scholarly journals Strategi Komunikasi Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama dalam Pembinaan Kerukunan Umat Lintas Agama di Kabupaten Mojokerto

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
G.A.A Agustine Dwi Pradnyaningrat ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana ◽  
Putu Kussa Laksana Utama

<p>This research is mainly discussing about the FKUB in Mojokerto Regency where many cross-religion disputes occur. Based on that fact, the problems discussed in this reserach are (1) How is the eksistence of FKUB playing a role in maintaining the cross-religion harmony in Mojokerto? (2) What is the impact given by the FKUB in maintaining the cross-religion harmony in Mojokerto? (3) What is the benefit of communication strategy developed by FKUB in maintaining the cross-religion harmony in Mojokerto?<br />The theories used in this reasearc are (1) the theory of existence by Soren Kierkegaard, (2) the theory of structural fungsional, (3) constructivist theory. This research is using several methods which are Qualitative method with phenomenological approach. The location of this research is Mojokerto Regency while the data used is qualitative data. The data source are primary and secondary data. The technique to determine the informan is purvosive sampling.<br />This research found that (1) The existence of FKUB in carried out dialog between the leaders of various religions create a guideline for each religion to create peace and harmony among them selves and with others. (2) The positive impact is the harmony between religion exist but the negative effect is the bad impression while making the majority as decision maker. (3) there are three benefits gained from the comunication strategy of FKUB which are the villagers become more harmonious especially those having various religions, for the local organization, its member can blend in without thinking about their differences and third for the government officers where they can do their duty without thinking about their differences. It can be said that FKUB is doing an excellent job.</p>

Irwan Sugiarto

This study aims to determine the impact of business planning for the development of MSMEs. The research method uses is a qualitative method with a descriptive and explorative descriptive approach. From the results of the research conducted, the results show that proper business planning and the application of a good marketing strategy have a positive impact on the sustainability of MSME activities. In addition, the quality of production that has a competitive advantage is also one of the driving factors. For the development of MSMEs, there are several obstacles faced, especially related to capital and guidance from the local government. With the development of MSMEs, it is expected to improve people's welfare, including helping the government in reducing unemployment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 443
Muhammad Adib ◽  
Sri Kusriyah Kusriyah ◽  
Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah

Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 regarding the discipline of the Civil Servant loading obligations, prohibitions, and disciplinary action which could be taken to the Civil Servant who has been convicted of the offense, is intended to foster a Civil Servant who has committed an offense, the form of disciplinary punishment is mild, moderate, and weight. Disciplinary punishment for the Civil Servant under Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 Concerning the Discipline of Civil Servants. The formulation of this journal issue contains about how the process of disciplinary punishment, and constraints and efforts to overcome the impact of the Civil Servant disciplinary punishment in Government of Demak regency. The approach used in this study is a sociological juridical approach or juridical empirical, that is an approach that examines secondary data first and then proceed to conduct research in the field of primary data normative. The process of giving disciplinary sanctions for State Civil Apparatus in Government of Demak regency begins with the examination conducted by the immediate supervisor referred to in the legislation governing the authority of appointment, transfer and dismissal of civil servants. The results showed that in general the process of sanctioning / disciplinary punishment of civil servants in the Government of Demak be said to be good and there have been compliance with the existing regulations / applied in Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010, although it encountered the competent authorities judge still apply tolerance against the employee, but also a positive impact among their deterrent good not to repeat the same offense or one level higher than before either the Civil Servant concerned or the other. Obstacles in carrying out disciplinary punishment in Government of Demak regency environment is still low awareness of employees to do and be disciplined in performing the tasks for instance delays incoming work, lack of regulatory discipline, lack of supervision system and any violations of employee discipline. There must be constraints to overcome need for cooperation with other stakeholders comprising Inspectorate, BKPP, and the immediate superior civil servants in this way can be mutually reinforcing mutual communication, consultation, coordination so that if later there is a problem in the future could be accounted for.Keywords: Delivery of Disciplinary Sanctions; Civil Servant; Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Budi Shantika ◽  
I Gusti Agung Oka Mahagangga

This research was conducted based on the condition of the development of tourism on the island of Nusa Lembongan, aiming to find out the impact brought about by socio-economic conditions against the tourism society.This study uses qualitative and quantitative approach with mix method, the primary data source that are obtained by observations and direct interviews and secondary data. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling techniques and data analysis using the method of case study. This study shows tourism provides impact on society and the government on the island of Nusa Lembongan are seen from eight aspect among others : impact increasing of foreign exchange, impact toward local community income that increasing before tourism exist, impact toward higher prices than the real prices, impact toward employment for opportunity to local community, ownership and control of tourism accommodation, the distribution of benefits and advantage against indigenous village, development in general are seen from 4A tourism and government income of tax viewed from PHR. Advice can be given to government and businessman and tourism service on the island of Nusa Lembongan in the order of future improve the facilities, infrastructure supporting tourism, reinforce the rules on the division of the proceeds against the indigenous villages, improving access and employment for local community on the island of Nusa Lembongan.   Key Words              : Tourism, Nusa Lembongan Island, Impact

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-73
Andini Nurwulandari

Each type of investment has different risks. However, the general rule is that the higher the likelihood of an investment the greater the risk of the instrument. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. The data source is secondary data from the official BI website. OJK and BPS. This research covers all OJK mutual funds between 2015-2019. Sampling was done purposively. Data documentation is used for sampling. The results of the study found that the level of development has a negative effect on the results of fixed-income mutual funds, the lower the SBI, the worse the output of mutual funds that have fixed income will be; and inflation does not affect the FIM, because inflation represents a continuous increase in costs for products and services.

Bekhzod Egamberdiev ◽  
Dilshod Zoirov

More than billion international and internal migrations around the world as well as the relationship between migrant and its family members have been one of the most discussed policy questions for several years. Main purpose of the paper is to examine the impact of labor migration on household, in order to address arising social problems due to the migration of family member. To find the impact, it was used secondary data named "Life in Kyrgyzstan" which is research based, open access and multi-topic longitudinal survey of households in Kyrgyzstan. It includes more than 3000 households which were recorded from 2010 to 2013. The result of the research is: there is a positive impact of remittances on child education, while negative on nonfood spending. Also housing condition is directly related with migration and significant impact can be seen in terms of facilities and type of household. Based on findings, it was provided some policy recommendations to simplicity of the social and other issues in the household of migrant's. One of the recommendations is: The Government of Kyrgyzstan should pay high attention on keeping citizens inside the country and should consider about shifting its policies which encourage labor migration, instead it should pay more attention on development of small and medium enterprise supporting method, which actually helps to create several number of job positions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 415-422
Anggi Arrahman ◽  
Achmad Hidir

This research was aimed to determine the public’s perceptions toward the attraction of Tajwid Lake. This research was also to describe the impact of Tajwid Lake attraction on local communities.The methodology used in this research was qualitative method. The data source in this research was consisted of primary and secondary data. Data collecting technique used in this research were participatory observation, in-depth interview, documentation and literature review. This research was conducted for two months. The results of the study indicated that the turning of Tajwid Lake into a tourist spot cannot be separated from various problems that cause the various public’s perceptions, both pros and cons. The impact of turning Tajwid Lake into a tourist spot is the presence of a recreation area for the community and providing space to increase income such as selling and providing services for tourists so that it can help the community's economy. However, it also has a negative impact on the community, especially those who make a living as fishermen, it because Tajwid Lake was place for fishermen to get their fish. Since Tajwid Lake became a tourist spot, it has been difficult to get the fish due to the dredging of the lake for tourism purposes, as well as restrictions for fishermen looking for fish in the lake to avoid the interfere with tourist activities. It caused the fishermen losing their place to get fish. Therefore at the time they looked for fish to go far up the river, and reduced the catches which have an impact on their economy.

Merri Anitasari ◽  
Ahmad Soleh

Merri Anitasari, Ahmad Soleh; Pengaruh Pengeluaran Pemerintah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Provinsi Bengkulu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari pengeluaran pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di provinsi Bengkulu dengan menggunakan data sekunder periode pengamatan tahun 2001-2012 yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 16 menunjukkan bahwa pengeluaran pemerintah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di provinsi Bengkulu. Jika pemerintah menaikkan pengeluaran pemerintah sebesar 1 miliar rupiah, maka akan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 1,17 % per tahun. Sedangkan pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di daerah kabupaten/kota menunjukkan bahwa dari jumlah 10 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, kabupaten Rejang Lebong dan kota Bengkulu yang memiliki hasil bahwa pengeluaran pemerintah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di daerahnya. Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara memiliki pengaruh yang negatif sedangkan 7 kabupaten lainnya memiliki hasil yang positif namun tidak signifikan. Sebagian besar kabupaten di Provinsi Bengkulu dikategorikan sebagai daerah yang baru membangun yang merupakan hasil pemekaran pasca pemberlakuan otonomi daerah. Sehingga dalam jangka pendek pengeluaran pemerintah dianggap belum mampu menstimulus kegiatan sektor-sektor perekonomian serta memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi di daerah tersebut.Merri Anitasari, Ahmad Soleh; Impact of Government Spending on Economic Growth In Bengkulu Province. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of government spending on economic growth in the province of Bengkulu using secondary data observation period 2001 - 2012 year were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics. Results of analysis using SPSS 16 shows that government spending and significant positive effect on economic growth in the province ofBengkulu. If the government raised government spending by 1 billion dollars, it will be able to boost economic growth by 1.17% per year. While the effect of government spending on economic growth in the district/city showed that of a total of 10 districts cities in Bengkulu province, Rejang Lebong district and Bengkulu City which has the result that government spending and significant positive effect on economic growth in the region. North Bengkulu has a negative effect, while seven other districts have a positive outcome, but not significantly. Most districts in the province of Bengkulu categorized as new building is the result of the division after the implementation of regional autonomy. So in the short-term government spending is considered not able to stimulate activity sectors of the economy and spur economic growth in the area.Key Word: Government Spending, Economic Growth, Bengkulu Province

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 167
Johnson Yeboah ◽  
Ernest K. Asirifi ◽  
Samuel Ampadu

Ghana has witnessed a wave of mergers and acquisitions (M &amp; As) in the banking industry following the bank recapitalization initiative by the government in 2008. This raises an important question concerning the trade-off between the possible efficiency gains and efficiency losses as banks merge into one large unit. The objective of this study was to find out how Mergers &amp; Acquisitions have impacted service quality of consolidated banks in Ghana. A descriptive and explanatory design was adopted as the study sought to describe customer perceived service quality and to also explain the relationship between M &amp; As and service quality. An ANOVA and T-tests techniques were used to analyze primary and secondary data gathered. Findings from the study indicated that M &amp; As had positive impact on overall service quality. The conclusion drawn by the researchers indicates that mergers and acquisitions offer superior growth and financing option for banks. This in turn promotes economic efficiency through improvements in costs and services delivery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Suwaji Suwaji ◽  
Suharmiyati Suharmiyati

The government policy of disbursing Village Funds and Village Fund Allocation is a breakthrough that is able to provide new enthusiasm for the implementation of rural development, where village funds obtain a clear source, direction of implementation, supervision and reporting system, it is expected to be able to spur improvement in village governance and grow impact on improving the welfare of the village or village community. The research was carried out in the village in the scope of Batang Cenaku District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province. The research objective is to get an idea of the extent of the impact of the implementation of village funds on village governance, the quality of public services, and the welfare of village communities. This study uses primary and secondary data with a quantitative descriptive approach, from questionnaires that have been successfully distributed and collected then conducted a descriptive analysis, to test hypotheses using SPSS program tools. The results of the analysis that have been done show that the implementation of village funds has a positive impact on governance, implementation of village funds and allocation of village funds have a positive impact on the quality of public services, and implementation of village funds and allocation of village funds have a positive impact on the welfare of the community in the village, however if viewed more closely, the impact of implementing village funds and allocation of village funds on village governance is higher than the impact of implementing village funds on the quality of public services, and the impact of implementing village funds and allocation of village funds in improving the welfare of village communities. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Rasidin Karo-Karo Sitepu

The objective of study is to analyze the impact of modern market presence to performance of regional economic. Specification model using simultaneous equations and is suspected by the method of two stages least Squares. Using secondary data for series from 1980 to 2010. The results showed that the presence of a modern market significantly negative effect on the turnover of MSMEs trade sector. Conversely a positive impact on MSME sector of agriculture and manufacture. Scenario modern market presence is significantly negative effect on traditional markets. Number of traditional markets and local government original receipt (PAD) will be decrease. However, overall gross regional domestic product (PDRB) and purchasing power parity are increased, while the number of unemployed decreased. To reduce the negative impact of modern market presence can be done by restricted the license of modern markets, increased access to capital, increased market access by doing a partnership with a modern market.

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