scholarly journals Relation of ‘latar’ Location and Building Orientation in the Traditional House in Kota Lama Kudus

Anisa Anisa ◽  
Finta Lissimia

In traditional houses, the latar has an important role. The latar is not just an open space that can be physically used for shared activities. But the latar has a deeper meaning. A phenomenon is found in the traditional Kudus house that the buildings in the house face the latar, and not face the road. In connection with this phenomenon, a study was conducted aimed at uncovering the connection and interpreting the location of the latar with the orientation of the traditional Kudus house. This research is a descriptive interpretative qualitative research. Field data collection is done through direct observation in the Kudus traditional house to record and describe the arrangement of the building, setting the layout, and orientation of the building and is equipped with interview data. The results of the recording and description are then analyzed and interpreted to find the relationships and meanings contained in these relations. The results of this study showed two conditions: first, there was a relation between latar location and building orientation; secondly, the latar does not only serve as the center of the building orientation, and the binding between the buildings in the traditional Kudus house. But in meaning the latar is also two important activities carried out by the people of the Kota Lama Kudus, namely ji-gang, reciting and trading.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 111
Rumsari Hadi Sumarto ◽  
Lukas Dwiantara

This study aims to describe and analyze community empowerment activities in the Dewo Bronto Tourism Village in Yogyakarta through the concept of Community-Based Tourism. This study uses qualitative research that describes community empowerment through the concept of Community Based Tourism objectively based on data findings in the field. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Community empowerment in the field of tourism in the tourism village is carried out through various fields such as culinary business, the production of natural dyes of batik, batik training, transportation, arts and cultural attractions. This effort can support the development of tourism in the Dewo Bronto Tourism Village. However, community empowerment needs to be supported by the ability of the community to create a brand for a tourist village so that the Tourism Village is better known by tourists. In the future, it is necessary to do research on millennial communities who are familiar with the digital world so that they can promote the Village Tourism digitally. The impact of the tourist village is better known to tourists globally

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
Mis Erna Fauziah

The purpose of research is intended to realize the love of the homeland can be done in the family, school and community. Currently due to the influence of globalization, many Indonesian people are more proud of the culture owned by other nations. The type of research intended here is the type of field research (field research) with a quantitative approach. Field research is a study to obtain the correct data occurs in the field. Data collection with sample probability technique. The research sample is students and students of grade VII selected based on interests and talents for the choir group at SMPN 2 Alalak which amounted to 30 people.Based on the data questionnaires questioning attitude of homeland love of the students conducted three times, from 30 students at the beginning of observation obtained 24 students into the category very good, 4 entered in good category, 1 student is good enough and 1 again entered the category less good, but at the end of observation To 25 students fall into very good category and 5 students fall into either category. In 3 times the implementation of the results obtained is always increased because the teacher as a mentor and mentor routinely explain and motivate students. Prepared planning at the beginning of the school year and the implementation of the program in accordance with the work program resulted in a good and positive homeland love assessment for students who follow the extracurricular activities of choir in SMP Negeri 2 Alalak. Extracurricular activities are beneficial for students in particular and schools in general. Diligent in attending various extrskurikuler activities in school, which is certainly tailored to the talents and interests of students themselves. The existence of fit between activities with talent and interest will add motivation and spirit of students to follow the activity. Keywords: Attitudes, love of the homeland, and choir.Tujuan penelitiani dimaksudkan untuk mewujudkan cinta tanah air dapat dilakukan dilingkungan keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Saat ini akibat pengaruh globalisasi, banyak masyarakat Indonesia lebih bangga terhadap kebudayaan yang dimiliki oleh bangsa lain. Jenis penelitian yang dimaksudkan disini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian lapangan merupakan suatu penelitian untuk  memperoleh data yang benar terjadi di lapangan. Pengambilan data dengan teknik probabilitas sampel.Adapun sampel penelitian adalah siswa dan siswi kelas VII yang dipilih berdasarkan minat dan bakat untuk kelompok paduan suara di SMPN 2 Alalak yang berjumlah 30 orang.Berdasarkan data isian kuesioner sikap cinta tanah air dari siswa yang dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali, dari 30 siswa diawal observasi diperoleh 24 siswa masuk kategori sangat baik, 4 masuk dalam kategori baik, 1 siswa cukup baik dan 1 lagi masuk kategori kurang baik, tetapi diakhir observasi  menjadi 25 siswa masuk dalam kategori sangat baik dan 5 siswa masuk dalam kategori baik. Dalam 3 kali pelaksanaan hasil yang diperoleh selalu meningkat karena guru selaku pembina dan pembimbing secara rutin menjelaskan serta memotivasi siswa.Perencanaan yang sudah terprogram pada awal tahun ajaran yang sudah dipersiapkan dari sekolah dan pelaksanaan yang dijalankan sesuai dengan program kerja menghasilkan penilaian cinta tanah air yang baik dan positif bagi siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler paduan suara di SMP Negeri 2 Alalak. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang bermanfaat bagi siswa khususnya dan sekolah pada umumnya. Rajin dalam mengikuti berbagai kegiatan ekstrskurikuler di sekolah, yang tentunya disesuaikan dengan bakat dan minat siswa itu sendiri. Adanya kesesuain antara kegiatan dengan bakat dan minat akan menambah motivasi dan semangat siswa untuk mengikuti kegiatan tersebut.Kata Kunci: Sikap, cinta tanah air, dan paduan suara.

2018 ◽  
Tutut Eka Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Dhalia Soetopo ◽  
(Prosiding Seminar Nasional FKIP Univeristas PGRI Banyuwangi

Ngajeni dalan is a ritual Javanese community in the village of Alabulu, ngajeni dalan itself in the language of Java "ngaji" which means mengaji and "dalan" means the highway. The ngajeni ritual is a history 10 years ago, because the road in the village of Alasbuluh entered the provincial or main road, there were many traffic accidents that happened almost every day and always took casualties. Ngajeni dalan in doing so that the users of the highway survived both on the way to leave and go home also safely back home. Ritual ngajeni dalan has a lot of meaning for each individual, from ritual activities that have been done believe or not many Javanese in particular, feel the benefits or goodness gained, but all returned to the beliefs and beliefs of each human being. In general, this study aims: (1) To know the background of the tradition of "ngajeni dalan", (2) To know the procedures for the implementation of "ngajeni dalan" activities in Java community in Alasbulu village, (3) To give knowledge, ritual gajeni tradition dalan since the past for the wider community in general and for the people who live in the village area Alasbulu Wongsorejo district in particular. This is a qualitative research and data collection using the snow ball technique. And the results of this thesis know that the history of rituals ngajeni dalan originated from tribal Javanese migrants and ritual activities are only done by indigenous Javanese descendants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Julius Frans Wuaten ◽  
Ishak Bawias ◽  
Rafles Kawowode

Abstrak: . Salah satu lokasi tempat pembuatan kapal penangkap ikan yang ada di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe yaitu di Kampung Para I Kecamatan Tatoareng.  Masyarakat nelayan yang ada di Kampung Para I pada umumnya memiliki kemampuan dan keahlian dalam membuat unit perahu/kapal penangkap ikan yang diperolehnya secara turun temurun dari orang tua dan nenek moyang mereka. Hampir setiap tahun, nelayan pembuat kapal di Kampung Para I memproduksi kapal penangkap ikan dari bahan kayu, pesanan dari nelayan yang ada di sekitar Pulau Para maupun dari luar pulau. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat secara langsung proses pembuatan kapal penangkap ikan dari bahan kayu, khususnya dalam proses finishing kapal pajeko. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif, dengan menggambarkan atau menguraikan kejadian di lapangan dalam bentuk laporan, tanpa mengurangi atau menambah informasi yang ada di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara dengan nelayan pembuat kapal, pengamatan langsung dan partisipasi dalam proses finishing meliputi pemakalan, pendumpulan, dan pengecatan kapal. Proses finishing dalam pembuatan kapal pajeko berbahan baku kayu di Kampung Para 1 Kecamatan Tatoreng semuanya dilakukan secara tradisional dan pengerjaannya dilakukan oleh nelayan setempat, mulai dari proses memakal, mendempul dan mengecat dengan peralatan yang sederhana.   Abtract:   One of the locations for fishing boats in Sangihe Islands Regency is Para Village 1, Tatoareng District. The fishing communities in Para Village 1 generally have the ability and expertise to build fishing boats / vessels, which they have from generation to generation from their parents and ancestors. Almost every year, fishermen who build boats in Para I Village produce fishing boats made of wood, orders from fishermen around Para Island and from outside the island. This research was conducted to see firsthand, the process of making fishing boats from wood, especially in the finishing process of the pajeko boat. The method used is descriptive method, by describing the events in the field, to the form of reports, without reducing or adding to the information in the field. Data collection techniques are carried out by conducting interviews with shipbuilders, direct observation and participation in the shipbuilding finishing process including ‘pemakalan’, ‘pendumpulan’, and ship painting. The finishing process in making pajeko boats made of wood in Para Village 1, Tatoreng District, is all done traditionally and the work is done by local fishermen, starting from the process of ‘pemakalan’, ‘pendumpulan’ and painting with simple equipment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
Maulana Yusuf ◽  
Bahrul Ulum ◽  
M. Rusydi ◽  
M. Ishak

<p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Tulisan ini menelisik dampak Pilkada dan evaluasi kritis NU dan Muhammadiyah Jambi terhadap Pilkada langsung (2005-2015). Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data di lapangan berupa wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data-data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis hermeneutik dan fenomenalogis: Dari studi di lapangan didapatkan bahwa Pilkada langsung telah menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi masyarakat, karena itu NU dan Muhammadiyah memandang penting untuk meninjau dan memberikan catatan kritis. Pertama, penyelenggara Pilkada harus objektif, amanah, adil, dan transparan. Kedua, masyarakat pemilih harus  menggunakan hak pilihnya secara bertanggung jawab dan menghindari <em>money politic</em>. Ketiga, Calon kepala daerah harus bersaing secara sehat, dan bersikap ksatria; siap kalah dan menang. Keempat, semua pihak dapat menghindari adanya  <em>black campaign</em>, dan pembunuhan karakter pada pihak pesaing. Kelima, semua pihak harus mengikuti aturan-aturan Pilkada secara konsisten dan senantiasa menempatkan nilai-nilai agama dan moral masyarakat menjadi pedoman dan penuntun.</p><p><br /> <strong>Abstract:</strong> <strong>Islamic Ethics in the Realm of Politics: Response and Critical Review of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah of Jambi Province Against the Implementation of Direct Elections (2005-2015)</strong><strong>. </strong>This paper reviews the impacts of election and the critical evaluations of NU and Muhammadiyah of Jambi against the direct elections during 2005-2015.This research uses field data collection techniques such as interviews and documentation. The Data obtained are analyzed by using hermeneutical and fenomenalogal analysis. The research found that the direct elections have negative impact on the people. Therefore, the NU and Muhammadiyah have considered to review and to provide critical notes; (i) The organizers of the elections must be objective, trustworthy, fair, and transparent. (ii) Voters should use their rights responsibly and avoid money politics, (iii) The candidates of the regional leaders must compete fairly, and be ready and gentleman whether they lose or win, (iv) All parties must avoid black campaign and character assassination to other competitors, (v) All parties must follow the rules of the election consistently and put religious (Islamic) values and public norms as guidance.</p><p><br /> <strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Indonesia,<strong> </strong>Jambi, Melayu, NU, Muhammadiyah, etika, politik<strong></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Rendi Oktasari ◽  
Hery Astika Putra

This research is entitled "The Phenomenon of the Occasion of Street Tent Stalls inMobilizing the Economy of the society (Study Case of Street Tent Stall on Pejanggik street,Cakranegara, Mataram)". The purpose of this research is to find out the size of the incomeof the people who open tent stalls on the street of the beekeepers on pejanggik street,cakranegara, Mataram, find out what things affect the income, production costs, menusproduced and how to market them.The type of research used in this study is a qualitative research with a phenomenonapproach, using interviews and direct observation as a technique of the data collection, theinformants of this study consisted of tent stall owners, tent stall employees, people who sellaround the tent stalls and ordinary people in the pejanggik street of Cakaramegara.The results of this study indicate that the income generated from the tent shopbusiness is quite large on average Rp. 9,000,000 evert month, also able to open jobvacancies that can reduce unemployment. On the other hand the presence of this tent stall isable to improve the standard of living of people who sell around the tent stalls such as thoseselling martabak and terang bulan, cigarettes, fried foods, juices, cakes whose averageincome is Rp. 200,000 to Rp. 400,000 every day and able to be an attraction for thecommunity to open the same business, especially in the culinary field.

Liquidity ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-109
Yuri Nanda Larasati ◽  
Jafril Khalil

Regulation of the financial services authority (OJK) No. 31/POJK.05/2016 on Venture had arranged that the financial services agency on the basis of the law of pledge is in coaching and supervision OJK. Yet the existence of laws – invitation to Governing Enterprise pawn shops causing business activities conducted by the above parties are not yet regulated. The condition is feared could cause harm to the consumer society. The purpose of this research is to know the procedures, mechanisms, protection of goods and guarantee the consumer on an informal pledge financing, methods of determination of the cost of maintenance of the goods and the goods of the execution mechanism of the pledge as well as protection for the collateral items are viewed from the side of the consumer by looking at laws-invitations and Sharia. To find out whether the pledge have gotten permission from OJK. This research uses qualitative research methods with the study of library research, field data and simulations. The approach used in this study is the empirical juridical approach. Elaboration upon the results is discussed further in this article.

2018 ◽  
Casey J. Duncan ◽  
Marjorie A. Chan ◽  
Elizabeth Hajek ◽  
Diane L. Kamola ◽  

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