, and milk fat content, 13:11 hours milking interval time produces the most milk and water content.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-76
Andi Fausiah ◽  
Andi Tenri Bau Astuti Mahmud ◽  
Abdullah Umar

This study was conducted to evaluate the reproductive potential of native chickens by examining the correlation between body weight and spermatozoa motility. The correlation analysis results obtained a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.475.  The results in this research was a significant value of 0.196>0.05 means that statistically, there is a relationship between body weight and spermatozoa motility. Still, the correlation between body weight and spermatozoa is weak. Bodyweight gain is one parameter that can be used as a production standard. Based on the results studied, it can be concluded that there is a relationship with the correlation value between body weight and spermatozoa motility of male cocks with BSF Magot feeding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-70
S. Santi ◽  
Andi Fausiah

This study aimed to increase the nutritional value of teak leaves as feed for ruminants by carrying out fermentation at different storage times. This research was conducted in April - July 2020. The preparation of complete feed silage made from teak leaves (Tektona grandis)was carried out in the UNASMAN Animal Husbandry Study Program. The nutritional analysis was carried out at the Feed Chemistry Lab, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University.  This study was designed using the CRD method with five treatments and three replications so that the number of experimental units was 5.  The treatments are A0 = 0 weeks (control); A1 = 2 weeks; A2 = 4 weeks; A3 = 6 weeks; A4 = 8 weeks. The results showed that storage time had a significant effect lower (P <0.05) on the nutrients mass (dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, and crude fiber). Storage of complete feed silage made from teak leaves is effective for 2-4 weeks of storage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-34
B. Bustang

This study aims to determine the pattern of the marketing channel of Broiler and to find out how much the marketing margin and profit from the broiler marketing channel in Tanggetada Village, Tanggetada District, Kolaka Regency. This research was conducted in June 2019. The sample of this study was all the population. It is mean that many as two people who worked as breeders and retailers. This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. The data analysis technique is descriptive and mathematical analysis. The results showed that only one pattern of broiler marketing channels: producers-retailers-consumers. The marketing margin of Broiler is IDR. 15,000/head, while the marketing profit of broiler IDR 11,380/ head.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Muhammad Basri ◽  
Muhammad Nur Hidayat ◽  
R. Rusny

The research aimed to determine the percentage of carcass and protein content of super native chicken breast meat given rations containing apu-apu flour (Pistia stratiotes). The research design used was completely randomized design (C.R.D.) with five treatments and three replications.  Each test consisted of three super three-month-old native chickens. Apu-apu flour levels in each treatment, namely P0 (0%), P1 (5%), P2 (10%), P3 (15%) and P4 (20%). The study was conducted for four weeks. The percentage of carcasses in each treatment were P0 (67.51%), P1 (69.33%), P2 (69.47%), P3 (68.76%) and P4 (70.88%). Furthermore, protein content in breast meat, namely P0 (25.21%), P1 (26.03%), P2 (25.43%), P3 (25.86%) and P4 (25.35%).  There were no significant effects (P> 0.05) of fluorine in rations on the carcass percentage and protein content of super native chicken breast meat. The highest average value of carcass percentage was in the treatment of 20% Pistia stratiotes flour, while the highest breast meat protein content was in the treatment of 5% Pistia stratiotes flour.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-11
S. Supriadi

This research aims to learn, understand, and know the process of handling Bali cattle at the postmortem stage inanimal slaughtering houseVillage Tahoa District Kolaka. The variables observed in this study consist of the general overview of the slaughterhouses Kolaka, a cutting technique at the animal Slaughterhouse of Tahoa Sub-district Kolaka District, and postmortem examination. Data obtained is then analyzed through a qualitative analysis approach and subsequently concluded.  The result of this research is the origin of Bali cattle.  The cattle that would cut an animal slaughterhouse came from Timbala, Pomalaa, Ladongi Mowewe, and Rate-rate.  The sex of Bali cattle that enter the animal slaughterhouse Kolaka every day on average for the type of cow one tails/day, as well as the female calf Type 1 tail/day.  Examination in postmortem in animal Slaughterhouse Tahoa Village District Kolaka Kolaka includes a lymph glandular analysis, meat and pH test of meat, meat color, liver examination, and lung screening. After an excellent cut to be marketed in an indication of 3 things, postmortem health screening is unconditionally permitted, permitted on the condition, or disposed of abnormal and not allowed, delayed, or refused to be exchanged.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-39
J. Junaedi ◽  
H. Husnaeni

This study aims to determine the correlation between hatching egg weight with egg weight loss and DOC weight of Bangkok male crossbreed chickens with Pelung broodstock. This research uses a unit of automatic digital hatching machines (temperature regulation and automatic turning). The research material is Bangkok rooster chicken, amounting to two tails and four Pelung broilers. The chicken is crossed, and then the eggs are collected to be hatched eggs. This study uses digital camera tools, digital scales, and calculators. The coded eggs are hatched for 21 days. The parameters measured in this study were: Hatching egg weight (grams), egg weight of day 18th hatching, egg weight loss (%) / egg shrinkage, DOC weight, the correlation value between the weight of hatching eggs with egg weight loss, the correlation value between the weight of hatching eggs with the weight of DOC. Data analysis using correlation. The results obtained were the average hatching egg weight of 45.91 ± 3.75 grams, the average of hatching eggs on the 18th day 41.13 ± 3.43 grams, egg weight loss 10.40 ± 0.56%, weight DOC 35.36 ± 3.33 grams, correlation of hatching egg weight to DOC0.98 weight, hatching egg correlation with egg weight loss -0.25. Based on the results of the study,  it can be concluded that the characteristics of Bangkok crossbreed hatching eggs with Pelung brooders are in the normal range.  The correlation of hatching egg weight with very high DOC weight and positively correlated, correlation of hatching egg weight with low egg weight loss and negatively correlated.

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