scholarly journals Pemanfaatan Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus Erosus) Afkir untuk Pembuatan Bedak Dingin pada Kelompok Wanita Tani Berkat Yakin Kec. Batang Anai Kab. Padang Pariaman

Alfi Asben ◽  
Deivy Andhika Permata ◽  
Ira Desri Rahmi ◽  
Risa Meutia Fiana

ABSTRAK: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kerugian petani dan pedagang bengkoang serta mengoptimalkan umbi bengkoang kelompok tani dengan peningkatan nilai tambah melalui produk bedak dingin. Umbi bengkoang yang tidak terjual lagi dan diangkap afkir dimana kurang layak untuk jadi produk olahan pangan dimanfaatkan untuk membuat bedak dingin. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan tahapan : 1) Pembuatan dan pengujian bedak dingin bengkoang dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) jenis ketuaan umbi bengkoang. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi rendemen, derajat warna putih, pH dan uji organoleptik bedak dan uji iritasi ; dan 2) Penyuluhan dan demontrasi/pelatihan pembuatan bedak dingin pada kelompok mitra. Pada penyuluhan disampaikan: i) Potensi umbi bengkoang, ii) Faktor-foktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penentuan bengkoang afkir, dan iii) Faktor yang diperhatikan dalam membuat produk bermutu baik dan dapat disimpan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah : 1) Bengkoang afkir (sisa yang tidak terjual) mempunyai potensi dan dapat serta aman untuk dijadikan bedak dingin; 2). Hasil penelitian (pengujian) bedak dingin bengkoang afkir memberikan hasil yang hampir sama dengan bedak dingin menggunakan bengkoang segar ataupun bengkoang yang panen tua (5-5.5 bulan). Pati bengkoang afkir lebih tinggi dari bengkoang segar dan kadar air yang lebih rendah; dan 3). Anggota kelompok wanita tani Berkat Yakin dapat memahami dan mampu membuat bedak dingin bengkoang afkir yang baik untuk dapat disimpan dalam waktu yang lama.Kata kunci: Bengkoang afkir, Bedak dingin, Pengabdian, Kelompok wanita tani Utilization of Reject Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus Erosus) on Cold Mask Production in Berkat Yakin Farmer Women Group at Sub District of Batang Anai District of Padang PariamanABSTRACT: The aim of the community service were to reduce losses of bengkoang farmers and traders, and also to optimize bengkoang tubers farmer groups with increased value added through cold mask products. Bengkoang tubers that not sell anymore and considered reject where less feasible to be food products used to make the cold mask. This community service was done by stages: 1) Making and testing of cold mask bengkoang by using 3 (three) maturity types of bengkoang tuber. The observations included rendement, white color, pH, organoleptic test of mask, and irritation test; and 2) Counseling and demonstration / training of making cold mask in group of partner. In the counseling delivered: i) Bengkoang tuber potency, ii) Factors to consider in determining reject bengkoang , and 3) Factors considered in making good quality products and can be stored for long periods. The results of this community service activity were: 1) Reject bengkoang (unsold remnant) has the potential and can and safe to be used as cold mask; 2). The cold mask product of reject bengkoang had same quality with cold mask using fresh bengkoang or old harvested bengkoang (5-5.5 month). Starch of reject bengkoang higher than fresh bengkoang and it’s water content is lower; and 3). Members of farmer women group Berkat Yakin can understand and able to make cold mask from reject bengkoang and good to be stored for a long time.Keywords: Reject bengkoang, Cold mask, Community service, Farmer women group

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 404-409
Titin Apung Atikah

Cassava is a type of plant that is easy to grow in various types of soil, and its cultivation method is relatively easy. The stems, leaves, and tubers of cassava have various benefits for human life. Limited knowledge and skills regarding the diversification of cassava-based processed products are an obstacle for which solutions must be sought. The purpose of this service activity is to empower the community, especially partners/target groups, through training on processing cassava into raw materials for processed food products. Community service activities carried out using training/mentoring and demonstrations/practices are one of the solutions that can be carried out for community empowerment. The results of community service activities show that all participants (100%) can actively participate in receiving all the knowledge and skills transferred and are interested in doing it themselves at home (100%). Processed products in the form of cassava flour will be consumed by themselves (77%) and sold (23%) with processed food products of cassava lunkhead (89%) and cassava noodles (11%), which were of high interest. This data shows that community service activities carried out by Palangka Raya University can contribute and become a solution to overcome problems faced by the community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Yiyin Klistafani ◽  
Nur Wahyuni ◽  
Moh. Adnan

One agricultural commodity that has high economic value is the clove "Eugenia Aromatica". The many benefits obtained from cloves, making clove commodities sell well in the market due to of high demand. Therefore, the amount of clove production must be able to balance the market demand in order to keep price stability stable. However, post-harvest handling of cloves at the farm level is generally conventional. This has caused problems including long working time (ineffective), the risk of clove quality decreases, and causes discomfort to the skin of workers' hands due to friction of the clove flower for long time. Hence, it is necessary to conduct IbM – “Ipteks bagi Masyarakat” (Science and Technology for Communities) activities in utilizing clove flower separator machines for farmers in Bonto Village, Enrekang. The stages of the implementation of the IbM activities were observation to the farmer groups in Bonto Village, procurement of clove flower separators, conducting training to operate the clove separator mechine and counseling how to do mechine maintenance to farmers in Bonto Village. The results obtained from this community service activity are that clove farmers in Bonto village are able to work more effectively and efficiently in the process of separating clove flowers from their stems so that the production of cloves increases with good quality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Intan Pratiwi ◽  
Youstiana Dwi Rusita

Abstract Background: Mask is one of the effective facial skin cleanser. Mask has merit as deep cleansing,it’s cleaning the dirt on the skin layer deeper, binds skin cells that have died, refine pores of the skin, clean the remnants of excess fat on the surface of the skin’s face, reduce skin irritation, smoothing layer outer skin and nourish the skin, so it looks bright. This study uses papaya leaf extract has a content of the enzyme papain, alkaloids, pseudokapain, glikosid, karposid and saponins. Alkaloid contained in papaya leaves is a kind karpain which has anti bacterial activity. The advantages of the mask is the method of production can be prepared in a simple way. Masks in this study is made in the form of powder to make it easier to use and storage. Method: This study have purpose to determine the results of mask powder formulation of papaya leaf extract as an anti acne that meet the test parameters include physical, organoleptic test, water content test, pH test, and flow rate of irritation test. Result: This research is experimental observation. The results of organoleptic test mask bone-white powder, scented roses and soft textured, the results of water content of 7.5%, a flow rate of over 9 seconds, pH of 6.35. Conclusion: The results of irritation test to the 20  olunteers did not show any reaction of irritation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-116
Husnul Khotimah

Tobacco is one of the important agricultural commodities in Bucor Wetan Village, Pakuniran District, Probolinggo Regency. However, tobacco stems (nicotiana tobacum) are often considered as agricultural waste, since a lack of effective treatment is given to them. This community service activity is to utilize tobacco stem waste to be useful by making it a biopesticide to treat pests and diseases in plants. To achieve these goals, this program is by counseling and training to farmer groups on how to make biopesticides from tobacco stems. The results of this activity were: a) the participants’ enthusiasm is more considerable, especially the Farmer Group, to involve with the training, and b) their knowledge of using tobacco stems is more increased, since they have highly today’s economic value.

Jurnal ABDI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Sri Sumarsih ◽  
Afaf Baktir

Natto and Soy Yogurt are fermented food products that are very beneficial for improving health. This community service activity aims to socialize the benefits and make them known to the wider community. However, community service activities during the Covid-19 pandemic cannot be carried out face-to-face and have activities with the community in large numbers. Therefore, this community service activity was carried out through webinar and practical activities. Online seminars was chosen so that the coverage was wider and more people could participate in the pandemic. Face-to-face and community activities are carried out with a limited number of participants, according to health protocols. The level of success, benefit and acceptance of the community from this community service activity is known from the responses of the participants during the activities. Based on the results of the assessment/ response of participants who were present virtually and those present at the location, In general it can be concluded that the PKM activity entitled "socializing the benefits and making natto and soy yogurt through webinars and practices" is going well, but better preparation is still needed.The material presented by the resource person is suitable for the current pandemic conditions, easy to understand, easy to practice and can be developed for home businesses. The Zoom Meeting application can be used as a medium for community service activities in pandemic conditions even though it still cannot reach the wider community.  Keywords: Socialization, natto, soy yogurt, webinar, practical

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-43
Kresna Oktafianto ◽  
Raka Nur Sukma ◽  
Kuntum Febriyantiningrum ◽  
Dwi Oktafitria ◽  
Henny Murnafikhoh ◽  

One of the efforts to alleviate poverty in Soko Sub-District, Tuban Regency is giving an assisting program in the cultivation of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus). This program is aimed for groups of farmers in Soko Sub-District, Tuban Regency. This Community Service Activity (PKM) was carried out by using a method in the form of training activities for earthworm cultivation (Lumbricus rubbelus) starting from the provision of materials, preparation of earthworm media, seed sowing, feed making, feeding, routine maintenance, harvesting techniques and monitoring of PKM implementation team. Mentoring and monitoring activities were observed with cultivation implementation observation instruments, observation sheets on worm cultivation, and participant response questionnaires. This community service ended with the submission of earthworm seedlings (Lumbricus rubbelus) to the participants of farmer groups in Soko Sub-district, Tuban Regency as the initial capital to start earthworm cultivation (Lumbricus rubbelus). The results of Community Service showed that the average responsiveness of earthworm cultivators in Soko Subdistrict showed very good (4.1%), good (34.8%), sufficient (39.8%)and the remaining was lacking and continuous technical guidance and assistance needed to get maximum results (21.3%).Keywords: Allevation, Cultivation, Poverty, Lumbricus Rubellus

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Eva Ayuzar ◽  
M Muliani ◽  
Saiful Adhar ◽  
Arief Rahman

ABSTRAK               Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk menambah pengetahuan ibu-ibu di Desa Ulee Pulo, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Indonesia tentang teknik pengolahan hasil budidaya tambak yaitu ikan bandeng yang diolah menjadi kerupuk bawang. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan metode survei dan sosialisasi langsung. Tahapan kegiatan terdiri dari penentuan lokasi dan kelompok, persiapan bahan dan alat, pengolahan dan uji organoleptik (skoring). Komponen uji organoleptik terdiri dari rasa, aroma, tekstur, warna dan gurih. Panelis yang memberikan penilaian uji organoleptik meliputi perangkat desa, dosen, dan masyarakat sebanyak 25 panelis. Kuisioner digunakan untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan kegiatan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi secara langsung pelatihan ini telah meningkatkan pengetahuan perempuan kelompok Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) dalam mengolah bandeng menjadi kerupuk bawang. Selain itu, nilai tambah bandeng bisa meningkat terutama saat panen melimpah. Hasil uji organoleptik skoring menunjukkan bahwa nilai skoring warna 5 (coklat kekuningan), aroma 4,3 (aroma khas bandeng), tekstur 5 (renyah), rasa asin 5 (asin ideal), rasa gurih 4,6 (gurih).   Kata kunci; Bandeng, kerupuk bawang, pemberdayaan perempuan ABSTRACT The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of women in the village of Ulee Pulo, North Aceh Regency, Indonesia about processing techniques of pond cultivation products, namely milkfish onion crackers. This community service activity used a survey method and direct outreach. The survey consisted of determining the location and the group, while the outreach consisted of preparing materials and tools, processing, and organoleptic testing (scoring test). The components of the organoleptic test consisted of taste, odor, shape, color, and savory. Panelists who gave organoleptic test assessments included village apparatus, lecturers, and the community with a total of 25 panelists. Questionnaires were used to see the level of success of the activity. The observation results of the activity, it is known that this activity can improve the knowledge of women in family welfare empowerment group (Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga/PKK) in processing milkfish into onion crackers. Also, the added value of milkfish can increase especially when the harvest is abundant. Organoleptic test results showed that color score 5(Yellow-brown), odor 4,3 (the scent of milkfish), tekstur 5 (crunchy), salty taste 5 (salty ideal), savory taste 4,6 (tasty). Keyword : milkfish, onion crackers, women empowerment

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-79
Yohanes Martono ◽  
Maria Endah Retno Palupi ◽  
Betsy Felita ◽  
Sekar Nurani Saptaningtyas ◽  
Bereka Meidelivia Raharjianti ◽  

This community service activity is aimed at empowering the people of Kalkurmo Village, Beringin District, Semarang Regency through the processing of local natural resources. The appropriate technology being trained is the processing of corn into modified flour which can then be processed into various processed food products. Activities carried out in the form of training and community assistance to master post-harvest corn processing technology. Corn has been successfully processed into flour by fermentation and acetylation and then made into cookies. Cookies products can be used as processed food products to be marketed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Nurbety Tarigan ◽  
Firat Meiyasa ◽  
Gian K. Efruan ◽  
Desy A. Sitaniapessy ◽  
Denisius U. Pati

The community service activity reported in this paper was conducted in Malumbi Village, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The target of this community service was the Tani Tunas Baru group and the Malumbi Farmer group. The purpose of this service was to provide knowledge and information to these two farmer groups about good and correct fish farming techniques and the application of EM-4 probiotics as feed for catfish. The activity consisted of two, namely workshop and mentoring. The service provided new knowledge and insight to the two farmer groups. The farmers were shown activities such as preparation for maintenance ponds, fertilization techniques, seed spreading techniques in new containers, good and correct feeding techniques, and water replacement systems car. In addition, assistance related to probiotic applications was also implemented. The results showed that the administration of probiotics EM-4 gave good results on the growth rate and survival of the catfish each by 18% and 80% when compared to controls. It is hoped that fish farmers in the Tunas Baru and Malumbi groups are able to apply the knowledge that they have learned.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Bayu Andri Atmoko ◽  
Endang Baliarti ◽  
Nanung Agus Fitriyanto

Beef Cattle have a role as saving for farmers to continue their business, although not profitable based on business analysis. Therefore, the right strategy is needed according to the problems of both the culture and the resources of farmers. The community service activity was conducted in a beef cattle farmer groups as cattle breeding for calf production, namely, are Mergo Andini Makmur and Sumber Ayu in Sleman Regency. The beef cattle productivity in the two groups is not good, S/C is more than twice, even up to four times, postpartum estrus is more than one year, and calving interval is more than 2 years. The beef cattle farmer groups have already diversified their business, which is the processing of manure and waste product of cattle, but not yet optimal. Community service is carried out to improve reproductive performance of cattle through the providing of a superior bull for bull stimulation, counseling, assistance in the prevention of worm infections, and demonstrations of compost and feed quality production. The first stage is preparation, including consolidation with the member farmer groups, followed by the socialization of the activity program. The next stage of implementation, by conducting reproductive and breeding management counseling, cattle health management, feed processing and management, and compost production. The result of the implementation of a bull stimulation for one month is based on the emergence of estrus (more than 50%) following by a conception rate (33.33%) of the cows population, and the level of participatory farmers. The demonstration of the fermented straw feed and compost is also implemented as a supporting activity.

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