scholarly journals Alat Analisis Strategi Bertahan Hidup Sektor Informal Perkotaan Selama Pandemi Covid-19: Review Literatur

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
M.Akmal Farraz ◽  
Adha Fathiah

The covid-19 pandemic has damaged the structure of the global economy, including Indonesia. Government policies that are stuttering and inconsistent between handling health or economic recovery have resulted in their implementation being not optimal and having a significant impact on economic actors in the informal sector. As a result, informal workers need to make efforts to survive amid the crisis. Based on a literature review, this article presents analytical concepts for analyzing strategies undertaken by young informal workers with an illustration of informal sector workers in the city of Banda Aceh. The results show that there are seven possible ways to survive in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, namely taking debt to family and friends, returning to your hometown, reducing the quantity of consumption, working with other people's capital, building a subsistence economy, diversification of informal workers and circumventing government regulations. These strategies are rooted in everyday life and in reality which are taken for granted and therefore are not acts of instrumental rationality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-86
Heniyatun Heniyatun ◽  
Retno Rusdjijati ◽  
Puji Sulistyaningsih

The purpose of this study is to review the rights of workers to obtain protection, including informal workers, as mandated in Article 3 paragraph (2) of Law Number 32 of 1992 concerning Labor Social Security that every worker has the right to social security of workers. The hazard risk from the work environment owned by informal workers is the same as that of formal workers. So far, the occupational health services provided are still curative, while health care and improvement efforts to improve work and preventive capacity are always neglected. This study uses a juridical empirical research method with a descriptive approach; data collection is done through questionnaires. The research sample includes workers in the home or micro industries both in the Regency and in the City of Magelang. Samples are collected using a nonprobability sampling method, then analyzed using qualitative analysis with inductive methods. Based on the results of the study, the understanding of the SJSN by both employers and informal sector workers is insufficient, but the majority of respondents have a desire to join the SJSN program, with the priority of health insurance and work accident insurance programs. The ability and willingness to become a BPJS participant are influenced by the level of income, and level of education. Current informal sector workers have not been covered by guaranteed protection, both BPJS Kesehatan, and BPJS. The main factor is the non-participation of casual workers in the guarantee of protection due to financial inability to pay contributions. Besides that, it was also because of his ignorance, even though it was not significant. This is due to a lack of socialization from stakeholders regarding the importance of health and safety guarantees and protection for workers and their families in addition to regulations that also do not accommodate informal workers.

2021 ◽  
Farida Rahmawati ◽  
Fidelis Dwi Putra Santoso

The spread of COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the global economy, including in Indonesia. The pandemic affected all economic performance, including growth, price stability, exchange rates, unemployment, poverty and so on. Although the crisis was felt by all countries, developing countries felt a greater impact than developed countries. Through a qualitative analysis, this paper aims to explain why this can happen, what are government policies for pandemic mitigation and what are their impact. The results show that the crisis caused by the pandemic in Indonesia was caused by four things, namely the dominance of the informal sector, limited fiscal space, poor governance and demographic differences between developed and developing countries. So, a strategy is needed to overcome these obstacles. Strategies that can be carried out are through evaluating government performance, increasing the budget deficit and moderating lockdowns. These three strategies are expected to be able to help Indonesia through the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Demographic Differences, Informal Sector, Limited Fiscal Space, Poor Governance

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Anastya Nida Alhana

Muhammad Ibn Abd Rahman is known as Muhammad I was the 5th emir during the reign of the Umayyad Dynasty in Spain in 852-886 AD. He was the son of Abdurrahman Bin Hakam a 4th leader of the Umayyad Dynasty in Spain. He died at the age of 65 years coinciding in 886 AD and at the end of his term of office. The beginning of Muhammad I is served as a series of domestic riots. The government shock is began with the Toledo People’s rebellion, assisted by the Leon tribal chief to rebel in 854 AD, As an emir who was an expert in the administration of his government, he is organized the Andalusian government on a regular basis and created a system of government regulations in the form of legislation. For the management of the State, he also carries out government policies that lead to the welfare of people’s lives. Like his father, one of his personalities was to love the art of beauty and science, so that during his reign he built the city by beautifying the capital city with beautiful buildings, large buildings, and monuments, and he was a supporter of the facilities for education, as well as poets and writers also got their attention. His great contribution in advancing Spanish civilization, which is someone who initiated the growth of progress in the field of Islamic Philosophy and Science in Spain, has recorded one sheet of culture in the achievement of Islamic history. The interest in Greek Philosophy and Science began to be developed in the 9th century AD during the reign of the fifth Umayyad, namely Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman (832-886 AD) at the initiative of al-Hakam (961-976 AD), the scientific works, libraries and universities are able to rival Baghdad as the main center of science in the Islamic world.

Marina Batista Chaves Azevedo de Souza ◽  
Isabela Aparecida de Oliveira Lussi

Estudos apontam que jovens podem exercer trabalhos informais por necessidade não por desejo pessoal, o que pode acarretar impactos negativos na saúde mental. O objetivo do artigo foi apontar abordagens, destacar problemáticas e realizar reflexões sobre juventude, trabalho informal e saúde mental, através do mapeamento de estudos científicos. Realizou-se uma revisão de escopo pelo modelo de Arksey e O’Malley para mapear/sintetizar os estudos. Foram encontrados 51 artigos com a expressão: "informal work" OR "informal workers" OR "informal sector" OR "informal job" OR informality AND "mental health" AND "young adult" OR "young adults" OR young OR youth e 2640 teses e dissertações. Após as exclusões das duplicações, ensaios teóricos, revisões, trabalhos indisponíveis e estudos em que os títulos e resumos não abordavam a temática central, analisou-se 6 artigos científicos e 3 dissertações na íntegra. Os estudos são de anos diversos, a maioria quantitativos e investigam associações entre trabalhos informais/precários/desemprego e sintomas psiquiátricos. Questões geracionais não foram consideradas indicadoras de peculiaridades sobre o assunto nos artigos, mas duas dissertações trouxeram essa discussão. Foram inexistentes artigos que priorizam percepções do trabalhador sobre sua condição de trabalho/saúde, todavia, uma das dissertações analisadas abordou as condições sociais e o trabalho precário como sugestivos a problemas de saúde. Indica-se como necessário realizar reflexões que articulem saúde mental a condições políticas/socioeconômicas, considerando o trabalho como determinante de saúde/doença e a juventude como detentora de idiossincrasias que influenciam nas reflexões sobre o tema.

Ethnography ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 312-335 ◽  
Matthew Rosen

This article explores themes of chance and contingency in relation to field research I carried out in a network of outdoor newspaper libraries in Pune, India. Appearing amid the city’s transformation into a major regional hub linking western Maharashtra into the global economy, the vernacular institution of the footpath library emerges as a lens for bringing a range of issues related to social change in urban India into clearer focus. I show that the street library is not just a quiet place to sit and read but a site of social visibility and cultural assertion for Marathi-speaking migrants in the city.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Sebastian Saborio

<p>Rio de Janeiro is preparing to host two major sporting events in the coming years: the 2014 FIFA World Football Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. Local authorities are promoting these mega events as an opportunity to increase the global competitiveness of the city. But in order to attract private capital from the global economy it is not enough for Rio to showcase the city as capable of organizing and implementing these events. Rather, the authorities must also demonstrate that what has been considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world can now become a safe place for business. To do so, what has been promoted as a new model of &lsquo;community policing&rsquo; the UPP (Pacifying Police Units) has been implemented since 2008 in 107 favelas. The majority of the favelas involved in the program are situated around the sites where these mega events will take place and around other wealthy areas of the city. This article analyses the relation between mega events, global competitiveness and the neutralization of local marginality.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Rio de Janeiro se pr&eacute;pare &agrave; accueillir les plus grands &eacute;v&eacute;nement sportifs des prochaines ann&eacute;es: la coupe du monde de football en 2014 et les jeux olympiques en 2016. Les autorit&eacute;s locales valorisent ces &eacute;v&eacute;nements mondiaux comme autant d&rsquo;opportunit&eacute;s pour augmenter la comp&eacute;titivit&eacute; de la ville.&nbsp; Cependant, il n&rsquo;est pas suffisant pour attirer les capitaux priv&eacute;s de l&rsquo;&eacute;conomie mondiale que Rio soit valoris&eacute;e comme une ville capable d&rsquo;organiser et de g&eacute;rer ces &eacute;v&eacute;nements. Les autorit&eacute;s doivent aussi d&eacute;montrer que, ce qui auparavant &eacute;tait consid&eacute;r&eacute; comme une des plus dangereuses villes du monde, peut maintenant devenir un endroit s&ucirc;r pour les entreprises. Dans ce but, l&rsquo; UPP (Pacifying Police Units) a &eacute;t&eacute; mis en place en 2008 dans 107 favelas et est d&eacute;crit comme le nouveau mod&egrave;le de la police communitarian. La plupart des favelas int&eacute;gr&eacute;es dans le programme sont situ&eacute;es autour des lieux qui accueilleront les &eacute;v&eacute;nements et dans d&rsquo;autres endroits confortables de la ville. Pour cette raisons, cette article analyse les relations entre les &eacute;v&eacute;nements mondiaux, la comp&eacute;titivit&eacute; mondiale et la neutralisation de la marginalit&eacute; locale.</p>

Hasyimsyah Nasution ◽  
Yusnadi Yusnadi ◽  
Zahari Zahari

Development planning in the city of Banda Aceh is still experiencing various problems and shortcomings both in terms of the substantial process of implementation and supervision. This is because there is still a lack of regional planning apparatus both in terms of quantity and quality and not yet optimal public consultation in taking government policy in development that directly impacts the community, then development plan deliberations and official head work unit forums as a mechanism for community involvement in planning development is not yet up to and maximal. Commitment to the political communication of the mayor of Banda Aceh wants to build the community of the city of Banda Aceh as a model of the civil city. This political commitment arose from the results of the geopolitical analysis, the natural conditions of the region, the Aceh provincial regional development policy and the national development vision, and the strong desire of the mayor himself. The Mayor of Paradigama in building the city of Banda Aceh referred to the concept of building the Prophet in Medina.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 405
Lussi Agustin ◽  
Moh. Yusron Solikin ◽  
Zunairoh .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa maksimal proses kebijakan retrukturisasi Kredit UMKM dalam Pemulihan Ekonomi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Kondisi perekonomian global sedang mengalami goncangan hebat akibat mewabahnya Covid-19. Dampak dari pandemic ini sangat mempengaruhi segala aspek terutama pada kondisi Kesehatan dan perekonomian suatu negara, tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Secara keseluruhan, hampir semua sektor industry mengalami goncangan dan tidak terkecuali sektor UMKM. Maka dari itu dikeluarkanlah kebijakan retrukturisasi Kredit UMKM guna mendorong optimalisasi fungsi intermediasi pada perbankan dan menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan serta mendukung pertumbuhan perekonomian. Program restrukturisasi kredit menjadi program dari OJK yang dapat diterapkan oleh perbankan kepada UMKM. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi empiris dari penelitian terdahulu serta peraturan-peraturan terkait dengan restrukturisasi kredit yang dikeluarkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan restrukturisai kredit bagi UMKM sudah berjalan dan digunakan oleh para pelaku UMKM. Kemudian berdasarkan implementasinya kebijakan ini merupakan kebijakan top-down dimana memerlukan banyak Lembaga untuk bekerja sama dan keputusan berasal dari Peraturan pemerintah baru di teruskan ke Lembaga-lembaga lain di bawahnya hingga informasinya sampai dan bisa dirasakan oleh para UMKM.  This research aims to analyze the policy of restructuring SMEs Credit in Economic Recovery during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The global economy is experiencing severe shocks due to the outbreak of Covid-19. The impact of this pandemic greatly affects all aspects, especially on the health and economic condition of a country, not least Indonesia. Overall, almost all industry sectors are experiencing shocks and are no exception to the SMEs sector. Therefore, the policy of restructuring SMEs Credit was issued to encourage optimization of intermediation function in banking and maintain the financial system stability and support economic growth. Credit restructuring program becomes a program from OJK that can be applied by banks to SMEs. The method used in this research is a qualitative method using empirical studies from previous research as well as regulations related to credit restructuring issued by the Financial Services Authority. The results of this research show that the implementation of credit restructuring policy for SMEs is already running and used by SMEs. Then based on the difference in implementation of this policy is a top-down policy that requires many Institutions to cooperate and decisions derived from the new government regulations are forwarded to other institutions under it until the information reaches and can be felt by SMEs.

Putri Nur Aini ◽  
Lilis Siti Badriah

According to the Central Statistics Agency (2017), the proportion of workers in the Indonesias informal sector is 57.03 percent in 2017. One of the jobs in the informal sector is city transportation drivers. Purwokerto has a population of 263,501 people in 2017 spreading across four sub-districts. Population needs for transportation are served by city transportation. The existence of the Trans Jateng bus and the growing development of on-line transportation services have reduced consumer demand for urban transportation services. As a consequence, it had an impact on the income of city transportation drivers. This study aimed to analyze the income and consumption, the welfare of life, and survival strategies of city transportation drivers in Purwokerto in meeting their family needs. The total sample of 78 respondents was selected randomly. The analytical methods used in this study were tabulation, Average Propensity to Consume analysis, comparison between income and Decent Standar of Living in Banyumas Regency, and survival strategies using coping strategies. The results indicated that 51.3 percent of respondents had basic income smaller than other income; the basic income of 89.74 percent of respondents had not been able to meet family consumption, but based on family income, it was obtained that 69.23 percent of respondents has been able to meet family consumption; both of basic income and family income of the majority of drivers have not been able to meet a Decent Standard of Living; the survival strategies used by the respondents were active, passive, and network strategies. This study implies that the Regional Government needs to adopt a policy that supports the city transportation drivers in the form of limiting the number of on-line transportations and monitoring the red zones as well as regulating the Trans Jateng Bus lane so that it may not have a negative impact on the city transportation.

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