scholarly journals The Concept Of Hindu Cosmology In The Tattwa Jnana Text

I Gusti Made Widya Sena

<p>The truth in daily life is certainly a wholeness in implementing the tattwa, ethics and acara of Hinduism as tri basic framework of Hinduism in Bali. This is because until now the implementation of the teaching trilogy is still running and standing alone in an incomplete and comprehensive manner. Sometimes it is found in the field of implementation of acaras and ethics are not equipped with tattwa philosophy in it. So that the knowledge of the people will be more rooted and rely on the basic concept indeed. This of course will increasingly corner the minds of the people about the doctrine that is not fundamental.</p><p>One of the truths of tattwa written in the Vedic Scriptures is the concept of cosmology or the creation of the universe. Cosmology is one of the important knowledge in Hinduism, because cosmology not only provides knowledge about the creation of the universe, furthermore cosmology can explain the true nature of human beings, which so far is still very difficult to obtain. In Bali, this cosmological teaching is implied in local theology. Local theology that lived and developed in Bali until now is imbued with the teachings of the Vedic scriptures. Especially Siwaistic texts that always put forward the teachings of knowledge about the reality of God, the way to reach Him and the creation of the universe, both great bhuana agung and bhuana alit.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-322 ◽  
KuuNUx TeeRIt Kroupa

In May 2009, the Arikara returned to the land of their ancestors along the Missouri River in South Dakota. For the first time in more than a half century, a Medicine Lodge was built for ceremony. The lodge has returned from its dormant state to regain its permanent place in Arikara culture. This event will be remembered as a significant moment in the history of the Arikara because it symbolizes a new beginning and hope for the people. Following this historic event, Arikara spiritual leader Jasper Young Bear offered to share his experience and deep insight into Arikara thought: You have to know that the universe is the Creator's dream, the Creator's mind, everything from the stars all the way to the deepest part of the ocean, to the most microscopic particle of the creation, to the creation itself, on a macro level, on a micro level. You have to understand all of those aspects to understand what the lodge represents. The lodge is a fractal, a symbolic representation of the universe itself. How do we as human beings try to make sense of that? That understanding, of how the power in the universe flows, was gifted to us through millennia of prayer and cultural development… It is important for us to internalize our stories, internalize the star knowledge, internalize those things and make that your way, make that your belief, because we're going to play it out inside the lodge. It only lives by us guys interacting with it and praying with it and bringing it to life… We're going to play out the wise sayings of the old people… So you see that it's an Arikara worldview. A learning process of how the universe functions is what you're actually experiencing [inside the Medicine Lodge]. What the old people were describing was the functioning of how we believed the universe behaves. And we had a deep, deep understanding of what that meant and how it was for us. So that's what you're actually seeing in the Medicine Lodge.

I Gusti Made Widya Sena

<p>One of the truths implied in Scripture Veda is the doctrine or concept of cosmology (creation of the universe). Cosmology is one of the important knowledge in Hinduism, because cosmology not only provides knowledge about the creation of the universe, cosmology can further explain the nature of actual human will, which is still difficult to understand.</p><p>Doctrine cosmology in Bali is expressed in local theology. Particularly lontar or texts Siwaistik always focuses on the teachings or knowledge of the Lord (Shiva) and knowledge of the way to achieve them as well as the creation of the universe, be it Bhuana Agung or Bhuana Alit.</p><p>For this reason the right knowledge and also appropriately implement this concept, in particular the concept of Hindu cosmology in the text Bhuana Kosa very important to understanding in daily life towards a harmonious life and increased devotion to God.</p><p>The concept of Hindu cosmology In the Text Bhuana Kosa is taking the concept of Tattwa Rudra. Tattwa Rudra occur from Shiva as the supreme reality, then united with Rudra became Purusa, of Purusa born Awyakta, of awyakta born Buddhi, of Buddhi (as a symbol of sattwam) was born Ahamkara / Ahangkara (symbol tattoo), then born Panca Tan Matra as a symbol tamas, manas (mind) and Panca Maha Bhuta.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Thaib Muhammad

Al-Quran is a holy book revealed to humans the prophet Muhammad through the Prophet in which there is a self-contained information about the nature and purpose of creation of the universe, and include information on the quality of man in the sight of Allah. To capture the moral messages needed wholeness of understanding, because the Qur'an It is a unity among the topics of discussion have a correlation to the topic of discussion as well. Among the important topics that revealed the Qur'an is the human quality. Human quality in view of the Koran which the author reveals here is the quality of man as a creature theoformis having a great in him, which is awarded sense to distinguish between good and bad, that led him to the highest quality as a human devoted to his Maker. In the case of the creation of human beings is not the act of God in vain. But the goal is to be a human being as a khalifa on earth. The role of the caliphate is not limited to the leaders of the community, but contains a meaning to every human being, how he set himself, the family, society and the people. Human role as a leader will be held accountable in accordance with its potential. The use of the potential that should be in accordance with the method and manner inform Allah through the Koran and sunnah of prophet.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-367
Roberto Paura

Transhumanism is one of the main “ideologies of the future” that has emerged in recent decades. Its program for the enhancement of the human species during this century pursues the ultimate goal of immortality, through the creation of human brain emulations. Therefore, transhumanism offers its fol- lowers an explicit eschatology, a vision of the ultimate future of our civilization that in some cases coincides with the ultimate future of the universe, as in Frank Tipler’s Omega Point theory. The essay aims to analyze the points of comparison and opposition between transhumanist and Christian eschatologies, in particular considering the “incarnationist” view of Parousia. After an introduction concern- ing the problems posed by new scientific and cosmological theories to traditional Christian eschatology, causing the debate between “incarnationists” and “escha- tologists,” the article analyzes the transhumanist idea of mind-uploading through the possibility of making emulations of the human brain and perfect simulations of the reality we live in. In the last section the problems raised by these theories are analyzed from the point of Christian theology, in particular the proposal of a transhuman species through the emulation of the body and mind of human beings. The possibility of a transhumanist eschatology in line with the incarnationist view of Parousia is refused.

2021 ◽  
pp. 194277862110000
Sheila Margaret McGregor

This article looks at Engels’s writings to show that his ideas about the role of labour in the evolution of human beings in a dialectical relationship between human beings and nature is a crucial starting point for understanding human society and is correct in its essentials. It is important for understanding that we developed as a species on the basis of social cooperation. The way human beings produce and reproduce themselves, the method of historical materialism, provides the basis for understanding how class and women’s oppression arose and how that can explain LGBTQ oppression. Although Engels’s analysis was once widely accepted by the socialist movement, it has mainly been ignored or opposed by academic researchers and others, including geographers, and more recently by Marxist feminists. However, anthropological research from the 1960s and 1970s as well as more recent anthropological and archaeological research provide overwhelming evidence for the validity of Engels’s argument that there were egalitarian, pre-class societies without women’s oppression. However, much remains to be explained about the transition to class societies. Engels’s analysis of the impact of industrial capitalism on gender roles shows how society shapes our behaviour. Engels’s method needs to be constantly reasserted against those who would argue that we are a competitive, aggressive species who require rules to suppress our true nature, and that social development is driven by ideas, not by changes in the way we produce and reproduce ourselves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-106
Danang Priyanto ◽  
FP Sri Wuryani

Human beings which are wired as leaders should live based on the practice of transcendent value and total clarity on noble deeds. It functions as a guideline in living to avoid the crisis of morality that often occurs today. One of the values in this leadershipquality is the teaching of asthabrata containing the noble deeds of a leader who symbolized in the elements of the universe: the fire, the ground, the water, the air, the moon, the clouds, the sun, and the stars. The stage of human fetal development occurs from the age of one to nine months. These stages, along with the teachings of asthabrata become the base of an idea in the creation of batik art. The idea comes from the question of how to process the development stages of human fetal and ways of asthabrata as a base on creating the batik artwork which conveys sublime values about leadership. The purpose of this batik artwork creation are:incorporating the concept of human fetal development as part of human life cycle with the tradition of batik; Conveying the sublime sublime of leadership based on the asthabrata which refers to human nature as a natural born leader. The creation processcovering the method of design exploration, design process, and batik as a result of design by establishing the combination ofhuman fetal development and the asthabrata. The result shows nine sinjang batik tulis artworks, covering; Hamasesa Tan Pilih Warna (manage without seeing the color), Sukci (sacred), Hanguripi Sagung Dumadi (give strength to all life), Girise Kang Samya Miyat (be who you want to see), Sorota Hayem Angayomi (make peaceful and full protection), Jembar Tanpa Pagut(sincerity without limit), Muntir Tan Ana Pedhote (infinite rotation), Panengeraning Keblad (signpost), and Ngudi Kasampurnan(sharpening perfection). 

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (01) ◽  
pp. 37-42
Ali Umud Ali Umud Aliyev

It is the people who make the history live, the people is the living history. The ancient inhabitants of the universe, our ancestors, our great ancestors created separate calendars on the basis of their experimental knowledge about the change of the year, month and day. The folk calendar, the lunar calendar, the solar calendar, and the lunar-solar calendar are the meanings that human beings have discovered by studying the mysteries of nature. As a result of man's connection with nature in every field, his observation and comparison, a folk calendar was formed. According to the folk calendar, our ancient ancestors, depending on the movement of celestial bodies, falling leaves from above or below in autumn, the position of clouds in the sky, the redness of the horizon in the morning or evening, the behavior of animals, birds flying close to the ground, weather, rain or snow predicted hurricanes and storms, earthquakes, hot and dry summers, and harsh winters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-39
Dong Zhu ◽  
Wei Ren

Abstract Tao Te Ching, the masterpiece of Laozi the renowned philosopher of Pre-Imperial China, plays an important role in Chinese history. Laozi’s philosophy centres on such concepts as ming (names), li (rituals), and dao (the way). Ming, originally developed as a result of human beings’ endeavours to understand the world in which they live and to bring order to their society, has degenerated into the sources of evils and the reason for turbulence when people stop at nothing for fame and fortune; Li, an effective and efficient means for the kings of West Zhou Dynasty to maintain social stability, has become but a collection of empty sign vehicles with the disintegration of rituals and music; Dao concerns Laozi’s metaphysical reflection on the origin of the universe and its ultimate laws. Ming and li are but artificial restraints imposed on human intelligence whereas dao provides the way out. Therefore, to lead a simple and natural life, it is advisable to eliminate ming and li, and worship dao. In semiotic terms, this means that desemiotisation is the solution to the crisis.

2015 ◽  
Vol 109 (4) ◽  
pp. 803-816 ◽  

A ratification referendum is a procedure in which framers submit a constitution to the people for binding approval before implementation. It is widespread, recommended, and affects the contents and reception of constitutions, yet remains unstudied. Moreover, the reasons or justification for using the procedure remain unexplored. This is troubling because ratification referenda are optional, and thus should only be implemented for good reasons that, today, are no longer given. This article begins correcting this oversight by identifying those that brought about the first ratification referendum and explaining why they did so. I demonstrate that the Berkshire Constitutionalists called for the procedure during the events leading up to the creation of the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution, and that they justified their actions by asserting that the people have an unalienable right to ratify their constitution through a referendum, for this provided needed protection against potentially corrupt elites. This argument remains the most fully developed justification for the procedure to date. My analysis not only reveals ratification referenda to be another product of early American political thought, but also points the way forward for future evaluation of the procedure, and forces reflection upon the importance of having solid grounds for the choices involved in structuring a constitution-making process.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 253
I.G.P. Suryadarma

<p>The nature is real teacher for a person who wish to develop their intelligence. Intelli­gence is a natural quality of live. The universe intelligence are hidden everywhere, and if we have eyes to see, we can see it everywhere. We can learn from animals on how they sleep, they live and their interaction each others. Most people in every traditional culture learn based on their beliefs rather than their reason (Suryadarma, 2012). There are many different ways to look the uniqueness of biodiversity and the interrelationship between humans and their social and biophysical surroundings. <br />People in the past; i.e. hunting and gathering communities were heavily depended on their immediate natural resources to meet most of their basic needs. Therefore, they closely interacted with their environment and thereby, gained a sound knowledge and understand­ing the uniqueness of each species and its underlying ecological processes. Many events in daily life is interesting, in the sense that many phenomena and objects can be directly ob­served. The richness of biological pehenomena in the ecosystems can be directly observed. Some phenomena had recorded as a proverbs, analogy and song. <br />Balinese use the uniqueness of biodiversity resources and ecological phenomena in their daily life to find analogy, proverb and song to reflect their life. Yesudian (1989) declared; that man is the culminating point of the creation but in the man alone are animal, human and divine qualities alive and active together. Which aspects of our nature are to manifest? To manifest the humanity is the purpose of our earthly life (Suryadarma, 2010). This is the rea­son why the Balinese use proverbs, analogy, and song as part of learning process. Learning is processes of our escalation where it processes e.g. it can be analogized with the process of transformation on butterfly life cycle <br />Tsunami is a large ocean waves that washes everything in the shallow water of a shore­line where globalization can be analogized with tsunami process in which the world increas­ingly their activities. Globalization is the fact where the people have been two ways in look­ing at it impact on their life activities. It is the reason why each person use different ways looking of proverbs, analogy in our cultural activities. How develop its in deferent level and different site into better science for better life? How to explore and develop it as sources of biodiversity documentation information because these activities will be developed the fra­grance of ecological wisdom and enter in every one heart.</p>

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