development stages
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Insects ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Chengling Lai ◽  
Yun Hou ◽  
Peiying Hao ◽  
Kun Pang ◽  
Xiaoping Yu

The brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, is a serious pest of rice throughout Asia. Yeast-like symbionts (YLS) are endosymbionts closely linked with the development of BPH and the adapted mechanism of BPH virulence to resistant plants. In this study, we used semi-quantitative DGGE and absolute quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) to quantify the number of the three YLS strains (Ascomycetes symbionts, Pichia-like symbionts, and Candida-like symbionts) that typically infect BPH in the nymphal stages and in newly emerged female adults. The quantities of each of the three YLS assessed increased in tandem with the developing nymphal instar stages, peaking at the fourth instar stage, and then declined significantly at the fifth instar stage. However, the amount of YLS present recovered sharply within the emerging adult females. Additionally, we estimated the quantities of YLS for up to eight generations after their inoculation onto resistant cultivars (Mudgo, ASD7, and RH) to reassociate the dynamics of YLS with the fitness of BPH. The minimum number of each YLS was detected in the second generation and gradually increased from the third generation with regard to resistant rice varieties. In addition, the Ascomycetes symbionts of YLS were found to be the most abundant of the three YLS strains tested for all of the development stages of BPH.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ningning Fu ◽  
Jiaxing Li ◽  
Ming Wang ◽  
Lili Ren ◽  
Shixiang Zong ◽  

A strict relationship exists between the Sirex noctilio and the Amylostereum areolatum, which is carried and spread by its partner. The growth and development of this symbiotic fungus is key to complete the life history of the Sirex woodwasp. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is used to measure gene expression in samples of A. areolatum at different growth stages and explore the key genes and pathways involved in the growth and development of this symbiotic fungus. To obtain accurate RT-qPCR data, target genes need to be normalized by reference genes that are stably expressed under specific experimental conditions. In our study, the stability of 10 candidate reference genes in symbiotic fungal samples at different growth and development stages was evaluated using geNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, delta Ct methods, and RefFinder. Meanwhile, laccase1 was used to validate the stability of the selected reference gene. Under the experimental conditions of this study, p450, CYP, and γ-TUB were identified as suitable reference genes. This work is the first to systematically evaluate the reference genes for RT-qPCR results normalization during the growth of this symbiotic fungus, which lays a foundation for further gene expression experiments and understanding the symbiotic relationship and mechanism between S. noctilio and A. areolatum.

Animals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Emilia Mróz ◽  
Jan Jankowski ◽  
Marek Skowroński ◽  
Dariusz Mikulski

A 2 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of two dietary methionine levels (Met; 30% and 45% of Lys content) and three arginine levels (Arg; 90%, 100%, and 110% of Lys content) on plumage development in 4- and 16-week-old female turkeys. One-day-old turkey poults were assigned to six groups (eight replicate pens per group and 18 birds per pen) and fed experimental diets containing 1.6%, 1.5%, 1.3%, and 1.0% of Lys in four successive four-week periods. After weeks 4 and 16 of feeding, eight turkeys per group were selected for plumage evaluation. Feathers were collected from the outer side of one thigh and from an area of 4 cm2 in the interscapular region. Plumage was evaluated based on an established pattern of five feather development stages in turkeys, from stage I (pinfeathers covered in sheaths) to stage V (mature feathers). An increase in the Met inclusion rate to 45% of Lys content had no significant effect on feather growth in 4-week-old turkeys, but it accelerated the development of feathers in 16-week-old birds. A lower percentage of stage II (p = 0.035), stage III (p = 0.019), and stage IV (p = 0.003) immature feathers, and a higher percentage of stage V (mature) feathers (p = 0.001) were observed. Methionine exerted a greater effect on the development of thigh feathers (p = 0.001) than interscapular feathers (p = 0.074). Unlike Met, different Arg concentrations had no influence on plumage development in turkeys. Overall, the present results indicate that supplemental Met has a potential for accelerating feather development in 16-week-old turkeys via an increased supply of total sulfur amino acids.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yuki Tsuji ◽  
So Kanazawa ◽  
Masami K. Yamaguchi

Pupil contagion is the phenomenon in which an observer’s pupil-diameter changes in response to another person’s pupil. Even chimpanzees and infants in early development stages show pupil contagion. This study investigated whether dynamic changes in pupil diameter would induce changes in infants’ pupil diameter. We also investigated pupil contagion in the context of different faces. We measured the pupil-diameter of 50 five- to six-month-old infants in response to changes in the pupil diameter (dilating/constricting) of upright and inverted faces. The results showed that (1) in the upright presentation condition, dilating the pupil diameter induced a change in the infants’ pupil diameter while constricting the pupil diameter did not induce a change, and (2) pupil contagion occurred only in the upright face presentation, and not in the inverted face presentation. These results indicate the face-inversion effect in infants’ pupil contagion.

2022 ◽  
Vol 100 (S267) ◽  
Gozde Alkan Yesilyurt ◽  
Ozge Cark ◽  
Aysenur Bostanci ◽  
Gulcin Cakan Akdogan ◽  
Ayse Ipek Akyuz Unsal ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 60-66
Vitaly Mikhailovich BAYLIS ◽  
Aleksander Vladimirovich LAVROV ◽  
Vera Alexandrovna KAZAKOVA

2022 ◽  
pp. 711-734
Malek B. Elayan

Recently, organizations are becoming more intelligent, flexible, and efficient by using new digital technologies in human resources management (HRM). The HRM solutions are considered as an important source to support strategic decisions, create value within and across organizations for employees and management. Today, organizations are facing challenges for gig workers to retain the level of progression and development required for business continuity. Gigs are generally self-employed who are very hard to manage without having a solid e-HRMS that can fulfill their needs in addition to the permeate employee needs as well. The main objective of this chapter is to highlight digital transformation in HRM and dive into the e-HRM concept, development stages, types, and strategies. In addition, it shows how e-HRM contributes to increase the effectiveness of human resources. It will also discuss multiple dimensions about the gig work management (GWM) including the contracting methodologies, policies, and behaviors that the e-HRM need to consider for the gig workers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-35
Vilela João de Sousa ◽  
Cristiano Pires ◽  
Coert J. Geldenhuys ◽  
Albano Figueiredo

The general perception is that forest resources exploitation can cause the degradation and loss of resources and biodiversity, promoted by landscape fragmentation and pressure over habitats. But such assumption might not be adjusted to situations where long term exploitation by traditional communities is based on management strategies adapted to recovery, adjusting pressure to kept resources available. In this work, we assess the recovery of the Mopane woodlands considering different land use practices and stand development stages on areas explored by local communities. In detail, we want to explore: i) changes on stem size across plant comunities dominated by Mopane (Kirk ex Benth ex J. Leonard); ii) relationships between the variation in stem size across communities and the associated land use practices and vegetation stand development stage. To answer those questions, an inventory was carried out to collect data from 50 temporary circular plots of different sizes spatially nested, covering four stand development stages. Each nested circular plot was composed of a large plot (0.02 ha), an intermediate plot (0.04 ha), and an inner plot (0.01 ha) for counting stems of different DBH. Data was analysed using Excel, Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and CANOCO, and several parametric and non-parametric tests. TWINSPAN analysis, using stem counts, grouped the 1746 stems from 29 species (with Mopane as one species) into 5 communities and 10 sub-communities, based on indicator species and eigenvalues (level of stability). This study was carried out in the Limpopo National Park (LNP), in Mozambique, a conservation area established in 2001 and part of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP) since 2002. Acording to the results, population structure (size class distribution of trees) of Mopane communities showed variation related to stand development stage, as expected. The initial stages show good regeneration, indicating that recovery is not hampered by the exploitation regime in use, a critical aspect once ecosystem dynamics of Mopane woodland has a deep influence on the way that local communities manage harvesting of Mopane products for different uses, and traditional uses do also have influence on recovery dynamics. So, management of such resource is critical to ensure sustainable resource use and guarantee provision for future generations. For that, a zonation of Mopane woodlands within the Park, considering different land uses, might enhance a quick system recovery on specific areas and contribute to woodland productivity, good quality products and reduce used areas, promoting habitat conservation.

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